fix articles 2993, mexico Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : mexico



Y lo único que nos puede liberar de estos monstruosos dirigentes mundiales es que venga LA TRANXXX VES-TRI ONE para que ella y sin ninguna ayuda de nadie independice EL CONTINENTE MEXICANO para correr a Los Gringos y a Los Ingleses a puras patadas de nuestra casa.


And since LA TRANXXX VES-TRI ONE is already tired of so many blowjobs, she is going to order The entire Russian Army to put military bases on all the beaches of The United Mexican States of The South and to divide the border line of The United States Northern Mexicans so that they never again intervene in the affairs of National Sovereignty and then with all the nuclear weapons we have we will invade all our northern lands to overthrow The English in Canada Mexico and Los Gringos in Alaska Mexico.

I AM, I SAID. (tags)

I answered that if they dared to sell a child because that is what it means to me if I granted them the copy rights of that musical work, but that I would do it because I no longer wanted to continue living under the shadows of anonymity and with respect to music the movies, I told them, just play the tape on the big screen, but without sound so that the images resonate in my brain and compose everything you want with the piano in front of the chair where I was going to enjoy the movie with a acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, the recorders and the music theory teacher to write the scores.


THE MEXICAN CONTINENT will quickly anticipate the future to have cultural, medicinal and scientific advances to the extent that The 21st Century will look like The 15th Century and we All Mexicans will enjoy The 25th Century.

EL FO LE FU FO LE (tags)

And when our mouths become foolish, we brag with impunity about breaking all the records of Los Beatles, The Resign of El Elvis Presley and the spectacularity of El Michael Jackson.


The Universal History tells us clearly and being totally in agreement with The History of Mexico and without using detours that about 500,000 Years ago in The North of Chihuahua Mexico landed in a cloud of fire The God Quetzalcóatl with thunderous sounds of many waters that we quickly imagine to the thirteen spacecraft EDQ-232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, and 244; bringing another load of nopales called Los Nahoas to settle them in the northern territories and thus become The First Settlers of…

Femicides in Juarez…. Not in Texas.. (tags)

The unsolved murders of 370 women that occurred in the city of Juarez, Mexico.

A Magnifying Transmitter Is In Use East Of Fort Bliss TX (tags)

some petroleum geologists attribute this activity to injection of high pressure waters...hee hee....even the nuclear fracturing/fracking that takes place in AZ doesn't do this. this is in conjunction with heavy heavy electrochemical assault, continual. weaponry.

Police in Mexico were attacked with weaponized drones from the Mexican drug cartels (tags)

The attack has led to the growing fear that these weaponized drones pose another obstacle in the global fight against illegal drugs.

Terrorist threaten United States through drug lords (tags)

Criminal organizations are constantly adapting their methods for trafficking across our borders

Driver near Campbell San Jose researches Bus Traffic from Northern Mexico (tags)

Mexico is blessed ith a large commercial bus route destination that is the envy of other countries. The prices are fair and access is in many states.The access is relaxed into uS states who provide legal support for capitalistic companies that sell tickets, compete with other lines,

30% of Mexican Americans near US Mexico Border Living in Poverty Help Your Neighbor (tags)

This was revealed on national NPR

DEA agents mis-handle evidence leading to massacres in Mexico (tags)

DEA agents caused a massacre in Mexico

Insane Company Wants To Send Nuke Plant Waste To New Mexico (tags)

A radioactive waste company, Holtec, wants to send all the nation's high level radwaste, stuff like plutonium, from shut down nuclear plants, to New Mexico.

12/2-3 LA Binational Conference To Cancel NAFTA and Unite Workers Of Mexico and the US (tags)

A binational conference of US and Mexican workers will be held on Dec 2&3 on the fight to cancel NAFTA and for unity between US and Mexican workers

Mexican Heroin Flood Killing Families,Governments on Both Sides of the Dry Border (tags)

If you have an opinion about the U.S. Mexican border you would probably guess there is a challenger that most residents would rather put something in their mouth rather Unfortunately

Accumulated Report on Mexico Covering Past 12 Years 2017 (tags)

Mexico had a strike by copper miners at Cananea in Sonora State south of Arizona. Wives of miners visited 45 schools to build support. 6 or 7 journalists have been assasinated in Mexico in 2017 according to

Restore Mexican-American Studies in Tucson Arizona 2017 (tags)

A long time member of SW USA both when it was Mexico's northern states and now when it is part of Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, the SW area rings with the labor,experiences and sometimes tears of the Mexican-American or Chicanos

Vicente Ramirez Sandoval (tags)

Una mujer mexicana se enfrenta con honor al racismo.

US-Mexico Border Worker Solidarity March/Action Against NAFTA & For Driscolls Agricultur (tags)

Mexican and US workers and activists joined on both sides of the border to oppose the wall, racist attacks and NAFTA. They also called for unity of US and Mexican workers against the multi-nationals that exploit workers on both sides of the border

"A Hostile Act": Mexico Braces for Trump's Border Wall (tags)

Numerous civil liberties and human rights organizations, meanwhile, blasted Trump’s immigration directives as emblematic of a horrifying descent into discriminatory and racist policy territory.

The Shortwave Report 01/27/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Video: Super Amigos (2007), 1 hr 15 min (tags)

Reality begins when we all begin to believe. Enjoy this free movie that could inspire us to bring hope and possibility in our late-capitalist cul-de-sac. Housing, health care and education should be human rights, not private privileges.

Progress Report Nov. US Organizers 2015 (tags)

The Navajo Hopi governmental areas in the corner of Arizona and New Mexico have experienced a shift in ownership of the coal which is exported to Phoenix, Los Vegas, Tucson, and areas of Southern California

International vendetta (tags)

Fbi crimen en Mexico

fbi/cia/usa agravar muchos problemas de Mexico (tags)

Muchos países de americano del sur evitar la publicación de este informe sobre asesinos de fbi/cia de funcionamiento ilegal y criminalmente dentro de sus países.

fbi/cia/USA aggravate Mexico's many problems (tags)

Here is my report on conditions in Mexico as I have seen first hand.

US Presidential Aspirants Resemble an FBI Most Wanted List (tags)


908 Environmentalists Have Been Murdered in Brazil, Many Elsewhere As Well (tags)

Chico Mendes, Santos Rodrigues, Ohio nun Dorothy Stang are some of the nearly 1000 environmentalists murdered in Brazil by cattle ranchers, loggers, and other financial interests.

By the Bullet or the Burning Ballot (tags)

The week of June 7, 2015, Mexico´s midterm elections, saw an unprecedented surge in anti-government rebellion stemming from an electoral boycott and disruption called for by a diverse coalition of militant resistance groups. The legitimacy of government itself lay at stake in intense actions that signified state destitution. Among the manifestations, the indigenous autonomous pueblo of Álvaro Obregón called on anarchists to converge and help defend the community against the political party and police apparatus seeking to retake the territory. This piece outlines the regional events that unfolded, the general context of plummeting government legitimacy, and a firsthand account of anarchist-indigenous collaboration in defense of autonomous territory.

3 Million Acres Burned Down In Alaska This Year Thousands Of Fires Burn In Western Canada! (tags)

Canada has received help from Mexico, Australia and New Zealand. Both Canada and the US need help in putting out fires caused by deforestation and other factors.

Know The Brand Names of Water Thief Nestle's (tags)

27 years ago Nestle's permit to siphon off the people's water in California expired

Gov Susana Martinez petitions court to reject Chiricahua Fort Sill Apache Tribe's legal re (tags)

he tribe while waiting on the Governor to comply with the law is operating their popular open to the public travel center on its reservation at Akela Flats, 17 miles east of Deming on interstate 10 in Luna County. There is a full-service café, offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. While you are there check out the Indian jewelry, tobacco, beer and wine and other tax free liquor. There’s a boutique museum featuring old photos of Geronimo and early history of the tribe.

Where is Geronimo (tags)

Headlight File Photo in 2008, Governor Bill Richardson ordered the New Mexico State Police to form a blockade at the Apache Homelands Casino property in new Mexico

34 countries, 17 states represented "100,000 Tweets for Oscar" Campaign Reaches over 500,0 (tags)

Over 500,000 people were reached on January 6, 2015, Oscar's 72nd birthday, as the National Boricua Human Rights Network and La Respuesta coordinated the "Social Media Campaign for Oscar López."



Guadalupe's Day is today in LA, look for her (tags)

Guadalupe is seen and honored everywhere especiallly in LA, as everyone noticed. Most dont know the stories that are connected to her but can still relate and experience Guadalupe as a symbol of natural life forces, indigenous ones that emanate and connect us to earth. She is not a Cathoic nor a religious symbol or representative tho that has been co-opted via majority religious practices.

Feds report Terrorist Attacks on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Diego Immin (tags)

El Paso TX. Ft. Bliss military base that’s charged with the defense of our borders with Mexico is reported to be on alert. ISIS/ISIL and other related Islamic terrorist groups are operating in Mexico and are preparing attacks along the U.S. Mexican border from Galveston Texas to San Diego California.

One Hemisphere Indivisible (tags)

Freedom Socialist Party National Convention. One of our panels includes international scholars and activists. Join us!

Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery (tags)

Weaving the Past is a documentary by Walter Dominguez and Shelley Morrison that is premiering in Pasadena, CA on August 15

As Many As 6 Million Piglets Die Of Virus In US (tags)

Factory farming conditions create an epidemic which has killed millions of pigs in the US, Mexico, and Canada

The Shortwave Report 02/21/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.


Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, New Delhi, Mumbai, Berlin, München, Window Rock, Washington, New York City - The International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) is travelling around the world with dozens of atomic & nuclear films. Next IUFF starts November 27 in New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Alberto Pathistan Political prisioner (tags)

Press release, comunicado de prensa Leonel Rivero is Alberto Pathistan lawyer and Francisco Jimenez ex polit prisoner Speaking tour from Mexico (D.F. and Chiapas), October 16 through the 20th info 323 854-2060, 951-316-3612

Trinational Coalition's statement of support for teachers in Mexico (tags)

Trinational Coalition to Defend Public Education-USA template statement and contacts listing to demonstrate support of teachers in Mexico

Geekout's Links 9.7.2013 (tags)

This time around, it's some Syrian history, Chelsea Manning, race in Jamaica, and thoughts about the future of labor.

Anatomy of a False Flag (tags)

false flag

San Jose Imam linked to Hezbollah arrested in Mexico (tags)

Rafic Mohammad Labboun Allaboun arrested in Mexico

Caravan for Peace begins journey across US (tags)

(San Diego 8-12) Today the long journey begins at the border beteeen the US and Mexico, South of San Diego, with plans to arrive in Washington DC on September 12. The Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity was conceived by Mexican poet Javier Sicilia when his son died in the crossfire of the "war on drugs" several months ago. The caravan crossed Mexico with the goal of raising public awareness of the failed "war on drugs".

Otra vez el PRI en México (tags)

El fraude de siempre

RI Regains Mexican Presidency (tags)


Mexico elects PRI's Enrique Pena Nieto president: What's next for Mexican-US relations? (tags)

With more than 80 percent of the votes counted from Sunday's elections, Mexico's federal election institute put Pena Nieto of the opposition Institutional Revolutionary Party in the lead, winning 37 percent of the country's votes. Leftist candidate Andres Lopez Obrador gained 32 percent of the votes, and ruling party candidate Josefina Vasquez Mota trailed with 25 percent.

Community Activist Join Labor Against Phony "Trade" Deal (tags)

Progressive San Diego's official opposition to the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — a NAFTA-like agreement seeking to subject the U.S. and a wide range of other countries to corporate dictatorship — began July 2 with a rally outside the Bayfront Hilton Hotel, where the TPP's negotiators are meeting. Speakers from labor, environmental, women's and Queer organizations explained what the TPP means to them and why it should be stopped.

Mexico Progresaba (tags)

antes de hernan cortes

Tomemos los pinos, en México (tags)

Tomemos el poder

México Progresaba (tags)

Antes del colonialismo

Gustavo Arellano: How Mexican Food Conquered the U.S. (tags)

Gustavo Arellano, who in the last decade has risen from food editor at the O.C. Weekly in Orange County to investigative reporter at the paper and author of the popular syndicated column “¡Ask a Mexican!,” a witty send-up of anti-Mexican stereotypes published in at least 38 media outlets, came to San Diego April 11 to promote his latest book, "Taco U.S.A.: How Mexican Food Conquered America."

MEXICO: Drug cartel targets woman journalist through online social media (tags)

(WNN) MEXICO CITY: In less than two months, two women journalists who covered drug-related violence have been killed in Mexico. Yolanda Ordaz a reporter for the Vera Cruz coastal newspaper “Notiver” and more recently, thirty-nine-year-old María Elisabeth Macías Castro, a reporter for the regional newspaper “Primera Hora”, based in the town of Nuevo Laredo located in northern Mexico close to the U.S./Texas border.

La vida no vale nada en Mexico (tags)

no hay servicio medico de emergencia

Repeal NAFTA to Restore Mexico's Economic Stability (tags)

The economic crisis in Mexico was worsened by the passage of NAFTA free trade agreement. Currently the neoliberal and neoconservative status quo politicians have appeared unable to try to repeal NAFTA, as if the document were written in stone and handed to William "Moses" Clinton by none other than God. Reality is that NAFTA was crafted by some very deceptive human beings who placed the interest of profits for corporations above the well being of the people of the U.S. and Mexico.

La CNDH de México, acusada (tags)

No defiende a nadie

Repeal NAFTA/WTO is Ron Paul’s Answer to Undocumented Immigration & Domestic Job Losse (tags)

Part of promoting non-interventionist foreign policy is allowing for foreign nations to have self-determination and autonomy in their own economy. The greatest limiting factor to achieving democracy and self-determination in any nation is an unstable economy caused by unequal trade laws. This inequality between trade partners can occur because of different resource qualities or quantities or as a result of trade agreements that benefit one nation above another.

BTL:Federal-State Task Force Proposes Strategy to Restore Oil Spill-Ravaged Gulf of Mexico (tags)

Interview with Aaron Viles, deputy director with the Gulf Restoration Network, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

23 de septiembre--Día de acción (tags)

Se nos acerca una fecha bastante importante para la historia del radicalismo mexicano. En esta temporada siempre se conmemoran momentos históricos revolucionarios como el Grito de Dolores y el 2 de octubre. El primero se ha vuelto una fecha de borrachería y fanfarría nacionalista, mientras la segunda se conmemora solemnemente entre sectores de la izquierda.

En cambio, el 23 de octubre es una d?a no de ceremonia, sino de acción.

La independencia de mexico (tags)

No al colonialismo

International Day of Action in Solidarity with San Juan Copala (tags)

International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico

Vuelve el Noticiero de Acapulco (tags)

Despues del acoso es editado a distancia

Hillary Clinton,Cocaina Traficante:Mexico,Guantanamo (tags)

Hillary Clinton viajó en el avión propiedad de la empresa vinculados a entregas de la CIA y la fecha del crimen organizado publicación: 15 de Oct de 2007 anterior | próximo 15 de octubre de 2007 - Hillary Clinton viajó en el avión propiedad de la empresa vinculados a entregas de la CIA y el crimen organizado El 24 de septiembre 2007 , un Gulfstream II (cola número N987SA) se estrelló en Yucatán, México con 3,3 toneladas métricas (3,7 toneladas) de cocaína a bordo........

Guns. Violence. Tucson. Mexico. China: The tentacles of capitalism (tags)

The capitalist class desperately try to separate the actions of individuals from society. There is no "system". Capitalism is never to blame, only the crazed and murderous actions of flawed individuals.

Announcing 40 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism in Mexico, May 2011 (tags)

Ten Days of Intensive Training in Central Mexico: Video Production, Investigative & Online Reporting, and Movement Strategies for Journalists

Desperate to stop the "truth telling" (tags)

"The imperialists of the world are desperate to stop the "truth telling" of wikileaks. To do so they have thrown away the cover of respect of "freedom of speech" in particular and "support of democratic principals" in general. They are naked now in their hatred of democracy. Organize, resist, do all that you can to protect these true heros from attack. Most importantly, aid them in their efforts to reveal the truths that just may "set us free."

canciones de mexico (tags)

antes y no despues

mexico progresaba (tags)

con los pueblos de la tierra vamos a fraternizar

Brown Berets and their political goals (tags)

Brown Berets and their political goals

BoCa En BoCa September 2010 issue released (tags)

BoCa En BoCa is an independent magazine. Its objectives are: to disseminate what happens in the organized indigenous communities of Chiapas through news summaries or excerpts from their communiqués, to denounce the government’s strategy, and to promote solidarity among the communities. In the long term, the goal is to distribute the magazine within the indigenous communities in their own language. Its September 2010 issue is now available in both English and Spanish.

Massive display of outrage at Papal Visit to UK (tags)

First Protest the Pope event (a debate on the Papal visit) sent a clear message to the Catholic apologists involved. The UK will not tolerate hate cults and does not easily forgive child abuse. The massive crowd exceeded all expectations and were in no mood to hear feeble excuses and hypocritical rhetoric.

BP's Insidious Coverup and Propaganda Campaign: Out of Sight, Out of Mind (tags)

"Yesterday I spoke with Clint Guidry, a Louisiana fisherman who is on the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Shrimp Association and the Shrimp Harvester Representative on the Louisiana Shrimp Task Force created by Executive Order of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. “Right now, there is more oil in Barataria Bay than there has been since this whole thing started on April 20,” Guidry told me." BP oil is now turning up under the shells of post-larval blue crabs all across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Nearly all the crab larvae collected to date by researchers, from Grand Isle, Louisiana all the way over to Pensacola, Florida, have oil under their shells. Further analysis is showing that the crabs likely also contain BP’s Corexit dispersant. On August 5th it was reported that a pair of fishermen in Mississippi “made an alarming discovery that has many wondering what’s happening below the surface” of the Gulf of Mexico. They found several full-sized crabs filled with oil." To para phrase Orwell: "If you're going to lie, lie big!"

Mexico and U.S. authorities join forces to fight back against the Mexican Drug Cartels (tags)

The 22-month multi-agency investigation called "Project Deliverance" resulted in the arrest of more than 2,200 individuals and the seizure of $154 million in U.S. currency, 1,262 pounds of methamphetamine, 2.5 tons of cocaine, 1,410 pounds of heroin, 69 tons of marijuana, 501 weapons, and 527 vehicles.

The Mexican Drug War is now a shooting war on both sides of the border and on streets of A (tags)

This war has now evolved into a shooting war along the U.S. Mexican border and beyond into most states across the country. This war is being waged between the Mexican Drug cartels, Mexico gangs, American gangs, U.S. Law enforcement and American Militia groups.

Mexico Bleeds: Free Media Against the Invisible Tyranny (tags)

We write to on behalf of the Ke Huelga, a free radio project in Mexico City which started in 1999 during a student strike. After 11 years of existence, we face a difficult situation because of interferences and government threats. This is why we have launched a campaign to inform and denounce about the actions against us. As a first step, we produced the text "Mexico bleeds". We invite you to read it and diffuse it.

Mexican Drug Cartels operating in the U.S. through street gangs (tags)

Mexican Drug Cartels have reached across the international border into the United States to kill people including Americans and their reach extends North, East and West across our nation. MDC’S have ordered the killings of drug dealers, American gang members, U.S. Consulate employees, a Detention Officer with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, DEA agent, ICE informant and U.S. Military personal. MDC’S are also responsible for many kidnapping’s of Americans on American soil and have taken Americans to Mexico to be tortured, maimed and murdered, with very little or no retaliation from the U.S. Government.

Stop the Fascist Attacks on Immigants (tags)

A written a critical and sweeping analysis of SB 1070 that addresses not only what is at stake for immigrants and anyone who looks like an immigrant, but what’s at stake for society as a whole, and warns that long agreed upon social and legal norms in society are being shredded by this law. It digs deeply into the history of the U.S., whose rosy dawn was based on the genocide of Native Americans and the kidnapping and enslavement of African people. It reveals the larger economic pressures that compelled millions of undocumented immigrants to travel to the U.S. It analyzes the sharp present day polarization between the Republicans and the fascist and, yes, racist tea party followers, on the one hand, and the Democrats, on the other, and the reasons the Democrats are unwilling to call their social base into the streets. Most importantly, it speaks to the crucial need for resistance to SB 1070, why extreme times like these provide openings for advances to be made in preparing for revolution.

Oil & Water Separation Tech Exists; Use it on Gulf Gusher Today (tags)

The technology exists to separate oil from water to clean the water thoroughly with a centrifuge and must be used on the Gulf of Mexico today. Not doing so is genocide. See and

Ciudad de mexico (tags)

La inseguridad que se vive

Mexican hostility toward U.S. Border Patrol (tags)

Hostility against U.S. Border Patrol is spreading across Mexico over the recently alleged illegal deaths of 15-year-old Sergio Adrian Hernandez by a U.S. border agent, (name withhold) which followed the May 28 death of Anastasio Hernández Rojas, a 42-year-old Mexican national who died after U.S. border agents used a stun gun against him as he reportedly resisted deportation near San Diego.

FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa 1-1 Mexico goal by R.Márquez 11 june 2010 (tags)

FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa 1-1 Mexico goal by R.Márquez 11 june 2010

La democracia en mexico (tags)

El fraude electoral de siempre

Tanker Solution for 2d Bigger Oil Plume in Gulf of Mexico (tags)

Brasschecktv brings us a viable, tried solution to the oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico: Tankers and related equipment.

mexico, antes y despues (tags)

Antes y despues de la llegada del hombre blanco

Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske admits drug war is a dismal failure (tags)

Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske admits drug war is a dismal failure. Of course if you ask all the cops who have been paid damn good money for jailing pot smokers and other victimless drug war criminals they will tell you the drug war is a huge success because it has made them very well off financially.

In the Streets for Human Rights: A People Without Borders (tags)

The recent immigrant rights demonstration in San Diego May 1 was inspiring, but a real solution to the immigration question will come only when we can disenthrall the American people from hateful corporate propaganda that pits disadvantaged groups against each other and convinces millions of Americans that their economic and social problems are caused by people below them, not people above. So-called “illegal” immigrants are just another in the long line of scapegoats corporate and Right-wing propagandists invoke to keep people confused and lead them to challenge each other instead of their corporate overlords.

The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All (tags)

The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All

The Economics Behind Immigration Reform (tags)

How convenient for Goldman Sachs. Just as most working people were demanding that the Goldman bosses and other Wall Street criminals either be massively fined, jailed or worse, the nation’s attention is suddenly forced to react to the racist immigration law in Arizona. And although the two incidents are not directly related, they represent a trend that is likely to increase in the months and years ahead.

El deber sagrado de Mexico (tags)

Encomendado por Dios

dhs teamwork nm style (tags)

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009. no answers from anyone here yet, law enforcement harassment alongwith dhs teamwork are reaching new levels though, as the richardson scandal grows daily....b

Los españoles celebran a mexico (tags)

celebran nuestra "independencia"

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009 (tags)

no answers from anyone here yet, law enforcement harassment alongwith dhs teamwork are reaching new levels though, as the richardson scandal grows daily....b

Proyecto de Mexico (tags)

Proyecto nacionalista

NM DHS Human Rights Abuse (tags)

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009. Concerning my letter below: I just finished another good book concerning the jfk assassination, and the fabrication of multiple identities are a big part of the cia/fbi/nsa dirty trix departments as revealed during the investigation of all that; when jfk was ambushed, there were no less than THREE Lee Harvey Oswalds known around Dallas and the book depository (jack ruby helped with that, albeit unwittingly) , two were false, one of those was the actual main shooter (William Seymour, DISC, Operation40 w/felix rodriguez, barry seal, frank sturgis, etal). Thats why the real Oswald had to be taken out, nothing jived, he was just a holding action and distraction...a patsy, red herring, a dupe....I am trying hard not to become one of those for this fascist bunch of pigs here in the land of the lord.

[2] Solidaridad con Atenco: Cita en Consulado de Mexico (tags)

Dia Internacional en Solidaridad con Atenco: Video corto en resumen de los actividades en California y Mexico y Informacion sobre una Cita Formal con los oficiales del Consulado de Mexico a presentar exigimos. Presentaron una carta con cientos de firmas al consulado, y recibieron confirmacion que la carta ya lo envio directo al gobierno en estado de Mexico, mismo dia.

Protestas en solidaridad con Atenco en Santa y San Bernardino (tags)

Organizaciones civiles pro derechos humanos en California, piden que se revise el caso de los presos políticos de Atenco.

El gane del PRI en Mexico (tags)

No abandonaran el poder por las buenas

Call to the Peoples of México to Organize the Revocation of the Presidency of Felipe Calde (tags)

"This crisis brings into question the future of the Mexican Nation and it’s people. In this political scheme by the grand capitalists, domestic and foreign, we lack hope. The Mexican people do not have a place in this world of neoliberal globalization except as pariahs and a disposable labor force. Given these circumstances, we need a patriotic transformation and a democratization of the political system, the economy and the culture that can confront this deep crisis of our country and the problems of the Mexican people. We need a transformation that will push out the bourgeois oligarchy and the political class that governs the state and the imperialist domain of Mexico. There is a need to construct a new majority that includes all of the patriotic forces that will install a new government and a new state. A new majority that is capable of taking back control and the property of the productive forces and strategic resources of the nation, and also able to guarantee sustainable development, social justice, national sovereignty, the autonomy of the indigenous pueblos and the practice of popular democracy."

las 5 etapas de mexico (tags)

Quienes somos

inicia la ultima etapa de mexico (tags)

inicia la descolonizacion

premio Principe de Asturias (tags)

Desprecio a las lenguas Mexicanas

Privatization Behind Calderon's Attack on Electricians Union (tags)

"The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) architects had Mexico's energy industry in their sights when they negotiated the treaty. NAFTA's Chapter Six notes that "it is desirable to strengthen the important role that trade in energy and basic petrochemical goods plays in the free trade area and to enhance this role through sustained and gradual liberalization."??As such, in May 1993--just months before NAFTA went into effect--Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gotari modified the federal Electricity Law to allow the importation and exportation of Mexico's electricity, and to allow private and foreign companies to build and operate electrical plants in Mexico. Thanks to Salinas' NAFTA-inspired reform, today dozens of foreign companies operate in Mexico's energy sector. According to former SME Secretary General Manuel Fernandez Flores, private companies currently produce almost 40% of Mexico's electricity. These private companies include Enron (now Tractebel), Bechtel, Applied Energy Services, General Electric, Westinghouse, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Siemens, Iberdrola, and Union Fenosa."

¡SME somos todos! México alzado (tags)

Poco antes de las 23:00 horas (hora de la Ciudad de México) del día sábado 10 de octubre fuerzas federales armadas asaltaron y ocuparon metralleta en mano las instalaciones y centros de trabajo de Luz y Fuerza del Centro.

“We’re Looking For the ‘President of Employment’” (tags)

"The government-owned Federal Electricity Commission will be in charge of providing electricity to central Mexico. However, according to the SME’s Secretary General Martin Esparza, “An electrician isn’t made overnight. They calculated wrong and they could spark a social conflict on a grand scale if the blackouts continue.” The first such conflict appeared on Wednesday in Ocoyocoac county in the State of Mexico, where residents blocked the Mexico-Toluca freeway for three hours to protest a blackout. What was clear yesterday afternoon is that Calderon’s decree provoked feelings of unity between the SME, the working class, and civil society in general. Those hundreds of thousands in the Zocalo plaza indicate that people are fed up with Calderon’s structural adjustments. Mexican society took to the streets, where struggles are won, and were doña Lucia, the eighty-something-year-old wife of a SME retiree, told Narco News, “We’re looking for the ‘president of employment,’ but we just can’t find him.” Translator’s notes: 1. FECAL is one of President Felipe Calderon’s nicknames, formed by combining the first two letters of his first name and the first three letters of his last name. And yes, “Fecal” means the same thing in Spanish that it does in English. 2. France’s Napoleon III declared Maximiliano de Habsburgo “emperor of Mexico” in 1864. Mexicans executed him in 1867."

Calderon se arrodilla (tags)

antes de cometer su traicion a México

Acción Urgente-09. Próxima liberación autores material de la masacre de Acteal (tags)

Compartimos nuestra acción urgente 09 ante la posible liberación de 31 personas sentenciadas como autores materiales de la masacre de Acteal e identificadas plenamente por los testigos y sobrevivientes. También mandamos carta modelo.

A Radical Proposal: Open the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)

That's what immigrant rights activist David Schmidt called for at a September 21 meeting of Activist San Diego. Originally called to discuss the closure of Friendship Park along the U.S.-Mexico border, the meeting expanded into a consideration of border issues in general. Schmidt and his better-known co-speaker, Enrique Morones of Border Angels and Marcha Migrante, both questioned why under NAFTA and similar “free trade” agreements, capital, commerce and corporations are allowed to move freely across national boundaries — while workers are trapped inside their home countries and routinely exploited for the greater profits of capital. If business is free to locate wherever it wants, workers should be too, they said.

Corrupt U.S. Government official operating illegally with Mexican Drug Cartels for profit (tags)

According to documents obtained by this writer while employed as a high ranking U.S. law enforcement agent in Mexico, Cramer was also allegedly operating illegally by serving as a sort of secret agent and a full blown business partner of some of Mexico’s richest and most blood thirsty drug lords

Announcing 24 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism for February of 2010 (tags)

Today we announce that Narco News will grant 24 scholarships for up-and-coming journalists and communicators to attend a ten-day session of the School of Authentic Journalism on February 3 to 13 of 2010 on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.

Mexican Nationals fleeing into the United States (tags)

Shopkeepers along the U.S. Mexican border recite the list of "protection" fees they pay to the MDC’s to just stay in business: 100 pesos a month for a stall in a street market, 30,000 pesos for an auto dealership or construction-supply firm. First offense for nonpayment: a severe beating. Those who keep ignoring the fees - or try to charge their own - may pay with their lives

Greenpeace Rallies On Climate Change In Issues In Mexico (tags)

Greenpeace is not just about stopping whaling. It has many active chapters all over the world. The Mexican branch of Greenpeace recently held a protest in front of the foreign ministry in Mexico City. The issue they were calling attention to was climate change.

El PRI no ganó las elecciones en México (tags)

El fraude de siempre

Mexico legalizes drug use (tags)

Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession for “personal use” ! People detained with small quantities no longer face criminal prosecution when the law goes into effect today.

Cracks Emerging in NAFTA (tags)

The once-solid North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) is starting to show its age. The 1994 trade agreement that laid the foundation for the economic/political integration of North America is encountering serious internal ruptures, threatening future “progress.” The problems are numerous: fights over trade, immigration, and military cooperation are all issues that Obama recently discussed in Mexico with his NAFTA partners, Mexico and Canada. The annual meeting that usually delivers plans for additional integration was instead used to remedy these heated issues, none of which were fully solved.

The Joker as hypocrite (tags)

Obama, like his "Old Man" - just can't keep his mouth shut

Las ONG corruptas de Mexico (tags)

Reciben "regalitos" del gobierno

Authorities on both sides of the border detain suspects in regard to the killing of U.S. B (tags)

Whether it was illegal immigrants or drug smugglers is not immediately clear. What is certain is Border Agent Robert Wimer Rosas, was killed in the line of duty by unidentified individuals at 9:15 PM on July 23rd while on duty patrolling the U.S. Mexican border.

Major increase in violent deaths of Mexican Troops and Federal Police in Michoacan (tags)

In response to a major increase in death and violence in the Mexican President’s home state of Michoacán President Felipe Calderon sent more than 5,500 more troops and federal police to protect, defend and support federal forces and other Mexican law enforcement personal who have taken a stand against the Mexican Drug Cartel known as La Familia.

Mexican forces being taken from Juarez to Michoacán (tags)

The troops will be used to confront the Mexican drug cartel La Familia in Michoacán where the Mexican president is from and has become the latest focus point of the Mexican Governments war on drugs.

OC Education Not Incarceration Community Forum (tags)

End Criminilization of Youth, of People of Color! Of our communities! En El Condado de la Naranja, and abroad!!! ICE/Migra versus Workers, OC Police abuse, harassment, and Beating and Killing of Mothers, Fathers, youth, Unarmed Residents and Citizens, Cutting Jobs, Education, and Healthcare while Funding More Wars, More Overthrows of Democracies in Mexico and Latin America; More bottomless bailouts for banks, insurances, and war and violence companies, while more people lose healthcare access as their taxes build more Prisons and Prison Healthcare. End Genocide in the hood!!!


Every year there is a very special gathering of those who love peace, the earth and want to act in their Unity and loving presence with one another... coming from all across the USA and other countries as well...this special event is like no other some of us have experienced. Sharing, caring, living on bare national [ read: all of ours ] forrest lands for a short time, and forming 'family' with those who seemed to be strangers in other places, now are not 'other' but one caring collective.


My Granddad said, “the Yaqui always have been and always will be.” They were in the area long before the apaches, Spanish or anyone else. Their origins date beyond written record, and for millenniums they lived in the valleys around the Rio Yaqui River in Sonora, Mexico.

Are Mexican Workers ‘stealing our jobs’? (tags)

The Crisis in the Mexican Auto Sector

Proyecto de nacion 2 (tags)

Para ser la potencia que el colonialismo nos ha impedido ser

Mexican Drug Cartels dominate drug trafficking in more than 230 U.S. cities (tags)

Drug trafficking and terror has become a way of life in Mexico. U.S. Mexican border cities from Brownsville Texas to San Diego California continue to be most affected by cartel-related violence; other U.S. cities are also being targeted with drug trafficking violence and related terror including kidnappings of Americans.

Compañeros de la Federación Local Libertaria (México) detenidos (tags)

Miércoles, el 3 de junio 2009 CIUDAD de MEXICO, México-- Activistas detenidos, URGENTE.

For immediate release: No Toxic Waste Dump or Border Wall on O’odham Lands (tags)

Sonoyta, Sonora, MX – Indigenous and environmental justice activists will take action on Friday, June 5, 2009 in the town of Sonoyta in support of the O’odham indigenous peoples of Arizona and Mexico who are fighting a toxic waste dump proposed near villages and a sacred ceremonial site in Quitovac, Sonora, Mexico.

Youth for Human Rights International World Tour 2009 (tags)

In honor of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) is again circling the globe, now on its sixth annual World Tour. The exciting World Tour 2009 includes Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Columbia, Jordan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, Timor-Leste and Uganda.

Two men and a woman are wanted in connection with the kidnapping of Briant Rodriguez (tags)

Mexican police and American law enforcement are searching border cities in Mexico and seem confident they will found them.

Americans executed in Mexico (tags)

A local San Diego station reported that Mexican authorities believe that the victims were set-up. One of the victims allegedly received a letter from a woman in prison, directing them to a party in the neighborhood where they were found.

Proyecto de nacion Mexicana (tags)

El México que todos queremos

Complaints of Unsanitary Conditions at U.S. Owned Pig Farm in Mexico (tags)

Mexican villagers and employees had complained about pollution, and unsanitary conditions to managers at a pig farm co-owned by U.S. company

Querellas de Condiciones Antihigiénicas en Finca de Cerdos en México (tags)

Empleados Mexicanos presentaron quejas formalmente sobre las condiciones con los dueños y supervisores de una finca de cerdos propiedad en parte de una compañía de EEUU

Oficiales de Salud No Recomiendan la Cancelación de Eventos Grandes (tags)

Cinco casos probables de Gripe Porcina detectados en Wisconsin

Health Officials Not Recommending Cancelation Of Large Events (tags)

Five probable Swine Flu cases detected in Wisconsin

Money laundering and counterfeiting by terrorist and drug traffickers (tags)

So now they are coming up with new ideas and ways to launder huge amounts of cash.

May Day March for Immigrants' Rights (tags)

There are several immigrants' rights marches and protests happening on May First. Ron Gochez, of the Southern California Immigration Coalition, talks about why people should come out and march.

Swine-flu outbreak could be linked to Smithfield factory farms (tags)

Research indicates the significant role played by factory farming in the latest outbreak of swine flu virus. Smithfield Foods operates immense hog raising factory farms in Perote, Mexico where close conditions encourage contagious bacterial diseases and viruses to rapidly breed and proliferate.

Local San Diego Activists Defend Friendship Park (tags)

Since 1971, the Monument Mesa at Friendship Park on the U.S.-Mexico border has been an informal gathering place where people kept from physically coming together by the border fence could nonetheless reach out and pass each other greetings, kisses, presents and food. No longer: the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, seemingly determined to wipe out any sign that the people of the U.S. and Mexico should actually regard each other with anything other than wary hostility, have put the mesa straight in the cross-hairs of the triple border fence. Local activists Christian Ramirez and John Fanestil addressed a San Diego audience April 17 to tell what they're doing to try to save Friendship Park.

The state department today issued a warning advising for all Americans to avoid all " (tags)

The number of confirmed swine flu cases in the United States is as many as 40 and rising. United States cases spanned New York, Kansas, California, Texas and Ohio. Many of those who contracted the illness had recently visited Mexico.

Alert-Potentially Deadly Swine Flu spreading throughout the U.S. (tags)

Experts warn that it may be too late to contain the new outbreak, given how widespread the known cases are. If the confirmed deaths are the first signs of a pandemic, then cases are probably incubating around the world by now, said Dr Michael Osterholm, a flu expert at the University of Minnesota.

Obama's Real Plan in Latin America (tags)

At first glance Obama seems to have softened U.S. policy toward Latin America, especially when compared to his predecessor. There has been no shortage of editorials praising Obama’s conciliatory approach while comparing it to FDR’s ”Good Neighbor” Latin American policy. It’s important to remember, however, that FDR’s vision of being neighborly meant that the U.S. would merely stop direct military interventions in Latin America, while reserving the right to create and prop up dictators, arm and train unpopular regional militaries, promote economic dominance through free trade and bank loans, conspire with right-wing groups, etc…

Petition to Expel Texas from the United States and Return Her to Mexico (tags)

Time to give Texas the boot. This is a corrected version of the petition.

Petition to Return Texas to Mexico (tags)

Texas wants out. Let's help them.

Charge Americans That Sell Guns To Drug-Dealers With Terrorist-Activity (tags)

Perhaps it would be more effective for U.S. Government to use current terrorist laws to charge Americans that knowingly supply U.S. and Mexico drug gangs with guns.

Alarming Sensitive U.S. Government (tags)

Mexican Drug cartels are ordering decapitations blind foldings and hooding victims before they shoot them. The Cartels are sending a chilling message to the Mexican President Felipe Calderon Administration by adopting methods of intimidation made notorious by Middle Eastern terrorist groups.

Ice Chief Janet Napolitano announces huge Mexican border deployment (tags)

An insider of the Calderon camp told the U.S. Border Fire Report that help is needed at the Mexican ports of entry mainly because the current Mexican border guards are looking the other way and allowing contraband to enter his country.

LA's Part in the Drug War (tags)

Los Angeles has long been a destination for immigration from Mexico, but job seekers aren't the only commodity crossing the border. Cocaine trafficking is big business in Mexico, and my article looks at Los Angeles' role in the Drug War.

NV; Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline Near Fault (tags)

The proposed natural gas pipeline from Wyoming through Utah and Nevada to end at the CA/OR border town Malin and would pass very near a site of a recent 6.0 earthquake, in addition to many other ecologically sensitive or seismically active sites..

Mexico's Catholic Church and President Felipe Calderon Charge U.S. with Corruption (tags)

After describing the US military as vain and bewildered, the hierarchy of the Church indicated in its weekly publication that Mexico has recognized the serious problem of corruption among its authorities and public servants and demanded that the U.S. do the same

Mexico claims U.S. Government also corrupted (tags)

Calderon also told the media that the main cause of Mexico's drug gang problems was "having the world's biggest consumer (of drugs) next to us."

We don't want Vicente Fox at UCI! ¡No queremos que venga Vicente Fox a UCI! (tags)

Students at UC-Irvine in Orange County, CA, are fighting to keep Vicente Fox from giving "Democracy lectures" at their campus. We are asking for support and endorsements from groups anywhere in the world, to send a strong message that the world has not forgotten Chiapas, Atenco, and Oaxaca, and we will oppose Fox and other oppressors wherever they show their faces.

Como en la Nueva España (tags)

Quien entrega la riqueza de México a extranjeros?

Mexico Federal Troops and police rush into Juarez to try and retake the city (tags)

Take Action: Community Activists in Chiapas Face Harassment and Intimidation (tags)

Human rights and community leaders in Mexico continue to experience threats - including death threats. They ask for help from global activists to protect their lives and their community work.

Mexico’s violent war deaths are piling up (tags)

Border protesters told this reporter that the MDC’s claim they are dedicated to overthrowing the current Calderon government and the government is hiding the true Mexican army death totals. Many Mexican troops have been killed by direct confrontations with MDC’s paramilitary forces many more than the Calderon administration is willing to admit.

Mexico's President Calderón labeled Mexican drug cartels as cowards (tags)

Hundreds of Mexicans, some woman carrying small children, blocked roads and bridges in Mexican cities bordering the United States from the Gulf of Mexico (Matamoros) to the Pacific Ocean (Tijuana) and protested by marching in the northern city of Monterrey in a series of demonstrations that police say are organized and funded by Mexican drug cartels.

The Mexican people protesting and want the Army out! (tags)

It was the largest display of discontent against the army's role in an anti-drug crackdown since President Felipe Calderon began deploying soldiers across the country two years ago to fight Mexican drug cartels. About 45,000 soldiers are now spread out across Mexico.

Phoenix and Tucson police report over 400 kidnappings of Americans by Mexicans (tags)

Washington, DC is too obsessed with al Qaeda and other terrorists to care about what is happening in their own backyard right now, as waves of abductions hit Phoenix and other American cities. Washington is not paying enough attention. Many wonder why not?

The Rape and Murder of Sali, the Christian Bale Injustice and the Power Of Music (tags)

A Punk band made an awesome song about the Murder of Sali and other women and activists. Just as music and an audio recording brought justice in the incident with Christian Bale, we look forward to using music, arts and activism to bring the glorious day when the Government (and the mainstream media) admit that their lack of investigation and attention to these increasing rapes and murders is found to be "inexcusable and out of order beyond belief."

Two Dogs Rescued by ALF From Compound (tags)

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Institution Target: Unknown Compound

Can Ejidos Save Mexico from Collapsing Peso? (tags)

Rural Mexican villages restore their ejido communal farm land and introduce a new community currency modeled after ideas from Lazaro Cardenas to prepare for petrocollapse and the continuously devalued peso.

Mexican drug cartel gang members in most American cities and our military (tags)

Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California-based, prison gangs cooperate with Mexico-based MDC’s to smuggle wholesale quantities of cocaine and marijuana and illegal aliens into the United States from Mexico.

Mexico To Become A Failed State (tags)

This is horrible news - the actual possibility of Mexico becoming an all out Failed State.

The Mexican Revolution is starting (tags)

Civil war and vigilantism gripping Mexico (tags)

To date some 7,000 Mexicans have died in this war – all attributable to the government versus the rich and powerful Mexican Drug Cartels war.

Mexico as a failed state will require U.S. military intervention (tags)

In terms of worst-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world is Mexico a large and important country bordering the United States and could be facing a rapid and sudden collapse.

U.S. is not dealing with Mexican violence against Americans (tags)

From Brownsville Texas to San Diego California Mexican cities bordering American cities are where most Americans are being killed by assassinations and executions. But other Americans are being killed by the long arm of the Mexican drug cartels which reach deep into America. There are accounts of Mexican drug cartel surrogate terrorist’s invading the U.S. by crossing the porous international border and killing Americans in Dallas Texas, Atlanta Geo, New York City, Phoenix Ariz, Las Vegas Nevada, and is believed to have reached Shelby County Alabama where five people were found murdered gangland style by Mexican nationals.

bill richardsons bio (tags)

bio of a liar

Grand Jury Probes Richardson Donor’s New Mexico Finances (tags)

Body: full story: http://www. bloomberg. com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aL0GGUluJeT8&refer=worldwide

Feds Investigating Richardson -- Obama Commerce In Trouble Already (tags)

Richardson is President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Department of Commerce.

American Death toll in Mexico's drug war surges (tags)

Carey- May 2008 Carey Marcella McClintock was brutally murdered on August 31, 2008 in Juarez, Mexico. She was found in an abandoned house in the desert minutes outside of Juarez. She had been beaten and stabbed multiple times. Her family feels that her murder may never be solved by authorities.

Mary-Guadalupe Day ! Celebrate Dec.12 downtown (tags)

Red Suited fat guys are not all that this season represents. In the land of deserts and conquerors, another honored person still exists, called Senora or Virgen, but always Guadalupe [ with familiarity and maternal warmth in her projected image]

Two more Americans slaughtered in Mexico (tags)

The American couple were believed visiting in Juárez attending the funeral of the killed woman’s sister, who was also killed in a homicide only last week; Juarez police investigators told the El Paso Journal that the couple were obviously targeted.


URGENT ACTION ALERT! Condemned by health and environmental groups across the country, GNEP means foreign nuclear waste imported and "reprocessed" in the USA. This is a national issue! We need a big national outcry!!! Washington, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, South Carolina, and all our sister states! With Cold War nuclear sites thirty years behind on clean-up, the US must not import more foreign nuclear waste!

Sharp drop in migrants’ money transfers from US (tags)

Mexico depends on migrants' remittances for eight percent of its Gross Domestic Product compared to 12 percent in Guatemala and no less than 18 percent of El Salvador's GDP. And these are the official statistics, which do not include US dollars passing the US border under car mats.

Homeland Security now spying on Americans (tags)

There are real questions being asked, do these spies in the sky surveillance systems comply with privacy laws and doesn’t violate the Posse Comitatus Act? The 1878 law prohibits the military from playing a role in domestic law enforcement. Since the 1990s however, Posse Comitatus has been eroded significantly by both Democratic and Republican administrations, primarily in the areas of "drug interdiction," "border security" as well as "Continuity of Government" planning by U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM).

MEXICO. Atentado contra Mouriño (tags)

El martes 4 de noviembre sobre las 18:40 horas se desplomó sobre la Fuente de Petróleos el avión privado en que viajaba el espurio secretario de gobernación, Juan Camilo Mouriño,Hay 14 muertos, y se produjeron unos 40 heridos.


Voting is a joke given the scope of genocidal blood drenched US idiocy globally. Much, much more must be done. Vote, then strike.................



1,000,000 Signs Of Hope, Latino Immigrant Rights Activists Stage 27 Days Of Hunger (tags)

This is the promise to the immigrants coming to America. The promise of justice, the promise of prosperity, the promise of being able to work hard, and prosper, as a result of your own efforts, and to do so in safety, for not only yourself and your family, but your work enterprise as well. This promise has been broken for the most recent immigrants to the United States. They seem to be no longer welcome on our shores or in our cities anymore. Instead of being welcomed, they are hunted, their families are torn apart, their adults tried as criminals for the dubious “crime” of being street vendors on the streets of Los Angeles.


[B]oth Messrs. Obama and McCain are reiterating their commitment to good, old-fashioned American-style war making. . . . Rather than offering relief, the new entrant to the White House come January is likely to simply exacerbate the mayhem.

U.S. issues new travel alert to Mexico but no recommendation to avoid Mexico (tags)

The new travel alert up-date says “that while millions of U.S. Citizens safely visit Mexico each year, including thousands who cross the land border every day for study, tourism or business, increased levels of violence make it imperative that travelers understand the risks of travel to Mexico

World efforts of the war on drugs and terror are starting to reap results (tags)

According to Michael A. Braun, DEA Chief of Operations, says that the drug trafficking and middle eastern terrorist groups are a “Growing Nexus.” He indicates that there is a growing nexus between international drug trafficking organizations and international terrorism. Mr. Braun believes it is a new hybrid organization funded by international drug trafficking and dedicated to terrorism.

New revelations on CIA drug planes (tags)

The largest and most respected Mexico City newspaper El Universal reports that it has obtained documents from the United States and the European Parliament which "show that the plane flew several times to Guantanamo, Cuba, presumably to transfer terrorism suspects." It said the European Parliament was investigating the private Grumman Gulfstream II, registered by the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation, for suspected use in CIA “drug transport and rendition” flights in which prisoners are covertly transferred to a third country or US-run detention centers outside of the USA.

U.S./Mexico Border Wall Risks Endangered Species Extinctions from Gene Isolation (tags)

Risks of the U.S./Mexico border wall on native species of ocelots and other mammals include extinction from genetic isolation of disconnected populations.

Rude Awakening in Mexico (tags)

US businesses invested $120 billion in Mexico between 1994 and 2006. Only 80,000 jobs were created per year while 730,000 Mexicans pressed on the labor market every year. While migration climbed 95% from 1980 to 1994, it soared an incredible 452% from 1994 to 2006.

Mexican Drug Cartels Out of Control in the U.S. and Mexico (tags)

In many areas of the United States the cartels have entered into partnerships with local gangs, in others they have directly assumed control of local drug distribution

Mexico’s Civil War Killing More Americans (tags)

Just since the beginning of this year more than 4,000 people have been murdered in Mexico in what authorities blame on the Mexican cartels and their criminal gangs and Para-military forces. Google or click on:

Did U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes and ICE conspire in illegal activity? (tags)

Young girl raped and beheaded in Florida by Mexican traffickers (tags)

a little girl who, after being taken to the Florida panhandle from Mexico, resisted while being raped, and was subsequently made an example of by being beheaded in front of other girls being held to be raped repeatedly

Mexican Cartel Zetas Attack and kill an American in Phoenix (tags)

Phoenix papers report that 6 Mexicans killed a Phoenix man who was found dead by police in a local neighborhood home riddled with more than 100 bullets.

SuperCorridor Defeat? Don't Bet On It (tags)

The scheme remains on track.

Urgent Zapatista communique following repulsion of Mexican Army troops (tags)

Urgent Zapatista communique following repulsion of Mexican Army troops by a Zapatista village on June 4, 2008. Escalation is feared. The following is a communique by the Zapatista Good government Council in La Garrucha.

DEA, FBI and CIA are all operating covertly in Mexico’s narco-trafficking underworld Many (tags)

While reports of federal agents and cops being involved in drug and other crimes like smuggling humans, drugs, guns and cash are almost routine. Many believe the estimates of corruption among our own officials are much higher. This problem is seriously hurting America. As a result of the flow of these drugs into the U.S. which end up on America’s streets are financing terrorist, and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world.

Mexican Indigena Free Radio Station Under attack by PRISTAS: Communique directo (tags)

Long Standing Indigenous Radio Station, Radio Ñomndaa la Palabra del Agua, under attack by PRISTAS

Plan Colombia Heads for Mexico (tags)

Call it NAFTA on steroids.

Mexican officials warn Americans to stay away (tags)

"There will be shootings and executions throughout the city in what is being called 'La Limpia' (the cleansing) in response to threats by the 'Juárez drug cartel' or 'La Linea,' " the e-mail stated in Spanish. La Linea is reputed to be a "line" of corrupt police officers protecting drug traffickers. Dozens of Juarez police officers have been among the more than 300 homicides in Juárez this year. Many of the killings have been committed boldly and in broad daylight on busy downtown Juarez boulevards. Juarez is a Mexican border city of a million and half people.

Mexican Authorities Covering up shootings of Americans (tags)

Laguna Journal that he and others have received word to not talk with or report any American deaths to the media.

Mexico's National Security Cabinet expected to declare a state of emergency (tags)

Calderon is reported to be rushing more Mexican Army troops to the border cities of Juarez, Tijuana, Mexicali, Palomas and others.

Juarez police chief resigns for fear of his life (tags)

chief assistant, 54-year-old Juan Antonio Roman who was 2nd in command is assassinated and at least four other Jaurez police officers are slain and hundreds others are killed in what is being called the biggest internal drug war between the Mexican government and the rich and ruthless Mexican drug cartels in the history of Mexico

More Americans shot in Mexico (tags)

Many Americans are wondering when the Bush administration is going to raise the travel alert to its highest level "travel warning," for American travelers to Mexico? How many American citizens are going to have to be shot, killed or kidnapped before the American government move to prevent needless deaths and issue the proper "travel warning," for Americans?

Mexican drug cartels infiltrating colleges and high school campuses in America (tags)

One of the main suspects in this international drug investigation is Omar Castaneda, a gang member from Pomona with ties to the Mexican Tijuana drug cartels, officials said

Dangerous Mexican/U.S. Criminal Enterprises Operating Along the (tags)

Many were beheaded with or without written messages on bodies or in vehicles. The cartels’ methods of torture and killing are particularly brutal. On September 6, 2006, masked gunmen entered a nightclub in the Michoacan, fired guns in the air and rolled five severed human heads onto the dance floor

Mexico Exports Corn and Impoverished Farmers (tags)

Food that Mexico could have easily produced itself must be purchased for ten billion dollars every year from the US. Today Mexico can offer ruined farmers as its most important export article. Prices for corn, wheat and rice soared 40-50 percent within eight months.

Protect Sacred Sites: Stop Toxic Dumping on O'odham Land (tags)

On March 29, 2008 Traditional O’odham leaders and International Supporters arrived in the small village of Quitovac in the Northern Sonoran State of Mexico to honor the land, the sky, the water, and all life, and to continue organizing to stop the building of a toxic waste dump that’s planned to be placed just a few miles from one of the most sacred ceremony sites of the O’odham.

Alarming Sensitive U.S. Government on Mexican violence (tags)

Dozens of people have been decapitated in Mexico so far this year, with heads stuck on fence posts, found in trash bags and heads being tossed onto a nightclub dance floor for all to see

Mexican Drug cartels using terrorist beheading tactics (tags)

At least 40 people have been decapitated in Mexico so far this year, with heads stuck on fence posts, found in trash bags and heads being tossed onto a nightclub dance floor for all to see

Terrorist Bomb Intended for 12-story police headquarters In Mexico City (tags)

The massive explosion blew out windows in apartment buildings, damaged several cars and caused panic in the American La Rosa area of Mexico City.

Mexican drug cartels and terrorist are recruiting for more fighters to train as soldiers (tags)

Iran is believed providing at least some of the money for this recruiting and training program. The training camps are teaching hit and run gorilla technique's. Cells of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) have sent their seasoned veterans to oversee the training of the new troops and to direct the war against the Mexican government on behalf of the Mexican Cartels.

U.S. State Department only up-graded Travel alert to Mexico (tags)

Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported. From Brownsville Texas to San Diego California the State Department has alerted Americans of the dangers of crossing the border.

Border Vulnerable Few U.S. Troops Available To Protect Us (tags)

Gen. Richard A. Cody, the Army's vice chief of staff told Congress that the "Readiness of the army Is Dangerously Low." In a stark assessment a week before Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, was to testify on the war's progress, the Army's vice chief of staff, said that the heavy deployments are inflicting "incredible stress" on soldiers and families and that they pose "a significant risk" to the nation's all-volunteer military.

Why not a Warning for Mexico travel or at least an up-grade to the existing alert? (tags)

Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported

Nuclear Threat From Mexico (tags)

Of growing concern to some U.S. officials is the way the terrorists south of the border are taking advantage of the lack of sophistication on the Mexicans part for their inability and unwillingness to protect their own borders from terrorist infiltration and are using the low Mexican immigration standards and the U.S. open border to slip into Mexico or the U.S. with a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb.

Hundreds being rounded-up and many Arrested in Juarez Mexico (tags)

A fierce gun battle between some members of the Mexican Army and Juarez police officers exploded in the streets because officers refused to co-operate and take part in the operation to check for illegal arms and drugs.

The U.S. placed Mexico under a travel alert As Thousands of Armed Mexican Troops Patrol th (tags)

The Mexican soldiers are armed with combat American supplied M-16 fully automatic rifles. This latest action by Mexican President Calderon now places Mexican armed soldiers on the U.S. Border with Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. This latest Mexican troop movement places more than 30,000 Mexican troops combating the Mexican cartels throughout the country.

U.S. Command Denies Military Task Force Exists (tags)

NORTHCOM was established following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to provide for the defense of the United States and to provide military support to civil authorities when requested by the president or secretary of defense. NORTHCOM also is responsible for overseeing military responses to natural and man-made disasters,such as hurricanes and incidents involving weapons of mass destruction within the United States borders.

Merida Initiative Will It Work? (tags)

The question is will it work in the war on drugs and terror? The more than four decades of the fight on the war on drugs has been a dismal and total failure. That fight has costs Americans at the federal level, approximately $4.5 billion every year (40 years X 4.5 Billion = $180 Billion plus) and significant sums are also spent at the city, county and state levels as well.

U.S. Military Being Sent to the Border with Mexico (tags)

They are being staged and immediately available as emergency "on call" units for use against terrorist threats on the nation's border and local disasters, said Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., commander of United States Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Commander

El Paso Journal Newspaper (tags)

El Paso readers and the one million or so Juarez residents just across the Rio Grande River which marked the border between the Twin cities, the two countries and three states Texas, New Mexico and Chihuahua Mexico. Which makes it the largest international city in the US.

Building Bridges Radio: Plan Mexico Is Planned Repression (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

An easy place to sneak into the USA from Mexico (tags)

Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area and easy place to sneak into the USA from Mexico. It is neare the Arizona and California border on the California side

New Killing Fields Discovered In Ciudad Juarez Mexico (tags)

Now again Mexican federal police report discovering a new mass grave containing numerous unidentified human bodies the exact number police are refusing to say. But usually reliable anonymous sources tell the Journal that up-wards of a dozen bodies have already been dig up plus two severed heads and three torsos

Four More American Drug Planes Seized (tags)

Coincidentally or not, the American owners of the four planes (like the two busted earlier) were largely people and companies with 'special relationships' with U.S. political movers and shakers like John McCain donors, including the CIA and the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.

United States-Mexican border is experiencing an alarming rise in drug-human and Terrorist (tags)

In addition to Federal agents, State, sheriff, and local police dept's are expected to help patrol the border areas.

FBI Combating Growing Violence Along The South Texas Border With Mexico (tags)

Significant levels of violence and drug-related criminal activity also plague Laredo. As you know, this bloody drama revolves around the Gulf Cartel drug-trafficking organization, which dominates the region and commands smuggling operations along this stretch of the American Southwest.

San Diego Hosts Alternative King Day Event (tags)

Though only 30 people attended San Diego's alternative Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative cvelebration January 21, it represented an important challenge to the way King's "official" celebrations have been co-opted by his enemies: the police, the military and the poltiical establishment.

Man arrested in Mexico in border agent's Luis Aguilar death (tags)

After the killing, Navarro, 22, drove to Mexicali and gave the Hummer to accomplices for safekeeping, according to an Attorney General's office spokesman who could not be named according to departmental rules.

Fugitive Laurean took bus from Juarez to Guadalajara (tags)

Mexico has a longstanding record of refusing to extradite suspects to the United States if they face a possible death sentence upon conviction.

Mexico: miners attacked, call for emergency protests (tags)

An emergency picket has been called for Saturday January 12 at 3 p.m outside the Mexican consulate in New York to protest a police attack on striking miners in Cananea, Mexico.

FCR-VC declaration against NAFTA and the Migra! (tags)

Today, January 1st 2008 the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) enters its final stage of implementation. NAFTA, since its inception, was designed to help the rich U.S. Agriculture and Industrial Corporations take over the markets of Mexico and destroy the small farms and national industries. It has caused millions of displaced or unemployed Raza to move to the cities or migrate to what today is the United States and Canada.

Socialists want Stronger Ties with Mexico (tags)

Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA fully support protecting the rights of working class people on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border and both socialist parties oppose building border walls. All the 2008 candidates, from the two socialist parties, favor strengthening ties with Mexico and developing policy that will benefit working people in both countries and worldwide.

Cubans defect to ....America? (tags)

Eight Cuban acrobat jugglers disappeared before a performance at a festival in central Mexico last week, presumably to defect to the United States, organizers said on Friday.

Mexican political prisoners need your help (tags)

International campaign to free Adán Mejía López and stop the persecution of Militante and the CLEP-CEDEP Free the political prisoners! The Calderon government, desperate in the face of its complete lack of legitimacy and its intense fear of the increasing class polarisation, has intensified the repression and criminalisation of social struggles, murdering and imprisoning many of the millions of worker and youth who have dared to raise their voices against the misery and oppression so predominant in Mexico. For years the working class has been squeezed to no end, all the social tensions generated as a consesquence of this opened the way to insurrectional struggles such as that which occured last year in Oaxaca and, on a national level, against the electoral fraud.

Demand Grows For bush To Reveal Details of Plan Mexico (tags)

billions to keep the price of illegal drugs up, but not one cent for the fence....

¡América Latina no se calla! (tags)

Intelectuales y ciudadanos-as de todo el mundo ponen en marcha una campaña en defensa de la soberanía de América Latina

Venezuela: Interview with an indigenous activist (tags)

* As part of the 2.300 delegates in the second Zapatista and indigenous community’s international reunion, which took place last July in Mexico, members of the wayuu community delivered a truly important message: Venezuelan indigenous community’s situation is very different than the declared by the government people in Caracas. El Libertario talked about the experience with Jorge Montiel, member of the Maikiralasa’lii.

Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security' (tags)

''Increasing suspicion even more was the suggestion, in a report of a committee of the European Parliament, that in addition to having been used in drug trafficking the Gulfstream II had flown CIA rendition flights to Guantanamo.'' - Daniel Hopsicker ,

Full Spectrum Mercenaries: Blackwater Goes to Mexico (tags)

If and when private security contractor Blackwater USA and its heavily-armed operatives are forced to pull out of Iraq as the result of the September 16th rampage in downtown Baghdad when its employees massacred up to 28 Iraqis, Mexico could be a profitable option for the North Carolina-based company.

new film "The power of Oaxaca's people" by Contraimagen (tags)

by contraimagen

Cool! It is possible to change your finger prints!!! (tags)

alleged drug dealer with skin from the bottom of his feet pleaded guilty Thursday to a federal charge of harboring and concealing a fugitive.

Guns: The bloody US-Mexico market (tags)

With over 2,100 deaths between January and October 2007 related to drug trafficking and the use of weapons purchased in the US, Mexico pins its hopes on the future success of the Merida Initiative to combat drug and gun trafficking.

Contractors may train Plan Mexico drug forces (tags)

WASHINGTON — The U.S. and Mexican governments are expected Monday to announce an anti-drug package that will probably involve hiring private U.S. military contractors to train Mexican troops on the use of new technologies and equipment, senior U.S. officials said. The government's use of private contractors has been controversial, especially since a deadly incident involving contractors last month in Iraq.

US to give $500 million create a police state in Mexico just like the USA (tags)

The new Mexican President Felipe Calderón seems to be a reincarnated version of Richard Nixon who wants to use American money to turn Mexico into a police state just like the USA! And the US seems to be willing to fork over the money as this article says.



O’odham Return from Gathering with Mexico’s Indigenous and Subcomandante (tags)

A short report back on the recent indigenous resistance gathering in Northern Mexico

Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas (tags)

Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas, available in both English and Spanish editions from Rayo, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishing. 2002 Latino Book Award winner as "Best Arts Book"

Arrested `Drug Queen' Enthralls Mexico (tags)

Blessed with charm and good looks, Sandra Avila Beltran is enthralling Mexico. Not as a beauty queen, but as an alleged drug lord, and the story of her arrest and possible extradition to the U.S. is being followed more closely than a telenovela.

Girl in a Coma at Mexico Mexico Rock Rock Rock (tags)

Girl in a Coma from San Antonio played at the latin american cinemateca event at the Ford Amphitheater.

The Approaching Narco Lords, American Politicians, And The City Of Lost Girls (tags)

bush relatives are all nazi criminals and cannibals....These people are protected by DHS and own quite a few NM/TX politicians, as well as many others throughout the israeli federal reserve government which has overtaken America

Marathon to Free Magdalena García Durán and Atenco Prisoners (tags)

Things are moving faster in the struggle to free the Mazahua indigenous rights leader Magdalena García Duran, recognized by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience, and all the political prisoners arrested in San Salvador Atenco in central Mexico on May 3 and 4, 2006.

Big explosion from a little bit of fertilizer (tags)

A truck carrying ammonium nitrate blew up, killing at least 28 people and injuring about 150, and left a 10- by 40-foot crater in the road.

We stole their land and their water! (tags)

We stole their land and their water! The Navajos have been screwed by the American government and the American people!

New land of opportunity (tags)

Los Cabos rises as place to realize the Mexican dream

37th Anniversary Chicano Moratorium (tags)

National Chicano Moratorium Committee holds 37th Annual Commemoration with march and rally

‘Plan Mexico’ (tags)

The Bush administration is close to sealing a major, multiyear aid deal to combat drug cartels in Mexico that would be the biggest U.S. anti-narcotics effort abroad since a seven-year, $5 billion program in Colombia, according to U.S. lawmakers, congressional aides and Mexican authorities.

Mexico: Students arrested- urgent solidarity needed (tags)

solidarity with the Mexican revolution

Mexicans find a rough welcome mat in Canada (tags)

Mexicans find a rough welcome mat in Canada Tourists, being denied entry in increasing numbers, report harsh, insensitive, even racist treatment by Canadian border officials

Mexico: Stop the repression of the students and Militante (tags)

solidarity with the struggles in Mexico

La Biblia (tags)

La opcion que le queda a México

Attacks on Mexico pipelines show extensive knowledge of energy infrastructure (tags)

WASHINGTON | Saboteurs who blew up natural gas pipelines that shut down one of Mexico’s main industrial regions this month also crippled a crude oil pipeline, U.S. officials said Tuesday. The operation indicated extensive knowledge of Mexico’s energy infrastructure, the officials said.

The Militarization and Annexation of North America (tags)

NAFTA on steroids enforced with an iron fist

Protest At Mexican consulate tonight 6pm (tags)

July 20th is a national and global day of solidarity against repression and for the freedom of political prisoners in Mexico. Oaxaca and Atenco.

U.S. corporations profit from undocumented migrants (tags)

Minutemen/SOS racist assertions derail any open dialogue about NAFTA/WTO free trade policies as a source of undocumented immigration that enables corporations to exploit migrant farmworkers..

Refugiados en Mexico (tags)

México Un refugio para ellos de honor Refugiados de distintos paises en Mexico

G4 process is undemocratic, No WTO deal in Potsdam! (tags)

Trade ministers of the G4 countries (the European Union, the United States, Brazil and India) are meeting in Potsdam, Germany, this week try to stitch together a trade deal to which each of them could agree.

Blackwater Mercenaries on the USA-Mexico Border (tags)

very scary

The Approaching Narco Lords, American Politicians, And The City Of Lost Girls (tags)

These people are protected by DHS and own quite a few NM/TX politicians, as wells as others

more from ted hayes minutemen (tags)

boo miss usa!


1. Remembering Atenco - The month of May began with ceremonies in remembrance of the bloody police rampage on May 3 and 4 2006 in San Salvador Atenco.

Mexico's 911 Waiting for the Perfect Storm (tags)

"Mexico City is at risk of flooding of the kind that devastated New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina if authorities don´t take steps to unclog the canals, reservoirs and lagoons that make up the municipal sewer system, experts warn."

Preparing for Martial Law, Part 2: Enforcement and Infrastructure (tags)

Whelp folks, I hate to be the pallbearer at our country's funeral, but I am here to inform you, in case you missed it on Fox News, that the apparatus for martial law is being quietly, but steadily, implemented. If one has been paying attention to the laws that are getting passed over the last few years we can see the telltale signs that we are getting closer and closer to such a scenario. Not only is this government setting up the legal framework for martial law, but they are also setting up the policing apparatus and infrastructure to carry it out.

miss america booed in mexico (tags)

miss america booed in mexico after she falls on her ass on miss universe runway... but still advances ahead of miss mexico.

North American Union Plan Headed To Congress In Fall (tags)

same perps as 911

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall (tags)

"Powerful think tank prepares report on benefits of integration between U.S., Mexico, Canada"

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall (tags)

this is when the money will change to world paper ready....

Don't Miss The Bus ! (tags)

There is Still Time...... To sign up for the IFCO/Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba this July as we collectively break the US blockade and travel ban by taking humanitarian aid, and ourselves, to Cuba without asking for a US government license.

Fotos Solidaridad Atenco-Perpignan-Barcelona (tags)

Fotos 05/05/2007 Solidaridad con l@s pres@s polític@s de Atenco, Oaxaca, Yucatan... a Perpignan (Catalunya-Nord) & Barcelona (Catalunya) "Brisons le silence"(Romper el Cerco)...

Naked Mexican!!!! (tags)

Mexicans strip en masse for U.S. artist

The Mexican Revolution Surges Forward (tags)

Millions of workers and students on strike: report of the first 12 hours of the May 2 strike Just six months after Calderon assumed the presidency and the anti-fraud movement and the APPO were defeated, the situation in Mexico is heating up again. The previous showdown over the elections and the revolutionary struggle in Oaxaca solved nothing. The bourgeois, foolishly, perhaps believed that the working class was finished, and that the struggle was over. They will not be able to maintain that opinion any longer. Carrying on from the magnificent struggles in March against the attacks of the weak Calderón government, a general strike was called earlier this week on May 2 - the first general strike in Mexico since 1916.

Fight for Justice Campaign (tags)

While in the name of the fight against terrorism, hundreds of thousands of people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and others - arbitrarily detained - are tortured in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the United States government protects the most notorious terrorist in this hemisphere...

Marcos at Mexico-US Border (tags)

“We Will Come and Stay With You, Without Guns, Only With Our Words” Zapatista Comandantes Arrive at Mexico-US Border

Report from the territory of the indigenous Cucupá (tags)

Report from the territory of the indigenous Cucupá people in the community of El Mayor, Baja California, northern Mexico. (Part I)

A Review of John Ross' Zapatistas (tags)

Review of Zapatistas' struggle for autonomy and freedom.

Get On the Bus! 18th Pastor's for Peace Caravan (tags)

WONDER WHY GEORGE W. DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CUBAN PEOPLE? Find out this July! Come with us on our 18th US-Cuba Friendshipment Caravan to meet: a cultured people,a healthy people. A proud and humane people.

The Search For The Authentic Pancho Villa (tags)

According to an Account by Woodrow Wilson's Liaison to Pancho Villa, in book about the Mexican Revolution that has been made to disappear, "Pancho Villa did not invade the U.S. at Columbus, New Mexico, on March 9, 1916, as is commonly believed" -- he was eight hundred miles away, in the mountains of Coahuila, at the time.


How corporations destroy consumer protection legislation to product their product from liability suits, questions, and legislative action

Border Fence- The Cost is Far Too High (tags)

A study released last December by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service says a proposed 700 mile stretch of fence, along the 2,000 mile U.S. – Mexico border, could cost an estimated $49 billion. But what the report fails to say, U.S. –built walls on the border would cost both the U.S. and Mexico trillions of dollars in economic losses over the predicted 25-year lifespan of the fence, and non-monetary damage to political and cultural relations between the two countries would also last for decades.

Campamento Zapatista (tags)

The Mexican government has a long history of mistreating and ommiting the voices of its internal indigenous population. One nearby example is the genocide of the Cucapá of Mexicali, who have been denied fishing permits, eventhough they have been fishing in this valley for over 9,000 years; indeed before the area was even called Mexico. For more information: Héctor at (951)288-8319 or at *

Freedom for Anarchist Prisoners in Oaxaca! Freedom for Oscar and Sacramento! (tags)

Anarchists and anti-authoritarians have played a vital role in the struggle against the government of Ulisses Ruiz Ortiz in Oaxaca. Among the many prisoners being held in jails around Mexico are anarchist activists Oscar Santa Maria Caro and Sacramento Delfino Cano Hernandez who were arrested on November 30th in Oaxaca.

Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract (tags)

..president is headed to court on rape charges, it's Prime Minister is being investigated for corruption.. But that does not prevent them from getting sweet deals right here in the U.S.

Campamento Zapatista-EVENTO (tags)

El gobierno Mexicano tiene una larga historia de maltratar e ignorar las voces de sus pueblos indigenas. ¿Quién puede olvidar las masacres, los desplazos y la marginación extrema? En pocas palabras, el genocidio de nuestrros pueblos Indigenas!

Violent eviction by police in Oaxaca (tags)

URGENT ACTION: Violent police evacuation of the gathered family members at Miahuatlán and several arbitrary detentions. México, Federal District, January 13, 2007


January 16, 2007 URGENT ACTION: Violent police evacuation of the gathered family members at Miahuatlán and several arbitrary detentions.

Urgent: Attack against Ricardo adherent to the Other Campaign (tags)

Ricardo Dominguez, a member of the Other Campaign, was brutally attacked in San Cristobal after the EZLN Intergalatica earlier this month. He is in urgent need of $7,000 of operations to improve his grave condition. Solidarity donations can go to the account INBURSA 40124412465 in name of Ramona Cardoso Beltrán.

Mexican state of Coahuila to allow gay marriages (tags)

Mexican state of Coahuila to allow gay marriages (Coahuila is along the Texas border between the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon)

Report on Pastors for Peace Chiapas Caravan (tags)

Report from Rev. Walker, on the caravan's progress through Mexico


The Government of Mexico has sentenced the Indiginous Cucapá to extinction by refusing to recognise their traditional and cultural right to fish in the Gulf of Mexico, while at the same time granting permits only to multi-national corporations and tourists for sports fishing.

Dirty War Against Defenders of Human Rights in Oaxaca (tags)

Slander Campaign Against the Mexican League for the Defense of Human Rights (LIMEDDH), and its director, Yésica Sánchez Maya. (Please see recommended actions below.)

Against the repression in Oaxaca, Anti-capitalist class struggle! (tags)

For several months the town of Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican State of the same name, has been the center (of a movement) of important struggles which have undergone (or suffered) repeated attacks by the forces of repression (police, army and paramilitary) with many victims: at the end of November the toll was 22 dead and 34 disappeared.

Contra la represión en Oaxaca, ¡lucha proletaria anti-capitalista! (tags)

Desde hace varios meses la ciudad mejicana de Oaxaca, capital del Estado del mismo nombre, es el centro de un importante movimiento de lucha que ya ha sufrido varias veces los ataques de las fuerzas represivas (policía, ejército y fuerzas paramilitares), ocasionando numerosas víctimas: a finales de noviembre se confirmaba la muerte de 22 personas y de 34 desaparecidos.

movilizaciones masivas del EZLN en 5 caracoles, solidaridad con Oaxaca y Atenco (tags)

Exigimos la salida inmediato del autodenominado gobernador de Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. Y también Policía Federal Preventivas, porque sólo están generando más torturas, represión, maltratos. Son los verdaderos criminales y responsables de lo que está sufriendo el pueblo de Oaxaca.


Dear friends and family, After about a week of traveling around Mexico, on the run after our arrest, we returned to Oaxaca for a few days before leaving the country. It was a beguiling, heart-wrenching and stressful time.

Oaxaca Solidarity Demonstrations in the US on Friday, December 22nd (tags)

A marijuana plant that's almost impossible to kill??? (tags)

Si! Pero la pregunta es - wonder where you can get some seeds for this tough marijuana plant called "Colombians"

Photos - Oaxaca - Mexico's Federal Investigative Agency (AFI) carry out other arrests (tags)

A members of Mexico's Federal Investigation agency, AFI, detains an employee of the Oaxaca state justice department in Oaxaca City, Mexico Friday, Dec. 8, 2006. More than 250 federal police agents surrounded the offices of the Oaxaca state police force and seized the force's weapons to determine whether any were used in shootings during six months of demonstrations in the state capital, Oaxaca City.

US oil tanker sunk (tags)

in Gulf of Mexico

Mexican journalists give recognition to Indymedia Mexico and to Brad Will (tags)

* The Journalists Club of Mexico (El Club de Periodistas de Mexico) and the Antonio Sáenz de Miera Foundation recognize the "cooperation without orders" of Indymedia Mexico. * Bradley Ronald Will, murdered in Oaxaca, receives a posthumous recognition for his important informative work.

Photos Oaxaca - APPO - Flavio Sosa: Mexican police arrest head of Oaxaca activists (tags)

MEXICO CITY 5/12/2006

Llamado a la movilización por Oaxaca (EZLN) y mensaje de la APPO (tags)

llamado a la movilización por oaxaca y mensaje de la APPO

The Spirit of Resistance in Mexico City (tags)

Opposition in the Mexico City streets against electoral fraud and decades of abuse and injustice

Calderon Inaugurated As Mexican President, Lucha Libre Style (tags)

Like a play from a Mexican wrestling match, Felipe Calderon ascended to Mexico’s Presidency lucha libre style.

After lifetime in U.S., deported man a stranger in his homeland (tags)

Deported from the United States 39 years after he entered it illegally, Fernandez's hopes of a quick return to his wife and son in Utah were crushed when the U.S. Supreme Court

Photos - Rally to a protest against President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City (tags)

Thousands of supporters of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador stand at Mexico City's Zocalo square during a rally against Felipe Calderon, December 1, 2006

The Coup d’Etat in Mexico (tags)

As a New Regime Prepares to Seize Control December 1, Promising a New Wave of Repression, the Antidote Is Being Born from Below

Para los Mexicanos de Los Angeles (tags)

Para ustedes que andan lejos de Acapulco y de México

Mexico quietly exposes federal role in 'Dirty War' (tags)

President Vicente Fox put out a voluminous report that states that past governments carried out a covert campaign of murder and torture against dissidents and guerrillas from the late 1960s through the early 1980s.

A todos los Mexicanos (tags)

Por un México fuerte, grande y del sol.

A New Approach to Justice From The Doors Of A Mexican Consulate: From Portland to Oaxaca (tags)

Oaxaca occupies a sacred place in my heart; her mountains, coast, mole and native corns nourished my spirit for a good part of the years I lived in Mexico and her people—mis companeros/as—have been my teachers and friends. But this has been a sad couple of weeks. October 31 I found myself locked to the front door of the Mexican Consulate in Portland, Oregon to protest the violent repression against the People’s Popular Assembly of Oaxaca (APPO), a peaceful resistance movement in Oaxaca.

This is What Recuperation Looks Like: the Rebellion in Oaxaca and the APPO (tags)

A look at the events in Oaxaca and a critical look at the APPO and its program of struggle.

Risking injury, brutality for a ride toward the U.S. (tags)

In the underground world of illegal immigration, Tultitlán a gritty suburb of Mexico City is Grand Central Station, a junction where Central American stowaways change from one freight train to another on a harrowing, often deadly, ride to the U.S. border.

Bombs Explode at Mexico City’s TRIFE, PRI and Scotia bank (tags)

Bombs Explode at Mexico City’s TRIFE, PRI and Scotia bank

Chronology of Events in Oaxaca and Mexico (tags)

A brief report from Gustavo Esteva, Oliver Frohling and myself of what is happening in Oaxaca, to add more information, yesterday november the 2nd. the people resist an attempt of the Federal Police to take the university and shot down the radio station that is the comunication sistem of the movement against the local governor. please share it with does that could be interested. love to all Sergio Beltrán (yeyo)

OAXACA Worldwide, Photos and text for flyer (tags)

Flyer to distribute to the unaware at marches and other Oaxaca solidarity actions. I was not able to upload typeset flyer, but below are the photos & text used if you want to use any. On the 8 x 10 flyer, the six photos from around the world are smaller than they appear here, about 1.5 x 1.5. The flyer includes a 3.5 x 5 photo of the girl confronting the PFP (Policia Federal Preventiva, Mexican Federal Riot Police), and a separate large poster was made just with her photo and the legend: the world is watching OAXACA November 2, 2006

Texas Testing Border Cams (tags)

The State of Texas has launched a website with 12 webcams focused on the U.S. - Mexico border.

BTL:Violence Against Strikers in Oaxaca, Mexico Triggers Solidarity Actions (tags)

Report produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

11/01 Demonstration of Oaxacans and Supporters at Mexican Consulate, with Audio Interview (tags)

Several hundred members of Oaxacan indigenous groups and their supporters picketed the Mexican Consulate today in solidarity with the people of Oaxaca. Afterward, APPO/LA member Odelia Romero provided a 10 minute interview in English explaining the nature of the Oaxacan movement and its local support groups (included).

Victory in Oaxaca! (tags)

Mexico’s Lower House of Congress has called on Ulises Ruiz to step down from office.

Photograper of Indymedia killed (tags)

Speaking at a public meeting of the Other Campaign in Buaiscobe, Sonora, when the news came in about Brad’s death, Zapatista Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, upon receiving a briefing of the day’s events in Oaxaca, told the public and the press:

PROTEST OAXACA ATTACK / San Bernardino (tags)

National Alliance for Human Rights (NAHR) Press Advisory Human Rights Activists Protest Mexican President Vicente Foxs Use of Force in Oaxaca October 30, 2006

"We Want This Border to Disappear" (tags)

Marcos in Magdalena de Kino. Zapatista: Report Back from La Otra Campaña (The Other Campaign" in Rancho El Peñasco, Mexico

Mexico becomes part of the Amerikan police state! (tags)

Mexico extradites a record 50 fugitives to the U.S. this year

10/8 | Teachers build and defend thousands of makeshift barricades throughout Oaxaca City (tags)

By John Gibler OAXACA CITY - Every night streets here become battlefields in waiting. But behind the commandeered city buses, burned trucks, and coils of barbed wire, a group of atypical urban rebels stands guard. ||A Long Weekend in Oaxaca Ends Without Military Intervention ||Student March, Climate & Oaxaca in Mexico ||We Walk Slowly: Other Campaign Update ||Oaxaca on the Brink: Popular Rebellion Spreads in Southern Mexico ||Marcha por la dignidad de los pueblos de Oaxaca ||Oaxaca une a los mexicanos contra la represión

Los Angeles Mobilizes in Support of People in Oaxaca (tags)

Tension remains high in Oaxaca City as military flights continue, creating a general anxiety among residents over a possible massive crackdown against a popular movement demanding the resignation of the state’s governor. Mexico’s Attorney General’s office said it is looking into the cases of small explosions that shattered windows and glass doors at 3 different banks in Oaxaca City yesterday. A previously unknown guerrilla group claimed responsibility for the blasts, although many suspect the attacks were staged to create a pretext for an intervention by federal forces. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a group of people is protesting in front of the Mexican Consulate, in an attempt to raise awareness about the volatile situation. (4:44 minutes and includes lede)

Beyond the Border, Sharing Responsibility for Immigration (tags)

A public forum designed to empower and inspire people to take responsibility for creating a fair, sustainable, environmentally friendly development plan with Mexico. Doing so addresses a solution to the root cause of illegal immigration.

México en estado de alerta (tags)

Oaxaca en alerta máxima ante la inminente posibilidad de que Vicente Fox ordene a los Marines mexicanos y al Ejército tomar la capital del estado.

Zapatistas in Atenco: Chapias Caracoles Reopen (tags)

Zapatista leaders meet in San Salvador de Atenco and discuss future plans.

During a public protest, politicians and ex-employee closed Coca Cola's offices in Mexico (tags)

Coca Cola FEMSA is accused of discriminating a manager for being homosexual • Openly Gay Federal Congressman supports the plaintiff in symbolic act. • ALTERNATIVA liberal political party, Mexico City’s Leader, was there as well. • The Gay Pride Organization Committee backs Roberto Mendoza.

Homeland Security bill delays rule for passports at borders (tags)

The full blown police state will be delayed by 17 months. Until you can visit Mexico and Canada with out a passport. Heil Hitler! Sorry I mean Heil Bush!

Organización LGBT mexicana apoya lucha vs Coca-Cola FEMSA (tags)

El comité organizador de la Marcha del Orgullo LGBT de la Ciudad de México muestra su apoyo público a la lucha gay de Roberto Mendoza contra la trasnacional Coca-Cola FEMSA

Reportaje desde Oaxaca / Elecciones en Venezuela... (tags)


BTL:Parallel Government Established in Mexico as... (tags)

...Millions Reject Tainted Presidential Election~Interview with the Chuck Collins, a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

South American Reality (tags)

True. Ask any American in Miami. if there are any left.

Por un gobierno de los obreros y campesinos en México (tags)

• La respuesta al fraude electoral no es López Obrador, es la extensión y centralización de las Asambleas Populares a todos los niveles por todos los estados de México


Yes this is a conspiracy theory about how scientists would be wasting money if the observation is not made that a new oil well which was reported by several news sources to have just started producing in the Gulf of Mexico might have something to do with a somewhat rare earthquake on top of the same geologic plate that the new deep water well was drilled in. They intentionally drilled into the edge of the plate.

mexirama sexorcisto (tags)

i love latinos they are so nice they are gods gift to america and the world.....

Mexican-American Delegation to meet with Lopez Obrador (tags)

Dr. Armando Navarro Leads Mexican-American Delegation to Mexico, D.F.



Camp Democracy - This is it (tags)

This is our opportunity to do what the citizens of the Ukraine, of Mexico, and of other countries do when their democracies are taken from them. This is our chance to say, "Enough is enough!"

Mexican theme park turns border crossing into sport (tags)

A place were La Migra are not jackbooted thugs? Hey they are only actors here!

Mexico: Partial Vote Recount Confirms Massive and Systematic Election Fraud (tags)

Border World (tags)

not your daddys mexico...unless you are duh-bya

BTL:Mexico's Disputed Election Enters Dangerous Phase as... (tags)

....Tribunal Rejects Full Vote Recount ~ Interview with John Ross, journalist & author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Jan 1, 2007 - The police state takes a huge step (tags)

Passports needed to enter and leave the USA from ANY country including Mexico and Canada! Heil Hitler!!! Heil Bush!! The police state is here!



Recounting Our Way to Democracy (tags)

NOT since 1910, when another controversial election sparked a revolution, has Mexico been so fraught with political tension.

Government idiots at work!!!! (tags)

The decision to continue a wolf reintroduction program was made in spite of opposition from ranchers who succeeded in having a dozen wolves killed in recent months because the wolves attacked their cattle.

Solving ecological problems by restoring indigenous wisdom (tags)

Indigenous ecoknowledge can help in solving modern man-made problems with permaculture, decolonization, dismantling border fence, riparian floodplain restoration, etc..

Counter the G8 + 5 Climate Summit! October 3-4 in Mexico City: CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW! (tags)

On Tuesday, October 3 in Mexico City, the Energy and Environment Ministers from the "Group of Eight" (G8) industrialized countries are scheduled to begin negotiating a climate change deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. They will be joined by Energy and Environment Ministers from the five "emerging" countries of Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico. All together, these "G8 + 5" countries represent 58% of the world's human population, 61% of oil consumption, 80% of coal consumption, and 73% of C02 emissions.

Aztlan | Lessons in Politics (tags)

Today, and for the present, Aztlan is a spiritual concept, an ideational concept. But what does the future hold for the indigenous peoples of Anahuac?

Calderon as ExxonMobil's welcome mat via NAFTA/PPP (tags)

The historical pattern of ExxonMobil indicates their support for pro-NAFTA/PPP Calderon and possible takeover of Mexican owned Pemex by ExxonMobil corporation (restored monopoly)..

Self starting protests of Calderon's theft @ Mexican consulate (tags)

Theft of the election by Calderon comes at a perfect time for the Bush regime and their money hungry NAFTA/WTO/PPP sponsoring corporations thirsting for the agua, labor, bosques and cultural lifeblood of Mexico's southern Sierra Madre mountains, petroleum reserves etc.. Let's not allow Calderon, another imperialist lapdog from Fox's PAN party, to steal the Mexican presidency! Choicepoint and other corporate voter fraud devices need to be removed from interfering with the democratic electoral processes..



MM Prove Too Much for GOP (tags)

Minutemen prove to be too much even for Texas Republicans

BTL:Mexico's Presidential Election Outcome in Dispute as... (tags)

...Leftist Party Cries 'Foul' ~ Interview with Michael Lettieri, Council of Hemispheric Affairs research fellow, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Cocaína,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche,Abril 10:¿CIA,Republicanos Y PAN? (tags)

Mientras que las noticias de México estan discutiendo el escándalo de los 5.5 + toneladas de cocaina capturado por el ejercito mexicano en el aeropuerto de Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico en Abril 10,2006 ninguna de ellos estan escribiendo sobre los origenes del avion DC-9 con matrícula N900SA.

Ex-border agents plead guilty to bribery (tags)

You can always trust a cop to be honest!!!! Yea Sure!!!!

How the Mexican Election was Stolen (tags)

When Lopez Obrador addressed the press at 8:30, he condemned "the spectacle of the dance of numbers" and announced that the PRD and its political allies would impugn the election -- he had proof of anomalies in 40,000 polling places (a third of the total)

Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche,Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN (tags)

Mientras que las noticias de Mexico estan discutiendo el escandalo de los 5.5 + tonelados de cocaina capturado por el ejercito Mexicana en el aeropuerto de Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico en Abril 10 ninguna de ellos estan escribiendo sobre los origenes del avion DC-9 con matricula N900SA.

Report Back from Mexico City and Toluca, Mexico 06-28-06, 06-29-06 (tags)

I stayed in Mexico until the 29th of June, and wanted to stay until the 3rd but was unable to change my flight (due to the lack of funds). This is the last report back. Now that Im back home in Los Angeles I will work on translating these into Spanish so that other communities and the people in Mexico that I met will have a chance to read them as well. A friend also talked about helping me turn the reports into a pamphlet. I like to think of the reports as a look into the struggles of Mexico right before the elections.

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from the Struggles in Mexico 06/16/06-06/29/06 (tags)

The following is a correspondence from joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.

La Otra Eleccion (tags)

la única esperanza de cambio para los migrantes es la que viene construyendo el pueblo organizado y que ahora confluye en La Otra Campaña, por lo que hicieron un llamado a todos los presentes, primero, a mantenerse informados de lo que realmente acontece en México y a organizarse mejor a nivel local, para inegrarse a La Otra Campaña pues esta lucha durará mucho tiempo.

Major candidates in Mexican election offer no solution to the social crisis (tags)

On Sunday, July 2, Mexican voters will elect a new president and a new Congress. The election takes place under conditions of mounting class tensions, as hundreds of thousands of teachers, miners and other workers have taken to the streets. None of the major candidates in the presidential election genuinely addresses the needs of the masses for decent-paying jobs, improved living standards and social programs.

Comisión Civil Internacional de Observación por los Derechos Humanos (CCIODH) en México. (tags)

Boletín de prensa n. 7 de la Comisión Civil Internacional de Observación por los Derechos Humanos (CCIODH) en México.

The Ominous Shadow of 1988 this July Mexican Presidential Election elección presidencial (tags)

With 20 Days to Go before the Vote, the Spectre of Electoral Fraud - and Subsequent Repression - Haunts a Nation La sombra siniestra de 1988 libraciones sobre la elección presidencial mexicana de este julio

The Ominous Shadow of 1988 Hovers Over this July’s Mexican Presidential Election (tags)

With 20 Days to Go before the Vote, the Spectre of Electoral Fraud - and Subsequent Repression - Haunts a Nation

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from Mexico City 06/18 and Atenco 06/19/06 (tags)


Joaquin Cienfuegos: Live from the Struggle in Mexico – Days 1 and 2 (tags)

The following is a correspondence from Joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.

Toronto activists expose Peña Nieto’s role in the violations of human rights in Atenco (tags)

Toronto, June 16^th . A group of activists denounced today Enrique Peña Nieto, governor of the state of Mexico, for having ordered a police raid on the villagers of Atenco, on May 3^rd and 4^th , resulting in the dead of two youths, the rape of 30 women, the beating of more than 200 detainees. Peña Nieto was in Toronto for the Metropolis conference of the World Association of Major Metropolises, which is made up of delegations from across the world.

New Perspectives on the Immigration Debate (tags)

At The Onion, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 7:30 PM The Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, also known as "The Onion," is located at 9550 Haskell Ave. in North Hills From Los Angeles take the 405 freeway north, exit left (westbound) on Nordhoff, go two blocks and turn right on Haskell. It's on the right side just north of Plummer. Ron Wilkins, a former member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), will be the Tuesday Night Forum guest speaker. He has worked many years toward strengthening relations between Mexican and black people. He has lectured extensively, designed and taught innovative cross-cultural courses at several colleges, displayed his "Journey to Black Mexico" photo exhibit at many venues and taken students to the Annual Meetings of Black Villages in Mexico's Costa Chica. Wilkins is a professor in the Department of Africana Studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills and Western Regional Deputy Chairman of the Patrice Lumumba Coalition. He can be contacted at:

Fallece estudiante herido por la policía en la masacre de Atenco (tags)

Esta madrugada falleció el estudiante universitario de 20 años Alexis Benhumea, quien por un mes estuvo en estado de coma, tras ser herido por la policía el pasado 4 de mayo durante el asalto a San Salvador Atenco, México

Black Love Brown Pride! (tags)

Black & Brown Hist

Down with Senate Bill 2611! (tags)

In recent months millions of immigrants have been in the streets protesting the vicious attacks that Bush and Congress are preparing to legislate against them, while local governments also formulate attacks. Behind this reactionary onslaught is the fact that the capitalists want immigrant labor, but they want it without rights so that they can more profitably exploit it. They know that without the same rights as other workers the immigrant workers have little chance in effectively resisting the rotten wages and conditions they impose on them. And they know that lack of rights makes it very difficult for immigrant workers to actively support and participate in strikes and other struggles of the "legal" U.S. workers.

A much healthier way to sneak into the USA (tags)

Some Mexican migrants take to bicycling into U.S.

Antonio Villaraigosa & Vicente Fox at Persing Square (tags)

Friday 5/26/06 2 PM

NOON: Protest Atenco / Support the Farm (tags)


Trafficking in Children Across the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)

Human Trafficking is a clandestine, transnational crime. The U.S. State Department estimates that each year up to 800,000 people, primarily women and children, are trafficked across world borders.

Down with Senate Bill 2611! (tags)

The reactionary features of this anti-immigrant bill are crystal clear. Renewed mass struggle is needed. Full rights for all immigrants!

Swiss injection rooms lead the way (tags)

Swiss injection rooms lead the way

covert operations underway in Somalia (tags)

covert operations underway in Somalia

Communiqués from the Intergalactic Commission and the Sexta Commission of the EZLN (tags)




Protest at the Mexican consulate Monday to Saturday 6:30 - 8 AM! Walmart on Sunday (tags)

6:30-8:00 am en el Consulado Mexicano (Monday to Saturday) 12:00pm - Walmart 17150 e. Gale Ave, La Puente (Sunday)

Atenco: Actions in Montreal against police repression in Mexico (tags)

The Other Campaign in Montreal organised on monday the 8th and tuesday the 9th vigils and a march in front of the Consulate of Mexico.

Atenco No Está Solo (tags)

Protestors rally near the City of Industry to fight a government-corporate land grab in the small Mexican town of San Salvador Atenco.

Coverage of Atenco in English (tags)

Does the AP and Reuters coverage of the situation in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico make you want to puke?


Stop repression against members of the Other Campaign. In Mexico, members of the Other Campaign of the Zapatist Army of National Liberation (i.e. EZLN) have been severely repressed by the police. We must make strong actions to denounce such repression.

Atenco Prisoners Launch Hunger Strike (tags)

217 prisoners began a hunger strike in central Mexico Friday protesting the conditions of their arrests and their treatment at the hands of local police. Reports have been filtering out from jail of rape, physical and mental abuse experienced by people who were arrested for their involvement in the defenses of Texcoco and Atenco. Meanwhile, five foreigners are facing deportation, about sixty people are missing, independent media makers have been targeted for arrest and one 14 year-old boy is dead.

Protest at Wal Mart in response to Repression, death and brutality of Flower vendors near (tags)

Ya Basta! Protest Wal Mart // Stop Violence in Atenco! (tags)

We are standing in Solidarity of the DEAD, injured, disappeared and arrested flower vendors and people of San Salvador Atenco, near Mexico City, who have been repressed for selling where a Wal Mart is planning to open.

For Immediate Release: WAL MART STORES TIED TO ATTACKS ON PEASANTS (May 7th action) (tags)

Movilization against Walmart in Los Angeles to support compañeros brutally repressed near Mexico City

CDIR -People's CORE Statement of the Cinco De Mayo, 2006: Que Viva La Raza! (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) and all its allied organizations in the United States send its most militant greetings to our Chicano Brothers and sisters and to the Mexican people in their celebration of Cinco De Mayo.The Cinco De Mayo, 2006 takes a significant feature this year with the success of the Greta American Boycott last May 1 and the series of immigrant mass actions from March 25 to may 1. The unity and the outpouring of the immigrant workers of all nationalities especially the Chicano people are tremendous and awesome.

Virtual Sit-in against Mexican president Fox for EZLN Red Alert (tags)


Zapatista Red Alert: The Other Mexico on the Verge of an Explosion from Below (tags)

The Story Behind the Zapatista Red Alert as the Other Campaign Arrives at Zero Hour

EZLN announces new red alert (tags)

As of the afternoon of May 3, Subcommandante Marcos of the EZLN (National Zapatista Army of Liberation) announced during a public act in Mexico City a new red alert and closure of Zapatista caracoles and suspension of activities of La Otra Campaña, which has now become a struggle to support the people of Texcoco, who for the past two days have been experiencing severe government repression.

No on HR4437 -- Boycott Kimberly Clark products (tags)

One person that will not be getting Hispanic votes in Wisconsin is Rep. James Sensenbrenner. The entire planet knows Sensenbrenner is the author/sponsor of HR 4437 which would turn 11 million undocumented immigrants into felons, punish anyone guilty of providing them assistance, and construct an iron wall between the US and Mexico.

Boycotters Who Favor Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Shoot Themselves in the Foot (tags)

The Solution to Illegal Aliens So what is the best option for the advocates of illegal aliens? Their best option would be to protest in front of buildings run by the government of Mexico. Like the Mexican Consulate buildings across this nation. They should protest against the extensive corruption in Mexico. Press the leaders in Mexico to remove corruption and address the issues in Mexico. Because while protests are held in America against businesses in America, not only do they hurt their own cause, they also give cover to the corruption in Mexico. If they were to protest the corruption in Mexico and press for change there, they would gain a much larger base of allies, me included.

Mexico welcomed fugitive slaves and African American job-seekers (tags)

New perspectives on the immigration debate

No on HR4437 -- Boycott Kimberly Clark products (tags)

Boycott Kimberly Clark products Sensenbrenner: author of HR4437 and heir to the Kimberly Clark (Kleenex) fortune .

May 1: Zapatistas/ La Otra 2 March on US Embassy in Solidarity with Migrants (tags)

"It was there that Marcos decided to drop an information bomb on two governmental powers: the Mexican federal government and 'the Yankee Embassy' of Washington and Wall Street:

Regarding Ted Hayes and 'Black' Minutemen (tags)

"The earth was created by the assistance of the sun, and it should be left as it was... The country was made without lines of demarcation, and it is no man's business to divide it..." --Chief Joseph, NEZ PERCE

Boycott Against Immigrant Repression and for Gulf Coast Reconstruction! (tags)

May 1st – “May Day” – is celebrated by millions of workers throughout the world to express the need for worker solidarity in the struggles for workers rights and human rights. It began based on a struggle by US workers in the 1880’s for the eight-hour day and in opposition to government repression against the labor movement. The May 1st Boycott must also be a mobilization that calls for a major campaign to build Black and Brown unity as an anchor for the unity of people of color and workers in struggling for human rights and global justice.

Marching Against Law and Common Sense (tags)


Manifest Destiny Redux (tags)

The solution to our immigration problem is right under our noses. Annex Mexico and incorporate it into the United States.


According to ABC, yesterday "Taliban" terrorists bombed a US government supported school in that nation. This demonstrates the Afghani revolutionary ability to discern the threat from the current political climate and agenda being voiced in Bush's America and obviously in retaliation for the approximately 4 million Mexican insurgents imported during the last 5 years via a blind eye in the Bush administration concerning immigration regulation.

In the Spirit of Zapata (tags)

The call for justice and human dignity rang out through East LA as hundred of marchers took to the streets to evoke the spirit of liberator and revolutionary Emiliano Zapata and to honor the EZLN, today's Zapatistas.


6 APRIL 2006. MEXICO CITY MONTHLY.- It’s a tragic-cynical reality show. The street is a mesh where rich and poor mingle without suspicion, but not because they want to be good neighbors. The rich have no guarantee of happiness, but they do have a secure present. This will continue because the poor don't hate them yet, since they can’t even imagine the macabre nature of income distribution. When they find out, everything could burst into crime.

Dear Just Wondering - So many myths, So little time (tags)

"just wonderings" post is so full of falsehoods about immigration its hilarious, but also indicate of the ignorance of the anti-immigrant crowd. Even with a rudimentary understanding of the historical dynamic between the U.S. and Mexican society one can trash such a flaccid attempt at satire.

Wage war on poverty, not immigrants (tags)

"Si se puede!" Yes we can. They marched by the hundreds of thousands in Los Angeles, by the tens of thousands in Milwaukee, in Phoenix, in New York. Across the country, Hispanics dramatically entered what has been an increasingly ugly debate about immigration in this country.

Illegal Alien Anglos in Mexico (tags)

Los Yankees


I have been inundated lately with a flood of articles analyzing the pros and cons of the various immigration bills, the impact of immigration on our social structures, the changing face of the color of our population, etc. I think there is something seriously missing in almost the entire discussion and analysis about immigrants; and that is the fact that the majority of them are misplaced people.

Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants! (tags)

Down With Racist U.S. Imperialism! For Socialist Revolution on Both Sides of the Border!

La Gran Marcha: The Sleeping Giant Awakes (tags)

On March 25, immigrants and their supporters shook the halls of Congress, and, just maybe, changed history.

Bring a Friend to the FArm 3/19 (tags)

Havent' had a chance to visit the South Central Farm Yet??? Want an excuse to bring your friends or family to the Farm? CARPOOL FROM SANTA ANA and Riverside. Carpool leaves at 11am from Centro cultural de Mexico in Santa Ana or 11am from Riverside, email for details.

Intentan ocultar Guerra Sucia en México (tags)

El gobierno de Fox no se atreve a difundir su Nunca Más y es reprobado en Derechos Humanos

Remembering what matters (tags)

[This post was promoted from a comment to a lead post. The original post to which is was a comment was, basically, a troll post. The statement here, however, is relevant to the trolling that has been going on lately, where anti-Mexican agitators are posting stories about Mexico on this newswire, particularly stories about rape. What they're doing is a not-so-subtle campaign to bad-jacket people of Mexican descent. -eds]

The Arizona Minuteman comes to Costa Mesa (tags)

Blasting President George W. Bush for being weak on "homeland security," Simcox demanded that National Guard and U.S. military troops be placed in "civic observation posts" all along the U.S./Mexico border. "I don't care if it offends the government of Mexico or the people of Mexico," Simcox told the approving crowd. "I don't care about the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo! Your country got beat! Our army got what it wanted! And that's history! You follow by our rules now!"


Ciertos asesores políticos extranjeros en México venden los secretos de anteriores campañas electorales al mejor postor: van con quien los contrate más allá de toda ideología o fidelidad partidista.

Mexico admits anti-immigrant stance (tags)

MEXICO CITY – Mexico's federal Human Rights Commission acknowledged yesterday that the country mistreats many immigrants – mainly Central Americans – and uses some of the same methods on them that it opposes in the United States.


The results of the census, carried out in October and November, were at least 2 million less than originally had been projected.

“López Obrador instaurará una izquierda sin excesos dogmáticos de delirio” (tags)

Ciudad de México.- Uno de los principales estrategas y hombre de confianza del candidato puntero a la presidencia de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, del PRD, es sin duda Ricardo Monreal, ex gobernador del estado de Zacatecas. El hoy relevante constructor del tejido de las redes ciudadanas extendidas por todo el país en apoyo del presidenciable tabasqueño, en la primera etapa de la campaña hacia las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio, define ideología política, similitudes y distancias con las izquierdas latinas, y aclara los vínculos o diferencias con las mismas.

DUTY- FREE, México City´s Free Trade Agreement (tags)

Hey man, enough with articles that criticize street vendors. We´re all in it together. What´s the big deal? Don´t have any money? Go out and sell something. Don´t have a steady job? What do you want it for? It´s a drag dealing with the boss, bad pay, and lousy hours. On the street, you are the king or improvisation.

Bull's Blood – Seeing Red (tags)

animals are chased around and stabbed repeatedly before they are killed by a knife to the back of the neck.

Violence against indigenous women a lesson to us all (tags)

Men have now used the desert itself as a verbal threat to women of what may happen to them if they do not obey.


D O N 'T M I SS T H I S E V E N T...... HERE IN LOS ANGELES..... SATURDAY Feb. 11th @ 6:30 pm (SEE THE SPANISH VERSION BELOW FOR THE ADDRESS) A DOUBLE FEATURE VIDEO PRESENTATION OF INDIGENOUS LIFE IN OAXACA.....THE PRODUCER WILL BE PRESENT AND AVAILABLE FOR DISCUSSION "El Istmo de Tehuantepec: resistencia indigena frente a los megaproyectos de laglobalizacion economica", se presentaran dos videos.............

Call to All Indigenous Peoples and All People Fighting for Justice (tags)

This Tashunka Witko Brigade radio program, in English and Spanish, features an interview with the organizer of the Ceremonial Run for Indigenous Dignity in BC. This run is part of the efforts to fulfill the prophecy of the condor and the eagle to unite all indigenous peoples.

I guess this really wasn't a good idea. (tags)

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a citizen border watch group, said it would use the maps to strategically place its teams of volunteers to better report illegal crossings to the U.S. Border Patrol.

The Other Campaign: Zapatistas Seek United Left (tags)

ZApatistas tour Mexico to unite farmers, workers, and students. EZLN retain armed formations.

Mexico Honors Indians of the Past? (tags)

But the living descendants of Montezuma are not allowed to eat in some of Mexico City's best restaurants.

Mexican comic character -- lovable or loathsome? (tags)

Many Mexicans refer to dark-skinned persons, both Mexican and non-Mexican, as "negritos," or little black people

Racism in Mexico* (tags)

Indians are often not allowed to do the easier plant packing work; ostensibly because they are "too short" to reach the vegetables to sort and pick them. Migrant farm workers in the south have been subjected to discriminatory police brutality. These people claim that police specifically target them for abuse. Reports indicate that the police target those with "markers" of being Indian, such as skin color and height.

CORIAC (tags)

Traditionally, Mexican culture is hierarchical in nature and there is a definite leaning toward a "macho" approach in the way men interact with women. Male superiority is a given, and the majority of women are oppressed and brutalized by their menfolk in everyday life. According to the Human Rights Commission, in Mexico City, 80% of female victims of domestic violence are victims on multiple occasions.

Mexico (tags)

PROSTITUTION " Military personnel are prostituting Mexican women in Chiapas. Soldiers pay 100 pesos for virgins, 50 pesos for other girls, the prettiest are sold to high-ranking officers. Girls, 11-13 year olds, are sold by their fathers into prostitution. The girls are dishonored, while their fathers are not.

Minutemen Arrested in Mexico (tags)

Minutemen Arrested in Mexico

Declaración: No guerra contra migrantes (tags)

Indigenous people, Mexicanos, Chicanos and others march through downtown Los Angeles to demand the U.S. end targeting people of indigenous and Mexican descent.

Mexico's refusal to hear massacre case decried (tags)

MEXICO CITY - Human rights activists accused Mexico's highest court of upholding a "culture of impunity" Thursday after the judges refused to hear a genocide case against former President Luis Echeverria.

Minutemen taking up position IN Mexico (tags)

A Racist organization that is a spinoff of the now defunct Friends of the Border Patrol has entered Mexico and is taking up position for a week of migrant hunting about 10 miles East of Campo.

Local Marine Killed In Iraq (tags)

Raul Mercado, of Monrovia, chose to enlist in the Marine Corps, hoping someday to get into West Point. On Saturday, he was killed in Iraq when his vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb. He was 21.


Community Vigil at UCLA for Comandante Ramona of the EZLN who has recently passed.

Making Demands, Are We? (tags)

Making demands like a spoiled child...

Digna Ochoa, Human Rights Champion, Murdered (tags)

EZLN Otra Campana asambleas begin (tags)

The Zapatistas began today the first of a series of town-hall like meetings that will comprise the bulk of a six-month nationwide caravan dubbed as the Other Campaign. The campaign will touch every state in Mexico and aspires to form a wide-ranging non-electoral and anti-capitalist alliance that can be a powerful enough of a force to implement a new constitution for Mexico.

Wrong Approach (tags)

We may be able to find a middle ground in resolving the issue of unregulated migration into the US from Mexico.

United Resistance (tags)

Strategies of the US and Mexico against the People of the Americas.

Mass Deportation to Mexico in 1930s Spurs Apology (tags)

It was 1931. The administration of President Herbert Hoover backed a policy that would deport hundreds of thousands of Mexican Americans, more than half of them United States citizens.

Photos, quick report on protest/march against Costa Mesa police (tags)

Members of A.N.S.W.E.R., Colectivo Tonantzin, S.E.I.U., Anarchists, and more protested and marched in Costa Mesa.

Mexico Admits Poor Treatment of Migrants (tags)

Mexico Commission Acknowledges Poor Treatment of Migrants Within Its Own Territory

Aspartame Battle Progresses in New Mexico and in the United Kingdom (tags)

Aspartame Battle Moves from New Mexico Boards to As Yet Undelivered Attorney General's Opinion; Member of UK Parliament ment, Roger Williams, calls for UK Ban of Aspartame as Neurotoxic, Carcinogenic, and Neurodegenerative Artificial Sweetener

tooth faries (tags)

mothers of the dissappered america project save diana dawn

++Zapatistas: Intergalactic encounter++ (tags)

The Zapatistas from Chiapas, Mexico, announce their plans for a intergalactic encounter “from below and from the left”. Intergalactic because they struggle for “a world in which all worlds can fit”.

Zapatistas: Intergalactic encounter (tags)

The Zapatistas from Chiapas, Mexico, announce their plans for a intergalactic encounter “from below and from the left”. Intergalactic because they struggle for “a world in which all worlds can fit”.

Arizona Resident Causes New Mexico Water Poisoning (tags)


SOS is talking about burning the Mexico's Flag (tags)

Glen Spencer of American Border Patrol burns the Mexican Flag and SOS approves it.

To save the Bay of La Paz & Gulf of California (tags)

This is an effort to save the most biologically diverse body of water on earth.

Local Marine Killed In Iraq (tags)

Marine Lance Cpl. Sergio Escobar, of Pasadena, CA, was killed in Iraq on October. 9, 2005, roughly two months after he arrived in Iraq.

Organicemos la Semana latinoamericana del arte independiente (tags)

Quienes estén de acuerdo con la convocatoria por favor firmen abajo dejando su mail y cualquier dato que consideren útil y, de ser posible, reenvíen a los interesados. Hasta encontrar un medio más idóneo para el intercambio pueden contar todos con esta página También pueden visitar

Entrevista con Gilbert González (tags)

La realidad es que por más de 100 años la migración ha sido una consecuencia social de las actividades del capital norteamericano en México...

Mexico is actively abetting non-Mexican illegal immagrants into Texas (tags)


Sonoran antelope habitat fragmented by border wall (tags)

With all the economic hype about the border wall, would like to introduce to the human population a resident of the desert that considers both sides of the imaginary US/Mex border their home..

California Groups Unite Against Minutemen (tags)

On Saturday, September 17 at 5:00 p.m., groups and individuals from across Southern California are caravanning to Calexico to stop the minutemen.

Why the Minutemen failed (tags)

The Minutmen's appeal to the far right ignored the source of illegal immigration, economic inequality between US and Mexico, instead they focused on the border wall band-aid and appealed to phony nationalism..

To Starve Or To Smother: US Bad-Neighbor Trade Policies (tags)

For those who are following the latest news on the topic of revolutions in motion and rotten u.s. policies, this an excellent op ed piece, feel free to send it onto other media sites.

Coalition of Minutemen and Migrant Groups? (tags)

A coalition of Minutepeople and Migrant-rights groups working together would really get the attention needed to make this nation aware. The real illegal aliens are the corporations that cross natural and cultural borders with impunity and are destroying the environment and people’s lives in the name of “global progress.” The only border that needs protecting is the moral and practical one that will shield us from this plunder and the destruction of quality living standards in ALL countries.

For the first time in Orange County, son jarocho & hip-hop on one stage! (tags)

July 29, Friday! 29 de Julio, el viernes! For the first time in Orange County, son jarocho & hip-hop on one stage! Musica de resistencia, comin' atcha!

Mexico won't grant immunity to Bush war criminals (tags)

Mexican officials said on Wednesday they have already made it clear to Washington that they will not sign a pact to grant U.S. military personnel special immunity from the International Criminal Court.

Xilangos Protest for Che (tags)

New Militants of Mexico (Satire)

Minuteman Clifford Alford threatens ACLU with lawsuit (tags)

Vigilante Clifford Alford of the New Mexico Minutemen threatens to sue ACLU of New Mexico after ACLU-NM suspended its Las Cruces chapter. Yet, Alford has openly admitted to infiltrating the ACLU in Las Cruces.

Minuteman Clifford Alford admits to infiltrating ACLU (tags)

Clifford Alford, New Mexico chapter manager for James Chase's border vigilante organization Border Watch, openly admits to infiltrating the ACLU. Excerpt from Fox News transcript, and link to Associated Press article confirming infiltration, included.

Fox News lifts New Mexico Minutemen from obscurity (tags)

Fox News publicizes James Chase and Clifford Alford's New Mexico Minutemen, whips up reaction against migrant proletarians and hysterical right-wing attacks against the ACLU.

Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona (tags)

We are now going to tell you what we want to do in the world and in Mexico, because we cannot watch everything that is happening on our planet and just remain quiet, as if it were only we were where we are.

Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist wants to redistribute the wealth in Mexico and America (tags)

Announces two interviews on "illegal" immigration from two vastly different viewpoints.



Mexico Poststamp Denounced (tags)

A Caucus of the Chicano Movement has Denounced Mexican Stamp

Mexican stamp with racist motif (tags)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- The Mexican government has issued a postage stamp depicting an exaggerated black cartoon character known as Memin Pinguin, just weeks after remarks by President Vicente Fox angered U.S. blacks. The series of five stamps released for general use Wednesday depicts a child character from a comic book started in the 1940s that is still published in Mexico. The boy, hapless but lovable, is drawn with exaggerated features, thick lips and wide-open eyes. His appearance, speech and mannerisms are the subject of kidding by white characters in the comic book. Activists said the stamp was offensive, though officials denied it. "One would hope the Mexican government would be a little more careful and avoid continually opening wounds," said Sergio Penalosa, an activist in Mexico's small black community on the southern Pacific coast. "But we've learned to expect anything from this government, just anything," Penalosa said. In May, Fox riled many by saying that Mexican migrants take jobs in the United States that "not even blacks" want. Fox expressed regret for any offense the remarks may have caused, but insisted his comments had been misinterpreted. Carlos Caballero, assistant marketing director for the Mexican Postal Service, said the stamps are not offensive, nor were they intended to be. "This is a traditional character that reflects part of Mexico's culture," Caballero said. "His mischievous nature is part of that character." However, Penalosa said many Mexicans still assume all blacks are foreigners, despite the fact that at one point early in the Spanish colonial era, Africans outnumbered Spanish in Mexico. "At this point in time, it was probably pretty insensitive" to issue the stamp, said Elisa Velazquez, an anthropologist who studies Mexico's black communities for the National Institute of Anthropology and History. "This character is a classic, but it's from another era," Velazquez said. "It's a stereotype and you don't want to encourage ignorance or prejudices." The 6.50-peso (60 cent) stamps -- depicting the character in five poses -- was issued with the domestic market in mind, but Caballero noted it could be used in international postage as well. A total of 750,000 of the stamps will be issued. Ben Vinson, a black professor of Latin American history at Penn State University, said he has been called "Memin Pinguin" by some people in Mexico. He also noted that the character's mother is drawn to look like an old version of the U.S. advertising character Aunt Jemima. The stamps are part of a series that pays tribute to Mexican comic books. Memin Pinguin, the second in the series, was apparently chosen for this year's release because it is the 50th anniversary of the company that publishes the comic. Publisher Manelick De la Parra told the government news agency Notimex that the character would be sort of a goodwill ambassador on Mexican letters and postcards. "It seems nice if Memin can travel all over the world, spreading good news," de la Parra said, calling him "so charming, so affectionate, so wonderful, generous and friendly."



EZLN, letter of explaination and/or perhaps farewell (tags)

Letter re; the RED ALERT

Aztlán for Sale (tags)

Loans for Mexican Nationals offered by USDA to purchase rural property in USA.

¡Viva Cinco de Mayo! (tags)

As Xicanos and Mexicanos celebrate this significant day with folkloric dance, mariachi music, parades, and other festivities… let us remember that at its core Cinco de Mayo represents the victory of the people over colonialism and imperialism. - Xispas Staff

BTL:Mexican Civil Society Rises Up to Protest Ruling Party's Attempt to... (tags)

...Keep Progressive Candidate Off Presidential Ballot~ Interview with John Ross, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Hunters and the Hunted on the Arizona Border (tags)

Minutemen Vigilantes Target Immigrants


MINUTEMEN are patrolling AZ border, armed with various weapons, and have already "captured" as much as 141 people. WE MUST NOT BE SILENT DURING THIS! ORGANIZE NOW!

Playas NM New SS/OHS Training camp (tags)

Homeland Security Schutzstaffien And "Terrorists"

Homeland Security Schutzstaffien And "Terrorists" (tags)

The Homeland Security Training Centre For The Empire's Terrorist Network

Mex/CA Cotton workers & cancer (tags)

Corporate cotton, rio agua theft, pesticide exposure and worker cancer, loss of indigenous culture in maquiladoras, Chiapas/Oaxaca impacts of NAFTA/WTO/PPP/etc..

This Is What Free Trade Looks Like (tags)

On March 4, Flor y Canto brings you "This is What Free trade Looks Like" a new film by the Activist Media Project Los Angeles. It takes a Global South perspective on Free Trade in order to contextualize the increasingly fierce resistance movements emerging around the world today.

SANTA ANA***CELEBRATE re-opening of El Centro Cultural De Mexico (tags)

this saturday, live show, free food!! help celebrate this very important community space in the santaana

zapatista night RIVERSIDE (tags)


Military Force At Hachita NM (tags)

Presumably busting pot smugglers....

Mexican Mural School - Art of Estaño (tags)

A new website reveals the history of the Mexican Muralist Movement and one American artist’s personal connection to it. Philip Stein, also known as Estaño, worked alongside the famed Mexican Muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros from 1948 to 1958. He assisted the Mexican master in painting some of his most famous murals. Now a brand new website showcases the stirring artworks created during Estaño’s long career.

FEMICIDE, la Violación, el Tormento, y la Mutilación de millares de Mujeres en Guatemala y (tags)

FEMICIDE, la Violación, el Tormento, y la Mutilación de millares de Mujeres en Guatemala y México

CKUT Radio: The Battle of Guadalajara Mexico - A Radio Documentary (tags)


American Dream Slipping Away (tags)

The American Dream Slipping Away from the Middle Class

AFL-CIO Leadership are Responsible for Defeats (tags)

With no serious alternative to Schwarzenegger, and with their support of the Team Concept, California's labor leaders have nothing to say to their members as usual.

Coming Soon to an Election Near You, Democratic Vote Fraud! (tags)

¡Qué paren de perseguir a los inmigrantes hasta la muerte! (tags)

Los inmigrantes mexicanos que intentan cruzar la frontera con Estados Unidos por el desierto de Sonora están muriendo a velocidad récord. El refuerzo de la frontera en las zonas urbanas ha obligado a la gente a cruzar el mortífero desierto, y 72 inmigrantes han muerto ya en Arizona en lo que va de año.


Communiqué from the Asociación Diáspora Vasca inviting you to sign in behalf of the freedom of the six Basques nationalists detained for over a year in Mexico.

Video editor sought (tags)

voluneer needed to help edit video on Afro-Mexican communities. ColorLines Project. call 323-936-5417

Border Blaster Continues to Interfere with kpfK Signal (tags)

Yesterday afternoon power failed on Mount Wilson and Pacifica's kpfK ceased transmission for over one hour. Most LA listeners tuned to 90.7 FM could clearly hear classical musical being broadcast from Tijuana station XLNC.

Los Angeles Vigil for Guadalajara Political Prisoners (tags)

June 10, 2004 Mobilization against Mexico’s repressive treatment of persons caught up in police sweeps following the ALCUE trade meeting has reached L. A.

The Targets are Venezuela and Cuba-New Intrigues of US Imperialism (tags)


Students in Mexico are victims of the Dirty War (tags)

In the last few months, several students have been attacked and beaten by undercover infiltrators for trying to have a voice in the university councils and the center of activism at UNAM - Okupa Che Guevara - is under threat of eviction. The current situation with Pavel (see below) has had very little coverage outside of the university and has continued to be declared by the media as a suicide. Pavel was very active and participated in a lot of events at Che and was a dedicated volunteer of Smaliyel.

5 De Mayo - Its Not Just History (tags)

Reactionaries who supported clericalism, racism, militarism, occupation, and international finance invaded Mexico 142 years ago, Bush & Republican Congress just as reactionary today..

Activista Universitario asesinado en Mexico (tags)

La "guerra sucia" presente con el autodenominado "gobierno del cambio".

Hydrogen HUMvee Highway 2 martial law (tags)

Arnold's recent visit 2 UC Davis heralded his hydrogen highway HUMvee plan 4 CA. The water needed 4 the hydrogen fuel cells no doubt diverted from the local rivers?

Playas New Mexico Becoming Home Of Homeland Security Training (tags)

The Fourth Reich Thrives In New Mexico.

Los Angeles Social Centers (tags)

This is a thread of photos mapping Los Angeles' Social Centers, or Cafes.


On Monday, March 1, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. at the Federal Building downtown LA, located on the 300 North Los Angeles St. Los Angeles, CA 90012. * TO JOIN THE MARCH 1ST. WORLDWIDE SOLIDARITY MOBILIZATION WITH VENEZUELA DEMOCRATIC ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF PRESIDENT CHAVEZ! * TO DEMAND: HANDS OFF VENEZUELA!

Mexicans destroying environment (tags)

Seals and Dolphins Wash Up on Mexican Beach

Bush's Immigrant Trap (tags)


End Israeli Settlement Activity (tags)


Solidarity With Los Indigenos en Morelos (tags)

Zapatisitas in Tlalnepantla, Morelos declared their town an autonomous zone and are being responded to with violence by the Mexican government. Anytime a group declares independence from a repressive government corporation, they undermine the capitalist elite's profit base. Money is behind the Mexican government's land grab..

Mexicans denouce U.S. occupation of Iraq (tags)

Members of the Mexican political party Partido de Trabajo (Workers Party), and thousands of their supporters join a protest against the U.S. occupation of in Iraq. During the mass march in Monterrey, Mexico, Sunday, Jan. 11, 2004, the demonstrators denounced imperialism, war, and the exploitation of workers. The "Special Summit of the Americas", where more than 20 heads of state will be attending, begins in Mexico on Monday, Jan. 12, 2004. (AP Photo/Kathryn Cook)

Building Bridges Radio -NAFTA at 10 (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

BTL:Mexico's Zapatista Movement Strengthens Its Base of Support on... (tags)

...10th Anniversary of Chiapas Rebellion. Interview with Tom Hansen, Mexico Solidarity Network, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Nation resounds to call: Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)

WASHINGTON – A crowd of 3,000 people at Constitution Hall, Nov. 9, erupted in cheers when Al Gore called for repeal of the Patriot Act to stop George W. Bush’s assault on the Bill of Rights.

The Real Cancun Part II: Voices of the Campesinos (tags)


US to the 3rd World: ''Do as I say, not as I do'' (tags)

Emerging markets like Brazil, India, and Mexico should not strive for a mythical free-market economy (which never existed, nor follow the encomiums of US special interests -- for they preach free markets but rely on the government to advance their aims.

The Real Cancun Part I (tags)


Tonight! We Interrupt This Empire... film screening in Chinatown! (tags)

Friday, Oct 11, 8PM $5-10 Sliding scale, suggested donation at C-Level (

Oct 10, 11 'We Interrupt This Empire...' Film Screenings (tags)

Thursday Oct 10, 7:30PM at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood Friday Oct 11, 8PM at C-Level in Chinatown Some of the filmmakers will be present at the screenings for Q & As.

Miami Farce: Rebelde Articulado (tags)

Another Future is Necessary! Let us take the Cancun victory forward and win battle to end 4WW before hegemonic policies of the US-EU Empire kill more millions everywhere. WTO, FTAA-ALCA-NAFTA disbanded, replaced with open forum to address many problems faced everyday by most people:

Cancun Confrontation: Thousands Protest the WTO and Capitalist Globalization (tags)


Mexico and WtO: La Bella y La Fea (tags)

Everywhere today, every aspect of our lives is being violently reorganized. Everywhere the system is at work dissolving us, our labor, our land, our culture into flows of capital.”

Mexico-The Zapatista Army and the Caracoles-A Marxist Analysis (tags)



Over ten thousand people have so far gathered in Cancun Mexico to protest against the WTO Ministerial Conference of blood suckers. The top photo shows protestors with a large painting of Mexican peasant revolutionay hero Emiliano Zapata, who fought for the seizure of lands from the wealthy and their distribution to the landless poor farmers. Bottom photo shows Farm activist Walden Bello speaking to a gathering of farm protesters on a stage bedecked with portraits of revolutionary heroes Che Guevara, left, and Agusto Cesar Sandino. Sandino, a Nicaraguan nationalist and patriot... fought a long guerilla war against the U.S. Army, who occupied his country in the 1930's. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Cancun IMC Needs Your Help (tags)

Emergency Funds needed for the Media Center to cover the WTO in Cancun, Mexico.

WTO CANCUN - latest updates (tags)

The next ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization will take place in Cancun, Mexico on September 10-15. From the 8th on, a huge mobilization will greet the meeting with creative protest and visions of alternatives. Below is our report on some of the preliminary organizing we did last week in Cancun and Mexico City.


CCRI-CG of the EZLN and the Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities of Chiapas

Micro Madness (tags)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- Borrowing from technology for tracking pets, a U.S. company on Thursday launched Mexican sales of microchips that can be implanted under a person's skin and used to confirm health history and identity.

A Day Hopeful and Radiant: The Miami Call to Action (final draft) (tags)

This day is called the feast of Crispian: He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. She that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast her neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:' Then will she strip her sleeve and show her scars. And say 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.'

Who deserves to be mourned in America? (tags)

Regarding Mr. Raimondo's contention that Native Americans had no right to the soil.... I wonder how such a staunch libertarian can hold such Whitmanesque ideals that smack of manifest destiny.

Explosives Planted In Towers, New Mexico Technology Expert Says (tags)

  The collapse of the buildings appears "too methodical" to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van Romero, vice president for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Violence in Southeast Mexico (tags)

As a dialogue between U.S. and Mexican state officials continues in Nashville, TN, police violence in Mexico intensifies.

Living Wage Laws Killing Jobs and Businesses (tags)

Local 'Living Wage' ordinances passed by well meaning city councils are killing jobs and businesses. The author of this article is President and CEO of K-BOB'S Steakhouses, a family restaurant chain headquartered in New Mexico, with 26 locations in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and Oklahoma.

Vonnegut on Twain (tags)

A good read.

Dreams and Nightmares (tags)

"Humanity has always dreamt of a better world, one marked by equality, solidarity and the ability of all people to survive and develop their human potential. Today we are living through a nightmare in a new era of world domination: that of armed neoliberalism.."

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Press Conference (tags)

Press conference on Republicans' attempt to link migration and immigration policies to Mexico's cooperation with US oil interests.



Zapatistas' statement on "We Work for Peace and Justice" (tags)

"In all ways, in all places, in all languages and with all colors, we are saying: NO to the war!"

Dying to work: Humanitarian disaster on the desert (tags)

SASABE, Sonora, Mexico – The Sonoran desert has a delicate, haunting beauty. Hundreds of species of birds, cacti and lizards have adapted to survive its lack of water and brutal temperatures exceeding 120 degrees. The list of these desert-hardy species does not include human beings.

Abe Magil: A tribute to a working class, Marxist journalist (tags)

Marxist journalist and pamphleteer. Devoted family man and friend. Poet. Editor. Political leader. All of these describe Abe Magil, who died in January.

Farm Labor Leaders Slam Bush over Mexico Pressures at UN (tags)

Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America; Arturo Rodriguez, president of the UFW; and Baldemar Velasquez, president of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, tell Bush to stop pressuring the Mexican government to vote at the UN for a war the Mexican people overwhelmingly oppose.

War soon please. (tags)

Wake up from the ditto storm. Think for yourself and do not follow the heard in the streets of LA.


You can make a difference from your home! Take email/phone action now!

EMAIL/PHONE ACTION! Contact Consulates/Embassies! (tags)

You can make a difference from your home! Take email/phone action now!


Voces femeninas desde la ciudad de Mexico; su modo de vivir y sufrir el trabajo y la familia, la vida política y la historia de una identidad en cambio. 09:03 min


Entrevista y presentación musical de Carlos, vendedor y poeta habitante de las calles de la ciudad de Mexico. 06:08 min

In God we trust (tags)

About the Bush war

Manifestación violenta del poder mediático en Mexico (tags)

La segnda myor cadena de televisión en Mexico toma la justicia entrea sus manos mientras el gobierno federal se muestra indeciso en la aplicación de la leyes.

Delincuencia y seguridad publica en Mexico en tiempos de la policia mundial (tags)

El nuevo proyecto de seguridad pública del gobierno de la ciudad de Mexico inluye entre cercanos colaboradores al ex-alcalde de New York, Rudolph Guiliani que asegura que la capital azteca será un lugar libre de la delincuencia antes de 4 años, tiempo restante del actual presidente.

Text of Zapatista speeches, January 1st, 2003 (tags)

On January 1st, 2003 the EZLN Comandancia (General Command) addressed a crowd in the plaza of the cathedral in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, breaking nearly 2 years of silence.

Nautical Ecocide Threatens the World's Aquarium (tags)

(versión en Español pendiente) Analysis of the Escalera Nautica or Nautical Stairway project in Northwest Mexico, with regards to environmental impact and global economic forces.

Benefit Show This Saturday (tags)

Benefit show this Saturday in Santa Ana. Bring all your friends, and read below for the deal'eo.

pbnberkeley news notice - 12/13/02 (tags)

Publishing, republishing and compiling community news and event information promoting global peace and working class solidarity and NO WAR!

Global McSLow as fuck day - solidarity with Argentine struggle (tags)

A call to action addressed to all McDonalds workers from McDonalds Workers Resistance `McGO-SLOW AS FUCK', DEC. 21st In solidarity with the anti-McDonalds prisoners in Mexico and with the popular rebellion in Argentina

Reversal of Fortune -part II (tags)

In my first e-mail/ post "Reversal of Fortune" I discussed how the 1962 Democratic sweep was a near mirror image of the reverse GOP victory in '02. I asked what caused such a complete reversal of fortune over the last 40 years. The JFK assassination 13 months after the '62 election that had held so much hope for change was first step of such reversal.

The Spirit of La Magdalena- Fighting Campesinos (tags)


¡VIVA SIQUEIROS! A new life for Revolutionary Art (tags)

The last surviving mural in the U.S. by the Mexican Revolutionary Artist, David Alfaro Siqueiros, is now on display in Santa Barbara California.


What Nativism & Xenophobia have to do with Bilingual / Bicultural Education in America

Running Down The Walls!!! Oct 19(9am-4pm) (tags)

Fundraising Run/Jog/Walk in Griffith Park, for U.S. Political Prisoners/Prisoners of War and the Autonomous Settllement of Maclovio Rojas in Northern Mexico

Globalizing Justice in the Peten Jungle of Guatemala (tags)

Speaker from Peter rainforest comes to LA to speak about Plan Puebla Panama on October 7th.

Call for Southwest Anarchist Input (tags)

This is an attempt to get some response from southwest anarchists regarding their opinions and thoughts on a southwest anarchist conference. We would appreciate responses from both individuals or collectives. Please reply by Sept. 23, 2002 to be included in this decision.

Mexicans protesting proposed Costco face charges of rebellion, sabotage (tags)

Officials in the southern Mexico state of Morelos threw the book Friday at 28 protesters who briefly blocked roads around a site where U.S. retailer Costco plans to build a controversial shopping center, charging them with rebellion, sabotage, attack and causing injuries.


Does anyone know if there were protest in New Mexico today. If so post links.


The Electronic Disturbance Theater will launch a FloodNet action or virtual sit in against the OAS and Mexican government, in solidarity with the families of disappeared and murdered young women of Juarez.

Update on Family Spirit Walk (tags)

The Family Spirit Walk for Mother Earth is walking 800 miles from Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico to the Nevada Test Site, "taking every step in prayer" for every living thing affected by the U.S. military and the environmental damage caused by military actions globally. The walk will arrive at the Action For Nuclear Abolition Nonviolent Direct Action Peace Camp on Indigenous Peoples' Day, October 11th.



Demonstration in Solidarity with the people of San Salvador Atenco (tags)

Below is the text of the press release from the Comite Zapatista de Los Angeles (CZLA) in advance of today's demonstration in solidarity with the people of San Salvador Atenco held outside the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles. The spanish version follows the english.

SOLIDARITY WITH UPRISING IN MEXICO, info, where to get translations (tags)

Information about, where to get translations about, uprising in Mexico by farmers who are protesting the building of an airport on their land. GLOBAL SOLIDARITY!

Report on the March For Zapata from La Opinion (in Spanish) (tags)

A report on the April 7th March for Zapata in East Los Angeles from La Opinion, Los Angeles largest-circulation spanish language daily newspapaer.

CINCO DE MAYO - Art Show (tags)

Cinco de Mayo Artshow in the NoHo Arts district of North Hollywood

Support Needed for Jailed Anarchist in Mexico (tags)

A young Mexican anarchist has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. International support is urgently needed.

Mexico City TierraViva Community Garden Project (tags)

A summary of the interview I did with Raul of the Mexico City TierraViva project. I met him and talked to him at the Schindler Houses where Belgiay artist Koby Mattys was hosting a serries known as Lobby-in-the-Rear.

Angolan Rebel Leader Reportedly Killed (tags)

BBC Reports That UNITA Leader Jonas Savimbi Is Killed In Angola

33 1/3 Gallery Presents Zapatista Photo Exhibit (tags)

A New Suite of Photos by B+ and Eric Coleman Titled Seven Days On La Marcha

LA--Ciudad de Mexico--Chiapas caravan (tags)

Details/meeting time for caravan to Chiapas from LA

Murder of Mexican Human Rights Attorney Raises Questions about President Fox's.. (tags)

Roberto Rodriguez is a columnist and activist based in Texas. He spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about Digna Ochoa's murder and the anticipated response of the Vicente Fox government.

Thousands of Latinos Rally for the United States (tags)

At Olvera Plaza yesterday night, a crowd of about 5,000 Latinos gathered for a vigil to commememorate those who died in Tuesday's tragedy and show their support for the United States. One of the participants told me the event took the place of a celebration of Mexico's Independence Day.

GM and McDonalds bombed in Mexico (tags)

McDonalds and a GM showroom in Mexico were bombed on Sept. 1st.

Co-fournder of Self-Help Graphics Dies (tags)

Only three years after the death of Self-Help Graphics' founder, Sister Karen Boccalero, Mazatlan artist Carlos Bueno died Saturday of heart failure at the age of 60. Born in Cuernavaca, Mexico, Carlos Bueno moved to Los Angeles in the late 1960's with a vision for Mexican-American culture. In the 1 970's, Carlos organized Self-Help Graphics' Barrio Mobile Arts Studio, bringing a van loaded with art supplies to parks, community centers and the housing projects of East L.A.

Communique from Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias del Pueblo (tags)

Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias del Pueblo-Revolutionary Armed Forces of the People(FARP) issues a communique after its bombing of Banamex branches following the bank's acquisition by U.S. based Citigroup(which is also suspected of laundering drug money, see related articles on the Narconews link) and in conjunction with the birthday of revolutionary hero, Emiliano Zapata.

The Shortwave Report 8/17/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. Streaming audio (3.4MB) and broadcast quality(13.7MB). Free to rebroadcast upon notification. This week- Netherlands, Cuba, Russia, Spain, Germany. Times and freqs for listening at home.

Mexican farmers protest in capital (tags)

Farmers say free trade is destroying their livelihoods

Mexican Farmers Demand Subsidies (tags)

A Mexican farmer leans on his placard as he takes part in a protest outside the agriculture ministry in Mexico City August 8, 2001. Farmers from all over the country decended on the capital today to protest at the impoverished state of Mexico's agricultural sector. REUTERS/Andrew Winning

Calexico/Mexicali Border Short Documentary (tags)

This video is one that represents the Calexico, California, and Mexicali Mexico Border Culture as well as the problems encountered by Mexican Americans who are forced to make a living under the divided border style conditions.

Protest at Mexican Consulate to free Mexican EcoActivists (tags)

Protest at Mexican Consulate to free Mexican EcoActivists on Friday July 20

Han fracasado en México las acciones del gobierno para impedir la tortura (tags)

El más reciente informe de Amnistía Internacional (AI) sobre el caso México, titulado Justicia traicionada: la tortura en el sistema judicial, sostiene que la existencia de ese flagelo en el país obedece ''a que los sucesivos gobiernos no han tenido la voluntad política de abordar el problema de forma sistemática y efectiva, y tampoco han asignado a este asunto los recursos necesarios''.

Mexican Workers Want Independent Union at Nike/Reebok Contractor (tags)

The January walkout sparked an international solidarity campaign

San Diego Indepent Media Center Activist/Biotech Movie Screenings 17 June!! (tags)

The San Diego Independent Media Center (SDIMC) will be screening three activist films, A Storm From The Mountain: The Zapatistas Take Mexico City, Risky Business: A Look at Biotechnology, and PRAHA 2000-Samurai Beat...


Executive Director of the NAFTA Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), Janine Ferretti, invites you to attend the public meetings of the 8th regular session of the Council of the CEC and parallel events on 27-29 June 2001, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico ;)

How Our Ancient Indigenous Ancestors of Mexico Viewed and Punished Lesbianism (tags)

Estimada Raza de Aztlan


Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.

COMMUNITY ACROSS BORDERS - Mexico / New Mexico (tags)

Activists from across New Mexico and beyond gathered in the small border town of Columbus.

"COMIDA, NO LA MIGRA"- food not INS! (tags)

Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.

COMMUNITY ACROSS BORDERS - New Mexico/Mexico (tags)

Activists from across New Mexico and beyond gathered in the small border town of Columbus.

The Shortwave Report 4/27/01 !LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A Weekly 30 minute review of news stories and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. (13.6mb/mp3) Radio Netherlands, Deutsche Welle, Spain, China, Cuba. Foot and Mouth, nuclear power in Germany, Nigeria, Ethiopia, US arms sales, Mexico, Columbia, FTAA, US in Panama.

Lesbians Insult "La Virgen de Guadalupe" (tags)

Who is behind these destructors of cultures and religions?

Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) II (tags)

Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) II


Urgent : City of San Diego Revokes Permit for US /Mexico Border Demonstration

Zapatistas Negotiating Indigenous Rights Accord w/ Mexico's Divided Legislature (tags)

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Fred Rosen, director of the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLU), who discusses the ongoing negotiations in Mexico City and the significance of the Zapatista campaign to win legislation securing rights for Mexico's indigenous population.

(resend) Zapatistas Enter Mexico City (tags)

Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatistas concluded their 15 day caravan through Southern Mexico at the Zocalo in Mexico City. A crowd of over 200,000 was on hand to greet the flatbed truck and line of buses as they entered the square.

Zapatistas Enter Mexico City (tags)

Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatistas concluded their 15 day caravan through Southern Mexico at the Zocalo in Mexico City. A crowd of over 200,000 was on hand to greet the flatbed truck and line of buses as they entered the square.

Mexico Readies for Zapatour: 24 EZLN Reps Headed to Mexico City (tags)

24 EZLN representatives, including subcommandante Marcos, are preparing to leave their jungle stronghold in Chiapas to travel to Mexico City to pressure the government to adopt a law guaranteeing the rights of the nation`s 11 million indigenous people.

Bush Media outtakes/commentary/reporting (tags)

Pretty good composite from numerous international print sources.... an example below....

Mexico en la Lucha I - Mexico in Struggle I (1. en español, 2. in English) (tags)

(For English translation scroll down through the Spanish to 2) Editorial de La Jornada, México, D.F. viernes 27 de octubre de 2000, "FOX, ANTE LA REALIDAD PRESUPUESTAL"

The 6th of October Union in Mexico and Han Young (tags)

The 6th of October Union of Workers in Industry & Commerce began a strike in Jume 1997 in Tijuana. Striking against Han Young which is division of Hyudai. The owrkers weled chassis for tractor trailers of semi trailers [18 wheelers]. The protests have begun again in year 2000.

PRI: Officials in Daylight; Criminals at Night BUS TAKEOVER AND PRIVATIZATION (tags)

2nd Installment of Western Hemisphere Conference Written By Alan Benjamin Typeset and Account Time By Paul Hays Key Words: SUTAUR 100, Juez Abraham Polo Uzcanga, Mexico City Bus Drivers Union, PRI Corruption, Political Violence in Mexico, Leonel Villafuerte's Criminal Undertakings, Siglo Nuevo Cooperative.

Los Alamos - The Cradle of Nuclear Weapons (tags)

Anniversary protest of the bombing of Nagasaki/Hiroshima calls for a shutdown of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico.

Los Alamos, New Mexico - Cradle of Nuclear Weapons (tags)

Anniversary protest of the bombing of Nagasaki/Hiroshima calls for a shutdown of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico.

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