fix articles 29622, systems
The red giant's plastic problem (tags)
A tattered Coca-Cola flag flutters on the beach of Ixia on Rhodes: every year, the beverage company produces more than 100 billion single-use plastic bottles. Many of them end up in the sea...In a few years, there is likely to be more plastic swimming in the oceans than fish.
We face the alternative: system change or collapse (tags)
Corona: When will we ever understand? (tags)
The Corona measures of those currently in power are intended to prevent great calamity. They are used to justify the most severe restrictions on constitutional rights, the likes of which have not been seen since the end of World War II.
Nation's Largest Voting Machine Co., ESS, Admits Lying Re Having Installed Remote Control (tags)
Election Systems And Software controls statewide voting machine systems in 18 states, 13 of which are GOP dominated.
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) (tags)
Closing tax havens, ending tax competition, and prohibiting profit-shifting are necessary for a fair tax system. The richest 1% in Pennsylvania could receive another $3 billion from Trump’s tax scam! Democracy is different than plutocracy. Problems do not disappear when they are ignored.
The Rise of the New Left Political Vocabulary (tags)
The older vocabulary looked at capitalism, racism, and sexism (for example) as social systems or institutions that could and probably would be defeated, once and for all, in the foreseeable future.
Neoliberal Indoctrination (tags)
Neoliberalism tells the poor and weak that they are responsible for their misery. The true extent of social poverty barely reaches the public. A re-feudalization bomb rages and investors seek privatizing the public education system. People are atomized. Fragmentation is intentional.
Brazil: Censorship on the Internet (tags)
Brazilian blogger accuses senator of commanding the invasion of his computing systems and ofharassment.
The US government faces a revenue crisis after giving billions to banks and big corporations. Billions are saved through automation, labor-saving technology and workers working at home. The neoliberal model promotes profits and speculation, not investments and job creation.
New giant spy airship-or is it already here? (tags)
The United States Defense Department claims that it is readying itself to issue contracts for the construction of a sophisticated, ultra-high altitude, 450-plus foot long blimps that will hover above the earth's surface at 65,000 feet and remain airborne for up to 10 years.
NSA Infects 50,000 Computer Systems Worldwide (tags)
Massive Pentagon Waste, Fraud and Grand Theft (tags)
Rio+20: Asian Movements’ Statement on the Green Economy (tags)
We are movements and organizations from Asia, waging struggles on various fronts and arenas to defend our rights, resist policies and projects that cause harm and destruction, and to fight for immediate priorities and demands, as well as profound transformation of our societies. Fight for Our Future! No Price on Nature!
SNWA General Manager Mulroy; A Legacy of Cultural Genocide Against the Goshute Nation (tags)
The use of propaganda to coerce transfer of indigenous populations from their homeland and cultural base is a violation of the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and could be defined as cultural genocide. Will this be the legacy of SNWA General Manager Patricia Mulroy's pipeline?
Request Filed to Inspect and to Copy US Supreme Court Electronic Records (tags)
The outcome of petitions and applications by individuals against government or corporation remained vague and ambiguous. The Office of the Clerk sent invalid letters, as notices of "denial", while no judicial records were found in the paper court files as valid foundation for such letter. So far, no public access was permitted to the judicial records in the electronic case management of the US Supreme Court.
‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’: Request to Dismiss Appeals from an Uncertified Judgment, on Docket (tags)
The Motion and concomitantly filed papers have not addressed the controversial ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy itself, and have not sided with either of the parties in the case - the Log Cabin Republicans, or the US Department of Justice. Instead, the Motion has limited itself to arguments regarding the validity, or lack thereof, of the uncertified October 2010 Judgment, from which the appeals were taken. The motion has also addressed the validity, or lack thereof of the docket of the US District Court, Central District of California in the case, as a whole, and the implementation of the US District Court’s online public access and case management systems (PACER and CM/ECF).
Human Rights Alert (NGO) Seeks Worldwide Submissions on JUDICIAL CORRUPTION for the 16th World Congress of the International Society for Criminology, KOBE, JAPAN, AUGUST 5-9, 2011.
Request for impeachment of US Judges JED RAKOFF, VIRGINIA PHILLIPS, JOHN WALTER, and US Ma (tags)
The request alleged that the conduct of the named judges and magistrate undermined Banking Regulation and/or Human Rights in the United States.
US Congress Represents Fellow Millionaires (tags)
Democratic Representative of San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi, claims assets of $60 million, with her home and vineyard worth about $15 million. Her investments include AT&T, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, Aloca, Apple, Dow Chemical and Motorola, among others. No millionaire can possibly represent the workingclass, the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $77,000 a year. Almost half of the US Congress are millionaires.
William Suter, Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States – Evidence of Public Corrup (tags)
Conditions that prevail at the US courts today undermine Human Rights and banking regulation, and contribute to disintegration of the frameworks of democratic government in the United States. Reform of the judiciary in the United States is also essential for addressing the current Depression.
Computer Fraud Opined in the Online Public Access and Case Management Systems of US Courts (tags)
Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the UN Human Rights Council, was incorporated in the official staff report with reference to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination by law enforcement in California". Two papers on the matter were also recently published in a peer reviewed international computer science journal. The current paper expanded on the role of the US courts computer systems in enabling the "corruption".
Its all systems go for the MayFlower Festival on May 15 in LA. The MayFlower Festival , a Neighborhood fiesta and inter-faith parade will be held on Saturday May 15, 2010 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the First Church of the Nazarene, 3401 West 3rd St near Vermont Ave. Los Angeles. a We call on all organizations and individuals to participate in the festival and parade that will feature the cultures of the Philippines. Those who are interested to join the parade can register and come as parade participants. They must be dressed in Filipiniana or any Filipino or Filipiniana customes.
USA recruits young to do the ciberwar (tags)
USA war company.
Celebrate Earth Day with the Green Party! (tags)
Join the Los Angeles Greens for vegetarian potluck and a talk on "Guerilla Gardening and Learn to Grow Your Own Urban Food" by Ramona Merryman, aka The Mistress of Soil, a permaculture designer and teacher.
Leads to AIPAC and their headquarters in Tel Aviv at MOSSAD.
Explosion in Kleen Energy Systems.
Obama Provokes War Against Iran and China (tags)
The possibility of yet another U.S. war became more real last week, when the Obama administration sharply confronted both China and Iran. The first aggressive act was performed by Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who “warned” China that it must support serious economic sanctions against Iran (an act of war). Clinton said: “China will be under a lot of pressure to recognize the destabilizing effect that a nuclear-armed Iran would have, from which they receive a significant percentage of their oil supply.” The implication here is that China will be cut off from a major energy source if they do not support U.S. foreign policy — this, too, would equal an act of war.
Rainwater Harvesting; Alternatives to SNWA Pipeline Project (tags)
Another option for Las Vegas is to outfit roofs with rainwater harvesting systems, both for collecting water and to reduce runoff that creates flash floods. This would create jobs and result in permanant solutions to increasing water supplies, unlike the SNWA's proposed pipeline from the Snake Valley aquifer that would cost billions and most likely overdraft the aquifer in less than 10 years time. Though the pipeline's promise of indefinite future supplies (real or imagined) could make some developers like Harvey Whittemore happy in the short term!!
What can hover, dash and fly in almost any direction while transmitting sensitive electronic information on its whereabouts and surroundings? Here is a hint: Probability is high that this latest hi-tech gadget will become integral to US national security in the near future.
The End of Finance Market Capitalism: Renaissance of Socialism? (tags)
The crisis offers an historical chance to civilize an unbridled capitalism with reform policy. The future relation of market and state is the focus of attention.. Financial markets are characterized by herd behavior. Risk consciousness disappears.
The problem is not understanding but ideology. Market fundamentalists insist government jobs are not jobs. Those working government jobs under FDR are sometimes classified as unemployed to belittle FDR's great achievement in reducing unemployment from 25% to 10%.
Homeland Security now spying on Americans (tags)
There are real questions being asked, do these spies in the sky surveillance systems comply with privacy laws and doesn’t violate the Posse Comitatus Act? The 1878 law prohibits the military from playing a role in domestic law enforcement. Since the 1990s however, Posse Comitatus has been eroded significantly by both Democratic and Republican administrations, primarily in the areas of "drug interdiction," "border security" as well as "Continuity of Government" planning by U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM).
UAVs deployed in Russo-Georgian War (tags)
Long before the fighting began, Georgian UAVs were performing missions over Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Georgian military operates Israeli-built Hermes 450 and Skylark UAV systems.
Documents reveal how Ohio routed 2004 voting data through company that hosted external Bus (tags)
Newly obtained computer schematics provide further detail of how electronic voting data was routed during the 2004 election from Ohio’s Secretary of State’s office through a partisan Tennessee web hosting company.
The Corporate State and the Welfare State (tags)
The idea of a "minimal state" may be passe. The author's two theses are: Liberalism is inconceivable without a strong state and liberalism undermines its own conditions of success. The modern welfare state is a child of democracy and can't be drowned in the bathtub.
Uncoupling Happiness and Consumption (tags)
The promised happiness is not possible through more and more consumption. We tinker with a reality-construction, a "reality of the second order" that represses the "reality of the first order." The "good life" can be very well organized.
fbi's CJIS Must Be Removed From fbi Control ! (tags)
fbi seeks to intimidate (through CJIS) all who show NO "fbi respect".
U.S. Fearing Drug Cartels Gangs and Terrorist Using Our Rail & Bus Systems (tags)
While commercial aviation remains a possible target, federal, state and local law enforcement believe that international drug dealers, gangs and terrorists have turned their attention to other modes of transportation. U.S. Rail and other mass transit are being used as part of the global network of drug traffickers, these routes are being used by Mexican drug cartels, smuggling contraband into American cities. And this same lack of security is providing terrorist the opportunities to do great harm to Americans by taking advantage of the vulnerable U.S. surface transportation.
$5.1B Proposed in Sales, Upgrades, Weapons for Pakistan's F-16s (tags)
On June 28/06, the US DSCA notified Congress via a series of releases of its intention to provide Pakistan with a $5.1 billion Foreign Military Sales package to upgrade the F-16s that serve as the PAF's top of the line fighters. Some of these items had been put on hold following the October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan & Kashmir, but the request for 36 new F-16 Block 50/52s is now going ahead following the required 30-day review period, along with new weapons, engine modifications, 60 F-16 upgrade kits that would cover Pakistan's older F-16 A/Bs plus other aircraft it might buy second-hand, and related equipment.
Santa Barbara Hosts Another Really Really Free Market (tags)
Sunday November 25 marked the 7th Really Really Free Market in Santa Barbara.
Breakdown in the Technosphere (tags)
The power failure in August 2003 was due to the investment behavior of the electricity supplier. Economic deregulation, competition and profit fixation prevented modernization of the infrastructure.
Pulling the electronical plug on former 'allies' (tags)
Many programs which are used in computer systems in weapons, ships, planes, tanks, satellites etc. lately all get a build-in 'emergency brake'. Via GPS satellites in space, the command can be transmitted to anywhere on earth, to stop. And the computer systems just go 'dead'.
Elbit, Dassault, HAL Team on Mirage Upgrade (tags)
Although the contract has not yet been signed, officials with HAL, prime contractor for the $1 billion upgrade program, said Elbit has been selected to supply electronic warfare systems and other avionics.
Considering all products products & services relating to Green Technologies, including: Renewable Energy Production and Sustainable Living We would like to represent your company, with our on-line e-commerce system. Our interest is helping you get your products and services out to buyers 24-hours a day Our goal is to drop ship products, for “just-in-time” deliveries for all orders. At this time, we will not be a stocking distributor. Buyers can place their order in our e-commerce system, and we'll send them a receipt, but we will not collect funds from your customers. We will send the sales department at your company a copy of the buyer's receipt for an order, and you will contact the buyer to take payment and arrange their shipping.
To ask for permission
Report on ECHELON Surveillance System (tags)
This is a 2001 document from the European Parliament, who undertook a relatively independent investigation of the ECHELON surveillance system — bizarrely, many people continue to dismiss this as a mere conspiracy theory. Then again, many people are Mormons. This report is solid gold for anyone looking to understand the precise mechanics and methodology behind global interception of electronic communication. It goes into a great amount of detail and will prove invaluable to serious researchers.
Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract (tags)
..president is headed to court on rape charges, it's Prime Minister is being investigated for corruption.. But that does not prevent them from getting sweet deals right here in the U.S.
[hacked] Business Letter To Pakistan Military (tags)
Business Letter To Pakistan Military 2006-12-12 | Source: Pakistan, Unknown (CYBER INTERNET SERVICES (PVT.) LTD.)
Wartime military spending fuels economy (tags)
War is good for the military police state? Well good for the people that supply the military war machine!
Turning the Tide on Religious Fundamentalism— Free Lecture (tags)
I’ve been invited to give a lecture at Arizona State University this fall on evolutionary science and its uses in progressive activism. The version of the lecture I wanted to give turned out to be 4 hours long, so I recorded that version in 13 tracks and posted it on my website for free download at
The turning point (9/11) (tags)
"What can have in common the molecules structured in self-reproducing complexes, the cells coordinated in pluricellular organisms, the ecosystems and even the economic and political systems? The working hypothesis is that life just can rise on the border between order and chaos, close to a sort of phase transition. The systems finding themselves in these conditions are those more likely to coordinate complex activities and to evolve"
Not construction, not instruction, DESTRUCTION.
HERES WHAT DID IT: (1) That the vendor post a bond or letter of credit to cover damages resulting from defects in the voting system. Damages shall include, among other items, any costs of conducting a new election attributable to those defects.
This war toy will only cost every man, woman, and child in the USA $700 (tags)
Wow what a bargin!!! At $200 billion this anti-missile systems will only cost $700 for every man, woman, and child in the USA. What a bargin! Lets buy it now in case of the one in a million chance that North Korea starts shooting missiles at the good old United States of Amerika!
The sudden collapse of the Amazon Rain Forest (tags)
Rapid, sudden climate change has always been the historical norm
The Second American Revolution : Religion and Capitalism (tags)
A brief examination of the 'family values' of a happily married couple.
The Second American Revolution : More Revolutionary Proverbs (tags)
More proverbs and parables
Consultant hacks into sensitive files of FBI (tags)
Trust the government. The government can protect you from EVERYTHING!!!!!
Not so secret address of REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS, INC. (tags)
The Arizona Republic ran an article about the secret offices in Scottsdale, Arizona of Redflex Traffic Systems which makes photos radar systems
NSA SIGINT - We Have No Secrets Anymore (tags)
NSA Wiretaps are child's play compared to what electronic SIGINT agents actually do
This is the political statement for the dyneLbolic media operating system CD, a special CD that turns any PC computer into a media workstation. If you want software that doesn't engage in the tricknology of the system, you want free software.
Blackwell Invested in Voting Machine Co (tags)
by Sathya Spreads Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006 Ohio's Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is invested in Elections Systems and Software, one of the 4 Republican owned 'voting machine' companies used in Ohio.
SPFPA Security Officers Speak up (tags)
Facts can be verified through the NLRB
Renewable Energy Workshops (tags)
Introduction to Renewable Energy: Solar, wind, and hydro-electricity, solar hot water and cooking, energy efficiency. Classroom sessions & system tours. * April, 2006
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? (tags)
The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.
I always liked the way Einstein said it: “In my opinion, only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, but I’m not sure about the first.”
Sneak Attack on Organic food standards by USA (tags)
Industry sneak attack on organic standards rammed through congress.
eat Local Organic food and abate global starvation (tags)
How the environment and eating (Local Organic Food) is linked to Gandhi's ideology for transforming the world. Many links.
Solar Heated Homes ~ saving Money & energy Intelligently (tags)
Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.
3 Symptoms if directed energy attax (tags)
The Passive Terrorism Of The bush Crime Syndicate (tags)
Destroying Large Parts Of The Atmosphere With ENMOD
Oil, CO2, Environment, Climate, War (tags)
author: Caroline Arnold We need a new revolution - not an armed, adversarial revolution, but a peaceable revolution in what we buy, how we use energy, how we distribute and assess information, and in how we allow ourselves to be governed.
The party is still raging like mad. The drunks and the addicts and the gangs are sending out for more pizza, more booze, and more drugs and they are killing people to do it. Some of us are sobering up and waking up. We are starting to see the damage that has been done and we are whispering to each other, “We have to kick the criminals out”.
Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911 (tags)
I think this is a nice summary of the criminals in charge. And some interesting points I didn't know like:
Why an HIV Vaccine Can't Work (tags)
Twenty+ years of AIDS and no vaccine, why?
2004's Top War Profiteers (tags)
A list of the top corporate war profiteers from 2004.
LawSuit to e-Vict Secret Vote Counting & Hasten Death of DRE'$ (tags)
DemocracyRE'scue - LawSuit to e-Vict Corp.TresPassers, Secret Vote Counting & Hasten Death of DRE'$ - CounTy, by CounTy by financiaLLy-$trapped COUNTy, to $ave moNeY, proTecT the Future and purrCHASE FREEd-ohmm! The man who knows what Freedom means will find a way to be FREE. e-Voting = e -VictSHUN. When it comes to something as fundamental as democracy, the government lacks the power, through contract, to cede that power of vote counting in a democracy to a multinational corporation or to any individual to operate in secret, because vote counting is a Public democratic Right. It is a Public Right for which the government has literally never been GIVEN the power to give away. The government, Plainly and Simply, combined with ALL of the world's corporations, UTTERLY LACK THE POWER to Privatize Our Votes. We ought not legitimize that privatization in ANY way by assuming it has any validity, because it is Void Ab Initio (from the beginning). Most importantly, (to put it plainly but crudely) WE DON'T NEED TO PROVE SHIT, THE VOTING MACHINE COMPANIES MUST SIMPLY GET THE HELL OUT of our democracy. Period. UNPRECENDENTED in American history for government to claim, assume THE Inalienable rights to rig, run, ruin and OWN YOUR LIFE! and help dig your grave , how are you and WE going to rescue our country and humanity from this dangerous abyss? Lets get real and ON THE BALL, pick it up a notch, for..., We have lost the ability to replace our government by the ballot box, (our creation) claims they don't need The people's consent anymore. We must talk and act on this affront DAILY. Lawyers have few higher callings than bringing the people together to discuss democracy. What happened to the AmeriCaN Dream? SORRY-thats classified. ReVeal NOT CONceal, People~over~Profit$, The Right OR Civil RIGHTS? DRE'$ = Democracy Reduction EnTiTies. Secret Vote Counting Delays OUR Dreams. ##############################
Voting systems initiative for open standards (tags)
Jim Dolbear of the Voting Systems Institute discusses the new initative by Voting System Performance Rating Project to create open, verifiable standards for judging voting systems.
Psychic Systems and Economic Growth (tags)
We psychic systems are robots that first become people by understanding how the systems function. The system is not optimal when potential is squandered. Mass unem-ployment is a mega-squandering. The system is the tyrant.
Company Supplying Software May Be Related to Online Hate (tags)
Sigma Data Systems of Tucson, Arizona supplies software to governmental agencies across the State of California. This software is used for applicant management, ostensibly to guarentee that laws regarding fair hiring are followed. However, there may be a problem...
Normalcy: The Most Common Mental Illness (tags)
Just what is mental illness?
House Approves Penalties for False Web Records (tags)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a bill that would increase jail time for identity thieves and other fraudulent Web users who register sites under false identities.
Why do people obsess with wealth? I've been castigated by the weasels for retiring into worn phrases that have been echoing throughout the ages. I feel so confused... Hmmm let me sort this out.
Diebold's deceit unanimously rejected (tags)
California's secretary of state, Kevin Shelley, recommended prosecution, "We will not tolerate the deceitful conduct of Diebold, and we must send a clear message to the rest of the industry"
Urgent Alert: California, Decertify Paperless Voting Machines (tags)
Urgent Alert: California, Decertify Paperless Voting Machines California, Decertify Paperless Voting Machines Contributed by Electronic Frontier Foundation On April 21 & 22, the California Secretary of State's Voting Systems and Procedures Panel will decide whether to decertify paperless electronic voting systems before the November election. The call for decertification arose in California following the disenfranchisement of thousands of California voters during the March 2, 2004, election due to technical problems with electronic voting systems. In Alameda County, problems with Diebold smart card encoders affected one-fourth of the County's polling places; in San Diego County, encoder problems affected nearly 40 percent of the County's polling places. In Orange County, thousands of voters were given the wrong electronic ballots; many were unable to cast votes in contests for which they were eligible, while others were allowed to vote in districts in which they did not reside.
CA Senators Call to Decertify Paperless Voting:You can help push! (tags)
CA Senators Call to Decertify Paperless Voting:You can help push! Any Californian mistrust paperless voting machines? Well if you do, now is the time to tell Secretary of State, Kevin Shelly. "Delete the Machine, Save your vote" Last week two excellent Californian Senators Called on Secretary of State, Kevin Shelly to decertify all paperless voting systems in California. Please call Kevin Shelly and ask him to support this action.
Calif Voting Systems Panel Public Hearing - Sacramento, Jan 15th! (tags)
This is an important meeting to attend if you possibly can! An audit of installed Diebold hardware, firmware and software produced ZERO fully certified installations when reviewing random systems over 17 counties.
Complex Adaptive Systems & Revolution (tags)
This paper proposes a new theory on revolutionary change. This paper is motivated by the desire to fill a gap in understanding between those bound to traditional anarchist methodology of change and the new disorganized resistance movement, a movement promulgated by the author. The hope is to facilitate understanding of this new paradigm of revolution among traditional anarchists. The disorganized resistance movement encourages multithreaded revolutionary activities and thus seeks not to replace the traditional methodologies but to increase their utility by supplementing traditional methodology, which we consider to be a necessary but insufficient component of revolutionary struggle with that which it lacks, a complete revolutionary methodology adapted to the realities of modern life. This new methodology embraces the concept of meme-warfare. However, before addressing meme-warfare in detail (as we will in a future article), we introduce you to the underlying concept space.
BREAKING: Voting Systems Security Concerns Will Rise to New Level - Press Conf Tues (tags)
“This information is significant enough to merit a trip to Seattle for members of the press who don’t live here,” says Harris. It affects four counties in Washington State and locations in Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Maryland and Virginia.
CA SoState DEC 16th to Certify More Diebold DRE Voting systems (tags)
DEC 16 CA Secretary of State Kevin Shelly will decide whether or not to certify 12,000 new Diebold touchscreen DRE voting systems for California Counties. This would mean one more step to the real death of Democracy. Take ACTION!!!! and tell him not the do it!! Read the scoop below.
A recent visit by an Ohio IMCista to Diebold corporate headquarters near Green, Ohio.
All the President's votes? (tags)
A quiet revolution is taking place in US politics. By the time it's over, the integrity of elections will be in the unchallenged, unscrutinised control of a few large - and pro-Republican - corporations. Andrew Gumbel wonders if democracy in America can survive
Former Diebold employee's accusations may overturn Georgia election results if true (tags)
Now a former worker in Diebold's Georgia warehouse says the company installed patches on its machines before the state's 2002 gubernatorial election that were never certified by independent testing authorities or cleared with Georgia election officials. If the charges are true, Diebold could be in violation of federal and state election-certification rules. The charges also raise questions about the integrity of the Georgia election results and any other election that uses patched Diebold systems that have not been re-certified.
UK Independent reports Republicans use E-voting systems to steal elections (tags)
If much of the worry about vote-tampering is directed at the Republicans, it is largely because the big three touchscreen companies are all big Republican donors, pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into party coffers in the past few years. The ownership issue is, of course, compounded by the lack of transparency. Or, as Dr Mercuri puts it: "If the machines were independently verifiable, who would give a crap who owns them?" As it is, fears that US democracy is being hijacked by corporate interests are being fuelled by links between the big three and broader business interests, as well as extremist organisations. Two of the early backers of American Information Systems, a company later merged into ES&S, are also prominent supporters of the Chalcedon Foundation, an organisation that espouses theocratic governance according to a literal reading of the Bible and advocates capital punishment for blasphemy and homosexuality.
Perhaps you were still wondering how Arnold got in? Smacks of Florida!!!! (tags)
Recall Arnold, you've been had by Bush & Co.
Will your job move to India? (tags)
Millions of U.S. jobs will be exported in the coming decade, forecasters say. Here are the jobs that are especially vulnerable, plus 5 that aren't.
From: Bev Harris Subject: All Black Box Voting files confiscated, including personal info on activists Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 02:11:26 -0700 (PDT) Also Diebold Insiders have been dumping their stock. ????????
Yes Virginia, there are Monopolies in a ''Free Market'' (tags)
Bruce Schneier, CTO (Counterpane Internet Security) said the problem with Microsoft is that it is so intent on being dominant that it designs its systems primarily to keep out competitors, not intruders.
Diebold Shuts Down (tags)
The one thing that the corrupt bastards running our country fear the most is the truth. That the "Touch Screen" voting systems in use are easily hackable and can be manipulated to produce the desired election result is something they do not want you to know.
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack (tags)
I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group
HEHEHE American Infrastructure (tags)
HEHEHE it takes a report by a bunch of civil engineers for the Americans to realize their infrastructure is shit.
A Plea for Systemic Strategies (tags)
If we are to defeat the systems of oppression, we must in fact combat the very systems themselves.
The Forbidden Truths of Human Economic Systems (tags)
A Truth-based dissection of the genocidally evil economic policies and structures that all human governments and societies inflict upon their citizen-slaves.
Kim Alexander: 'Electronic rigging?' (tags)
As election officials scramble to replace old, Florida-style voting systems with new, modern ones, many people are beginning to question the wisdom of entrusting our precious ballots to an entirely computerized process. These concerns are well-founded.
Computer voting is open to easy fraud, experts say (tags)
The software that runs many high-tech voting machines contains serious flaws that would allow voters to cast extra votes and permit poll workers to alter ballots without being detected, computer security researchers said yesterday.
Breaking Story - BLACK BOX VOTING: How to Steal an Election (tags)
The issue of Election Theft has been around for a while. With the contested Florida Count in the last Presidential Election the Honesty of our Voting Systems has been called to question. Electronic Black Box Voting is even more susceptible to Fraud than Hand Counts.
Professional Resume of Key KOBE Member (tags)
We have now found a smoking gun. This is the professional resume of a KOBE leader. He works for SAIC, a defense contractor working with John Poindexter. We can also connect Cycorp, another defense contration working with John Poindexter, to KOBE.
Social Systems Are Corrupt (tags)
From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.
Clear And Irrefutable Proof The US Government Planed And Executed Genocidal Acts Against The Iraqi People.
Another Reason to hate SUV's (tags)
Not only does it only get 8 miles to the gallon, contribute to global warming, but it also is lean-mean killing machine. Get outta my commie!
The Corporations That Supplied Iraq's Weapons Program (tags)
Even before Iraq released its weapons-program dossier on 7 December 2002, it was said that the report would name the corporations that supplied Iraq with the equipment and other material it needed to develop biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons. Soon after the report was released, those suspicions were confirmed.
American corporation USDS involved in foreign and domestic espionage
Mossad and the FBI list of 9-11 Suspects
How Aircraft Can Be Caused to Crash In Conditions Of Low Ceiling/Visibility (tags)
Not A theory on the Wellstone crash per se, just some thought-provoking facts.
Political Values Survey (tags)
Looking for Anarchists, Greens, Libertarians, Socialists, Communists, anticorporate globalization activists and others to participate in an online survey designed to look at values, value systems and the links to political ideology - PLEASE PARTICIPATE!
Ten Years After - Time to Revisit The World Scientists' Warning to Humanity (tags)
We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it, is required, if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated.
Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)
The weapons of mass destruction used by the United States on the Iraqi people.
Solar May Be State Energy Crisis Legacy (tags)
A toehold for solar energy may be a positive and lasting legacy of California's electricity crisis.
Corporados Attempt Massive Privatization of U.S. Water Supply (tags)
The water infrastructure bill introduced in the Senate in February 2002 makes federal assistance for water systems conditional on the recipient's consideration of privatization. This language jeopardizes public access to safe and affordable drinking water
mathematical foundations of anarchist aesthetics (tags)
Anarchist political thought can draw inspiration from and in turn inform aesthetics. Mathematician and urban studies scholar Nikos Salingaros reveals the common statistical properties between spontaneously emergent complex systems that are both functionally and aesthetically satisfying, but lacking from modern, top-down planned human systems.
COUP WATCH: Voting Machine Clones Fingered For Problems In Palm Beach (tags)
Of 5,000 voting machines in Palm Beach County, about 1,000 were newer clones of the Votamatics, called Poll Star. The Sun-Sentinel reports that half the county’s undervotes occured on Poll Star machines, even though they recorded just one-third of the votes.
COUP WATCH: Two Different Punch Card Systems In Florida (tags)
Large Democratic-leaning counties use a punch card system with a much higher error rate than the system used in more Republican-leaning counties, according to a story in the Washington Post.
In a war, one of the first things that an aggressor or an occupying force attempts to do is to take out the communication systems of its targeted and perceived enemy.