fix articles 29934, bloomberg news
Nuclear Shutdown News June 2017 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline of the nuclear industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those working for a nuclear free world. Here is our June 2017 report:
Nuclear Shutdown News: April 2017 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News February 2017 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. Here is out February 2017 report:
Hedge Fund Seeks Sanctions Against Argentina (tags)
Judge Gives Court-Appointed Mediator More Power to Resolve Dispute
Jack Welch, former GE CEO, Imagination At Work (tags)
Thanks to agressive warmongering and inflated government contracts, GE saw great growth and expansion under Mr. Welch's leadership. Today he returns to the limelight to bite the hand that feeds him, as he attacks the accuracy of current employment figures. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics,
War of Words Over Turkish Aircraft Incident (tags)
Occupy America for Change (tags)
class war
Waging War on American Workers (tags)
targeting the middle class
The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti (tags)
"A US military occupation of Haiti under the guise of earthquake disaster ‘relief’ would give Washington and private business interests tied to it a geopolitical prize of the first order. Prior to the January 12 quake, the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince was the fifth largest US embassy in the world, comparable to its embassies in such geopolitically strategic places as Berlin and Beijing.[17] With huge new oil finds off Cuba being exploited by Russian companies, with clear indications that Haiti contains similar vast untapped oil as well as gold, copper, uranium and iridium, with Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela as a neighbor to the south of Haiti, a return of Aristide or any popular leader committed to developing the resources for the people of Haiti, -- the poorest nation in the Americas -- would constitute a devastating blow to the world’s sole Superpower. The fact that in the aftermath of the earthquake, UN Haiti Special Envoy Bill Clinton joined forces with Aristide foe George W. Bush to create something called the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund ought to give everyone pause. According to Marguerite Laurent ('Ezili Dantò') of the Haitian Lawyers’ Leadership Network, under the guise of emergency relief work, the US, France and Canada are engaged in a balkanization of the island for future mineral control. She reports rumors that Canada wants the North of Haiti where Canadian mining interests are already present. The US wants Port-au-Prince and the island of La Gonaive just offshore – an area identified in Aristide’s development book as having vast oil resources, and which is bitterly contested by France. She further states that China, with UN veto power over the de facto UN-occupied country, may have something to say against such a US-France-Canada carve up of the vast wealth of the nation."
Obama Is Preparing for War in South America (tags)
"The first and foremost important achievement during the Chávez administration is the 1999 Constitution, which, although not written nor decreed by Chávez himself, was created through his vision of change for Venezuela. The 1999 Constitution was, in fact, drafted - written - by the people of Venezuela in one of the most participatory examples of nation building, and then was ratified through popular national referendum by 75% of Venezuelans. The 1999 Constitution is one of the most advanced in the world in the area of human rights. It guarantees the rights to housing, education, healthcare, food, indigenous lands, languages, women's rights, worker's rights, living wages and a whole host of other rights that few other countries recognize on a national level. My favorite right in the Venezuelan Constitution is the right to a dignified life. That pretty much sums up all the others. Laws to implement these rights began to surface in 2001, with land reform, oil industry redistribution, tax laws and the creation of more than a dozen social programs - called missions - dedicated to addressing the basic needs of Venezuela's poor majority. In 2003, the first missions were directed at education and healthcare. Within two years, illiteracy was eradicated in the country and Venezuela was certified by UNESCO as a nation free of illiteracy. This was done with the help of a successful Cuban literacy program called "Yo si puedo" (Yes I can). Further educational missions were created to provide free universal education from primary to doctoral levels throughout the country. Today, Venezuela's population is much more educated than before, and adults who previously had no high school education now are encouraged to not only go through a secondary school program, but also university and graduate school.??The healthcare program, called "Barrio Adentro", has not only provided preventive healthcare to all Venezuelans - many who never had access to a doctor before - but also has guaranteed universal, free access to medical attention at the most advanced levels. MRIs, heart surgery, lab work, cancer treatments, are all provided free of cost to anyone (including foreigners) in need. Some of the most modern clinics, diagnostic treatment centers and hospitals have been built in the past five years under this program, placing Venezuela at the forefront of medical technology.??Other programs providing subsidized food and consumer products (Mercal, Pdval), job training (Mission Vuelvan Caras), subsidies to poor, single mothers (Madres del Barrio), attention to indigents and drug addicts (Mission Negra Hipolita) have reduced extreme poverty by 50% and raised Venezuelans standard of living and quality of life. While nothing is perfect, these changes are extraordinary and have transformed Venezuela into a nation far different from what it looked like 10 years ago. In fact, the most important achievement that Hugo Chávez himself is directly responsible for is the level of participation in the political process. Today, millions of Venezuelans previously invisible and excluded are visible and included. Those who were always marginalized and ignored in Venezuela by prior governments today have a voice, are seen and heard, and are actively participating in the building of a new economic, political and social model in their country.??2 MW---On Monday, President Chavez threw a Venezuelan judge in jail on charges of abuse of power for freeing a high-profile banker. Do you think he overstepped his authority as executive or violated the principle of separation of powers? What does this say about Chavez's resolve to fight corruption?"
A Surge in Demands on Government for Jobs (tags)
Thanks to the government bailout, bankers and brokers are now self-righteously pocketing their record bonuses, reassured by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein that they are doing “God’s work” (The New York Times, November 17, 2009). There is no humility in these quarters. Yet working people continue to be battered by relentlessly rising unemployment, caused by an economic crisis they had no part in creating. Officially the rate stands at 10.2 percent with the unofficial rate hovering around 17.5 percent, since it also includes part-time workers wanting full-time work and those who are discouraged and no longer looking for work. Both statistics are on the verge of rising.
Honduran Accord Solidifies Coup E'Etat Rule (tags)
democracy subverted
Obama's Empty Labor Day Speech (tags)
President Obama is a friend of the working people…one day a year. The rest of the year he is rewarding banks with bailouts and war contractors with more war. On Labor Day, workers were offered nothing of substance, just kind words. Obama began his speech by spending an excessive amount of time exaggerating the leadership abilities of both AFL-CIO officials and Ohio’s Democratic representatives. The motive was simple: the “partnership” between organized labor and the Democratic Party is central to the languishing existence of the two-party system, while helping to keep the labor movement in an equal state of decline and decay.
Court Orders Fed to Disclose Emergency Bank Loans (tags)
Manhattan Chief U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled against the central bank yesterday, rejecting the argument that loan records aren’t covered by the law because their disclosure would harm borrowers’ competitive positions.
Fed Defies Transparency On Bailout Monies: Refuses to Disclose (tags)
By Mark Pittman, Bob Ivry and Alison Fitzgerald Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.
U.S. HIV infection totals increases by 50%, CDC indicate (tags)
Bloomberg News reports: The government's estimate of annual new HIV infections is likely to rise "as much as 50 percent," say patient advocates who are pressuring officials to speed the release of the new figures.
Stock Market Meltdown - First Signs of Global Economic Rout
Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock Scam and Bloody Murder (tags)
Does Barney Frank plan to confront Christopher Cox for allowing the fraudulent Israeli penny stock ICTS International,(incorporated in the USA !) ,that provided 'security' to his Massachusetts constituents on 9/11 to remain an active penny stock up until at least June 5 of this year and to continue its penny stock share distribution or dumping scheme(defrauding investors) while the W Bush regime provided them immunity from prosecution or litigation ?
100 Facts and 1 Opinion (tags)
From the Purple States to your brain
Bush Got $500,000 From Companies (tags)
Lies the Government Told Us Part 3 (tags)
BTL:With No Weapons of Mass Destruction Yet Found in Iraq... (tags)
...White House Justification for War Comes Under Fire Interview with Reese Erlich, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Rebuilding Iraq: Political Contributions of Corporate Winners (tags)
It's not what you's who you know! That old adage couldn't be more true, as contractors jockey for position for the US. Government's "Corporate Dash For Cash" being held in Washington . Not coincidentally, many of these contractors just happened to contribute rather generously to the Bush Presidential campaign. Open Secrets has all the juicy details on their web site:
Seattle Based Company Gets In On Rape Of Iraq (tags)
Stevedoring Services of America contact info: E-mail:, (800) 422-3505 Toll Free, (206) 623-0304 Phone, (206) 623-0179 (Fax). Ed DeNike, Chief Operating Officer: (206) 623.0304
Rule of the pirates, the $ 200 billion payday – exposing Bush, Cheney and Halliburton (tags)
The figure had been bouncing around think tanks and Capitol Hill for months, and on Dec. 1 made the front page of The Washington Post: Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq will cost the American taxpayer between $100 and $200 billion.
The only piece of real evidence. Who were the masterminds? (tags)
Is it important to Americans to know the truth? Or will we be satisfied with just getting the head of Ben ladin, and suffering the same fate again sometime in the future?