fix articles 29626, sugar
Sugar Plantation s in South FL add pesticide to farmland near Everglades r red tide 50 (tags)
Florida is in the top 5 agricultural produces. While farm laborers have earned many victories, little aatention covers the gallons of liquid and dry pesticides that are part of the cultivation rows. Sugar plantations are part of the farming history of Louisiana. Large scale cultivation has left Louisiana for farms in Mejico.
Cheap Mexican Sugar Imports Hurt Florida and Louisiana (tags)
Mexican corporations are now exporting 4 billion US dollars worth of cooking and table sugar that previously came from southern Louisiana as well as an area near Lake Okeechobee near Miami metro.
Worth Repeating: Suicide Rates Fall In Medical Cannabis States (tags)
Rewrite of article showing suicide rates have dropped in states that have legalized medical cannabis compared to increased suicide rates in states that maintained cannabis prohibition. Theories for why this happened is that cannabis is more effective as self-medication for depression than pharmaceutical pills and is often substituted for alcohol once legalized.
Asian Socialism Conference in the Philippines (tags)
The Asian Socialism Conference will be held in Manila from November 28 to 29, 2014. The conference will be capped by the participation of guests and delegates to the November 30 rally in Manila to commemorate Bonifacio Day, a national hero who led the armed struggle in the revolution against Spain.
Pepsi Burning Animals Alive In Going Back To Sugar (tags)
There are toxic effects to human health, animal protection, agricultural yield in Pepsi's decision to go back to lethal sugar.
ASOCHIVIDA defends dialogue and understanding with Nicaragua Sugar (tags)
Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), the most representative organization of persons with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) of the country, recently ratified its commitment to continue the dialogue process established with Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL), a company of Grupo Pellas.
Highest award granted to Nicaragua Sugar in occupational safety and health (tags)
Pellas Group companies, Nicaragua Sugar Estates, owner of Ingenio San Antonio, and Compañía Licorera, producer of Flor de Caña rum, received the highest award granted by the National Council for Occupational Health and Safety to companies that stand out for providing the best and safest working conditions.
Boston University investigates causes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Nicaragua (tags)
Since 2009, upon a request received from Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL) and Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), a research team from the Boston University School of Public Health (BU) has been investigating an epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Nicaragua of unknown cause.
CAO attests to successful dialogue process between Nicaragua Sugar and ASOCHIVIDA (tags)
The Office of the Compliance Adviser/Ombudsman of the World Bank (CAO) highlighted the main achievements of the successful dialogue process between Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited, owner of the San Antonio Sugar Mill, and the Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA) in a document whereby the parties agreed to end the mediation of the CAO as of June 30 of this year.
Nicaragua Sugar, pesticides and CKD (tags)
Important news media recently published an extensive report on chronic renal insufficiency (CRI), a disease suffered by peasants living in the Pacific region of Central America. The cause of this disease has not been scientifically proven, which could give rise to confusion in the management of this disturbing public health issue.
San Antonio sugar mill maintains historic tradition of commitment with its collaborators (tags)
Some prestigious mass media have recently informed about the situation of public health faced by agricultural workers affected by Chronic Renal Insufficiency (CRI) in Central America´s Pacific region, a problem that worries society in general. Unfortunately, in light of the uncertain origin of the disease, sometimes inaccuracies are incurred in the search for culprits and not solutions.
Nicaragua Sugar, los pesticidas y la IRC (tags)
Importantes medios de comunicación dieron a conocer recientemente un extenso reportaje sobre la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC) padecida por campesinos que habitan en el Pacífico de América Central, enfermedad que hasta el momento no tiene una causa científicamente determinada, lo que podría dar pie a un manejo confuso de este preocupante problema de salud pública.
About Chabil Utzaj and Polochic Valley (tags)
Taken from Nuestro Diario, Guatemala
Enfermos de Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC) beneficiados por Nicaragua Sugar (tags)
Gracias al Convenio de Responsabilidad Social Compartida firmado recientemente entre la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN) León y Nicaragua Sugar Estate Limited, unos 25 miembros de ASOCHIVIDA, la asociación de enfermos renales más importante del país, serán atendidos semanalmente en la clínica dental móvil que maneja la Facultad de Odontología de esa Alma Mater.
About Flor de Caña Boycott: ANAIRC’s Disinformation on Nicaragua Sugar and CKD (tags)
Over the last two years ANAIRC has been developing a smear campaign against Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL), owner of Ingenio San Antonio and a member of Grupo Pellas.
Del Boicot a Flor de Caña: Desinformación de ANAIRC sobre Nicaragua Sugar y la IRC (tags)
ANAIRC nunca ha podido presentar ninguna prueba contra Nicaragua Sugar
Nicaragua Sugar y Compañía Licorera (Grupo Pellas) distribuyen útiles escolares (tags)
Cada año, al inicio de clases, empresas del Grupo Pellas apoyan con material escolar a miles de niños
Colaboración Nicaragua Sugar – Asochivida: desmentís a campaña Boicot Flor de Caña (tags)
El respaldo a Asochivida fue para Nicaragua Sugar el rubro de inversión más importante en Responsabilidad Social.
Grupo Pellas: Nicaragua Sugar y Compañía Licorera, marcando la diferencia (tags)
Más de seis millones de dólares invertidos en 2009 en sus compromisos de Responsabilidad Social
Nicaragua Sugar y Compañía Licorera (del Grupo Pellas) limpian costas (tags)
Empresas del Grupo Pellas se suman a Jornada Internacional de Limpieza de Costas 2010
Nicaragua Sugar (Grupo Pellas) reinforces aid to CKD patients (tags)
Although it has been scientifically proven that the productive and labor practices of Ingenio San Antonio do not cause CKD, Nicaragua Sugar has expressed its unwavering desire to continue helping those affected with the disease.
Boycott Grupo Pellas: There is no evidence linking Nicaragua Sugar to CKD (tags)
The study commissioned to this prestigious university in November 2008 was the result of an agreement between Nicaragua Sugar (NSEL) and the Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), the most important association of CRI patients in Nicaragua
Universidad de Boston: No hay evidencias que vinculen a Nicaragua Sugar con IRC (tags)
El estudio fue encomendado de común acuerdo entre Nicaragua Sugar (NSEL) y la Asociación Chichigalpa por la Vida (ASOCHIVIDA), la más importante organización de enfermos renales del país
Boicot Grupo Pellas: ANAIRC desinforma en el extranjero (tags)
Sin pruebas, ni estudios que la avalen, insiste en campaña difamatoria contra Nicaragua Sugar
Grupo Pellas: Nicaragua Sugar patrocinó encuentro iberoamericano sobre derecho ambiental (tags)
El evento se planteó entre sus objetivos establecer un plan de acción ambiental entre las universidades y las empresas, en la búsqueda de soluciones sustentables ante los riesgos del calentamiento global.
Aproquen agradece a Nicaragua Sugar (Grupo Pellas) importante donación (tags)
Más de 1200 cirugías gratuitas a niños y adultos, organizadas por Aproquen, han sido realizadas en el Hospital del Ingenio San Antonio
Ingenio San Antonio apoya reconstrucción de infraestructura sanitaria en Chichigalpa (tags)
Unas 300 familias afectadas por los torrenciales aguaceros serán beneficiadas con donación
Nicaragua Sugar y Compañía Licorera llevan progreso a las comunidades (tags)
El Ingenio San Antonio continúa resolviendo problemas a los pobladores de occidente
Responsabilidad Social del Grupo Pellas: Exitoso proyecto ambiental de Nicaragua Sugar (tags)
Proyecto de reforestación del Ingenio San Antonio sembrará 70 mil plantas de especies nativas en occidente de Nicaragua
Nicaragua Sugar y la IRC: La desinformación de ANAIRC (tags)
Los fallecimientos por IRC han disminuido gracias al exitoso programa renal que ejecuta el Ministerio de Salud de Nicaragua.
Deciphering the media campaign against Nicaragua Sugar Estates and the Pellas Group (tags)
A stone in the shoe In a recent article, the most conspicuous organizer of ANAIRC´s disinformation campaign against Nicaragua Sugar and the Pellas Group (Grupo Pellas) and the boycott against Flor de Caña finally decided to make an incursion into a new territory, without completely abandoning his repetitive disparaging epithets, in an attempt to give a new appearance to ANAIRC’s claims and make them seem serious. Let’s carefully examine what this is all about.
Descifrando la campaña mediática en contra de Nicaragua Sugar Estates – Grupo Pellas (tags)
Una piedra en el zapato En un reciente artículo, el más conspicuo de los organizadores de la campaña de desinformación que en contra de Nicaragua Sugar, del Grupo Pellas y de Boicot a Flor de Caña impulsa ANAIRC, se decidió finalmente a incursionar en un terreno novedoso para él: sin abandonar totalmente los repetitivos epítetos descalificadores, trata de innovar, pretendiendo darle un cariz de seriedad a sus planteamientos. Adentrémonos con interés para ver de qué se trata todo esto.
With regard to ANAIRC’s campaign against Nicaragua Sugar, Flor de Caña and Grupo Pellas (tags)
To this date, there is no recognized formal scientific study that establishes a relationship of causality between sugarcane cultural practices and chronic kidney disease (CKD).
A propósito de campaña ANAIRC contra NSEL y el Boicot a Flor de Caña y el Grupo Pellas (tags)
ANAIRC persiste en su campaña difamatoria en contra de Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL) y el Grupo Pellas, pretendiendo exigir una indemnización sin haber presentado pruebas que sustenten sus reclamaciones.
ANAIRC, Nicaragua Sugar, la IRC y el Boicot a Flor de Caña y al Grupo Pellas (tags)
Todas las organizaciones sindicales de Nicaragua, sean de izquierda o de derecha, han rechazado la campaña de desprestigio en contra de Nicaragua Sugar que impulsa ANAIRC.
Brazilian advertising campaign on the benefit of the alcohol in the exterior hides what the industrial of the section make to their employees inside of Brazil.
Regardless of their leftist or rightist ideological position, all work unions at Nicaragua Sugar and Compañía Licorera, the Flor de Caña rum manufacturer, have pronounced themselves against the unfounded campaign by ANAIRC.
Nicaragua: ANAIRC viene desarrollando desde hace algún tiempo una campaña difamatoria en contra de Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL), empresa del Grupo Pellas, con la única finalidad de obtener que la empresa realice compensaciones monetarias injustificadas. Han hecho extensiva la campaña al Grupo Pellas y han promovido un boicot a la Marca Flor de Caña. Conozca la verdad tras esta campaña infundada.
Boicot Pellas y la IRC: Enfermos renales reciben ayuda humanitaria de Nicaragua Sugar (tags)
Nicaragua Sugar ha comenzado a brindar ayuda humanitaria para aliviar la situación de los afectados de IRC y sus familias, sin que medie ninguna obligación legal más que la buena voluntad que anima a las partes.
Afirmaciones sin sustento de ANAIRC sobre IRC para justificar Boicot a Grupo Pellas (tags)
ANAIRC hace uso de datos que no son corroborados por ninguna autoridad confiable ni por ningún estudio serio sobre la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica en Nicaragua.
Landlordism in the Philippines :Hacienda Luisita as large as Makati and Pasig Cities combi (tags)
Pesante NEws reported today through a special report to the Inquirer Daily in the Philippines on a research that Hacienda Luisita is a 6,000-hectare property in Tarlac straddling Tarlac City and the towns of Concepcion and La Paz. It is as large as the cities of Makati (2,986 hectares) and Pasig (3,100 hectares) combined. Hacienda Luisita was originally part of the landholdings of the Compañia General de Tabacos de Filipinas, or Tabacalera. The estate was named after Luisa, wife of Don Antonio Lopez, who headed Tabacalera when it acquired the estate in 1882. It is now owned by the Aquino Family. Senator Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino is running for president this coming elections.
With Amanda Villatoro, of CSA: CRF must be recognized as an occupational illness (tags)
Informative article on the march of Ingenio San Antonio and Compañía Licorera workers and main union leaders to reject discrediting campaign against Grupo Pellas and Flor de Cana Boycott initiated by ANAIRC and UITA.
Like Big Tobacco these food & drink companies deliberately sold products that they knew would harm the public for the simple and unpardonable reasons of greed and quick profits! .............................................
Boycott Flor de Caña in support to sugar workers (tags)
Join to "Flor de Caña Boycott Group" - Send your letter to the importers and distributors in USA
The Flor de Caña Boycott Group Extends its Protest (tags)
Letters of Protest to Importers and Distributors around the World
Waiter, Kindly Remove this Neurotoxic Drug From Our Table (tags)
Aspartame Awareness Weekend: Flyer to distribute to restaurants
ENERGY-SOUTH AFRICA: Food Security Hobbles Biofuel Strategy (tags)
JOHANNESBURG, Dec 18 (IPS) - Worried that it may be seen as insensitive to the food needs of Africa, the South African government, which is facing a general election in 2009, has chosen food security in framing a biofuel policy.
KMP-Negros revive calls to scrap ‘flawed’ agrarian reform law (tags)
With the recent death of two farmer beneficiaries and the wounding of several others in Hacienda Velez-Malaga, La Castellana town, Negros Occidental, calls for the scrapping of the “flawed” agrarian reform law has been revived. Claiming that it has not benefited poor farmers but consolidated the stronghold of big landowners, militant groups’ Kilu sang Mang bubukid Pilipinas-Negros, Pamalakaya, and the biggest labor group in the sugar industry, the National Federation of Sugar Workers (NFSW), slammed the “fake” CARP law and will oppose plans to extend it. The three groups also condemned the killing of the two members of Task Force Ma palad (TFM) last Monday saying this shows a “glaring failure” of CARP. However, they also criticized TFM for giving “false hopes” to their members in owning land.
Radio Haiti's Jean Dominique's assassination (tags)
Further investigation into the assassination of Jean Dominique reveals imported sugar and ethanol were being challenged by agronomist radio host Jean before he was killed..
Sugar a Bitter Issue at CARICOM Summit (tags)
Sugar a Bitter Issue at CARICOM Summit
The party is still raging like mad. The drunks and the addicts and the gangs are sending out for more pizza, more booze, and more drugs and they are killing people to do it. Some of us are sobering up and waking up. We are starting to see the damage that has been done and we are whispering to each other, “We have to kick the criminals out”.
Building Bridges Radio - Massacre of Workers in the Phillipines (tags)
Building Bridges:Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.
An heiress of a chiefly Hawaiian lineage was shot to death in the old sugar mill town of Paia, Maui, Hawaii ....
The Sweet Taste of Death (tags)
Aspartame is also the reason for the epidemic of obesity as its a neurotoxic drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. (See protest of National Soft Drink Association on It is also makes the liver so toxic as it embalms you (Trocho Study, l998), that its hard to even lose weight.
The Rosy Dawn of US Imperialism (tags)
Hawai'i, January 16, 1893 The Rosy Dawn of US Imperialism by GARY LEUPP January 16, 2003 CounterPunch edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair
work of Alexander Schauss could be a great boon to problem of urban crime