fix articles 30020, followers
NJ Gov. Chris Christie's GWB-Gate Traffic Jam Shows Narcissistic Traits (tags)
The recently exposed recorded statements made by NJ Gov. Chris Christie's staff show a climate fueled by narcissism that enabled the retalitory actions against the Fort Lee Mayor in the form of several days of severe traffic jams. This unnatural traffic obstruction across the bridge resulted in the death of an elderly lady who was being transported by ambulance. As usual the narcissist does not care how their actions effect others and can scapegoat lower ranking staff as the culprits while escaping responsibility themselves.
Little Americans Are Tired Of Being "Terrorist" Targets For The Elite$ (tags)
Sadly we know our Twitter sites are so highly censored, that we can not even copy and paste all of our tweets without many of them being deleted by others !
Twitter Foreign Policy For Hillary's Agenda> Stay out of Japan & Middle East .. (tags)
Apparently our Hillary's Agenda Middle East followers are getting in the way of Twitters foreign policy..
Putting Together Small Rallies (tags)
A short how-to about putting together small rallies. Nobody does all these things, but should :) This list was pieced together from various experiences, and the author has never seen an event go off where all these things were done. Add suggestions.
The trojan horse of Ron Paul-style libertarianism (tags)
Sweeping away government means that the “market” will determine all outcomes. The “market” would mean concentrated corporate power would decide all outcomes, especially economic outcomes. That is what libertarians, Ron Paul included, would deliver if they actually were handed power.
11-11-11 GLOBAL GODS DAY [ Global Gods Group – GGG ] (tags)
11-11-11 GLOBAL GODS DAY [ Global Gods Group – GGG ] GLOBAL GODS DAY falls on 11/11 of every year. Declared by Naresh Sonee . ‘Secular Spiritualists Day’ is on 1/11 – ‘Global Gods Day’ falls exactly after ten days on 11/11. This day 1/11 is a ‘Global Spiritualists Day’ or say ‘Human Spiritualist Day’. Similarly 11/11 is only a ‘Global Gods Day’. Read more..
US government demands Twitter account information of WikiLeaks and followers (tags)
Newt Gingrich Threatens Employee Free Choice EFCA BLOGGER on Twitter abuse (tags)
Newt Gingrich and Saul Anuzis allege @EFCANOW has committed Twitter fraud, and are complaining to Twitter about the users on the site and demanding a response--or else.
161 killed in Baghdad blasts - There is NOT a civil war in Iraq! (tags)
At least thats what George W. Bush says. Everyone else knows differently
GLOBAL GOD DAY falls on 11/11 - ALLAH ? ISHWAR ? GOD ? (tags)
‘Secular Spiritualists Day’ is on 1/11 – ‘Global God Day’ falls exactly after ten days on 11/11. This day 1/11 is a ‘Global Spiritualists Day’ or say ‘Human Spiritualist Day’. Similarly 11/11 is only a ‘Universal Gods Day’. On this two days devotees or followers of all regions and religions , regardless to any community, cult, class, color creed are invited to unite , moreover merge-n-mingle understand and enjoy with each other geniusly , generously and genuinely without hating or harming innocent beings.
Minutemen Take Civics Lesson From ACLU in Costa Mesa (tags)
A tiny portion of Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's claimed 240 million followers made a surprise showing this Saturday at a Costa Mesa community forum on constitutional rights and immigration law. They were welcomed by Coyotl Tezcalipoca of the Colectivo Tonantzin, which sponsored the event primarily with Costa Mesa's local immigrant population (which has been the target of hate and harassment from the city's Minuteman Junta) in mind, but was happy to discover what it hopes is a new-found interest by the border vigilantes in civilized behavior and basic human rights.
Bush Supporters and their Denial of Reality (tags)
"The refusal to allow criticism and anything different from their view of the world is alarming. As the survey shows, people can stand behind Bush without having to deny that arguments justifying the war have proven false.." f
The Rapture Is Here, Please Report to Your Posts (tags)
Invitation to supporters of George Bush only, from God.
Decisive weakness of Right-wing: Lack of public, open forums for dialogue (tags)
The hype and manipulation of emotionally-potent over-simplifications by reformers on each wing is quite similar, except for one thing: The Right-wing persists in categorically not allowing forums for open-ended dialogue.
What to do with all that Zionist hate mail? (tags)
Suggestion on what to do with Zionist hate mail.