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October 2016 Honduras coup update – murders and many blatant attacks continue (tags)
October 2016 news in Honduras is here. Two farmers leaders of the Bajo Aguan palm plantations occupations were killed. They also tried to kill two Copinh leaders on two separate occasions on the same date when the sun was not around. Shameless attacks by state against those who protest, especially those of Copinh. Check out Melissa Cardoza's piece about this, that one tried to translate to english, but best to check out the original in Spanish if you hablas español.
Memorial en honor a don Fernando Pedraza, jornalero y líder (tags)
Martes, el 5 de mayo 2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA -- Dos años después de su muerte trágica, la comunidad de Rancho Cucamonga se reunió para rendirle homenaje al jornalero y luchador social caído Fernando Pedraza, un mártir por la causa de los derechos de los trabajadores indocumentados. Voluntarios armaron un altar, oradores hablaron, y participantes cantaron, comieron, y bailaron en celebración de la vida y lucha de este importante hombre inspirador.
Public Hearings on Sacto/San Joaquin Delta Crisis (tags)
This includes a reportback of the recent public hearing (10/4) and info on the next public hearing (10/8) in Sacto Capitol to save the Sacramento and San Joaquin delta smelt from extinction, ideas for water conservation, etc..
Ecoanarchists help reclaim southcentral farm (tags)
The destructive bulldozer raid by real estate developer Ralph HorowitzCo. & LA Sheriffs' on LA's southcentral community farm only resulted in strengthening the resistance and improved networking between sc campesino farmers, ecoanarchists and permaculture communities..
Solving ecological problems by restoring indigenous wisdom (tags)
Indigenous ecoknowledge can help in solving modern man-made problems with permaculture, decolonization, dismantling border fence, riparian floodplain restoration, etc..
Green syndicalist response to CA water board decision (tags)
The usually deaf (hard of hearing) official characters of the CA water board are directly responsible for the increased militarization of labor and ecoactivists in the pesticide soaked central valley..
FSM Caracas: mortaja para los movimientos sociales venezolanos (tags)
* Un integrante del grupo promotor del Foro Social Alternativo explica por qué el Foro Social Mundial, a realizarse en enero de 2006 en Caracas, es otra vuelta de tuerca en el esfuerzo del gobierno de Chávez por impedir el desarrollo autónomo de luchas sociales consecuentes en el país.
Forage and Guerrilla Gardening (tags)
By growing our own foods and foraging native edibles, we can liberate ourselves from petrochemical industry dependency.