fix articles 302831, defense superior service medal
Pentagon NMCC director WINFIELD (CFR)asks substitute,9-10,to stand his watch 9-11,@8:30am (tags)
9-11 PLANNER: Brigadier General Montague Winfield "It's just too dangerous, you know, to risk myself, after planning this state terror attack. Yes, it's tomorrorow. Can you stand in for me during the Pentagon hit? Besides you're a rookie, and we want as much confusion as possible when the Bush family's drug dealing military corporate financier mafia takes over the whole damn U.S.A. on 9-11. You will, thanks. What a pal!" "I agreed and relieved Brigadier General Winfield at 0830 on 11 September 2001." [just as first WTC1 hit terror strike going toward NYC.]