fix articles 294563, vitalino alvarez
August 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)
In August 2018, it was the students in primary school, high school and university who carried on the struggle against the increase in transport costs, since they and their families are hit hard by these. Students protested demanding the return of student transport allowances and the lowering of transport fees in general. There had been at least 12 days of road blocks throughout this month by the students and as many ruthlessly brutal evictions, and at the end of August, two high school students were removed by state investigative agents from one of their homes and their bodies found on the streets near their school afterwards. At the same time, there have been lots of attacks by the state against journalists who tell news of struggle and repression and corruption, while more HCH journalists who tell news that speak of police as the good guys and protesters as inconvenient and irrational complained of being abused by protesters in different contexts of struggle and confrontation. Campesinos, environmentalist and community struggles also continue as does the repression against these.
June 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)
In this month's update: story of an ex soldier who tells of the hitlists the army received on which appeared Berta Caceres and many other social and enviro activists, and other news - another lgbti leader assassinated, massive repression against uni students protesting privatisation, and massive repression against protesters roadblocking against the installation of tollbooths, plus a few other news
April 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)
In April 2016, in Honduras, dam company DESA, its financers and concessioner, having killed Goldman Prize winner indigenous leader Bertha Caceres, continues to go after all those who fight in her name. A uni lecturer suffers an attempt, the same as 3 others before him, one of whom had been assassinated later.
March 2016 Honduras coup update - Berta's life (tags)
News of political murders, persecution and plunder in Honduras this March 2016, with a focus on the life of Berta Caceres
Honduras coup update September 2015 (tags)
September 2015 in Honduras. Intensifying repression with soldiers and cops pulling out guns against protesters and in mass evictions particularly where there are occupying farmers. One sixteen year old died this way, and another farmer was assassinated 2 days after participating in a protest. This is mixed with selection persecution against journalists and leaders as they came to control demonstrations. 28 year old loved son of writers was arrested accused of killing lawyer of an elite family - both responsible for the massive IHSS scandal that stole so much from people, and for continuously killing people who are witnesses to the scandal for example. About this and more, check out the update