fix articles 299, education Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : education


The education crisis - just a symptom of general social failure (tags)

One aspect of our society, which is oriented towards self-interest rather than the common good, is that the systemic relevance of education is increasingly taking a back seat to being a market to be served and a nice playground for endless political debates and reforms with little substance, the main aim of which is to preserve the market and the hereditary farms...

Fairer Taxes and Inheritance for all! (tags)

A few people own the majority of the wealth, the rest share what remains. Star economist Thomas Piketty wants to change this. He has developed reform proposals that distribute the wealth of our society more fairly and make our lives more democratic. The most important pillars of his reforms are economic co-determination, fairer taxes and a stronger welfare state.

Neoliberalism, Democracy and the University as a Public Sphere (tags)

What can educators & others concerned about the future of higher education do to make sure it is not colonized by corporate & other antidemocratic interests? First, educators & others need to figure out how to defend more vigorously higher education as a public good & how central it is in producing the formative culture necessary to educate young people to be critical & engaged.

Capial in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty) (tags)

Inequality is not an accident. It’s not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, big. He proposes a wealth tax of 2 percent.

Social division in the schools and 7 challenges to the welfare state (tags)

The most difficult task will be to redefine prosperity not only in philosophical concepts, but also in concrete tangible and experiential terms detached from consumption. Many are already working on this. The United Nations adopted a strategy for a blueprint for peace and prosperity

The Conformity Forge and The Alchemy of Evil (tags)

One possible answer may be that governments, the media, the legal system, and the vast majority of the population are firmly embedded in a sociopolitical system that not only does not want anything about it to be questioned, but also actively prevents an awareness from arising.

School must be different (tags)

Economization doesn't just affect cleaning. Schools as a whole are required to distinguish themselves in a competitive environment and to score points in school rankings through good "key figures," such as high school graduation rates. Yes, this is a blatant stress for everyone.

Education neoliberalism disguised as social policy (tags)

The share of the workforce with a college, university or technical college education is rising. The ever-increasing demands on skilled workers and the needs of the labor market are also driving up the cost of education. It is right and necessary to ask questions about financing.

Children suffer strongly from homeschooling in Lockdown (tags)

The situation, which UNICEF described as a "catastrophic education crisis" at the beginning of March, continues. In addition, errors, stereotypes, misjudgements and trivialization prevail in the discussion about children, Corona and digital distance learning.

The Neoliberal Indoctrination (tags)

Homo oeconomicus fades away as an economic theory along with market fundamentalism and market radicalism. Market failure and state violence epitomized by Enron's expansive accounting method and the aggressive wars in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria should be lessons.

How the economic doctrine of salvation is changing education (tags)

Economy always takes place in social contexts - even more: It is itself a result of social contexts. In this respect, a discussion in the context of sociology, culture or politics is essential. However, this insight is already missing in academic economics.

Corona in global retreat (tags)

The number of reported cases in the US has fallen massively since the beginning of January-by around 60 percent. Experts consider the Corona measures in the US to be less stringent than in many European countries.

How should our economy grow? (tags)

If, on the other hand, the inequality distribution is reduced via increased spending on education, positive growth effects may result. In addition, too much inequality can destabilize the political system through social unrest, creating great uncertainty for investors, for example with regard to the protection of property rights.

Invitation to New Thinking (tags)

The pandemic has made the risk of our extensive lifestyle tangible. For this global crisis is not an exogenous shock. Rather, crass, profit-oriented globalization has fueled its spread.

From senseless working to senseless learning (tags)

Up to the threshold of modern times, work - as the traditional term for externally determined action(!) - had been perceived from the perspective of the biblically mediated, divine curse. It was regarded as a bitter necessity imposed on people.

Journalism reeks of betrayal of democracy (tags)

A "new normality" has taken root in our society. A climate of fear and severe, permanent encroachments on fundamental rights are shaping politics and social life. From the beginning of the pandemic, the media and politics have created a reality that almost treats the principles of democracy with contempt.

Europe needs an effective guarantee of youth solidarity (tags)

The Youth Guarantee could create an entry-level job market in the public or non-profit sector - in other words, jobs that serve the common good. It is the austerity policy in the wake of the financial and economic crisis that has delayed the socio- and ecological transformation.

We Can be Asian, if Necessary (tags)

Flood the system. Arab Americans are Asian Americans. We Demand Inclusion

Review: Bound by Law Tales from the Public Domain (tags)

Brief review of an education comic book about intellectual property, copyright, and the public domain, told in a humorous and explanatory format. Published by the Duke Center for the Study of the Public Domain.

Pinchas on Jewish Leadership: Do the Right Thing, No Matter What! (tags)

LGBT vs. Family Values, Leadership vs. Subjugation, Qualities of a True Jewish Leader.

Capitalism and democracy: what if we have it backwards? (tags)

Public Good or Private Wealth (tags)

The deep and growing chasm between the rich and the poor is not an accident. This gulf is the result of political decisions. Many rich countries have lowered or abolished property taxes. Governments reduce spending on education and health care.

Stéréotypie éducastrationnelle (tags)

Capitalisme privé ou étatique...

Teacher Strike? Time for Labor Studies (tags)

With the strike looming, it's a good time to prepare for a little alternative, experiential education. Labor Studies!

Socialism in American English (tags)

The attacks of Republicans on the welfare system are driving the US population to the left. Proposals for a universal health care enjoy the support of around 70% of US citizens. Teacher strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Colorado demand a political change.

OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center Celebrates 25 Years with the House of Hope Gala (tags)

Honorees include This Is US and Dan Fogelman, writer & creator, The Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund and Edie Lutnick, President, and Jory Goldman & Family

New Student Loan Rule Sides with For-Profit Colleges (tags)

This week the US Department of Education proposed new student "borrower defense" rules.

LAUSD, Privatization, Charters And The Fight To Defend Public Education Education Conferen (tags)

On September 30, 2017 an education conference was held on the Fight Against Privatization, Charters and the LAUSD. These are the presentations and discussion at the conference

Brazil wants democracy back II (tags)

The character, the lack of it, the temperament of the coup and of coupists that toppled Dilma Roussef last year was signaled through their first or one of their first legislative measures: the legalization of pedals, an administrative measure more than routine, used and abused for all, since always, and that is to hold resources for short periods, in order to smooth the financial roll. These were the only accusations that the coup leaders were able to brandish to remove the re-elected president and to establish parliamentarism, without the authorization of the population, required by the constitution.

Human rights Group applaudes Anti-Semitism Awareness Bill (tags)

LDB Commends Scott and Casey’s “Game-Changing” Bipartisan Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

Manipulation of Public Opinion (tags)

Timocracy-rule of the propertied-threatens to replace democracy. The large majority is blocked from political participation and from forming their social future-unlike what was intended in the model of the majority principle in democracy.

Neoliberalism. Submission as Freedom (tags)

The society in which we live is increasingly unfree in all areas and yet successfully passes off this growing unfreedom as freedom.

Police State Public Education in America (tags)

police state

Pedagooogy 3000 World Tour for a New Education and Peace Alliance - Press Release (tags)

Conference to Help Teachers, Parents Learn New Tools to Educate Today’s Children, Relieve Stress, Increase Participation, Lower School Violence

March 2015 Honduras coup update - during high school students strikes: 4 students assassin (tags)

A monthly update of news in Honduras of political persecution, and new practices and laws imposed, etc. This month is especially horrible and full on.

When Robots Pay Taxes (tags)

The US government faces a revenue crisis after giving billions to banks and big corporations. Billions are saved through automation, labor-saving technology and workers working at home. The neoliberal model promotes profits and speculation, not investments and job creation.

Fidel's Legacy (tags)


Nobel Hypocrisy 101 (tags)


Wasecans hope trip to Ghana makes a difference (tags)

Wasecans hope trip to Ghana makes a difference

Come for the education, Stay for the fun at the OC Health & Wellness Fair (tags)

What do you get when you combine free health resources, education and a day of family fun in one swoop? It's the OC Health and Wellness Fair brought to you by Elite Health Dimensions. Join us for a day of free information. Learn new ways to stay healthy and get a chance to win some cool prizes, too! Parking is free and admission is only $2.

Is AFT Pres Weingarten On The Take? (tags)

Is AFT President Randi Weingarten and other officials of the AFT/CFT and NEA/CTA taking millions of dollars from "non-profits" funded by union busters and privatizers such as the Gates Foundation, Broad Foundation and others is the question that attorney and education advocate Kathy Carroll answers

Free Internet Book: All on Board: Making Inclusive Growth Happen, 202pp (tags)

An inclusive, democratic society is a vision of a future of generalized security, community centers, free Internet books, exchanging roles, qualitative growth and soft power. Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Without a vision, people become bones for Coca Cola.

Here's some interesting privatization connections in regards to the LAUSD District 1 race (tags)

Epilogue to an article on the forces of neoliberalism meddling in the LAUSD District 1 Special Election that will run in the LA Progressive.

Video: Public Schools for Sale? (tags)

Preeminent education historian and public school advocate Diane Ravitch talks to Bill this week about the private sellout of public schools. The attack on public schools is an attack on democracy. Entrepreneurs see education as an industry, $500 billion yearly of taxpayer money.

Boycott Peru - End Nazism (tags)

Peru has a growing number of neo-nazi's. The believe that Jewish people are the reason they are impoverished, particularly in the andes mountain communities. They believe that supporting a Nazi agenda will increase their wellbeing.

Inhuman Capital (tags)

In polls many people massively criticize this system of market-conforming democracy and then vote for it with large marge majorities. This cognitive dissonance is the result of a reeducation of society. The values and norms are success and efficiency...

The One Cartoon That Explains Just How Screwed America Is (tags)

Education is the "great transformer" (John Kenneth Galbraith). The only way to solve the three crises of mass unemployment, environment destruction and trade imbalance is to shift to qualitative growth from quantitative growth. A job in education costs 1/10 a job in industry.

Affordable Housing for Families (tags)

A little idea for improving education.

The Soup Kitchen State Grows (tags)

Old age poverty is the result of dismantling the social state...What is lacking for the impacted is justice. Need justice and distribution justice have always existed in the political realm. The task of the social state was to fight poverty and protect citizens.

Venezuelan v. US Budget Priorities (tags)


Seven Good Reasons for a More Just Tax Policy (tags)

In the US, the top tax rate was over 70% from 1938 to 1982. Reagan cut the top rate to 35% and changed taxation from corporate to individual leading to exploding inequality and generalized insecurity. Taxation, investment, labor market, trade and distribution policies must change.

Wisecracking Gov. Chris Christie; A Narcissist Politician Heading from NJ to DC (tags)

Recent endorsements of Gov. Chris Christie by corporate Democrat party boss Joe DiVincenzo shows that he is a member of the elite status quo of corrupt politicians trying to make himself look good with a "stronger than the storm" jingle while looking towards the U.S. Presidency as any media obsessed narcissist would. Maybe this time the lesser evil status of his opponent Barbara Bouno is more obvious as the corrupt party boss Dems like DiVincenzo endorse Christie!

Protest Underscores Continuing Privatization of Oregon Schools (tags)

The Oregon Business Association (OBA) held its annual Statesman Dinner on October 17 to honor the Statesman of the Year. The event was fraught with anomalies, not least of which was the fact that the award went to Sue Levin, the Executive Director of Stand for Children Oregon.

Trinational Coalition's statement of support for teachers in Mexico (tags)

Trinational Coalition to Defend Public Education-USA template statement and contacts listing to demonstrate support of teachers in Mexico

Joining Forces for Education's statement on Aquino resignation (tags)

Joining Forces for Education's statement on using Broad's Jaime Aquino's resignation to push for authentic reforms

Napolitano to Head University of California (tags)


Villaraigosa: The Myth of The Progressive Mayor (tags)

While Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa disappointed supporters and failed to deliver any progressive policies whatsoever, he was hardly a failure to those he really serves. Indeed, for developers, real estate tycoons, billionaires, and school privatization profiteers, Villaraigosa's eight year reign was a smashing success.

America's Student Loan Racket: Stiffer Debt Boondage Coming (tags)

class war

Filipino student groups summon Philippine government agencies, raise education sector woes (tags)

Various student groups today summoned representatives from various government agencies such as the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippine National Police (PNP), Commission on Human Rights (CHR), and the National Youth Commission (NYC) to a dialogue to air out the various issues and concerns of the education sector.

Local Fights Against Austerity Are Growing Across the U.S. (tags)

Between sequestration, with its damaging impact on workers and the entire economy, and the billions of dollars in cuts to Social Security, Medicare and other necessary social programs that President Obama is pushing, it is evident that the economic policies of both major parties are not intended to promote a recovery for working people. You cannot lift up a nation’s economy while slashing away at its consumers’ pocketbooks. In order to justify their defiance of this elementary law, both Republicans and Democrats start talking the language of “austerity,” that is the notion that economic policy must be guided by reducing budgetary deficits first and foremost, and that workers exclusively must be made to pay the cost.

Destroying Public Education in Chicago (tags)


Fending off university-attacking zombies (tags)

Last week, David Naylor, the president of the University of Toronto, made a speech to Empire Club of Canada members about what he describes as educational zombies — government and industry calls for more job-specific education at universities...

The drugs undermine health and destroy young lives. (tags)

No one questions the severity of the drug problem and its devastating impact on youth. Academic results suffer and, even worse, drugs undermine health and destroy young lives.

Democrats and Labor: A Tale of Abuse (tags)

The Democratic Party’s participation in the recent national “sequester” cuts is yet another big dent in their love affair with organized labor. But break-ups are often a protracted process. Before a relationship ends there is usually a gradual deterioration based on irreconcilable differences, until the split becomes inevitable. The decades-long marriage of labor unions and the Democratic Party is nearing such a divorce. Labor unions are becoming frustrated as the Democrats flaunt their affair with corporate America and Wall Street.

What the 1% Heard During Obama’s State of the Union Speech (tags)

When President Obama speaks, most Americans hear what he wants them to hear: lofty rhetoric and a “progressive” vision. But just below the surface the president has a subtly-delivered message for the 1%, whose ears prick up when their buzzwords are mentioned. Obama’s state of the union address was such a speech — a pro-corporate agenda packaged with chocolate covered rhetoric for the masses, easy to swallow, but deadly poisonous.

Robert D. Skeels: a community candidate for LAUSD School Board (tags)

Bloomberg's $1 Million for the right-wing Coalition for School Reform's corporate slush fund insults District 2 voters. Our community deserves self determination free from outside millionaire interference.

More Austerity Cuts Coming to the States (tags)

The Great Recession has quietly devastated public services on a state-by-state basis, with Republican and Democratic governors taking turns leading the charge. Public education has been decimated, as well as health care, welfare, and the wages and benefits of public sector workers. The public sector itself is being smashed. Since the recession began, states have made combined austerity cuts of at least $337 billion, according to the Center of Budget and Policy Priorities

Robert D. Skeels applauds Eric Garcetti's Efforts to Save The NVOC-Aviation Center (tags)

LAUSD Candidate Robert D. Skeels commends Los Angeles Mayor Candidate Eric Garcetti for standing up to Supt. John Deasy and Pres. Mónica García's cuts.

How To Defend the Public Sector (tags)

The attacks on the public domain, particularly public education, social services, and the public sector unions that are linked to these services, are coming in rapid-fire succession, sometimes in an overwhelming barrage where the victims have little time to comprehend what is happening and respond effectively.

Labor’s Call to Action: The Grand Bargain Betrayal (tags)

The labor movement is in terminal crisis. After decades of declining membership, the union movement has been targeted for destruction: private sector union membership is near eradication, and now the corporations are on a public-sector mopping up mission, using the city, state, and federal budget deficits as an excuse to target public sector unions. Obama’s Race to the Top education policy specifically targets the nation’s most powerful union workers, the teachers.

Portland Anti-Austerity Protest Draws 1,000 Despite Police Violence (tags)

It’s difficult to build a pre-election protest with so many labor and community groups busy campaigning for Democrats. Nevertheless, over 1,000 people marched the streets in Portland, Oregon against austerity cuts to education and other public services and the consequent debt accumulated by students.

Free Internet Book: Youth and Skills - Putting Education to Work, 450pp (tags)

Around one in six of the world’s population are aged between 15 and 24. These young people are disproportionately concentrated in some of the poorest countries, where their numbers are still rising. more young people in 2030 than it had in 1980.

The Villaraigosa and García machine's perfect gerrymander (tags)

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and LAUSD President Mónica García intentionally redrew the District 2 maps to remove the a large base of support from social justice schoolboard candidates.

East Jerusalem Schools: Failing Grade (tags)


Education and Democracy (tags)


Unconditional Surrender in Chicago (tags)


Chicago's War on Education (tags)


September Surprise in Chicago (tags)


Chicago Teachers Union Sellout (tags)


Capitulation in Chicago? (tags)


Rahm Emanuel's Privatize Chicago Plan (tags)

class war

Corporate Media's War on Public Education (tags)


Chicago: America's Epicenter of Resistance (tags)


Chicago Teachers v. Rahm Emanuel (tags)


All Eyes on Chicago's Teachers (tags)

It’s impossible to exaggerate the national importance of the teachers’ struggle in Chicago. If the Chicago teachers’ union — 26,000 members strong — goes on strike, many critical yet ignored political issues will go into the national spotlight, exposing nastiness that many politicians and labor leaders would like ignored until after the presidential elections.

Cindy Sheehan Speaks at Reception in San Diego (tags)

For four years, from her emergence as an anti-war activist following the death of her son Casey in combat in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan was a hero among liberals and Democrats for her attempts to hold then-President George W. Bush to account for starting the Iraq war and taking her son's life in vain. Then she ran for Congress against Democratic icon Nancy Pelosi and made it clear she held both major parties responsible for the war and the rest of America's ills. Now she's Roseanne Barr's running mate in the Peace and Freedom Party's Presidential campaign, running on a socialist platform that says education, housing and health care are human rights.

“NO!” means “NO!” EDU response to Tentative Agreement (tags)

Workers Action Introduction The following statement was produced by Educators for a Democratic Union (EDU), a progressive caucus in the San Francisco teachers union, United Educators of San Francisco (UESF).

America's Student Loan Racket (tags)

student loans

Social Justice on Trial in Canada (tags)


The High Stakes Battles to Save Public Schools (tags)

Dr. Steven Strauss, Baltimore neurologist, former linguistics professor and Freedom Socialist writer will discuss why capitalism will not allow quality education for all, and how socialism can provide for everyone.

Want to see Mónica García's 15 Minutes of Infamy come to an end? (tags)

It's time for a new LAUSD Board of Education: Help us remove the board member most responsible for the current crisis<

A Nation of Morons (tags)


Recall Mónica García Press Conference (tags)

Activists Announce the Recall Campaign of LAUSD President Mónica García

Queer Democrats Endorse Teachers’ Union Leaders for School Boards (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality have become virtually an appendage of the local labor movements in making their 2012 election endorsements. In January they rejected progressive Congressional candidate Lori Saldaña and endorsed her moderate Democratic opponent, Scott Peters, largely on labor's say-so. In February they rated anti-marriage Catholic Juan Vargas and marriage equality defender Denise Moreno Ducheny equally "acceptable" for another Congressional seat. And in March they picked teachers' union leaders for their school board endorsements.

The Struggle to Save Adult Education in Los Angeles (tags)

The ongoing struggle to save LAUSD Adult Education continues.

Student Activists Receive Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice Award (tags)

Student Advocates for Higher Education (SAHE) was honored by the San José Peace and Justice Center for the service, activism, tenacity, and courage of its students, and especially of its undocumented members. Representatives Mike Honda and Zoe Lofgren participated in the ceremony held at San José State University.

Lindsay/Osorio Campaign Announces 10-point Program (tags)

The Party for Socialism and Liberation is running Peta Lindsay for President and Yari Osorio for Vice-President in 2012. The campaign recently announced a 10-point program

Contacts and Details on Regional S. CA Post-Secondary Student Conference (tags)

Contacts and Details on Regional S. CA Post-Secondary Student Conference to plan the end of the defunding of public universities and colleges in California.

Mr. (tags)

Contacts and Announcement for a regional, Southern California Post-Secondary Student gathering to organize protest against the defunding of our schools.

Even Local Businesses Support Efforts to Save LAUSD Adult Education (tags)

A week remains to save LAUSD Adult Education, a lifeline for immigrant families, impoverished communities, and students of color. Several local business have helped in the effort to save the program.

Venezuela – El Libertario #65: Opening up free spaces (tags)

The February-March 2012 issue of this voice for anarchist action and thought is out, as always committed to liberty and equality in solidarity since 1995. This issue includes the following:

K-14 for a Brighter Future (tags)

A proposal for California. It's pro-jobs, without stupid giveaways to greedy corporations.

US Higher Education in Crisis (tags)

class war

America's Student Loan Debt Bondage (tags)

class war

Occupy United Way! Group founded and manifesto published (tags)

Grassroots activists and public education advocates take on the United Way for its complicity with the corporate education reform cabal!

Life in East Jerusalem (tags)


Special Oct. 24, 2011 LA Screening of The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman (tags)

A screening of The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman. Followed by a panel with special guests including Dr. Stephen Krashen. Event opens with introduction by Dr. Diane Ravitch via Skype.

Domestic Criminals Under Influence of Drugs Allowed To Teach At Priest River Schools (tags)

High school dropouts with extensive criminal records and known drug use allowed to be substitute teachers in Idaho. Violent Criminals stripped of gun rights teaching our children should not be allowed anywhere in America.

Philippines: Education underspending is not "straight path" (tags)

Statement of the Student Council Alliance of the Philippines (SCAP) on the 2012 Proposed Budget

Netanyahu Spurns Social Justice Demands (tags)

class war

Dire State of America's Children (tags)

class war

Elmo isn't Gramsci for kids and the mythical soft bigotry of low expectations (tags)

What do Ben Shapiro, Whitney Tilson, The Heartland Institute, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, The Hoover Institution, Wendy Kopp, The Manhattan Institute, and Democrats for Education Reform all have in common? They all shamelessly use the meaningless and hackneyed phrase "soft bigotry of low expectations."

Schools Matter: Is CNCA Charter Corporation Poaching Parents and Pillaging Privacy? (tags)

Parent poaching and possible privacy violations by corporate charter school operator Camino Nuevo Charter Academy. Plus, necessary information for filing formal complaints with the district.

Los Angeles privatization pushers take second biggest slice of reactionary Walton pie (tags)

A list of the usual local privatization suspects took the second biggest slice of Walton blood money.

Tomorrow: Echo Park Moms 4 Education on KPFK 90.7 FM (tags)

Echo Park Moms 4 Education activists to appear on John Cromshow's "Politics or Pedagogy" show on KPFK 90.7 FM on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 8 PM, discussing education issues relevant to our community.

Denying Palestinian Children Education (tags)

state terror

Rahm Emanuel: Chicago's War Criminal/Anti-Labor Mayor (tags)


California State University System Raises Tuition (tags)

While Elliot Hirshman, the new president of San Diego State University, receives a $400,000 compensation package, the California State University?s (CSU) Board of Trustees voted on Tuesday 13 to 2 in favor of increasing tuition by an additional 12 percent for the 23-campus system. Students will be paying about $6,422, double the amount required in 2007.

Health Care in Cuba and America (tags)

health care

California Democratic Party Passes Anti-Workingclass Budget (tags)

Instead of putting a tax the rich proposal on the November 2008 ballot, the presidential general election which always has the highest voter turnout, the Democratic Party majority Legislature, this time in cahoots with a Democratic governor, Jerry Brown, voted for a viciously anti-workingclass budget that destroys the public school system, social services, court system, public transporation and just about all other publicly funded services. AND JERRY BROWN BRAGS ABOUT IT ON HIS WEBSITE.


I have documented for over a decade the tactics used by the fbi in their efforts to silence or neutralize me; THIS POST SUMMARIZES THE SALIENT ASPECTS OF MY REPORTS.

Education of the Homo Oeconomicus (tags)

The school system should not only produce students with a narrowed economic view. Society consists of more than the sum of benefit-maximizing individuals.An economic system with fewer income differences, regulated financial markets and welfare state brings greater stability.

OpineRegress: Matthew Yglesias' reactionary education policy pandering (tags)

I've been following the exchange regarding education policy between Rachel Levy and Matthew Ygelsias online. Ygelsias is a well known supporter of reactionary corporate education reform, despite his reputation of progressive politics. In this essay we examine those contradictions and offer some possible reasons for Ygelsias' intransigence.

America's Student Loan Racket: Soaring Default Rates (tags)

student loans

LAUSD's Deasy Disrespects Echo Park Moms 4 Education, but the struggle continues (tags)

Please join Echo Park Moms 4 Education in the fight to keep the Advisory Vote, the only democratic portion of LAUSD's deceptively named Public School Choice motion which gives away public schools.

The importance of this Tuesday's runoff election for school board (tags)

Tuesday's election will determine whether we have a school board member who listens to our community and parents or one beholden to the deep pocketed corporate charter school sector. If you live in LAUSD District 5, your vote matters.

Echo Park Moms leading the way. Demand your right to vote! No more LAUSD privatization wit (tags)

Echo Park Moms 4 Education lead the struggle to save the public advisory vote, the only democratic portion of LAUSD's deceptively named Public School Choice motion which gives away public schools.

Echo Park Moms 4 Education: URGENT - Parent Wake-Up Call on Tuesday May 10th!!! (tags)

LAUSD's Public School Choice is already an anti-democratic measure to give public schools away to private charter corporations. Removing the advisory vote makes PSC all the more totalitarian and entirely removes community and parental voice. Either keep the advisory votes or repeal PSC altogether.

Yellow Journalist Jim Newton Hails a Dubious Civil Rights Hero (tags)

In the Los Angeles Times' Jim Newton's topsy-turvy world view, oppressed and impoverished people of color just need to look to wealthy white male saviors from Beverly Hills to solve all their problems — Rudyard Kipling would have been proud.

Urgently requesting a meeting with the LAUSD Board President (tags)

Pleading to LAUSD to redress the grievous issues with CNCA Corporation's charter for CRES #14. In Barrio Echo Parque / Historic Filipinotown our voice is being patently ignored, our community disrespected, and an entire set of prospective students are being robbed.

Obamanomics: Waging War on American Workers (tags)


Fullerton College Walks Out (tags)

A group of Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) to demand a special election on tax extensions that would help close a $25 billion dollar state budget deficit.

Fullerton College Students Walk Out (tags)

Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) demanding a special election to decide on the state budget.

Democrats for Neoliberal Education Reform (tags)

The plutocrat and corporately funded DFER has turned "Manufacturing Consent" into an art form. Here we look at how they subverted an entire state legislature to pass one of the most reactionary and backwards education laws in the country, assuring Colorado's quick march towards school privatization and the commoditization of teachers.

March 2 Day of Action for Education in Riverside (tags)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

RIVERSIDE, California - Students from the Inland Empire's main universities and community colleges held rallies at their respective campuses in the morning before converging in Riverside's civic center for a demonstration with speakers and music. Demands included an end to tuition hikes and schools cuts, an end to social services cuts, and the passage of the DREAM Act.

Corporate Coup D'Etat in Wisconsin (tags)

worker struggles

Human Rights Walkathon Seeks Education to Prevent Abuse (tags)

500 people gather in St. Petersburg Florida to end torture, abuse, child labor, human trafficking, and inhumane working conditions.

Thank you Matt Damon! Let's replace RTTT with the Zinn Education Project (tags)

In defense of Matt Damon, who recently took a cogent and principled stand against this administration's reactionary neoliberal education policies. In response, many HuffPost readers unleashed vicious invective against him. Rather than defending education policies that originated from Heritage, Fordham, and Hoover, we should be advocating progressive education policies and curriculum.

Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services (tags)

Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services and Push The CA Dream Act"

Are Value Added Methods (VAM) the new Flat Earth? How long do discredited theories linger? (tags)

Despite overwhelming academic evidence to the contrary, the reactionary anti-community anti-teacher yellow journalists at the Los Angeles Times cling to VAM, which is in essence a form of neo-phrenology.

Waging War on Chicago Workers (tags)

labor struggles

Obama's Anti-Populist Budget (tags)


Black History Month Celebration: The Unfinished Battle for Quality Public Schools (tags)

Education proponents will highlight the role of freed slaves in winning free, integrated public schools for the first time in U.S. history during the post Civil War reconstruction era

On Anschutz, Villaraigosa, LAUSD Privatization Candidates, and Riding Dinosaurs (tags)

Exposing Villaraigosa's Coalition for School Reform ties to right wing extremists like Philip Anschutz. Explores how plutocrat dollars flow to so-called reform candidates, who then follow the corporate agenda. Anschutz's Walden Media funded the production of the unabashed corporate charter propaganda piece, "Waiting for Superman."

Haiti Update: Electoral Runoff and Aristide's Status (tags)


Los Angeles School District works with ACLU to deny teachers’ seniority rights (tags)

On January 21, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge William Highberger stripped teachers employed by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) of certain seniority rights, allegedly to stanch the loss of young, quality teachers at inner-city schools. If the order is upheld on appeal, the LAUSD can lay off higher paid veteran teachers without regard to their years of service, in violation of collective bargaining provisions that have been in effect for decades. At the same time, there are more than a dozen billionaires living in Los Angeles, and dozens more who measure their wealth by the hundreds of millions.

Public Education Activists: Answers to very important PSC 2.0 questions (tags)

Very important information for defending public schools from outside takeovers during the PSC 2.0 advisory votes.

Education crisis in California (tags)

After several years of continuous budget cuts, California’s schools are in dire straits. The state superintendent of public instruction, Tom Torlakson, went so far as to call it a “state of financial emergency.” Newly re-elected Democratic Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget, however, includes widespread cuts to higher education and social services in an attempt to close the $25.4 billion deficit. Inequality in California is so staggering that the wealth of the richest Californian, Lawrence Ellison, CEO of Oracle Corporation, estimated at $27 billion, would eliminate the entire state deficit.

Oppose Brown’s cuts in California! Education must be a social right! (tags)

In his latest budget, California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, is proposing drastic cuts that will affect the lives of students and workers throughout the state, including $1.4 billion in cuts to higher education. The net wealth of the 19 richest Californians is more than ten times the entire amount of proposed budget cuts!

Crafty Camino Nuevo Charter Charlatans (tags)

A critical look at the nefarious corporate charter operator, Camino Nuevo, which is trying to pilfer yet another new public school site under LAUSD's corporate giveaway resolution

Ben Austin channels Sarah Palin substituting his Triggers for her Targets (tags)

Highly paid school privatization advocate Ben Austin has been lashing out publicly with ever more vitriol since he ignominiously lost his seat on the California State Board of Education and his supposed moment of triumph in Compton, chronicled in Jill Stewart's trashy masseuse and porn ad pennysaver was been mired in controversy and very real accusations of malfeasance.

Responding to questions of teacher evaluation and performance (tags)

Addressing some of the false arguments by the corporate school privatization junta in regards to teacher evaluations and teacher performance.

Permanent Debt Bondage from America's Student Loan Racket (tags)


Social Injustice in Israel (tags)

the data will surprise most people

What’s Going On In Europe? (tags)

"The attack on education is an international phenomenon. In the UK on Wednesday, tens of thousands of students walked out of classes over tripled tuition fees. Thousands participated in a demonstration in London, where more than 1,000 were penned in and contained by police for hours. Police used batons to beat back students attempting to reach parliament. The demonstrations in Britain came two weeks after more than 55,000 took to the streets throughout the UK. A crackdown by the government has included the arrest of dozens of students. In the US, there have been mass protests and, in some cases, occupations in the state of California against tuition fee increases of more than 30 per cent. The education cuts in Italy and the UK are part of a wave of austerity measures throughout Europe aimed at forcing workers and young people to pay for an ongoing economic crisis."

U.S. Election 2012: Defending Education, Capitalism has Failed Our Kids (tags)

Stewart Alexander says students can only enforce their demands and stop the tuition hikes by demanding radical change. “For the present, students must hold President Obama accountable. Students must also defect from the Democrats, Republicans and rightwing political candidates in 2012 and support progressive political parties and candidates; such as candidates representing the Socialist Party (SPUSA) and Green Party candidates in 2012.”

The Democrats Prepare to Move Right (tags)

On the eve of the Republican-dominated mid-term election, working people were told to vote Democrat to prevent a "truly dangerous" Republican party from taking power. There is an element of truth in this: the Republican Party has been sprinting to the far right for decades, to the point where they are incapable of speaking sensibly about political issues. But in a close second place in this rightward scramble are the Democrats, who've spent decades racing into the arms of the corporations that dominate both political parties unchallenged.

ELECTION DAY Vote Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE RIGHT NOW AND VOTE. Do not delay until the end of the day when you might forget or something might keep you from your polling place until after it is closed. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE. If you voted on an absentee ballot but have not mailed it, WALK IT TO ANY POLLING PLACE IN YOUR COUNTY OR YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR; do not mail it. THE ONLY POLL THAT COUNTS IS THE ELECTION.

2 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

US ranking in life expectancy has gone from 5th in 1950 to 49th today, thanks to the expensive and for millions, unaffordable, private insurance racket proudly promoted by the Democrat-Republicans instead of the socialized medicine that exists in the rest of the industrialized world, and now at 49th, we are also behind many non-industrialized countries. That is why you should vote Peace & Freedom or Green, the two parties that support socialized medicine and oppose insurance companies.

3 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

As the World Socialist Website states below, there is a right-wing consensus in the governor's race between the Democrats and Republicans, one capitalist party with millionaire candidates. You can break that fascist attack on the workingclass by voting Peace & Freedom or Green and Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

Eight Theses on the New Culture of Work (tags)

Person-oriented work and labor-intensive work are vital in a post-industrial economy wrestling with decreasing resources. Work and security must be uncoupled like work and income. Reducing working hours is the only way to guarantee the right to work for all.

Vote for Barry Hess as Arizona's next Governor! (tags)

Vote for Barry Hess for Arizona's next governor. Even if Barry Hess isn't 100 percent Libertarian he is better then police state thugs Jan Brewer and Terry Goddard. And Barry is against the drug war and will pardon victimless drug war criminals.

Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France (tags)

Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France from the exploited masses of the United States

Libertarian Nick Coons thinks taxes are stealing (tags)

Libertarian Nick Coons thinks taxes are stealing - “I really don’t support any taxes, When you take someone’s property from someone without their consent, that’s theft. And I don’t support that.”

Green U.S. Senate Candidate: End Overseas Wars to Pay for Tuition-Free Higher Education (tags)

"If elected to the U.S. Senate, I will introduce legislation to establish a nationwide program to fully guarantee that every high school graduate living within the United States--regardless of immigration status--is eligible to receive a tuition-free education at a public college, university, or technical trade school of their choosing. We can pay for this program by immediately withdrawing all U.S. troops, private mercenaries, and independent contractors from Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan."

March for Education and Against Budget Cuts (tags)

Come out for this one -- support teachers scapegoated by the union-bashing Los Angeles Times, and immigrants scapegoated by racists!

Kaplan University Ripping Off Poor Students for Profit (tags)

stealing from the poor

Growing Thought Control in Israel (tags)

Israeli censorship

Florida Youth Assault Against Drugs (tags)

In another focused assault upon the scourge of drugs in our Tampa Bay communities, the local chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, an international educational organization established to empower individuals with factual information about drugs, mobilized their volunteers to hand out more than 6,000 booklets this past weekend.

Peace through Education (video) (tags)

This is a video for anyone who’s struggling for a better education, especially immigrant students. I’ll go toe to toe with Glen Beck to see who knows what about life any day.

Affects of Bullying at School often Overlooked (tags)

While the US National Statistics will say the violent crimes are decreasing in public school, bullying, either as an act of verbal or physical abuse, is a problem that is not decreasing.

Putting kids through college (tags)

A report by TD Economics showed that in 2009, the cost of a four-year undergraduate degree was more than $80,000 for students living away from home. Even for parents who have diligently saved for their children's education, it can be very tough to save enough for more than one child. Lawrence Engel, vice-president, personal lending, TD Canada Trust has these tips for parents:

Free College Grants and Tuition Opportunities (tags)

The federal government is putting more money into the hands of college students than ever before and much of the impetus behind it is the No Child Left Behind Act. The measures help to assure that more primary and secondary schools are held accountable for making sure kids get the attention and education they deserve without prejudices. Which means a much higher percentage of high school students are earning diplomas. More students stand a chance of attending college when the right financial and social resources are available to them along with educators with the know-how and experience to guide them to the right academic and career choices.

Israeli Academic Freedom at Rish (tags)

israeli free expression endangered

Teachers and Democrats Head for Divorce (tags)

It’s best to quickly recognize the red flags in any failing relationship. This way, ties can be severed instead of allowing things to linger forever in dysfunction. For Democrats and teachers’ unions, the writing is on the wall. The two are simply going in opposite directions. The Democrats continue on the road to corporate-inspired charter schools, using the tried and true method of “stronger teacher evaluations” to undermine “underperforming” schools and teachers — thus opening the door wide to private charter schools with their non-union workforce.

Youth Celebrate Mandela’s Birthday With 67 Minutes of Education and Music (tags)

Youth for Human Rights Florida Celebrates Mandela’s Birthday with 67 minutes of educating others about their human rights

Palestinian Children Under Occupation (tags)

oppressing Palestinian children

USSA Stays Strong (tags)

The United States Student Association (USSA), representing more than 4 million students nationwide has opposed Congress' legislative tying together of educational funding and the funding of war. Their own 63rd Congress convenes at UCLA July 15-20. Call for interviews.

The Rift between Teachers and Democrats Widens (tags)

The corporate media is brutally honest on rare occasions. Take for example a recent article in The New York Times Magazine, titled The Teachers’ Union’s Last Stand (05-23-10). The title itself is surprisingly sincere, since it admits that the nation’s teachers are being targeted for attack by the Obama Administration, through his “Race to the Top” education reform. And although the article has an inherently corporate bias, it contains many revelations that have been otherwise ignored in the mainstream media.

Education in Occupied Palestine (tags)

effects of occupation on education

5/13 CA State Superintendent Of Public Instruction Candidate Leonard Martin Backs LA Court (tags)

Leonard Martin, the only candidate for CA State Superinendent For Public Instruction opposing charter schools is backing a law suit against the illegal establishment by the LA Unified School District of Birmingham High School in Los Angeles and will attend the court hearing on May 13.

Eve of May Day 2010 The Second American Revolution Has Begun (tags)

April 30, 2010, the eve of May Day, is Victory in Vietnam Day, 35 years ago, when the little people in black pajamas defeated the mightiest death machine the world had seen since Nazi Germany, the United States. The American death machine is now poisoning the earth worldwide and can only be stopped by a united workingclass ready to eliminate the profit motive that is the cause of war. That struggle has begun in the US in the form of the fight for public school education as we cannot have guns and butter.

Imprisoning Palestinian Women (tags)

Israel treats men, women and children the same way

Defend Public Education- March 4th Follow-up (tags)

Students, Teachers, workers and parents united last October to Strike and for a Day fo Aciton on March 4th. This is the second conference to Defend Public Education

Who Wants to Take over the Education System? (tags)

I was a volunteer in the War on Terror and I come from a large family of teachers. A lot of people are trying to do something about the education system. This is a blueprint of science education in America anyone can use to prove how the "education" system trains Americans to depend on imperialism.

Taking on a charter school closing (tags)

This is a repost of an article in SW about the closing of Animo Justice school in South Central. The school was operated by Green Dot charter schools.

A Crisis of Priorities (tags)

10 minute long video coverage of March 4 Rally to save public education. Downtown Los Angeles. Schools not jails, books not bars!

Labor Leader Jack Gerson Endorses Stewart Alexander for California Governor (tags)

Today, public education is being challenged by corporations that have an interest in taking control over public education. Stewart Alexander says he would agree that the educational system is flawed; however, “We cannot abandon education to the private sector, for-profit corporations. Corporations are concerned with the bottom line, increasing profits; this will result in having non-union teachers and workers and increase cost for the public sector.”

Dueling Strategies in the Defense of Public Education, Part 2 (tags)

In Part I of this essay we looked at strategies in defense of public education that are referred to as “ultra-left,” meaning that they veer so far left that they sever ties with the working class and consequently lose all traction when it comes to influencing the movement. Here we will examine strategies that veer to the right, often ending up in the camp of opportunism, which means sacrificing principles and working class independence for the sake of quick but illusory gains. The interests of working people are subordinated to those of the capitalist class and the politicians who represent them, be they Democrats or Republicans. Finally, we will return to the question of how to proceed forward.

Dueling Strategies in the Defense of Public Education, Part I (tags)

The massive turnout across the state of California on March 4 in defense of public education provides indisputable evidence that this movement is just at the beginning stage. And much credit is due to the countless number of students, staff, and teachers who committed many, many hours of their time, tirelessly organizing for March 4; without this dedication, the event would have sputtered to a stop.

Why Teachers Unions Matter (tags)

Nowadays a newspaper cannot be opened — or a TV turned on — without one being subjected to anti-teacher misinformation. The anti-teacher hysteria looks diverse on the surface, but underneath, this public controversy seeks to dislodge teachers unions: the right-wing trashes teachers’ unions outright, while the “liberal” media takes a more subtle, sophisticated approach, blaming the state of public education on “bad teachers” who must be fired and replaced. Both styles are the same in essence.

Universities for Bread & Roses (tags)

A view from the South on the global rebellion against the neo-liberal university.

The Way Forward for the Movement in Defense of Public Education (tags)

On March 4, students, staff, teachers, faculty and their unions on all levels of public education created history by uniting and pouring out onto the streets to engage in what were overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations to defend public education. The movement swept through small towns and large cities with demonstrators, including young elementary school students, carrying picket signs while yelling chants expressing their determination to fight back

Education as Tranquilizer (tags)

"A false strategy of combating poverty results inevitably from a flawed analysis of the causes of poverty. Whoever culturalizes the problem relies on education reforms without repairing the structural causes.."

March 4 Thousands Rally in San Diego Against Education Cuts (tags)

About 1,000 students and faculty gathered at a March 4 rally against education cuts at San Diego State University in California. A similar number of people demonstrated at the University of California, San Diego. A subsequent demonstration in downtown San Diego drew several thousand.


" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.

March 4 in Riverside (with embedded video) (tags)

March 4, 2010
RIVERSIDE - In a demonstration infused with dance, students and workers of the University of California, Riverside demanded an end to fee hikes, staffing furloughs, and cuts in class offerings. They chanted as they marched to downtown Riverside, where they were met by a contingent of student and worker activists from Riverside Community College for another rally. After the speeches, a carefully-orchestrated symbolic "death of public education" and die-in blocked traffic on University Avenue for about five minutes before protesters voluntarily cleared the street and avoided any threat of arrest.
Photo set 1:
Photo set 2:


" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.

March 4 Education March Downtown Los Angeles (tags)

A video, several photos, and snarky comments.


-No Cuts, No Freeze! Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.

CSUN Students Demand Fair Access To Higher Education: Reseda / Nordhoff March 4, 2010 (tags)

CSUN Students Demand Fair Access To Higher Education: Reseda / Nordhoff March 4, 2010


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) militantly support the state wide-day of action to defend education against drastic budget cuts and attacks against the people. The AJLPP expresses that the California-wide mass action has turned into a nationwide action with other states following the way the people of California are rising up agains the imposition of the corporate lords and greedy bureaucrats like Arnold.

Support the Protests says Ohio Socialist Senate Candidate (tags)

Dan La Botz, the Cincinnati school teacher who joined the Ohio race for U.S. Senate last month, issued a statement today supporting the national day of protests over the crisis in education. He also called for the creation of system of free, quality public education such as some states, such as California, had in the 1960s. “The Obama administration and the U.S. Congress provided trillions in grants, loans, and federal insurance to banks and corporations for the bailouts,” said La Botz. “The total military and war budget comes to almost $750 billion dollars. The President’s proposed education budget is just under $50 billion dollars. The Obama government provided hundreds of times more money to the bankers than it will to teachers and students, and it will spend 15 times more on arms and war than on our children’s education. Obama proposes more loans for college students, loans that will saddle more families and students with more debt. We don’t need loans—we need free education.”

Third Party Revolution Endorse Stewart Alexander for California Governor (tags)

Stewart Alexander says the most severe crisis California is facing is a leadership crisis; “After electing an actor for governor in 2003 and 2006, most Californians are reluctant to support the three choices representing the two big money parties. Republican frontrunner Meg Whitman has no political experience and Republican Steve Poizner sounds a lot like Schwarzenegger without the accent. Democrat Jerry Brown has not made his position clear on many of the major issues facing California voters.”

Students Support Worker Demands for Independent Unions and End to Abuses (tags)

Monday, March 1, 2010
CLAREMONT, California - The student movement made an unexpected move in solidarity with university employees in a large-scale action at Pomona College, a private institution and part of the Claremont consortium of colleges at the eastern edge of Los Angeles County. Well over a hundred students joined with numerous employees of the three campus dining commons, other Pomona employees, and a few faculty members to deliver a petition to Pomona President Oxtoby.

Cal Poly students protest credit card fees (tags)

Thursday, February 25, 2010 POMONA - A rally of about a hundred students and their supporters demanded an end to a 2.9% fee charged to them on all on-campus credit card transactions. In the quad of Cal Poly Pomona, students gave speeches and cheered as student leaders denounced the fee as another example of "decisions being made about us without us."

California Socialist Party USA Endorses March 4th to Defend Education (tags)

Members of Socialist Party USA will be joining students and demonstrations nationwide on March 4th to defend education and to support the rights of students and working people.

March 4 Socialist Program to Defend Education (tags)

On March 4, students and workers throughout California and the US will demonstrate against the attack on public education and increases in tuition that are making a college education unaffordable for the majority of working class youth.

The Great Bi-Partisan Deception (tags)

Some cancer is too aggressive even for chemotherapy. The US political system is infected with such a disease; and we may be witnessing the first death spasms. In a country ravaged by war and economic crisis, with tens of millions of people suffering, politicians are capable of doing absolutely nothing to help ordinary people. The only two “achievements” of the Democrat’s super majority in the Senate — over the course of five months — were an ineffectual stimulus package and a “surge” of troops in Afghanistan.

Shut down LA March 4th! Mtgs (tags)

On March 4th cities across California and thorughout the nation will engage in strikes, work stoppages, occupations, and rallies for public education

LA Students & UTLA Teachers Speak Out On Privatization-No More Give Aways, Save Our School (tags)

On February 9, hundreds of students and UTLA teachers rallied throughout Los Angeles to protest the privatization and destruction of public education in the school district

Human Rights Abuses in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

Jews are also affected

Taxing the Rich Wins in Oregon (tags)

Victory! Thousands of Oregon workers fought valiantly over the past weeks to ensure that corporations and the rich will see their taxes raised, so that social services, health care, and education could be saved. Massive phone banking operations, door-to-door canvassing, and rallies were used by union and community members to educate the public about a progressive tax measure used to offset the state’s dire budget situation.

Fighting Company Union Ideology (tags)

The evolution of the company union in the U.S. is a history of both labor’s progress and its missteps. It is a story that, at bottom, speaks to the battle of workers to find an independent, powerful presence on the job — and to push this clout into the community to help shape the broader public realm. Unions came into existence organically wherever capitalism developed. As soon as workers were brought together by a small number of employers and compelled to make profits for them, the employees naturally sought to defend themselves. A living wage and decent working conditions failed to emerge through the good will of the employers, unfortunately, so workers took matters into their own hands.

Schwarzenegger Pledges Education Not Incarceration: So, where’s the Action? (tags)

While the Governor proposes measures to protect higher education funding, administration plans massive prison expansion.

EPCC: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s last address- Lot of Hot Air (tags)

For the Echo Park Community Coalition, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s last address to the California legislature are just a lot of hot air. The governator’s call to “overhaul the funding system for state prisons and higher education, approve a jobs creation package and seek more money from Washington, even as he attacked the national healthcare plan”, is just another lip service for actor’s grandstanding before he exits.”

California Socialist Party USA Endorses March 4th to Defend Education (tags)

Members of Socialist Party USA will be joining students and demonstrations nationwide on March 4th to defend education and to support the rights of students and working people.

International education strike network-meeting in Berlin – of January 2010 (tags)

Becouse of the international Studentsprotest there is the first official international education strike network-meeting at th Humbold University Berlin from the unitil the of January 2010. In europe now there are more than 280 universities occupied and the students have claims to those respnsible wich are a must for a sensible education. Worldwide more then 580 universities are participating with the protestactivities. the most of those are also occupied

Obama Is Preparing for War in South America (tags)

"The first and foremost important achievement during the Chávez administration is the 1999 Constitution, which, although not written nor decreed by Chávez himself, was created through his vision of change for Venezuela. The 1999 Constitution was, in fact, drafted - written - by the people of Venezuela in one of the most participatory examples of nation building, and then was ratified through popular national referendum by 75% of Venezuelans. The 1999 Constitution is one of the most advanced in the world in the area of human rights. It guarantees the rights to housing, education, healthcare, food, indigenous lands, languages, women's rights, worker's rights, living wages and a whole host of other rights that few other countries recognize on a national level. My favorite right in the Venezuelan Constitution is the right to a dignified life. That pretty much sums up all the others. Laws to implement these rights began to surface in 2001, with land reform, oil industry redistribution, tax laws and the creation of more than a dozen social programs - called missions - dedicated to addressing the basic needs of Venezuela's poor majority. In 2003, the first missions were directed at education and healthcare. Within two years, illiteracy was eradicated in the country and Venezuela was certified by UNESCO as a nation free of illiteracy. This was done with the help of a successful Cuban literacy program called "Yo si puedo" (Yes I can). Further educational missions were created to provide free universal education from primary to doctoral levels throughout the country. Today, Venezuela's population is much more educated than before, and adults who previously had no high school education now are encouraged to not only go through a secondary school program, but also university and graduate school.??The healthcare program, called "Barrio Adentro", has not only provided preventive healthcare to all Venezuelans - many who never had access to a doctor before - but also has guaranteed universal, free access to medical attention at the most advanced levels. MRIs, heart surgery, lab work, cancer treatments, are all provided free of cost to anyone (including foreigners) in need. Some of the most modern clinics, diagnostic treatment centers and hospitals have been built in the past five years under this program, placing Venezuela at the forefront of medical technology.??Other programs providing subsidized food and consumer products (Mercal, Pdval), job training (Mission Vuelvan Caras), subsidies to poor, single mothers (Madres del Barrio), attention to indigents and drug addicts (Mission Negra Hipolita) have reduced extreme poverty by 50% and raised Venezuelans standard of living and quality of life. While nothing is perfect, these changes are extraordinary and have transformed Venezuela into a nation far different from what it looked like 10 years ago. In fact, the most important achievement that Hugo Chávez himself is directly responsible for is the level of participation in the political process. Today, millions of Venezuelans previously invisible and excluded are visible and included. Those who were always marginalized and ignored in Venezuela by prior governments today have a voice, are seen and heard, and are actively participating in the building of a new economic, political and social model in their country.??2 MW---On Monday, President Chavez threw a Venezuelan judge in jail on charges of abuse of power for freeing a high-profile banker. Do you think he overstepped his authority as executive or violated the principle of separation of powers? What does this say about Chavez's resolve to fight corruption?"



The Anarchist School: Education For Equality (tags)

* The following text, published in # 57 of El Libertario, Venezuela, condenses the vision of the theme of the author, who died in the middle of 2009, who thanks to the work developed in her Free School Paideia, in Mérida, Spain, was a contemporary exponent recognized for the practice and the theory of libertarian education.

Join the E-March to Protect Public Education Funding (tags)

The State is cutting education funding. Take this simple action to send the Governor a message.

Calif. Governor Candidate Alexander Proposing Free Online University Degrees (tags)

While running as the Peace and Freedom Party’s candidate for California Lieutenant Governor in 2006, Alexander’s platform supported free education through university level. Alexander says this is still achievable through online educational studies. Alexander believes that online studies will drive the cost down for the state, will offer all students the opportunity to receive a free education, and students will be able to obtain a Bachelor or Master degree in almost any discipline.

Solidarity with the UC Student Protests; Education is our right! (tags)

As democratic socialists, Socialist Party USA stands in solidarity with the student protests. We encourage all students, especially those at publicly-funded universities, to draw inspiration from the UC protests. Democratic socialism advances our just demands that everything that make us human be guaranteed. Food, employment, healthcare, housing and education are our social rights. Now is the time to demand them.

PFP Gubernatorial Candidate Alexander Condemns UC Tuition Hikes (tags)

Stewart Alexander says, “It is time for students to revolt, not by laying in the streets and not by organizing student demonstrations chanting ‘Shame on you!’ It must be a revolt using voter registration cards and making a change in the voting booth; this will be the only student action that the Democrats and Republicans will understand.”

Students and Workers Resist Privatization at UCLA Regents Meeting (tags)

LOS ANGELES, UCLA Campus - November 19, 2009 – An estimated 2,000+ students and union workers took part in various actions campus-wide this week. Covel Commons where the UC Regents held their last day of meetings was completely surrounded by students and workers with arms locked together. They formed a human chain of solidarity against the regents complicity in the ongoing privatization of the UC system.

VLCC begins another inning with Delhi Government (tags)

An initiative under the PPP model VLCC offers vocational education to the underprivileged section of society under the Swarn Jyanti Shahri Rozgar Yojna (SJSRY)

Facts for Working People (tags)

Facts for Working People on Education * Capitalism Loves death! * Charter Schools- a move to privitize education * Teachers- Why you shouldn't work "off the clock" * Teaching " to the test" Poor Children Left Behind * Bailout vs Public Education * Detroit Education Strike

Furlough? Hell No! Cutback? Fight back! UCR Walkout (tags)

In one of the largest campus-based demonstrations in recent memory, UCR students, faculty, and staff joined together to protest tuition hikes and the budget cuts that are prompting furloughs and bad-faith bargaining with UC workers' unions.

Development Theory: Ivan Illich (tags)

Education is the great transformer (J.K. Galbraith). Ivan Illich was a life-giving iconoclast and philosopher who criticized modern industrial society as a threat to autonomy. Through resistance and solidarity, we can begin again.

Reinventing No Child Left Behind (tags)

Obama plans to privatize public education

Secretary of Education Duncan: Pushing the Chicago Plan - video link (tags)

link info to video stream

Dems and Reps Unite for Cuts (tags)

While billionaires get bailed out and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continue THE BUDGET CRISIS IS A LIE! THERE IS MONEY THE RICH ARE STEALING IT.

The Democrats vs. Public Education (tags)

Public education in the United States is under heavy attack. And because a so-called “progressive” President is leading the charge, many education activists have been lulled to sleep while on lookout duty. Obama recently announced his “race to the top” program to “reform” education. Much like Bush’s No Child Left Behind, Obama’s plan represents progress for education in name only.


The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) strongly condemns the California Legislature ( the two parties )and the Governor for the its latest assaults on all CAlifornians. The EPCC denounces the so-called compromise on the budget that added untold hardships on the people of California.

Obamcare - A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug Companies and Large Hos (tags)

Obamacare will make a bad health care system worse.

Emergency for IMC in Athens and Patras (Greece) (tags)

For all these reasons we ask you if you can host the Internet sites of the IMC of Athens and Patras on your server. We must preserve them, especially when they are closed or are near to be closed, and to react against censorship and promote freedom of information.

Last Call for PAPEL's Summer School Program (tags)

With the budget cuts to our summer program now in effect, and with reports by community members of acts of vandalism throughout the different communities in Los Angeles by young children who should otherwise be in school, one community group is ready to take over what the LAUSD failed to do: save our kids!

The Dumbing-Down of America (tags)

The Endless Loop of Public Education: "Is Our Children Learning?"

People's Assembly for Popular Education & Liberation: Summer School Program Update (tags)

With LAUSD cuts to summer school programs already in effect, a community of activists, teachers, parents and concerned citizens have held summer school for grades K-12 in front of LAUSD's Administrative Headquarters at 333 South Beaudry Street. While attendance was small, and kept that way for symbolic purposes, we are ready to move to a different location, one that will accommodate more students and parents. But we need your help!

OC Education Not Incarceration Community Forum (tags)

End Criminilization of Youth, of People of Color! Of our communities! En El Condado de la Naranja, and abroad!!! ICE/Migra versus Workers, OC Police abuse, harassment, and Beating and Killing of Mothers, Fathers, youth, Unarmed Residents and Citizens, Cutting Jobs, Education, and Healthcare while Funding More Wars, More Overthrows of Democracies in Mexico and Latin America; More bottomless bailouts for banks, insurances, and war and violence companies, while more people lose healthcare access as their taxes build more Prisons and Prison Healthcare. End Genocide in the hood!!!

No community support for $30M Discovery Center at EIR meeting (tags)

The Friends of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area and neighboring lands as open space corridors. We promote and assist with restoration and educational uses of the Natural Area that are compatible with the conservation of plant and animal habitat and migration, historical resources, water quality, and public health and safety.

Day 28 of LAUSD Protest:LAUSD Board Votes 5 to 2 for School Cuts - Photo Essay Pt. 2 (tags)

Hunger Strike Camp Continues While South Central Parents, Teachers and Kids Picket L.A. Headquarters. Photos Part 2 of 2

Reflections after 22 days on hunger strike (tags)

Where are we now and where are we headed are two of the questions we are facing in this education crisis, one that if not addressed soon and courageously, will bring about devastation to our communities, especially those communities of color and in low-income neighborhoods.

Taxing fossils, to educate for renewables (tags)

In response to the California state budget crisis, and, to global warming urgencies, Californiia's 20th District Assemblymember Alberto Torrico has proposed Assembly Bill 656, a tax "for the privilege of severing oil or gas from the earth or water in this state," to fund higher education, especially renewable energy education.

General Strike Needed to Oppose Cal Gov cuts & Obama's no aid (tags)

Republican Governor Schwarzenegger refuses to ask for loans until the gains of the workingclass are destroyed and Democratic President Barack Obama has refused to provide aid to California, although he did give over $700 billion to the banks with no accountability , the same banks which refuse to provide loans to anyone who has serious need where it be private businesses or governments. Bank excess reserves have skyrocketed from almost zero to over $800 billion since Fall 2008. Labor must respond with GENERAL STRIKE.

L.A.Hunger Strikers on Ninth Day of Fast (tags)

Los Angeles Teachers Fast for Their Students.Class size and Layoffs Spur Deeper Protests.


CONTEST “LIBERTARIAN PEDAGOGY” “Reflections, analysis and proposals for libertarian pedagogy today”

Highland Park Adds a Garden (tags)

Highland Park recently added the newest community garden to the growing list of those in and around Los Angeles, when the Milagro Allegro Community Garden broke ground on February 21, 2009.

Terminate the Defense Department (tags)

Defense budget and american imperialism in the time of economic crisis; free, universal education and the question of market capitalism in the University; students as indentured servants to corporations;

Chaos as Usual (tags)

In our collective helplessness, we seek salvation in the transcendental empire of the inexplicable. "How could it be?" becomes the self-defense to forget our miserable social existence.. The economic has taken society hostage.

"Hizzhonor:" Chicago Politics Under Richard M. Daley (tags)

last of the big city bosses

Radical Educator Bill Ayers speaks at Claremont Colleges (tags)

Monday, April 6, 2009 CLAREMONT, California - Bill Ayers, professor of education and co-founder of the radical antiwar organization the Weather Underground--labeled "domestic terrorists" by the FBI--spoke to a crowd of about 300 this evening about activism, Obama, and education. A recurring theme of his talk was the importance of movements (in contrast with the common emphasis on leadership) in bringing about social change, and his exhortation was that we in the audience participate in those movements.

College Students March on State Capitol to Protest Budget Cuts (tags)

Students and educators from public colleges all over the state converged on Sacramento on March 16, 2009 to demand that California fully fund higher education and not raise tuition. Many had meetings with legislators. While protests were entirely peaceful, one student was arrested by police for no apparent reason.

A Simple Solution to the States' Budget Crises (tags)

On February 16, in Salem, Oregon a rally of more than 5,000 students, teachers, parents, and social service workers assembled in front of the state capitol, demanding a solution to the state’s financial crisis. This was but one of many similar protests nationwide; and Oregon is par for the course when it comes to U.S. states neck deep in a budget crisis. It is estimated that, unless other sources of revenue are raised immediately, the state will make $800 million in cuts…by June. The projected deficit for the next two years is $2.5 billion.

Nevada; UNLV Students Protest Gov Gibbon's Budget Cuts (tags)

Following Nevada Governor Jim Gibbon's state of the state address where he proposed cutting higher education throughout Nevada by 50% to account for a budget shortfall, students from UNLV rally in protest over cuts to needed education services.

Alexander: California Budget Needs More for Education, Less for Prisons (tags)

On March 16, 2009, thousands of students will gather in Sacramento at the Capitol Building for a march and rally to protest the budget cuts to education and cuts to community colleges. Stewart Alexander is encouraging students to join the march and rally to keep the community colleges open. For more information regarding the time, location and date for the Mass Community College March/Rally in Sacramento, call (415) 585-2121.

Obama's New Appointments (tags)

as bad as the others

Memorandum 2008 Summary-Crisis Underrated (tags)

Without increasing internal demand, the upswing based on replacement investments and exports cannot continue. Without reduced working hours, adequate jobs will not be created in a world of reduced work volumes, rationalization and information technology.

Educators Protest Scholarship's Discriminatory Policy (tags)

Over 100 teachers and students protest in front of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Headquarters demanding they halt their discriminatory policy barring undocumented students from applying to their scholarship

Labortech 2008 In SF On Dec 5,6&7, 2008 (tags)

Labortech which brings together labor video, computer and media activists from around the world will be having a conference in San Francisco on December 5,6&7.

Sonya Kahn Addresses Music Education, Anti-War, Genocide, Peace and Love (tags)

Vocalist-Songwriter-Musician-Producer Sonya Kahn is using classical and rock music to drive home the points of music education as a means of expression, inspiring a whole new generation with advocacy and activism.

Direct Action to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions (tags)

An Appeal to All Activists to Stop Forclosures Now! Organize Direct Action Committees to Stop Foreclosures


The choice of former first lady Imelda Marcos as "guest of honor" at a youth leadership conference opening in Baguio City on Sunday has raised a furor among education officials, as well as various teacher and student groups. The controversial wife of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos will be honored for her “contribution to Philippine culture and arts” at the DepEd’s annual National Leadership Training for Student Government Officers at the Teachers Camp. The four-day conference is a project of the DepEd's Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs, or CSCA.

Campus Antiwar Network's Alternative Education in the Streets of Sector 6! (tags)

The Republicans have conveniently decided to hold their convention during the first week of school. So to take advantage of the amazing learning opportunity, CAN wants students and youth to converge on Sector 6 of the RNC Welcoming Committee's map to receive an alternate education in a wide array of topics.

Doug Dowd's "At the Cliff's Edge - Part II" (tags)

a stinging indictment of US imperialism

L. A. Teachers Fight Cuts in Education Budget (tags)

A UTLA Member Reports from the Picket Line Over 40,000 teachers, United Teachers Los Angeles, (UTLA), sacrificed an hour of their pay to protest the proposed state budget cuts on Friday, June 6, 2008. LA, CA

Disgust in Senate Dist. 23 with Both Candidates, Levine and Pavley, Goes Off Scale (tags)

To replace a great senator in California History, Sheila Kuehl, voters have a choice of two sleaze bags that both belong in Orange County.

Hey, Arnold! No Budget Cuts 4 CA Education: Segerstrom Hi Students & Teachers Speak Out (tags)

Santa Ana, CA: At a rally to save California Public Education, Segerstrom High School students and RIF'ed teachers speak out against Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget cuts. To voice your concerns, contact: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger: State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814............................... E-mail: Phone: 916-445-2841.......................... Fax: 916-445-4633

OEA Press Conference on ILWU May Day Stop Work Action Against War (tags)

The Oakland Education Association representing more than 2800 education workers called a press conference on Tuesday April 29, 2008 to announce support of the ILWU action against the war and action by their own union. They were joined by other unions and Cindy Sheehan

Destroying Public Education in America (tags)

Privatizations schemes to destroy public education.

A Real Threat to California Home-Schoolers (tags)

I’m not sure how the Free State Project is going in New Hampshire, but the Police State Project appears to be advancing rapidly here in California.


4.8 BILLION dollars PROPOSED budget cuts in education. 1,000's of teacher/support staff layoffs. Educational Programs slashed. Bussing slashed. School closures. Class-size reduction vanishing. DO SOMETHING!!!

Queer Democrats Hold Love-Fest for School Board Candidates (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club overwhelmingly endorsed three candidates in local school board races in a love-fest meeting February 28 that contrasted dramatically with their previous one on January, a knock-down, drag-out debate between incumbent city attorney Mike Aguirre and two of his challengers (one of whom has since left the race). They also rated openly Gay Republican Carl DeMaio "unacceptable" as a candidate for the San Diego City Council.


The very week the Education Week Quality Counts report gave California a D+ for school funding, the governor proposed budget cuts of $4.8 billion from public education over the next 18 months. Cuts of this size, which includes midyear and across-the-board cuts, can’t happen without suspending Proposition 98, the minimum school funding law.......................................... “The governor’s proposed budget is a giant step backwards for our students,” said CTA President David A. Sanchez. “It’s disappointing and ironic that in the proclaimed ‘year of education’ the governor is talking about cutting billions from our public schools and decimating our minimum funding law. Our students didn’t create this budget crisis and their education shouldn’t be ransomed to solve it.”................................. While it’s clear there are extraordinary budget challenges, it’s also clear that California voters believe our students and public schools should be a top priority. CTA will be closely monitoring the budget situation and will continue to provide updates and calls for action........................................ REJECT THE GOVERNOR'S STATE BUDGET PROPOSAL: ...................................TAKE ACTION: email your lawmaker!

Ludacris was forced to talk about our protest! (tags)

Last night, in the rain, we stood outside of the Ludacris concert in protest. Our information flier read, "We believe strongly in the right to free speech; we're not trying to shut down the concert. But we also believe in activism and education as a means to bring about a more just and egalitarian society."

libertarianism (tags)

ChooseYourVote.Org Interviews Presidential Candidate Frank Moore (tags)

Choose Your Vote (dot) Org interviews 2008 Presidential Candidate Frank Moore.

Uhuru Fights for Education Rights in Florida (tags)

InPDUM demonstration opposes plan to keep African children out of schools in own community!

PHILIPPINES: Gloria Arroyo is a Human Rights Violator! (tags)

Hers is a Morally Bankrupt Government with Distorted Human Rights Values! Malacañang’s (Presidential Palace) cash gifts, for whatever fabricated excuses and delayed explanations, has exposed the governance of Ms. Gloria Arroyo as morally bankrupt.

Update on Crystal Lake, Angeles National Forest (tags)

Environmental Education Center nature trail foot bridge restoration was completed successfully. Photographs and a video are available at the link provided.


Just a reminder to join us this Sunday, September 9th as we gather in community and in solidarity for children's right to education.

Dear Anaheim City School District Board of Education, (tags)

Anaheim Elementary Education Association (AEEA)/Anaheim City School District (ACSD) contract negotiations CONTINUE at impasse. A rally was held at the ACSD School Board Meeting on Monday evening, August 27, 2007. Over 400 enthusiastic educators, family members, and Anaheim community members crowded the ACSD Board room to rally in support of ACSD teachers. Impassioned speakers from ACSD delivered speeches to the Board. Executive Director of Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development (OCCORD), Eric Altman, spoke in support of ACSD teachers and for a speedy contract settlement. This YouTube video features highlights of the Board Meeting, speeches, and rally. We are asking the public at large to show support of AEEA teachers by contacting the Anaheim City School District's Board of Education members and urging them to settle our contract NOW.

Cruisin’ with Magu (tags)

Korean-American youth Artists & Chicano Art Icon

Privatization Endangers Democracy (tags)

Neoliberal hegemony or market radicalism is a danger for democracy because economic mechanisms replace politics. Neoliberals change the understanding of justice in society. The less generous the social benefits, the more powerful must be its security machine.

Mexico: Mobilisationcontinutes for the release of student activists (tags)


US Presidential Candidate: Free Education is Possible (tags)

As millions of college students begin preparing to enter college this fall, many have become accustom to increased tuitions year after year. Nationwide college tuitions are climbing and in some states the increase is 10 percent or more going into the fall semester. Stewart A. Alexander, a Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for President, says free education is possible through university level; a position the PFP, Peace and Freedom Party, has supported for 40 years.

Anaheim Elementary Education Assoc. and Board of Ed at IMPASSE! (tags)

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Anaheim Elementary Education Association (AEEA) and the Anaheim City School District (ACSD) bargaining teams met with a State mediator on Friday, July 27, 2007. While the entire AEEA bargaining team came prepared to reach a settlement – cancelling vacations and other personal plans – a crucial member of the District team was NOT in attendance. This absence reinforced the perception that teachers are not a priority in the Anaheim City School District, and it is an indication that reaching a timely settlement is not a District priority. The presence of over one hundred AEEA members, waving signs, wearing buttons, and encouraging honks of support, inspired the AEEA bargaining team and showed the mediator that both its membership and their needs are truly being represented. Public support of AEEA UNION members is very much appreciated!

Normalized Madness - Violence in Everyday Life (tags)

Violence is a primal phenomenon of humanity. Admitting we live in a culture of violence is hard. Violence is part of the horrific everyday life of many people. Nonviolent education strengthens civil courage. Jesus calls peacemakers blessed.

Candidate Alexander: Labor, War and Education Connects (tags)

Stewart A. Alexander, a presidential hopeful with the Peace and Freedom Party, applaud the actions of the ILWU Local 10 and Local 34 for lending their strong support to anti-war protesters at the SSA shipping terminals in Oakland, California. On May 19 the Port Action Committee, the Oakland Education Association, along with teacher, students and community activist demanded that the U.S. get out of Iraq and called on other unionists throughout the United States to mobilize in action to stop the war.

Join California Safe Schools - K-12 Education Day (tags)

The Maintenance Planning Group (MPG) and Clark County School District have developed a one day workshop series based on the Fundamentals of Predictive Maintenance in Education Facilities

Work as Fetish (tags)

What is good for the economy and what is good for people diverge more and more! Nevertheless the opposite is drummed into people..Capitalism only knows the irrational end-in-itself, making more money out of money until the end of time. Capitalism strikes its own limits.

Latin American School of Medicine (tags)

In the midst of all the US-Cuban relations stories, primarily, the focus is on the imposed economic sanctions against Castro’s Cuba. But, there is a story of unity, progression, and humanitarian efforts lying within those pages written about Cuba. It is one that is hardly, if ever, told; a story that calls attention to the concern for human life above economic strife.

France : "Let these kids grow up here!" (tags)

"Laissez-les grandir ici!" (Let these kids grow up here!) Here is a short film that has been seen over 80,000 times on the internet and thousands more in cinemas in France, where, through the eyes and voices of children, it questions again the politics of deportation of so-called "illegal" immigrants – this is the midst of the election campaigns. A national petition is gaining momentum and may well gather more signatures than last year's civil disobedience campaign "Nous les prenons sous notre protection" (We will protect them)

Schwarzenegger Betrays Students on Tuitions (tags)

Advocate groups for free education consider the recent tuition hikes for UC and CSU students to be no less than a tax on college students. California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has done nothing to make education affordable for students since he was elected in 2003. In the past the governor’s office has made it clear that education is a right for K-12, but not for higher education.

Savings Accounts for Newborns in CA is a Bad Idea (tags)

The CA Senate Proposal to give $500.00 to all babies born in CA staring Jan.1, 2008 is a bad idea.

Killers in the Classroom (tags)

-- -- During a heated debate in a class I teach on social justice, several US Marines who had done tours in Iraq told me that they had "sacrificed" by “serving” in Iraq so that I could enjoy the freedom to teach in the USA. Parroting their master’s slogan about “fighting over there so we don’t have to fight over here”, these students proudly proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis. They intimated that their Arab victims are nothing more to them than collateral damage, incidental to their receipt of some money and an education.

More Employment through a Different Distribution (tags)

More employment comes through reduced working hours and public investments more than tax subsidies. The state has destroyed jobs. The global attack of neoliberalism has gravely damaged the democratic welfare state.

Feds Plan to Step Up Education Funding in South Central (tags)

The U.S. government is devising a plan to infuse much-needed additional funding into education and training programs for disadvantaged youth, a program that purportedly is designed to address the root causes behind the exclusion of some youth from these programs.

BTL:Pentagon Misinforms National Guard & Reserve Soldiers About... (tags)

...Education Benefits~Produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

March on Washington (tags)

Gather 9am at US Supreme Court - across from Capitol *See for more information*

Submission to Iraq Study Group (tags)

The new map of iran has been presented to the Iraq Study Group.

LA Greens Endorsements for Nov. 7 Ballot (tags)

The Los Angeles Greens endorsed Proposition 89 (Clean Money) and Proposition 87 (Oil Tax to Fund Alternative Energy) . Here is the full list of our recommendations for November 7, 2006:

Alexander Wants Free Education By 2009 (tags)

The plan Alexander is presenting will unfold over the next three years; first, students will receive a 35 percent reduction in college tuition fees by 2007, by 2008 students will receive an additional 20 percent reduction on fees, and by 2009 all state colleges and universities will offer free education.

Every School as a Small Business (tags)

The Bertelsmann foundation reorganizes German schools according to market criteria. A privatization of the political is occurring worldwide today.. Bertelsmann keeps a tight reign on public libraries, schools and universities through performance standards and control instruments.

Lt. Gov. Candidate Wants Free Education By 2009 (tags)

The plan Alexander is presenting will unfold over the next three years; first, students will receive a 35 percent reduction in college tuition fees by 2007, by 2008 students will receive an additional 20 percent reduction on fees, and by 2009 all state colleges and universities will offer free education.

Today's Youth: Efficient, Harmonious and Creative (tags)

For 40% in England, neither career nor consumption are in first place in their desires but downshifting, exchanging a financially attractive but stress-filled career for a less streneous but more fulfilling way of life with less income.

Joe Turner: School board candidate or demagogue? (tags)

Joseph Turner, founder of the anti-immigrant group Save Our State, is running for San Bernardino Board of Education, fresh from the defeat of his Anti-Illegal Immigration Ordinance there. But the campaign is going to his head.

Humboldt State Budget Cuts, Suspicion other schools affected, call to action / for allies (tags)

Humboldt State Budget Cuts, Suspicion other schools affected, call to action / for allies

Appeal to petition Israeli government to respect the right to education (tags)

The racist Israeli policies deprive and violate Palestinians' right to education and are used by the hegemonic power holders as a means of discrimination. Such discriminatory practices are apparent in not providing safe access to schools and institutions of higher education in unrecognized villages in the Galilee and the Negev, or by the militarization of educational spaces, the imposition of checkpoints or other militarized barriers (such as the separation wall) in the occupied Palestinian territories. The cumulative effect of these practices is a blatant violation of the right of students (especially females who are the most vulnerable segment of society) to study in an educational context that is safe and free from violence.



Alexander Wants Student Tips Tax Exempted (tags)

Stewart Alexander, Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, want college students to be tax exempted for tips received in service related jobs; such as restaurants, food delivery, pet grooming, and other services where tips are traditionally paid. Many college students work minimum wage jobs and rely on tips as an additional source of income to pay there way through college.

the Excuse of all who oppose us (tags)


9/11 conspiracy 'theories' persist, thrive (tags)

By JUSTIN POPE, AP Education Writer

Occupation, not democracy! (tags)

This leaflet was distributed during the second week of the occupations and in the 10000 people demonstration in Thessaloniki. Its content was determined by what we saw then as the major weaknesses of the movement, i.e. the adherence to democratic procedures and generally to a democratist ideology along with the absence of any critique of schoolwork and of the media’s mediating role.

Poor and Elderly Die in California Heat Wave (tags)

The deaths during California's recent heat wave were due to market forces not natural causes

The State of the Philippine Education (tags)

Getting “Dumb & Dumber” under Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Israel, Lebanon, Palestinian Conflict (tags)

Public Education Campaigns in Israel are vitally needed to educate the Israeli Public to (1) the illusory threat of a free and independent Palestine, indeed how this would benefit Israel, and (2) the stain left on the Jewish heritage and soul of Israel by such aggression.

The time doesn't stop - of the need of a commitment with the education. (tags)

about the need to understand that the education is the only exit to the countries if they develop

France : over 52,00 sign "We will protect them" (tags)

The pause given (by Prime Minister Sarkozy) to immigrant parents and students will end on June 30. Thousands of children, adolescents and their families risk mass deportation. Their lives and their future will end. We will not allow these infamies to be done in our name. Every one of us is ready to help, guide and protect in whatever way is possible. When they seek refuge, we will not close our doors but will give shelter and food ; we will not denounce them to the police. original in French : Pétition nationale : NOUS LES PRENONS SOUS NOTRE PROTECTION !

Yes on 81& 82, Sarah Knop for School Superintendent (tags)

June 6 is election day and your vote is definitely needed for Yes on 81 and 82 and for Sarah Knopp for School Superintendent. All 3 races effectively involve education, crucial to the future of any society.

How the State of Education Has Changed Over Time in (tags)

I think, when the school opens this June, it’s high time to send our officials back to school so that they would learn first hand the real sad state of our educational system. #

Icy Reception as Banned Poet Readmitted to College (tags)

Icily, Schwarzenegger-Linked Administration Readmits Banned Poet

Nonpartisan Office: Sarah Knopp for School Superintendent (tags)

The California Superintendent of Schools is technically a nonpartisan position. Sarah Knopp, a socialist and member of the Green Party, is running for this position

New Orleans: Who Stole Fortier High School? (tags)

How does a historically black high school get turned into predominantly white elite charter school? Alcee Fortier High School in New Orleans is a symbol of everything wrong in New Orleans today.


Call your representative 1-800-459-1887 TOLL FREE. Tell him/her: Please oppose a budget deal that forces cuts in health care, education, nutrition, child care and many other services. Cutting services to pay for tax giveaways to millionaires hurts our nation.

Advocacy Workshop for Special Needs Children (tags)

Recognizing the need for further parent training and education, parents and community groups, including Learning Disabilities Association of Orange County and California Safe Schools, are organizing the free Parent Workshop at the Goldy S. Lewis Community Center in the city of Rancho Cucamonga.


POVERTY ERADICATION By Ruby BIRD Arab Countries To improve people’s skills facilitation their entry into emloyment sectors through integrated capacity building schemes (programs on social skills, human rights and business skills). Were noticed increased illiteracy, high school dropouts, gender gaps, and school graduates with limited life skills. For example : series of direct training workshops for poor and deprives youth have been held in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon and Palestinian Camps. Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal Poverty undoubtedly has a women’s face. Two third of the world’s poor live in this region. The majority being women, two third of them are of schoolage. To help them to acquire appropriate technology-related knowledge and skills in order to help opening them the door to more job opportunities and increasing their status in the society. Girls and young women in those societies are a particular vulnerable group. Often, rights to Education & Training, Decent Work & Benefits of Science are denied to poor girls. Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan The highest concentration of the world’s poorest population, mostly having a female face. Need to break the poverty cycle of women in this region. Seek to demonstrate that it is opportune to focus on vulnerable adolescent girls caught in the process of pauperisation, it is crucial to go beyond the narrow perspective of considering them only as « people with needs ». Their rights have to be defended for the well being of all. To emphasize Education & Microfinance, Science, Communication & Information as well as Monitoring & Evaluation. Those components are closely inter-related. Central Asia & Afghanistan Continental climate with extremes of heat and cold, wet and dry. The region is prone to earthquakes. It is urgent to revive the traditional skills needed on the one hand to preserve the cultural heritage sites and on the other to build ecologically sound houses and public buildings affordable by all, including the poorest rural populations. To promote the right to good housing and living conditions affordable to all sections of the population and adapted to the climate. To promote the right to a substainable environment by using energy efficient construction and renewable energies. To promote the right to good health by avoiding harmful modern construction materials and promoting natural materials. Latin America To improve the lives of artisan and small-scale mining communities in the fragile ecosystems of latin America. The common factor is often the predominance of vulnerable social groups and widespread poverty. Artisanak ans small-scale mining largely depends on local ans sub-regional economic links. One of the most prinicpal objective is to improve social, economics and technical conditions, to reduce the environmental impact and poverty. To focus on Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Mining can cause environmental damages, to support the right to a healthy environment by improving methodologies for the biodiversity protection. By trying to diminish people’s health risks, we support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights « Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of works and to protection against unemployment ». Young and female migrants in China and Mongolia The integration of migrant workers in the urban social and economic fabric through services including training in life and basic skils, vocational training, career counselling, family planning, health & rights awareness. The targeted group is young female migrants who suffer from double denial of human rights & double discrimination as female and as to promote migrants rights in the national, regional & local governements through : - advocacy on the ratified international treaties - legal assistance activities - capacity building for officials - awareness raising activities ans at preparing recommendations for new laws and regulations on working & living conditions of migrants. Exploitative migration of women and children in Africa Poverty is one of the main explanatory factors of human trafficking. This is a modern form of slavery. To fight against poverty by eradicating human trafficking, espacially that of women & children in Africa. To organize awareness campaigns adapted to local cultures. Poverty, an extreme discrimination is combined with gender discrimination & lack of education. The fight against human trafficking is organized around : - the right to formal education & informal education wich empowers potential victims against human trafickers - right to health which is often lacking in trafficked victims, especially the one involved in sexual exploitation - right to a decent work for removed from the modern form of degrading slavery that human trafficking represents - right to security & justice, especially for the trafficked victims who try to escape from the human traffickers - right to non-discrimination, gender & minority discriminations being factors of vulnerability vis-à-vis human trafficking. Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Benin To integrate a human rights approach in order to faster strategies & policies in the fight against poverty in Western Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal). The reinforcement of human security & the respect for the human rights of local populations (particularly women). Civil society actors & representatives of programms, funds & specialiszed agencies of the United Nations are regularly invited for meeting within the framework of projects. UNESCO & the Millenium Development Goals (MDG’s) - Goal 1 : Eradicate extremen poverty & hunger - Goal 2 : Achieve universal primary education - Goal 3 : Promote gender equality & empower women - Goal 4 : Reduce child mortality - Goal 5 : Improve maternal health - Goal 6 : Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria & other diseases - Goal 7 : Ensure environmental sustainability - Goal 8 : Develop a global partnership for Development. Arab Countries To improve people’s skills facilitation their entry into emloyment sectors through integrated capacity building schemes (programs on social skills, human rights and business skills). Were noticed increased illiteracy, high school dropouts, gender gaps, and school graduates with limited life skills. For example : series of direct training workshops for poor and deprives youth have been held in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon and Palestinian Camps.

Academic Collapse and Bureaucratic Despotism in Argentine Culture. Letter to Kirchner (tags)

In order to reach an international audience the Document has to be written in the english language, and to avoid its contamination with apocryphal signatures a neutral institution like PetitionOnline has to be searched. The lack of a free academic discussion of that deficit --due to a climate of fear-- is not possible within CONICET, neither in the rest of institutions that are concerned with education and culture. The present invitation has been signed by a committee of six members.

Join California Safe Schools at Los Angeles Arboretum (tags)

Los Angeles Environmental Education Fair

Winograd Runs Against Harman (tags)

An announcement of a signature gathering party for 36th District Congressional Candidate Marcy Winograd, a peace activist challenging pro-war Congresswoman Jane Harman in the Democratic Party primary on June 6th, 2006. Marcy's candidate statement follows the invitation announcement. After the party tonight, the candidate statement could still be posted. Please! James did an audio interview with me last night.

On the Scandinavian Model (tags)

The Scandinavian model could help us find our way to social compromise and true security through investments in education and apprenticeships. Has our wealth blinded us to alternatives and encouraged our altered state of paralysis, insecurity and fear?


A review of the Bolivarian Revolution achievements and the threat to Hugo Chavez from the U.S.

Governor's Claims of Remorse Not Genuine (tags)

The Governor has contributed more to gang violence through his cuts to education and social services than Tookie Williams ever did by co-founding the Crips. It is a travesty that such a flawed person was allowed to sit in judgement of this valued member of our community.

The causes of the recent rebellion by the French born youth of African and Muslim parents (tags)

The racism is a common place in European society. Nothing has been done to create a friendly society where immigrants can enjoy peace of mind and the benefits of growing European economy.

The Lack of Education for African Americans (tags)

Please come out to give your suggestions. Thanks so much.

On Idleness (tags)

Uncontrolled capitalism proved to be a completely wrong track toward the end of the 19th century. The governing church of work does everything so people only have time and strength for two things in life: work and job-hunting. The 30-hour work week could be a life-giving goal.

Help for Americans Who are Losing Jobs to Foriegn Educated Individuials. (tags)

Home Schooling, GED, Middle School, High School everyone needs this book!

To Starve Or To Smother: US Bad-Neighbor Trade Policies (tags)

For those who are following the latest news on the topic of revolutions in motion and rotten u.s. policies, this an excellent op ed piece, feel free to send it onto other media sites.

Economic Treason - What Kind of Country Destroys the Job Market for Its Own Citizens? (tags)

author: PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS, CounterPunch, July 15, 2005 - The June payroll jobs report did not receive much attention due to the July 4 holiday, but the depressing 21st century job performance of the US economy continues unabated.

Danny DeVito for Governor: Dump the Evil Twin (tags)

The evidence is overwhelming. Not only has the Evil Twin caused great harm in his first political role, there’s no forecasting the disaster if he gets to star in the sequel. If the voters are committed to having an actor as their governor, they should at least have the right to the performance of a good actor. Californians should dump Schwarzenegger and elect Danny DeVito, as Governor of California. He’s smarter, better looking, and we can understand (and believe) what he says.

Theses on Domination and Barbarism (tags)

"The policy of scapegoats in Germany and elsewhere devours the liberal foundations of society little by little and produces tears in the fundamentals of demcoracy.. A counterpart could be a new social contract for the 21st century.."

Salaries Soar for More than 800,000 Cuban Workers (tags)

Salaries Soar for More than 800,000 Cuban Workers

Schwarzenegger faces boos, turned backs at Santa Monica College (tags)

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger took the stage Tuesday at Santa Monica College's Corsair Stadium, which was filled with a maximum capacity crowd, and faced boos, chants, turned backs and signs of protest to his policies on education funding.

Arnold Pecks Away At Free Speech (tags)

As a Santa Monica City College student leaving in the fall for Berkeley, I'm going to Tuesday's graduation ceremonies to support my friends. Since the governor is the commencement speaker, I will also be wearing a chicken suit, because Arnold is too chicken to talk to students about why he's hiking student fees and cutting education funding.

Mobilizing against Education- and Social Cuts (tags)

This struggle is imperative from the knowledge that the political measures of the neoliberal project are morally and economi-cally false..We can only resist this false policy together. Students must convince students that the interests of workers are their interests


Protest Schwarzenegger in Santa Monica on Tues, June 14, at 5 pm.

JOIN Venezuela News & Action, a free weekly bulletin on Venezuelan democracy. (tags)

You can help support Venezuelan sovereignty and stay on top of the latest political events with our concise, once-weekly electronic bulletin.

Mass Rally vs. Arnold's Education Cuts (tags)

Thousands of teachers, school employees, and other citizens concerned about cuts to education held a mass rally in Pershing Square yesterday to demand that funding stolen from schools by Governor Schwarzenegger be restored immediately.

Malcolm X Festival (tags)

Hosted by FAMLI, Inc., the festival is the nation’s largest cultural tribute to Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz). The great human rights advocate and family man would have been 80 years old on May 19 in this 40th year observance of his death.

Wed. 5/25: Thousands of Teachers, Parents, Students Rally to Stop Schwazenegger (tags)

WHAT: The Los Angeles rally is timed to coincide with another huge rally at the Capitol in Sacramento protests Governor Schwazenegger's broken promises tp to schools, his attacks on working people and his special election petition campaign that would waste $80 millon. There will be a special tribute to labor leader Miguel Contreras, who past away earlier this month. WHEN: Wednesday, May 25 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles (6th and Olive St.)

Wednes. May 25: LA Mass Mobilization to Stop Schwazenegger (tags)

WHAT: Action Day Wednesday, May 25 Mobilization in Los Angeles Action to coincide with a mass demonstration at the Capitol in Sacramento to stop the Governor Schwazenegger and his special election petition campaign that would ruin public education. WHEN: May 25 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles (5th and Olive St.)

FESTIVAL OF CHILDHOOD: Peace Through a Child's Eye (tags)

The Center for Non Violent Education and Parenting is holding its sixth annual Festival of Childhood (for all ages) featuring music, entertainment, arts & crafts and many other fun and creative activities for children and parents.

Theses on Violence (tags)

Violence is the problem that pretends to be its solution. Violence is infectitious like cholera. Violence feels justified as counter-force. Violence prohibited as an offense is justified as a sanction.

Sex Education for Young Women-3.16.05-6pm (tags)

Sex education workshop for all young women and their allies! March 16th from 6pm-8pm at 1616 N. La Brea Ave. LA 90028. call sarah @ 323.962.8197.

Reviving the Debate about Human Rights: Book Review (tags)

The author describes the development of human rights: the first generation-civil andpolitical rights, the second generation-economic, social and cultural rights and the third generation-collective rights.

Refuse the national ID Card (tags)

When ever you allow your name to be spelled in capital letters you go from being a natural person with rights to the status of a slave with no rights. The truth is you should never accept any piece of ID, it always works agains you.

A failing grade: Charter schools and education reform (tags)

Charter schools are a major aspect of the political right.......

Current Globalization Sows Hatred and Terror (tags)

The future is very nebulous. Two different possibilities exist: balance or destruction.. A world in which 24,000 persons die of starvation everyday and several hundred million children are without a school educa-tion cannot be just and is unacceptable.

BTL:Rightwing Talk Show Host Armstrong Williams Implicated in... (tags)

...Taxpayer-Funded Government Propaganda Campaign ~ Interview with Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Progress Donations Resources to the Asia Quake Relief (tags)

For the pasts several days, we had received several requests from different progress organizations to promote their humanitarian efforts in Asia, includes: Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia. Notes: The information provided here is often not verified by others, dishonest even scams involving donations are a problem in general. Please use information carefully and at your own risk

The System: Capitalism and its Role in American Society’s Plunge into the Abyss. (tags)

commentary and analysis of capitalism's devastating role in american society. good read

BTL:As Restrictions Tighten, Bush Administration Demands Detailed Records on... (tags)

...U.S. Citizens Traveling to Cuba~Interview with Luis Rumbaut, attorney and communications director for the Cuban American Alliance Education Fund, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari

Robin Hood Lives! MALDEF Declares Victory (tags)

The trial judge in the Texas School Funding Trial released final docs today. Here is a MALDEF press release and a selection of key passages from the court's findings, with commentary from the Texas Civil Rights Review.

Standardizing Early Childhood Education? (tags)

In Washington state new benchmarks will soon be released for preschoolers. The Washington State Early Learning and Development Benchmarks have many early childhood professionals concerned.

Standardizing Early Childhood Education? (tags)

Under federal mandates states are developing new standards for the education of young children.

What we need today — a program for working people ELECTION PLATFORM 2004, COMMUNIST PARTY (tags)

This is no ordinary election year. Across our country, people are searching for security, hope and peace.

Class Struggle and Critical Race Theory for Texas Schools (tags)

Inequity is a plain fact in Texas education, but so is the challenge of civil rights education.

The Web: New views on the 'digital divide' (tags)

This is a great story on the problems of the digital divide.

9/15: Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 3) (tags)

[Los Angeles] Day 3 of the DREAM Fast Vigil kicked off with the theme "Higher Education Day." The highlight of the day came through paintings that fasters drew that tied higher education to the DREAM Act. Fasters also drew pictures depicting their thoughts and feelings. These will be hung as part of the existing visuals at the fasting site throughout the 2 weeks. The fasters are also engaged in daily journals and writing daily letters to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and to President Bush.

Social Security is Not for Sale (tags)

The market is a tool effective after fundamental political questions are answered: What kind of society do we want? Are education, health care, housing, water and land public goods or privileges?

Education is not a Commodity for Trade (tags)

"Educational policy can and must bring light into globalization.. The world is no longer as simploe as in biblical times when the traders could be simply chased from the temple. Education must remain master in its own house.. Education is not a commodity.."

MALDEF Stands Ground in Texas School Funding Trial (tags)

Lawyers for richer and poorer districts alike are fighting over the future of equitable funding for the education of Texas children. Here is a "half time" update.

Walking on Water: Reading, Writing, and Revolution, by Derrick Jensen (tags)

A Review by Adam Fletcher, Director of The Freechild Project

Latino Vote Part II (tags)

Why Latinos are anti Bush. Its the issues.

Malign Condescension -- or Benign Neglect? (tags)

Equality under the Law.. Not! (tags)

Blacks denied access to educational testing by California Law.

Cosby Has Harsh Words for Black Community (tags)

Somebody stop the Coz before black people wake up from the Plantatrix!

The draft platform of the REVOLUTIONARY PARTY, comments encouraged (tags)

The draft platform of the REVOLUTIONARY PARTY, comments encouraged

Secondary Illiterates: The Crisis of Education in Western Industrial Countries (tags)

"Euroepan literacy and the schooling of society were not generous civilizing gifts to people but part of that process described as `inner colonialization'..Infrastructural institu-tions are not market enterprises but overall social conditions for the market economy.."

Our Myopic Beeblebrox: Plausible Selective Memories (tags)

Pabst Blue Ribbon, ketchup, a Black Panther in Cuba, myopia, Pat Brown and Sci-Fi classics: an eclectic and selective obituary of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of America.

The Socialist Disease -- More Education Money Won’t Solve Problems (tags)

Copyright 2004

Fasters on Day 25 of Fast 4 Education in Sacramento (tags)

Dolores Huerta declared that she will indeed PICK UP the fast for Jessica and has heard from legislators and other celebrities that they may very well pick up the fast for the remaining fasters.

Fast 4 Education Introduced on Assembly Floor (tags)

The Fast for Education was introduced on the Assembly floor on Friday It is currently entering its 21st day!

Bush’s hidden attack on public education (tags)

PHILADELPHIA – This year marks the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education – a historic civil rights legal case that declared Jim Crow segregated schools for African American children were a violation of the Constitution.

Transgender-Phobia Rules in O C School District (tags)

A trioka of transgender-phobic Westminster school board members may cost their students over $ 60 million in lost state revenue.

Teachers and their union fight for public education (tags)

CHICAGO – Children’s paintings hang on the walls in the lobby of the Chicago Teachers Union office. It’s comforting for parents to see schoolkids’ artwork framed and on display.

Pro-Israel Lobby vs Free Speech (tags)

CFL ALERT: Oppose H.R. 3077

Help Stop Cuts to Higher Education (tags)

A grassroots coalition of student groups has formed in Tallahassee, Florida to combat cuts to higher education and tuition increases. Please visit our website and sign the petition.



Kerry knows how to waffle on the issues (tags)

A few questions for John Kerry

Gary Nolan fights back (tags)

Gary Nolan has been called a Neocon. Absolutly NOT true.

Love & Schooling: Love should be first and foremost (tags)

Caring institutions must be explicit and intentional about the role of love as their guiding principle, without apology. There can be no greater justification for providing good care and education for our children than the value of love. The basis and ultimate justification for early childhood education must be, first and foremost, love - without apology.

Video of 6 Dennis Kucinich Speaking Engagements (tags)

Iowa Caucus Weekend w/ Dennis Kucinich 4 Q & A's and speech from 6 stumps in Iowa

A record 68,000 march in San Antonio for MLK (tags)

...a record throng of marchers paid tribute Monday to slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in what has become one of the largest such marches in the country An estimated 68,000 people wound their way through East Side streets... "We are here because we cannot allow this holiday to become trivialized."

This is Compassion (tags)

Simple concept, often misunderstood.

Law School as Revenge (tags)

I went to law school as revenge. Why do you think they had riots when the first black man tried to enter Univ. of Miss.? Why did they not let women into Notre Dame law school until 1968? Access to education is kept from the masses, so go to school as revenge.

Cities and states face brutal cutbacks (tags)

BALTIMORE – In what could be called a “Thanksgiving massacre,” public school officials here handed out pink slips to 710 Baltimore City Public School (BCPS) employees. At least 1,000 are expected to have lost their jobs by January.

The Intelligent Student's Guide to the New World Order (tags)

The essence of the New World Order (NWO) or world management system is that it is management by social engineers, rather than government based on a written constitution.  How you are affected by this management system depends on what the social engineers decide the system should do for you and require of you.

The Principles of Control (tags)

The first principle of people control is not to let them know you are controlling them. If people knew, this knowledge will breed resentment and possibly rebellion, which would then require brute force and terror, and old fashioned, expensive and not 100 % certain method of control.

Education not Incarceration Teach-ins and Statewide Day of Action (tags)

The Education not Incarceration Coalition ( is kicking off the 2003-2004 school year with EDUCATION NOT INCARCERATION TEACH INS in schools statewide, building toward a STATEWIDE DAY OF ACTION to demand funding for our schools not more prisons which will tentatively occur on Wednesday, November 12, 2003

What Is Evil? (tags)

I invite one to examine the Constitution for language that authorizes the Federal Government to become involved in an individual's education. There is none. Evil, therefore, is any Congressman who voted (in willful violation of his Oath of Office) for any bill involving the FedGov with education.

A Texas Hoax May Be the President's Waterloo (tags)

Over the past year or so, getting headlines in Texas but only modest coverage elsewhere, the "Texas Miracle" has been disrobed. It was a scam, a hoax.

Libertarians prepare to haul ass for a guv'ment-free clime (tags)

"(Libertarians) don't have the competence needed to run a political organization. The party attracts people who are anarchists at heart. They cannot follow orders or work as a team."

BTL: Bombing of Shiite Holy Shrine Kills Powerful Cleric and... (tags)

...Further Destabilizes U.S.-Occupied Iraq. Interview with Erik Gustafson, president of the Education for Peace in Iraq Center, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Chicago teachers (tags)

An open letter to Chicago Public School teachers

Paying Back Student Loans - Grads vs Banks vs Congress (tags)

One would think that with the horrible economy, graduates who have tried to better themselves with higher education would be able to take advantage of the low interest rates when paying back their student loans. Only it's not that easy...

The Ulterior Motive Behind School Vouchers (tags)

A network of Religious Right groups, Free-Market economists, ultra-Conservative columnists and others "are using vouchers as a vehicle to achieve an ultimate goal of privatizing" the education system.

Education For The People! All Out For Milwaukee: October 10 – 12, 2003 (tags)

Rise Up! As we move forward with our collective campaign to challenge the right wing in Milwaukee County, we have made a call for a national march on the Bradley Foundation (Oct. 10-12).

Education For The People! All Out For Milwaukee: October 10 – 12, 2003 (tags)

Rise Up! As we move forward with our collective campaign to challenge the right wing in Milwaukee County, we have made a call for a national march on the Bradley Foundation (Oct. 10-12).

YouthResistance (tags)

The purpose of the Front is to aknowledge that the purpose of the public education system has more to do with the system then it has to do with public education. The purpose of the Front is to organize a student resistance capable of going on strike, of self education, of fighting back. The purpose of the Front is to aknowledge that we're sick of this systematic mass therapy bullshit and to take the school out of the hands of the plutocracy, even if that means abandoning it.

The Enron of School Systems: (tags)

... or We Didn't Leave the Child Behind. We Just Lost the Paper Work.


THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IS A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR RACKET! Can tomatoes and pumpkin seeds replace Viagra? WHAT THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY ISN'T TELLING! Men who have libido problems have TOTAL HEALTH problems they need to address. Four Mountains offers a FREE Online Health Education program to boost health beyond the lower unit!

9th July 2003 (18-Tir 1382): Iran Stands Up! (tags)

9th July 2003 is an exceptional day in Iran. University students plan on a demonstration and the government bans it. Iranians all over the world demonstrate in front of Iran embassies to support Iranian students.

D&N: Education, Paideia and Democracy (tags)

The New Issue of "DEMOCRACY & NATURE" The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy is entirely devoted to the question of education, which is one of the main victims of neoliberal globalisation.

A Continuous Procession of Clones for the State (tags)

I would never contemplate teaching kids to think that government should be about "doing something." That is the absolute worst thing you can do as a teacher if you want your students to have a respect for the freedom of the individual, the Constitution, limited government, free markets, and the founding of our once great republic. Inculcating kids with the crazy notion that government is constituted to "do something" every time life gets difficult or just inconvenient, only serves to roll out the red carpet for totalitarian government.

An adult attitude towards Enforcement Act (tags)

What makes it so different and interesting to other Laws? How can it be used and how it is being used, and what are the possible consequences of abusing it.

Proudhon: About the Education (tags)

Proudhon: About the Education

An Orwellian Purge (tags)

A May 31, 2002 internal memo from the Education Department, "Criterion and Process for Removing Old Content from," the department's Web site, is strangely akin to what occurs in 1984.

PACT LA (tags)

Youth outreach program seeking mentors and financial assistance in West Los Angeles...

Hawaii to Dump "No Child Left Behind" (tags)

From the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, the State of Hawaii says that Bush's No Child Left Behind is hurting education! (This article was posted at Chicago Indymedia in the interest of local views concerning the law.)

War and Education (tags)

Thomas Jefferson, in framing the Constitution, felt that in order for our Republic to function effectively and protect our freedoms, it was essential that we educate every citizen so that they could question those in power.

Colorado to implement School Vouchers (tags)

DENVER – Colorado will soon become the first state to initiate public-school vouchers since a U.S. Supreme Court ruling declared such programs constitutional.

Militarism in our schools - today on Radio IMC-LA (tags)

If you're not in the streets from 4-6pm today, listen in to find out how the military undermines education in our public schools.

National Student Strike TODAY! (tags)

National Student Strike TODAY! Size exceeding organizers’ expectations See the updated list of campuses at: Students across the US will strike or walkout of class today to protest the Bush Administration’s threatened war in Iraq and call for increased funding for education.

State crimes increase immigration (tags)

Shot summary of the possible reasons causing immigration and poverty: abuse cases of State officials, law abuse, systematic procedures followed and aims for such actions. Note: Given facts do not apply to any other State's government officials.

36 cities tell Bush: Give peace a chance (tags)

Warning that war with Iraq will cost thousands of Iraqi and U.S. lives and waste billions of tax dollars needed for education and health care, the city council of Gary, Ind., unanimously approved a resolution Jan.7 opposing war on the oil-rich nation.

Building Bridges Radio - Blue Christmas at the NYC Dept of Education (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 12 min radio program. To Listen click on indymedia link.

EMERGENCY: Protest in Long Beach over Student tuition increase (tags)

Protest in Long Beach. 8 a.m. on Monday, December 16 at the Chancellor’s Office located at 400 Golden Shore Avenue in downtown Long Beach.

This Will Make You Angry (tags)

Article about anger is the fuel for activism and social change. Focuses on prison issues and hip-hop activism.

Reportback on the Koren People's Struggle (tags)

Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle for liberation, justice, and Reunification

French workers mobilize against privatisation (tags)

Workers against privatisation

Spain; Students on the Streets against right wing (tags)


UNANIMOUS! Teach-ins on Iraq in Oakland Schools! (tags)

The Oakland School Board Unanimously (with one abstention) passed a resolution to plan teach-ins throughout the School District on the war on Iraq Here is the FRONT PAGE! Oakland Tribune article and below is the School Board Resolution, cosponsored by Board Member Dan Siegel and Oakland Education Association president Sheila Quintana.



Muslim Public Affairs Council's Profiles of California Candidates (tags)

MPAC cannot endorse candidates, but it will provide a profile of the candidates running for constitutional offices in the state of California. The profiles include races for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and Superintendent for Public Instruction. MPAC analysts took a close look on the candidates' stands on civil liberties, education, homelessness, and labor:


Tree Planting Ceremony Marks the Creation of New Nature Center; Green Building to Serve Urban Los Angeles Communities


What Nativism & Xenophobia have to do with Bilingual / Bicultural Education in America

Half a Million Workers march through Madrid (tags)

Half a million workers march through Madrid against the "decretazo"

“Africa Need Not Suffer” - Canadian Puzzled as World Hoards Wealth of Knowledg (tags)

Shelvan Kannuthurai wants to give the poor a fighting chance. He and the CCBC team have pioneered Professeurs Pour Liberté, which is utilizing the education portal,, to provide post-secondary education to as many as 92 million African students at no cost to them.

Union members run for Congress (tags)

Even a brief look at the make-up of the 107th Congress helps explain why workers are catching hell these days. Yes, it is true that there are “friends of labor” who have 100 percent AFL-CIO voting records, but they find themselves out-gunned in a Congress whose 535 members include 150 millionaire lawyers, bankers and other business people.

America's Union for Security Professionals (tags)

The International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) have represented security professionals for over 50 years. As a SPFPA Member, you gain:

Sachs says: 'Forget Debt, Spend on AIDS' (tags)

Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs says poor countries should simply stop making debt service payments and spend that money on health & education instead. As Jubilee South says, "Don't Owe, Won't Pay."

Women gear up for 2002 elections (tags)

ST. PAUL, Minn. – The nearly 1,000 delegates and guests to the National Organization for Women’s (NOW) annual conference, held here June 21-23, are united to make a difference in the 2002 elections, at the ballot box and in the streets.

Education is a Human Right - Argument For A Fully Educated Population (tags)

Education in America is turning into a disaster. As part of a larger education renewal, I propose that college education should be free for all American citizens.

Government education turning things up-side d (tags)

How is it possible, that with a lower education you are able to judge at Finland, than it takes to graduate from university?

When Socialism takes over the education (tags)

Socialist State university education on Business is like your 14 old son’s first drive with your old van; he has always wanted to do it, and he thinks he knows everything related to driving already, just because he has sat next to you, while you have been driving.

Downsize CSU Administration! (tags)

It's time to cut the state budget that's only fattening a (very) few hogs feeding at the public trough!

Jello Biafra Praises Indymedia: The Progressive Interview (tags)


Bye Gray Davis: Failed Education & Energy Programs (tags)

The California State University provides remedial courses in English and math to almost half its freshmen since our school system is grossly inadequate in paying teachers, providing supplies and providing an education. This is the bitter legacy of the anti-education program of the Friend-of-Ken-Lay (as in Enron), Gov Gray Davis, or rather, no education program, and is an excellent reason for not voting for him on November 5, 2002.

Bush’s Secretary of Education Gets An “F” (tags)

Bush’s Secretary of Education, Rod Paige, is a poster-boy for everything Bush—he’s a black (like Bush, non-native) Texan whose claim to fame is whipping the locals into shape as a Houston education administrator. But a new report from a conservative think tank shows Houston's schools failing badly under his leadership—worse the LA's schools, in fact.

March in Solidarity With Immigrant Students Seeking Higher Education (tags)

(This is a flyer distributed by CHIRLA calling for new state education laws that will allow long term undocumented immigrants to pay in-state fees.)

A Call for a Student Strike- 09/28 (tags)

On Friday, September 28, 2001- a call for a student strike.

Clinton’s Embezzlement of N.Y. Education Funds (tags)

Investigative Reporter and Producer Dean Loren X-Esq. of New York Dirty Judges & D.C. Dirty Judges, is breaking the silence on New York’s 2nd Circuit control of Wall Street and the Embezzlement of National Education Funds through the Democratic National Committee.

Radical Education: John Taylor Gatto (tags)

Lefties have a lot of homework to do when it comes to "education."

These kids are getting rad (tags)

Organized to coincide with the One Year Aniversary or the DNC- Rage/Ozomatli Frenzy of Rubber Bullets, this via dolorosa has youth issues at its heart and Mumia on its mind.

Abstinence Until Marriage - The Most Dangerous HIV Myth (tags)

George W. Bush has claimed that abstinence until marriage will prevent the spread of HIV and unwanted pregnancies. This is a reckless lie and it is the strongest attack yet against women and their reproductive rights.

Cal State LA Turns Away Students (tags)

"Perhaps I was blind to the facts, but I was promised an education for my time and efforts. But now I feel stabbed in the back by the program. I'm trying to look to the future and leave all my past behind me but it's hard when people keep shutting the door in my face. All I'm trying to do is get an education. I'm tired of seeing my family and friends stuck in the ghetto with no way out. I'm trying to make a difference, but you're making it hard for us." Richard Valencia

Demonstration in front of San Diego School Board (tags)

Please join us in demonstrating our "Loss of Confidence" in the San Diego Unified School District Administration. The board's pattern of poor decision-making is costly and jeopardizing our children's education and safety. Do we really want education blackouts as well?

URGENT ACTION -- Tell Congresswoman Davis to Vote YES on the Biggert Amendment (tags)

ACTION NEEDED: U.S. Congresswoman Susan Davis is on the House Education Committee and is currently in opposition to the Biggert amendment because of unfounded fears that schools in San Diego will lose funding.

Join San Diego Biojustice Action June 22-27! (tags)

CELEBRATE life and RESIST the biotechnology industry and genetically modified foods in San Diego June 22-27, 2001!

Coming next: Biotech industry comes to SD (tags)


Edison-Fisher v. Public Schools (tags)

The Democrat-Republicans together have declared war on education in California. The latest episode is the strong possibility of an appeal to the State Board of Education of the San Francisco School Board's decision not to renew its contract with Edison Project, the privatization of public schools racket in which the Republican, Donald Fisher, better known as founder of The Gap, has stock.

Any suggestions for Ambassador to France? (tags)

President Linda Jones believes Arianna Huffington (author of HOW TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT and co-creator of the SHADOW CONVENTIONS) will do fine as Secretary of Education for now. Children need to learn how to overthrow their "educators".

Gore's Lies on Tax Plan Exposed (tags)

Gore's Lies on Tax Plan Exposed, As His Lead Erodes In Key Battleground States, Like Illinois and Michigan

youth march (tags)

youth march

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