fix articles 29422, jose fernando pedraza
Tercera anual conmemoración de la vida y lucha de Fernando Pedraza (tags)
Miércoles, 5 de Mayo 2010
RANCHO CUCAMONGA, California - Por el tercer año consecutivo, la comunidad de jornaleros de esta ciudad suburbana conmemoró a su dirigente caído, don José Fernando Pedraza con oradores, música, reconocimientos, y comida.
Memorial en honor a don Fernando Pedraza, jornalero y líder (tags)
Martes, el 5 de mayo 2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA -- Dos años después de su muerte trágica, la comunidad de Rancho Cucamonga se reunió para rendirle homenaje al jornalero y luchador social caído Fernando Pedraza, un mártir por la causa de los derechos de los trabajadores indocumentados. Voluntarios armaron un altar, oradores hablaron, y participantes cantaron, comieron, y bailaron en celebración de la vida y lucha de este importante hombre inspirador.
Local activists oppose police, minuteman harassment of day laborers (tags)
UPLAND, California - January 26, 2008 Supporters of the human rights of immigrants and workers filled the Upland City Council chambers tonight to support speakers decrying injustices against Upland day laborers. The Minutemen, who are themselves responsible for many of these injustices, also arrived to address the council. And while the council may have been more receptive to their racist rhetoric than to our pleas for justice, we maintained the moral high ground and refused to retreat.
Day Laborer Remebered, 1 year after Killed in Rancho Cucamonga during Minutemen Protest (tags)
Approximately 200 gathered today in honor of Jose Fernando Pedraza, a Jornalero (day laborer), leader, and friend, who died while defending his right to be a worker in Rancho Cucamonga. March to city hall demanding Pedraza's dying wish, which was a day labor center.
Confirmed---6 Day Laborers Kidnapped (tags)
Press Conference Re: 6 Day Laborers Kidnapped and Death of a Worker Leader