fix articles 30034, la migra
Please Share the Chinga La Migra Filez (tags)
These three links are to the TPB pages for the three Chinga La Migra releases. Please spread and while you're at it, dig through the content to see what the AZ cops are up to.
Border Patrol hits day labor corner in Rancho Cucamonga Cae la migra en Rancho Cucamonga (tags)
Se llevaron a un jornalero de la esquina y a otros cinco o seis en una casa cercana. They kidnapped one day laborer from the corner and five or six others from a nearby house.
People demand an end to raids and deportations (tags)
LOS ANGELES - October 12, 2008 Amidst a celebration of Día de la Raza, about 75 protesters gathered to demand justice and an end to the raids and deportations.
Se exige alto a deportaciones y redadas (tags)
LOS ANGELES - 12 octubre 2008 En medio de una celebración del Día de la Raza, se unieron alrededor de 75 manifestantes para reclamar justicia para los inmigrantes y exigir que se deje de redar y deportar a la gente.
After DNC/RNC, fight ICE and support immigrant rights struggle: a call to action (tags)
please read, forward widely, discuss with others, and ACT!
FCR-VC Declaracion Contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio y La Migra (tags)
Ahora, el Primero de Enero 2008 el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entra a su paso final de implementacion. En TLC, desde su incepcion, tenia como su meta a apoyar al las Corporaciones Agricolas e Industriales Estadounidenses a tomar control sobre los mercados de Mexico y destruir los pequeños campos y industrias nacionales. Esto a causado que millones de Raza sea desplazada y sin trabajo se mueva a las ciudades o migrar hacia lo que hoy es los Estados Unidos o Canada.
An analysis of how the recent fires in Los Angeles and San Diego counties demonstrates how much America has given up even lip service to the notion that "all men are created equal" and how this nation has evolved into an aristocratic society that judges people's intrinsic worth based on their wealth.
Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)
Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.
Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)
Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.
Mexican theme park turns border crossing into sport (tags)
A place were La Migra are not jackbooted thugs? Hey they are only actors here!
La Migra wants snitches (tags)
Isn't this what Hitler did? Turn in a Jew for a cash reward? Now George W. Hitler says turn in a Mexican and get a cash reward. Gee how history repeats its self!
What Immigrants Must Learn from the Black Civil Rights Movement ... and Soon (tags)
Un Pueblo Unido
The Hidden Terror of HR4437: No Compromise in the Movement for Migrants Rights (tags)
What We Must Learn Now from the Black Civil Rights Movement
La Tumba del Mojado – A Message to My People (tags)
La rosa de Mexicali / y la sangre en el río Bravo / son dos cosas diferentes / pero en color son hermanos / y la línea divisoria / es la tumba del mojado. ----- Paulino Vargas / Los Tigres del Norte
The Ghost of George Wallace: Immigration and White Racism (tags)
They were on the verge of a walled off country, a police state whose target would be Brown people. Then, on Saturday, their dominace cracked.
Minutemen Take Civics Lesson From ACLU in Costa Mesa (tags)
A tiny portion of Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's claimed 240 million followers made a surprise showing this Saturday at a Costa Mesa community forum on constitutional rights and immigration law. They were welcomed by Coyotl Tezcalipoca of the Colectivo Tonantzin, which sponsored the event primarily with Costa Mesa's local immigrant population (which has been the target of hate and harassment from the city's Minuteman Junta) in mind, but was happy to discover what it hopes is a new-found interest by the border vigilantes in civilized behavior and basic human rights.
Brown Skin / Yellow Star: Why You Must Join the March 25th Demo (tags)
The US Senate debates legislation that would make migrants an openly felonized, legally scapegoated racial and cultural under-caste, with deeply dangerous implications for us all. 600,000 or more to march this Saturday, March 25th, Broadway and Olympic, 10 AM.
"What have you done to Costa Mesa?" Minuteman Mayor Allan Mansoor turns city u (tags)
Costa Mesa’s Minuteman Junta has brought terror, racism, incompetence and shame to the city.
Save Our Face – SOS, Fascistic Immigration Laws + the “Thrill” of Defeat (tags)
The war is on. It’s a war the Mexican People and their allies must win.
March for Immigrant Rights (tags)
MARCH IN MEMORY OF OUR BROTHER..GUILLERMO MARTINEZ SHOT A KILLED BY THE USA BORDER PATROL DEC.30-2005 procesion en memoria de Guillermo Martinez asesinado por la migra el 30 de Diciembre 2005
Sanchez Demo on May Day (tags)
La Chota, La Migra, La Misma Porqueria
A spirited crowd of youth, pacifists, anarchists, forced Loretta Sanchez to give her staff the afternoon off for May Day. Another victory for democracy!