fix articles 29745, holy Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : holy


Shoftim: Tzedek, Chasidut and the Tzadik State of Israel (tags)

The Torah's National Structure for the Jewish People in Their Homeland, Israel.

Re’eh: God’s Chosen Place for the Temple in Jerusalem (tags)

Jerusalem, The Temple Mount, The Peace Accord Between Israel and the UAE, in the Light of the Torah

Sukkot: Wave Your Jewish Jedi LightSaber Joyfully (tags)

Jews and Jedi Warriors, Same Culture?

Ask Yourself: What Did I Do For The Third Temple Today? (tags)

Why Wait, Build The 3rd Temple Now!

Ask Yourself: What Did I Do For The Beit HaMikdash Today? (tags)


On Kedushah, Kedoshim, and Kiddush HaShem (tags)

Attacks On Synagogues, Holocaust Remembrance Day, The Torah Reading Kedoshim, Deep Deep Teachings

Getting Ready For Korban Pesach This Year (tags)

Why Jews Should Care About The Passover Offering On The Temple Mount


military consolation...


military consolation...

MARY MAGDALENE DIDN´T EXIST . 10 and last (tags)

the NT is a lie

THE JESUS LIE . 7 (tags)

jesus is fable

Israel Quit UNESCO, Um-Shmum, Make Ben-Gurion Proud! (tags)

Reviews Hebron, UNESCO, Jewish Rights to the Land of Israel

Wave Your Jewish Jedi Lightsaber For a Week (tags)

This article tongue-in-cheek celebrates Sukkot

Of The Mythical 3,000 Year Conflict In Palestine (tags)

[Painting, early depiction of the historical Saint Nicholas.]

United Ummah is the answer to global Imperialism (tags)

The only answer to global Imperialism is a United Ummah

Daily Israeli Violence (tags)


Israel's War on Al-Aqsa (tags)


Evil Does Cannot Escape (tags)

The corruption of government is not addressed by man, but the evil deeds on earth are not lost to the highest authority.

Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site (tags)



For the ones robed in light separated by the long night. May Allah be pleased; the torch passed on by the Prophet Bob Marley this work is dedicated. This is that light. To all the warriors not stepping upon the dawn of the new day and to all those souls who persevered along the path narrow we all started around the year of change that time the prophet departed orb-ship earth, and Stevie wonder stood in the shoes of Martin Luther king to petition the powers that be to honor him. The Holy Book of Wonder is essence of that journey. We give thanks to the almighty for his mercy endurth forever. I’m overjoyed to be alive, chosen to present to the world at this time my life’s work. Bob Marley was a runner in this relay of information from the divine who successfully delivered the baton as torch of light. His influence on the musician Stevie wonder allowed This miracle to be, for he sang in a song “I don’t want to wait in vain for your love”(SPEAKING TO HIS AMERICAN Negro audience) and the message in the music was received by the Rastafari poet Ital Iman I 33 years ago,(1/15/1981) the Holy Book of wonder is that narrative. a metaphysical experience in our life time, we honor the prophet Marvin Gaye who saw it and sang it in a song called "praise" where he acknowledges the divinity of the blind seer Stevie wonder on the album “in our life time “shouts go out to Frankie Beverly who help us journey through the maze of these changing times from that time making the connection “right on time” from the album (we are one)for everything is on the one the Mother- ship will fly like it always does as we were told in song by George Clinton, the prophet Maurice white of earth wind and fire with his guru spirit revealed the light of Egypt informing us truth is written in the stone (great pyramid)from album I am…give thanks also to the foundation mystic Mr. lee scratch Perry Author of the music 23rd dub the foundation of it all ,blessings for Mr. Kenney gamble (Bro Luqman Abdul Haqq)

Ninos Perdidos del Sur (tags)

“Who are you that you fear mortal man, that you were in dread constantly the whole day long on account of the rage of the one hemming you in?” (Is. 51:12-13). Pict. - My Mom - Mother of Israel, born in San Francisco 1919. and they already removed this.

The Word (tags)

A country in a moment! A nation in a day!

Can Pope Francis End Forced Celibacy for Preists? (tags)

The recent report from the U.N. implicates the Catholic Church in enabling priests who abuse and sexually molest children to evade the law and consequences. Maybe Pope Francis can help repeal the dictate of forced celibacy in priests by recgnizing their natural human need for sexual relations with another adult human being. It is unnatural and a form of psychological torture to expect a human male to be celibate for their entire practiced profession. The need for sex that is suppressed can emerge in abberant forms like pedophilia.

Book Announcement: Hijacking the Holy Qur'an and Islam (tags)

Why is the Holy Qur'an and Islam so easy to Hijack for "imperial mobilization"?

Supreme Court Spurns Justice (tags)


‘Holy Jihad’ is the only way to deal with Israel (tags)

Mohammed Badie declares that Zionists ‘only understand force’

CAIR Report Islamophobia and Its Impact ? Calling CAIR to Account for its Omissions (tags)

The CAIR Report: 'Islamophobia and Its Impact in the United States January 2009-December 2010', a joint collaboration with UC Berkeley?s Center for Race and Gender, will certainly come in handy one day if Muslims ever become like our Jewish brethren ? the eternal victims. The Jews have perfected the art of seeking endless claims, as noted in the Press Release ( Did You or Your Family Take Palestinian Property during the Jewish Zionist Era Since 1948? June 27, 2011 ). But we shall surely ?better that instruction? (Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice). Just kidding.... But unfortunately, this report serves little purpose other than being a Mighty Wurlitzer piece as a limited hangout.


He who hateth God hateth me. A Zionist has already been saved by the self sacrafice of Jesus at least once. This causes a mental illness that can be described as an obcession with living in the spirit world without telling others that you are IN THE SPIRIT.

Neo-Catholics and Neo-Cons: An Unholy Alliance (Satire) (tags)

Betty Clermont’s book is called: “The Neo-Catholics: Implementing Christian Nationalism in America.” She insists that some of the Right Wing Boy-ohs at the Vatican embraced the Neo-Con ideology for the Church. In the U.S., they used the “Family Values” gimmick to sell Reagan/Dubya to the faithful. Meanwhile, they pushed for a Capitalism-Gone-Wild, Daddy-Knows-Best system. A Vatican agent in the U.S. wants to see Clermont’s opus banned!

Al-Quds cut off (tags)

By illegal Israeli settlements

Allah Hammers Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in the Muslim Bible (tags)

The Supreme Leader fiddles as Tehran burns.

The Gospel According to Acharya S (tags)

Priest Demands “Confession” from Some Obama Voters (tags)

Recently, a RC priest in Modesto, CA, got upset about Catholics voting for the Prez-Elect Barack Obama. He said if they did so because of his pro-abortion position, then they needed to go to Confession before receiving Holy Communion. Didn’t the good padre every hear of the “Separation of Church and State” clause? Also, as a result of the priest-pedophile scandal, many feel it’s the wrongdoers in the RC Church who need to do the confessing.

The Story of the Holy Name 6: Fracturing the Peace to End the War (tags)

Don't fracture the peace.

Emmanuel Reynaud - Holy Virility. The social construction of masculinity (tags)

Emmanuel Reynaud argues that it is within men's grasp to reject power relations and begin to behave in a way that is neither hierarchical nor exploitative. What is needed is a radical change in men's relationships both with women and with other men.

Muslim Scholars and Leaders move towards The World Peace Religion (tags)

A giant leap in the right direction.

Expanding the Frame: Gaining a global perspective on the Holy Land Foundation Case (tags)

The Holy Land Foundation was the largest Islamic charity in the nation. Its trial has serious repercussions for domestic issues, such as the right to face one's accusers in court and domestic wiretapping, as well as international concerns, like Palestine and the so-called "War on Terror." Cut through the propaganda and get informed.

Babylon, Pride of Man ***** (tags)

In Washington, D.C., Babylon on the Potomac was found "the blood of the saints and of all who have been slain on the earth." (Rev. 18) "O God! Pride of Man, fallen in the dust again!" Quicksilver Messenger Service. Samaria's Silent Murder Epidemic addressed.

Dieback! Bel Bows Down! and PGW post *** (tags)

I declared them to you from of old, before they came to pass I announced them to you, lest you say, "My idols did them." (Is. 48:5) Re: Cornell; i.e. Big Red; i.e. ".. the Lady in Red! Take my advice, you'd be better off dead!" J. Garcia "Casey Jones"

Dieback! Bel Bows Down! and PGW post ** (tags)

I declared them to you from of old, before they came to pass I announced them to you, lest you say, "My idols did them." (Is. 48:5) (Psst!) "He's so Gad-damn stupid, he'd make a GREAT cop!"

Meadeboy Messenger Music * (tags)

Selected favorites and collected works of Bro Bubba Bob, Israel, Deaf Messenger.

Love Festivals of Hooterville (tags)

A suppressed enduring article, typed from my head in thirty minutes.

The Mughrabi Gate Project (tags)

Jerusalem: no more secrets...!

Yehovah Jesus Allah Call for an End to Judaism Christianity and Islam (tags)

It's repeated over and over right in your Holy Bibles.

Sulu offensives to continue through Ramadan – AFP Chief (tags)

Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Hermogenes Esperon Jr. announced Monday. that military offensives against suspected al Qaeda-linked militants in the southern Philippines will continue throughout the Islamic holy month of Ramadan


Press release to announce the start of the Holy month of Ramadan 2006

Faking Palestinian Resistance (tags)

In keeping with the idea that this particular Palestinan group does not actually exist, Hamas, Abbas and every other known Palestinan grouping denied any involvement and indeed condemned the kidnapping, with Haled Abu Hilal, Hamas interior ministry spokesman saying "this is not acceptable at all" and stating that Hamas security officials have put police across Gaza on alert and set up roadblocks to find the gunmen and free the reporters. Sadly, to no avail.

The Second American Revolution : Israel and the Religious Right (tags)

An examination of Ted Bundy, the 'god' of Israel and the Religious Right

"Racism is outdated?" (tags)

I saw this question and answer elsewhere but given what happened today, I'll post it here: "Racism is outdated?" "No way! Just this morning the US House of Representatives passed the AIPAC written HR-4681".

Real Jewish Compassion and Insight (tags)

The Zionists have no right of any sovereignty over even one inch of the Holy Land. They do not represent the Jewish people in any way whatsoever

US-Arroyo regime, Filipino Social Democrats and the AFP death squads, (tags)

If Marx called Christian Socialism the holy water in which the reactionaries dip their fingers in to become holy, we in the First Quarter Storm Network (FQSN) call the Social Democrats led by Fr. Romeo Intengan and Norberto Gonzales as the vinegar that these reactionary brutes dip the wounds of the victims of their deadly terrorist killing campaigns. The latest pronouncement of Norberto Gonzales that the NPA hit squads are in Manila and are out to assassinate Gloria and some members of her cabinet (including him of course) is a dirty psy-war to set the stage for their death squads to kill leading progressive leaders like the Batasan 5 and other progressive leaders in Metro Manila. No doubt it is a cheap attempt to divert attention from the widespread public outcry nationally as well as internationally against the Arroyo regime’s bloody campaign which has already claimed the lives of hundreds of progressive mass activists.

The Price for Presidential Omnipotence (tags)

The ground rules have again been set for another Holy Crusade that may take generations to resolve in a peaceful manner.. Viewed in the light of their original purpose, the Crusades were failures.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

Elusive Peace (tags)

On the making of Elusive Peace

Prophecy Nov 18 : The bullet in Margaret's head - a call to Jihad (tags)

Arise and shine, Holy Warriors, and answer your call to Jihad, fully equipped for battle, armed with the breast plate of Righteousness, holding up the shield of Justice and Peace, and wielding the terrible swift sword of Truth.

Thousands rally in Iran against occupation of Iraq (tags)

TEHRAN: Tens of thousands of Iranians took part in a state-sponsored rally yesterday to demand US-led forces leave Iraq.

Multimedia Proof: Take it to the sheeple (tags)

we need to hold these guys accountable... and it starts with us turning up the volume... We need to make this 911 coverup and the lies about the iraq war THE topic of conversation everywhere. WE HAVE PROOF... bush and co are lying SOB that should be tried for treason and war crimes.

Zionists Have Fomented Hatred Of Jews (tags)

The heretic Herzl wrote in his own abominable diary that increasing anti-Semitism would be of great help to his movement. The great rabbis of the generation were terrified of the horrific libel and slander undertaken by the Zionists that would ultimately result in hatred of the Jewish People.

Jewish & Palestinian Groups Join Forces for (tags)

Local Jewish and Palestinian Groups Join Forces for International Protest of Israel's Building of Wall Annexing West Bank Participants to Erect Symbolic Replica 'Wall' to be Brought Down Prominent Rabbi & Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem Rep. to Speak Sunday November 9th Marks the Day the Berlin Wall Came Down

ART OF WAR: The Holy Land (tags)

The Holy Land

With God On Our Side? (tags)

By making certain statements about God blessing America in the war on Iraq, did George Bush inadvertently make it a Holy War? I will look at the use of God in his State of the Union address and how he has invoked God since then. Many religious groups and leaders were very upset by this.

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews to Demonstrate at so-called Israel Day Parade (tags)

Pure Judaism forbids the uprooting of the indigenous people of the Holy Land, it proclaims its principles of humanity and justice that demands the total restoration of all human, civil, economic and political rights of the Palestinians, including the right of return of all Palestinians to their homes in historic Palestine, thereby enabling Palestine to be governed by its original native inhabitants.

Why the anti-war movement was right (tags)

Clear and present danger? Quick fall of Baghdad proves that might makes wrong

Atheism in the Church, and the Pro-War Movement (tags)

The Pro-War position, which is advocated by ‘bible believing Christians' who are part of the religious right, is actually an expression of an ancient form of atheism, in that those who hold to this position do not really believe in the existence of God, and therefore turn instead to a bankrupt philosophy that holds that ‘God can only work through people' (the military industrial complex in this example).

REVIEW #2: "Forcing God's Hand" -- Book re Christians Eager For Armageddon (tags)

"Anyone who wants to understand where the Religious Right is really heading ought to read this book…. The main premise of Forcing God's Hand is that Christians want the Holy Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt, knowing full well that it may bring on a world war. In fact, that's what they hope for, or more precisely, what they yearn for. They call it the Battle of Armageddon, which would end civilization as we know it. Of course, they believe that Jesus will rescue the faithful, and to hell with the rest of us."

Before Columbus Day (tags)

“Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold."

A True Holy War (tags)

holy war

Kick the Catholic Church out of the United Nations! (tags)

Join hundreds of organizations and thousands of people worldwide in a campaign to change the status of the Roman Catholic church at the United Nations. Go to:

List of 62 People Granted Clemency. 18 drug-related. Politics 101. Holy wars. (tags)

There are some new links after this welcome news. Those links are from a section called "Politics 101. Drug War = fundamentalist Holy War. Green Triangle." Now if Clinton would only wake up to his drug war support of murder in Colombia.

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