fix articles 29828, prepared Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : prepared


Pressure Gets Iceland to Backtrack (tags)


Escalating Pressure on Iran (tags)


Incentive package attracts TL 5.5 bln in investment in 40 days (tags)

Turkey has received 480 project proposals worth TL 5.5 billion since the introduction of a new incentive package on June 19 designed to attract both foreign and domestic investment to the country.

Julio Rodriguez Update (tags)

Update on one of the arrested.

Israel prepared to dismantle its nuclear weapons (tags)

As part of US/Iranian deal


Media sources reported that the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) said yesterday that it was prepared to return to war should negotiations on territory, the thorniest of issues in ongoing peace talks with the government, lead to results not to its liking. Negotiations on territory, which documents on the peace talks describe as issues of ancestral domain, bogged down in Kuala Lumpur. More than 50,000 people died at the height of the Mindanao War just after Marcos declared martial law in 1972. In 2000, more than a million people were displaced when then President Joseph Estrada declared an “all-out war” policy aimed at dismantling MILF camps in Mindanao.

When War Making Criminals Get What They Deserve (tags)

Today the Senate is prepared to vote on a bill that will rack up an additional $67.6 Billion for making war upon Afghanistan and Iraq. That "supplemental" money, however, will just keep the eager war-makers in just enough Depleted Uranium, Grenades, and Conventional Mines (all types) only to last another five months, till September 30.

High Election Turnout in West Hollywood (tags)

Voted today in West Hollywood Park around 11 am. Polling place was very busy for that time of day but poll workers were very well prepared and lines were very short (average of less than one minute wait).

Cuba Denounces Escalation of US Aggression (tags)


Planning Anarchist Self Defense and Survival (tags)

Bla bla bla with theories, fascism is here. (Some ideas for anarchists in the US

Brave Administration Willing to "Pay A High Price" In US Lives (tags)

It is comforting to know that our brave administration is willing to pay a "high price" in the lives of our sons and daughters to have their war.Referring to nights in World War II "when we'd lose 1000 people", he added: "There will come a time maybe when things are going to be much more shocking."

Are You Prepared for WAR? (tags)

Switch off your brain to be freaked out - best for warfare

OC Register report on F15 (tags)

Excerpt from the Orange County Register report on protests Feb. 15th

Prepare for an Internet Shutdown (tags)

We need to prepare alternatives for the possibility of an Internet shutdown during war against Iraq.

trauma preventative and aftercare REPOST (tags)

for those about to partake in biodev2001, check out this info about trauma preventative and aftercare.

trauma preventative and aftercare (tags)

for those about to partake in biodev2001, check out this info about trauma preventative and aftercare.

national guard gets ready (tags)

national guard gets ready with weapons for LA - LAT article the last line is interesting

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