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September 2020 Honduras coup update (tags)
A much loved journalist broadcasted after he was shot several times by attackers. Three elderly environmental defenders were massacred. Thousands marched in the Independence Day demonstrations and were repressed with brutal beatings and 15 arrests. Pushes begin for model cities under the pandemic. Another doctor dies of COVID-19. This and other news: This September 2020,
October 2019 Honduras Coup update (tags)
Summary: A campesino of the Bajo Aguan territory struggle was kidnapped by soldiers and murdered. Political prisoner Rommel’s mental health crisis forced a transfer to the psychiatric hospital. A Garífuna kindy teacher killed. Campesinos growing food in Siguatepeque were oppressed by cops and courts. A Libre party leader was assassinated. A journalist’s family home was attacked. Police intimidated another media. 18 October 2019 was also a date of major protests nationally because the regime president JOH’s brother Tony Hernández – also then parliamentarian – was declared guilty in New York as a drug trafficker and assassin. Police attacked many times with gases and arrests against ongoing protests against the dictatorship. A teacher leader was kidnapped and left for dead. A Miskita indigenous leader and spouse (teacher) were murdered by hitmen. One more Guapinol community member who opposed Mining company Inversiones Los Pinares was arrested.
June 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)
28 June 2019 is the 10 years anniversary date of the atrocious military coup in Honduras. Throughout June 2019, the strike and barricades of the education and healthcare sectors that began at the end of April 2019 continued, accompanied by the heavy cargo transport sector, paralysing the highways across the country and drying out petrol and electricity, driving into desperation the JOH (Juan Orlando Hernández – second term president by electoral fraud in 2017) dictatorship regime; this regime which only wants to keep privatising and repressing. This desperation translated into severe repression where gunshots were fired in many barricades on different dates and places wounding and on several occasions killing protesters.
May 2019 Honduras Coup update (tags)
This May 2019 in Honduras, starting with May Day, and culminating in 2 days of general strike in the continued struggle against the privatisation of education and healthcare. Way too many gunshots in different protests, and brutal repression generally. Several killed. Read on for details
April 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
April 2019 in Honduras. During the month already there had been some very ferocious evictions that involved gunshots, and when people protested a bill to privatise education and health blocking highways and occupying schools, health centres, and workers went on strike, the repression we as heavy, several people had been assassinated by state security forces in this context this month
July 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)
July 2018: Hondurans retake streets and highways as massive protests were organised by the transport sector blocking highways around the country, supported by student and just about everyone. Repression is rife including killings by likely government death squads/hitmen, of drivers/bus company owner, and against en environment defender. Many attacks in general.
February 2018 Honduras Coup Again update (tags)
Much repression continues as the fraud dictatorship JOH regime continues in Honduras as does resistance against it. At least 3 have been assassinated this month, including a 40 years old community leader, a 33 year old organised farmer, and a 16 year old environmental activist. Read on for details about these and other attacks against a people resisting this dictatorship
Honduras coup update September 2015 (tags)
September 2015 in Honduras. Intensifying repression with soldiers and cops pulling out guns against protesters and in mass evictions particularly where there are occupying farmers. One sixteen year old died this way, and another farmer was assassinated 2 days after participating in a protest. This is mixed with selection persecution against journalists and leaders as they came to control demonstrations. 28 year old loved son of writers was arrested accused of killing lawyer of an elite family - both responsible for the massive IHSS scandal that stole so much from people, and for continuously killing people who are witnesses to the scandal for example. About this and more, check out the update