fix articles 2920, rather Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : rather


A Conversation on our "Nihilistic Age" (tags)

As religious authority wanes, fundamental values—including the very value of truth—don’t die, but rather lose their absolute status and go a little haywire as a result... When the value of values declines, values don’t vanish but become trivial, fungible, instrumentalizable.

Images of men - choice of partner and penis size (tags)

Interestingly, for wealthy men and women alike, the importance of income and appearance decreases the older they get. "This is probably due to the fact that both sexes find in the course of their lives that both attractiveness and money are fleeting," said Boston psychologist Abby Rodman to "Market Watch". "It is the emotional bond with the partner that lasts."

Les métiers du capital (tags)

Sont ineptes tous les métiers du capital...

Le chômeur par vocation (tags)

Puème, peuème, pouème...

Can U.S. Democracy Be Fixed? (tags)

To distract and divert, scapegoating becomes a core tactics of these moves away from democratic cohesion. In a world of inequalities and global warming, there has arisen a frightening receptivity to blaming the stranger or the other

Les métiers du capital (tags)

Opprobre et prévarication...

Capitalism and democracy: what if we have it backwards? (tags)

CA Senate Bill 1303 would require an independent coroner rather than being part of police (tags)

Coroners should be independent of police

Yale student hassled by police (tags)

Police demanded ID from the student, and tried to verify the ID with the university, rather than handing back the ID and leaving.

Mexican Heroin Flood Killing Families,Governments on Both Sides of the Dry Border (tags)

If you have an opinion about the U.S. Mexican border you would probably guess there is a challenger that most residents would rather put something in their mouth rather Unfortunately

Oscar Contender Truth Explains Why the News Doesn't Tell It Anymore (tags)

The movie, or rather documentary, "Truth", establishes the retaliation that takes place when newsmen and producers tell the truth.

The West Marches East, Part 1 (tags)

Russia can only be said to be an “aggressive” and “imperial” power so long as one accepts the unrelenting hypocrisy of U.S. and Western leaders. After all, it was not Russia that invaded and occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, killing millions.

The West Marches East, Part 1 (tags)

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind... Language is an instrument we shape for our own purposes" (George Orwell).

Global Freezing And Baking: How To End The Extremes (tags)

44 ways to help trees reforest the earth and prevent global freezing and baking

Maoist Popularity Wanes in Nepal Election (tags)

Results for Nepal's national elections show its Maoist party has plummeted in popularity, coming in a distant third and suggesting the former rebels' influence has diminished in the South Asian nation.

Closing Guantanamo—Why it’s Symbolically, Spiritually and Materially Important. (tags)

President Barack Obama has made a clear and convincing case for closing Guantanamo! Mostly the same reasons finally articulated were just as true when he initially took office. Closing the stigma of war, crime and national shame has always been a high agenda item for many Americans. It is now the watermark battle ground that could begin to show who or what really runs this country. But think of the mindless excuses from war hawks (including complicity by the mainstream media) to try to stop any transparency about Guantanamo prisoners. But there is simply no way President Obama can close this base on his own without major and active U.S. citizen and world support. How can Congress possibly stand in the way of the reasons President Obama announced for closing the Bush Legacy? Where is the Free Speech movement, where are the campus protests at Madison and Kent State Ohio?

Video available: Captured UN's decision means peaceful revolutions justified. (tags)

Video available: discusses the Captured UN's 'permanent' rebalancing of global power from the West to Developing Asia (including China and India), the 'grassroots-up rather than Beehive-down' approach to rebuilding Christchurch and the cowardice of the domestic and global establishments in refusing to discuss the ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization for World Peace - to replace neoliberalism.

Occupiers, Stop Using Consensus! (tags)

Consensus process (the idea that a group must strictly adhere to a protocol where all decisions are unanimous) is the absolute worst idea that has ever been introduced to the activist community.

IN PSYCHIATRY History Always Repeats Itself. (tags)

Watch the Excerpt “If some doctors harm—torture rather than treat, murder the soul rather than minister the body—that is, in part, because society, through the state, asks them, and pays them, to do so.

There is no democracy without economic democracy (tags)

Cooperatives would not have stratospheric executive pay or financiers getting fat by skimming off a large share of the pie — without the need to produce excess profits, the result would be reduced work hours, higher pay and more left over for investment and taxes to pay for social services.

Author-Artist-Scientist Laura Cunningham on "Forgotten Landscapes of California" (tags)

For her book, Cunningham spent over 20 years illustrating how California might have looked before the arrival of Europeans. Her artwork often goes back centuries and even millennia (and on a few occasions all the way to the ice age).

The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes (tags)

"The neoliberals are fully in control of the bureaucracy, and they are reviving Margaret Thatcher's slogan, TINA: There Is No Alternative. But there is, of course. In the small Baltic economies, pro-labor parties have made it clear that the alternative to government shrinkage is to simply repeal the debts, withdraw from the Euro and break the banks. It is either the banks or labor - and Europe has just realized that this is truly a fight to the economic death. And the first test will come this Saturday, when Latvia holds its national parliamentary elections."

How You Can Save Pacifica (tags)

Further Reflections on the Crisis and How to Solve It How You Can Save Pacifica

Hatemongering in America—the Post-Carter Dilemma Versus Conservative Opposition (tags)

The venom and vile the spews forth from America’s body politic is endemic of a people infected with fear and prejudice; but this learned hatred of a democratic agenda is not one based primarily on racism—yet hostility and resentment is very much its spirit. Rather this anima of animosity is one that seeks scapegoats for any instability felt or imagined of America’s middle and lower class realities, and all presumptions of a relatively naïve and misinformed society.

Health Care in a Phantom Democracy (tags)

In general, corporate media coverage of "health care reform" narrowly focused on two views; the Obamacare position of increasing coverage for all via public options and the right-wing town hall protester responses of "No socialized medicine!". Jan Lundberg of Culture Change newsletter invites readers to take a third position, one of community supported self-care that is less dependent on the western medical establishment and focuses instead on self healing by improving lifestyle and nutrition, including detoxification of our shared ecosystem..


In December 14, last 2003, some of the people here in this country took charge of a review about the 90’s scene and the Movement’s outlook were third world. They were graduating but late and friends were youth but boring.


Thousands of “build rather than plead” organizations, collectives and communities are already emerging all over the planet and as they rise against subjugation and greed they strengthen and multiply. It the Zapatistas in Mexico and the Sans-Papiers (Sin Papeles) in Europe, it is the farmers in Brazil (Movemiento Sin Tierra) and the Basques in Catalonia, it is the indigenous people in Ecuador and the Palestinians in Gaza, it is the squatters in London, and the Mapuche in Chile, it is Via Campesina in Central America and In Our Hearts in New York City, it is Indy Media in Los Angeles and the Red Ponchos in Bolivia… It is a global movement that is not loyal to any authority, ruler, nation or religion, but rather to the calling of the heart. And don’t let the corporate media make you think that we are few, small and powerless. This global movement is 2.5 billion strong and rising fast.


The Gospel of Truth is joy for those who have received from the Father of truth the gift of recognizing him, thru the power of the meaning who comes forth from the fullness which is in the thought and mind of the Father. This is he who is called the Savior

Tarot Cards and the Left (tags)

How prognostications of doom encourage passivity over action

Italy defends move to patrol streets with soldiers (tags)

Italy defends move to patrol streets with soldiers

The pacifist strategy of Jesus - 1. The lost message (tags)

Throughout history there have been people who have faithfully read about Jesus in the Bible over and over again and yet for all their reading, not once did they ever understand a thing that the man was really saying. The following investigation is intended both to expose how religion functions as a brainwashing tool, as well as recovering the Lost Message of Jesus.


I had the pleasure of watching ABC's Sunday morning political church coverage of the Republican presidential debate from Drake University. Other than the honesty of Ron Paul, Rudy led them all into a literal and spiritually satanic discussion answering some very good and honest questions from voters, the moderator, and a scholar.

Russia's Joint Radar Gamble (tags)

There are mainly three proposals made by the Russian President - to broaden US missile defense plans in Europe by bringing NATO into the project, which President Bush has not agreed to; to set up an "online information exchange center" in Moscow as part of the system; and similar installations in European cities with a joint radar at Azerbaijan that would protect the whole of Europe, rather than only one part of Europe.

The exclusivity of snitchin’ (tags)

Recent attention to urban attitudes has painted a picture of a wild urban frontier. The idea of snitching isn’t limited by geography, income level, or time period. For some people, the ‘Stop snitchin’ idea is another fantasy of how the other half lives.

Documentary (tags)

The new philanthropy

Cheney’s Oz Visit (tags)

Dick (dark side) Cheney is to visit Oz this month to thank Howard for his support, RUBBISH! Howard has recently returned from the U.S. where ample opportunity to “thank him”, presented itself. No, the world’s most hated man and notorious psychopath is visiting Oz to inspect and organise something tangible and corporeal. Why these neo-conservative clowns persist in treating the Australian people as servile morons is beyond me, or is it? Perhaps our fearful leader, John Howard, has given the ‘wrong’ impression to the world. Is it possible Howard the despicable coward does not reflect the true Australian character, are we really a bunch of colonialist slaves and lackeys? For now the shoe fits perfectly; the ‘boss man cometh’ to re-organise his slaves AND to set his property interests in order!

The Diet of Distraction: Not Food for Thought (tags)

This article argues that the "experts" who ask dieters to calorie count, join programs and think constantly about what they eat are not always offering the best advice.

Join Chomsky, Sheehan, Zinn, etc: Out of Iraq Now! (tags)

petition: Wht we stand for immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq Now!

Will the Chad Castagana Case Self-Destruct? (tags)

…from KNX1070: "A Woodland Hills man who allegedly sent letters containing white powder to Jon Stewart, David Letterman and incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, among others, pleaded not guilty today to charges of mailing threats."

Avigdor Lieberman and the substance of Israeli politics (tags)

The Institute for Middle East Understanding ( is submitting this on behalf of the author.

Today's Youth: Efficient, Harmonious and Creative (tags)

For 40% in England, neither career nor consumption are in first place in their desires but downshifting, exchanging a financially attractive but stress-filled career for a less streneous but more fulfilling way of life with less income.

Our Enemies Have Many Skins and Too Much Money and No Souls (tags)

Racist talk is nonsense, but the truth is that many seem to cluster like Klansmen. The germans, the jews, the japanese, they all do it. I support common Americans and discourage inbreeding. Beauty is in diversity.

UN warns of Gaza 'breaking point' (tags)

In July and August Israeli security forces killed 226 Palestinians, 54 of them minors, in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Human rights group, B'Tselem has reported. More that 220 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the end of June Living conditions for Palestinians in Gaza have reached breaking point, a senior UN official has said.

Germany joins US, British, Israeli axis of aggression (tags)

Last Sunday, German government spokesman Ulrich William spoke on behalf of the chancellor, Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Union—CDU), and expressed Merkel’s “great regret and deep sadness over the consequences of the Israeli air raid on Qana.” Two days later, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Social Democratic Party—SPD) began an interview in the Süddeutsche Zeitung with the words: “What took place on Sunday in Qana was appalling. The large number of civilian victims of the Israeli air raid is terrible and unacceptable.”

Israel’s New Math 2 = 500,000 (tags)

This is obviously the outcome of the newly emerged Hebraic arithmetic laws. For 2 kidnapped Israeli soldiers who are still kept alive, 500,000 innocent Lebanese civilians are displaced. For 2 abducted Israeli soldiers, Lebanon, a sovereign state, is brought back down on its knees. Its civil infrastructure is ‘gone’. Some of its capital’s residential quarters and southern villages are already wiped out. Indeed, ‘two equals half a million’ is the new arithmetic the Israelis insist upon imposing on the region. Is it that surprising? Not at all, as predicted by Gershon Sholem already in the 1930’s: once the Jews start to speak Hebrew, it won’t take long before they consider themselves to be God. In the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah were "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven" (Genesis 13:13; 18:20; 19:24, 29; Hosea 11:8). The two towns where erased by God for the sins of its inhabitants. In the Biblical narrative (Genesis 18), God informs Abraham that he intends upon demolishing the city of Sodom because of its gross immorality. Abraham pleads with God not to do it. God is willing to agree as long as there were 50 righteous people in town, then 45, then 30, 20, or even just 10 decent people.

The Second American Revolution : High Places (tags)

Our ancestors had revolution after revolution because they did not knock down the High :Places


Now, suppose the Chicago gang kidnapped a couple of policemen and tried to ransom some of its members out of prison. This would cause a huge response, but would that response include the Illinois National Guard bombing the city’s black ghetto areas, indiscriminately killing hundreds, destroying homes and businesses, and imprisoning tens of thousands by not allowing normal contact with the city? Would the government say it is up to the people of the ghetto to get rid of the gang?

Gilad Atzmon - Pour out your fury upon the people of Lebanon and Gaza (tags)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

1001 Lies About Gilad Atzmon (tags)

I am delighted to say that my views are well distributed. My books are translated into 17 languages, my papers are highly circulated as well. I contribute regularly to many left magazines both in the printed media as well as online ones. And yet, I have never seen an argumentative piece against any of my writings. No one has ever dared challenge my philosophical ideas. Instead of doing that, they label me. They call me names, they misquote me, they lie and they are very quick to believe their own lies. In other words, based on their responses, they are Zionists and they behave like ones. This page is dedicated to my bitterest opponents. It is an open list of the different labels that have been attached to my name. Each label is followed by my comment. This page is a glimpse into the world of Zionist ugliness.

The US Empire Versus Reality (tags)

The real danger confronting any nation, especially the US, is the belief that it is strong when it is not and maintaining a faith in the power of weapons and technology when they are wholly irrelevant-or even defective. This was surely the moral of the Vietnam War.

Mission Impossible Again (tags)

While 1.5 million immigrants and their supporters marched throughout America on May Day, our Imperial Monarch, Dubya (or rather, his handlers), saw fit to address, not the growing immigrant rights movement, but rather the installation of the new puppet PM of Iraq.

Defending Human Dignity: Dietrich Bonhoeffer (tags)

The chapter of German resistance remains rather narrow compared with the wide support that Hitler could count on up to the end that enabled him to act mercilessly against all opposition.

If Teachers Were Congressmen (tags)

Enough Said!

a post-'normal' booke review: chellis glendinning on recovery from western civilization (tags)

this review employs two main elements: orthodox "texting" and as well, permitting myself to art into another direction than perhaps previously anticipated. incorporated into this post is image, non-blunt points, rectangles, and other lines, along with 'marginal' commentary. All of this certainly cuts down on the verbiage and gets to "the point" (and allows for more broad input from those whose spirit just really ain't oriented to 'composing' formal ideas of text, re: "book reviews"). Lastly, this way allows people to leave *traces* of their spirit in a less mediated way.

The Day America Died (tags)

Since that fateful day in September, we have seemingly never looked back. All pride..abject arrogance with no shame whatsoever. Never once questioning why so many people around the world have chosen to hate us.

Not Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose--It's the Whole Ball of Wax (tags)

Americans have been, and remain, all to willing to trade away a heritage of freedom for a false promise of security being peddled by charlatans in Congress and the White House.

A Tribute to Indigenous Day (tags)

Let me take something from my heritage and re-dedicate it to the Indigenous peoples of this continent. It's not much, it's not nearly enough, but let it be a recognition.

Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 2 (tags)

Buddhist monks and nuns, progressive left and religious peace organizations and other seekers after knowledge met yesterday in MacArthur Park for a meditation with Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh that was intended to create a peaceful state that will eventually translate into an end to war.

Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 1 (tags)

Buddhist monks and nuns, progressive left and religious peace organizations and other seekers after knowledge met yesterday in MacArthur Park for a meditation with Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh that was intended to create a peaceful state that will eventually translate into an end to war.

September 24th 2nd Las Vegas Press Release (tags)

The Las Vegas community is being challenged over free assembly rights. Find out how 15 minutes of your time can help us put the city authorities in their place and why you should be keeping your eye on what happens in Las Vegas on September 24th. We would also like to see as many people as possible come down from LA for this event. Education, Housing, Healthcare, Jobs, Sovereignty, and Peace NOW!

"Nine-Eleven" Retrospective (tags)

After declaring war on terrorists, an endless war, the balance sheet is rather depressing three years later-and after two wars. Many terrorism experts see America's reaction to Sept 11 as catastrophic. A gift was given to the terrorists with the iraq war.

We Have a Winner! (tags)

Antonio Villaraigosa has won the election, but can he fix all of our problems? Villaraigosa is indeed progressive, and is also a step in the correct direction.

Muslim violence (tags)

The violence by muslims over the Newsweek thing wasn't caused by purely religious zeal or even western hate.

Isikoff and Rather: Different Strokes for Different Folks (tags)

Although the journalistic errors of Michael Isikoff and Dan Rather were similar—both involving some misinformation from a source—the way the political right and the White House have responded is quite at odds. Could it be Isikoff’s record as the reporter who brought us Monica Lewinsky? ---------------------

Another Doomsday, Another Dollar: Shifting Science towards Peace and Ecology (tags)

Science must be urged to climb those mountains which promote sustainability, peace and ecology rather than those which place our planet in peril.

Republican bullies should give up on proposed `nuclear' option to end filibusters (tags)

Bullies would rather thrown over the board, scatter pieces everywhere, than play a game they cannot win.

Nader -- Restarting the Anti-War Movement (tags)

author: RALPH NADER Political movements require momentum, they need to consistently build and aggregate. When they take a lengthy break from organizing and stop the momentum it is difficult to re-start.

Anybody But Hahn? A Mayoral Convention for the Animals (tags)

A few months ago, the country heard the Democrats' mantra "Anybody but Bush." On January 9, 2005 at the Citizens for a Humane Los Angeles mayoral convention at Beverly Garland's Holiday Inn in North Hollywood, one group of animal rights and welfare advocates supported the "Anybody but Hahn" theory while another argued "Vote your Heart."

Corruption: Intimidation, Politics and Drug Industry Cripple U.S. Medicine (tags)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supposed to safeguard the nation's medical products, but they're "taking care of business rather than patient safety",says FDA's associate safety director Dr. David J. Graham. In interviews, he and others highlight the all too brutal facts.

A "Few Bad Apples" or "The Bad Seed" of Circumstance? (tags)

Countless studies have shown that external factors are highly predictive of so-called "moral" behavior -- people are generally conformists, blind followers of authority and highly influenced by circumstance rather than character and values.

Ralph Nader Speech now on-line (tags)

His speech at Creighton Univ. is now available full text, on-line

Bush Beats Brutal Competition to Become Al-Qaida’s “Man of the Year” (tags)

Isn’t it funny how the guy who talks the most about defeating terrorists has done the absolute worst job of doing it? Well, no, it’s not, and what’s even more so not funny is that, if the U.S. gets hit again before the election, it would probably condemn us to another four years of the same bad routine. For more details, read on.

He's no Hugo Chávez . . . (tags)

This month he did something no other US politician has dared to do, and took on the Anti-Defamation League, the organization which smears opponents of Israeli policy as anti-semites. He won't be elected in November, of course, but that's not the point. The point is that if you want to change a system, you have to start now, rather than in some endlessly deferred future. And the better Nader does, the faster the campaign for change will grow.

Bush'ls Plan to Build a Better Octopus (tags)

The politicization of spy work

Connecting the Dots: Michael Moore, White Nationalism & the Multiracial Left (tags)

Found this one on the Azine. "Connecting the Dots: Michael Moore, White Nationalism & the Multiracial Left"

LIBERTY BOUND "is the film 'Fahrenheit 9/11' wishes it was (tags)

Comments are pouring in from viewers in France and the USA about Christine Rose's incendiary documentary "Liberty Bound."

No blank check for Donald Rumsfeld (tags)

Practical Idealism weighs the Rumsfeld matter

The Pascal Lamb (tags)

This Friday celebrates the Great Sabbath.

An interesting article, considering the upcoming protests (tags)

A very interesting perspective on contemporary protesting.

Calling all theatre groups - Palestinian Play for Performance (tags)

Details of a play for performance regarding the plight of Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories. This is primarily of interest for those involved in (political) theatre. This site won't allow me to download the file with the play itself, if you are interested to see it contact me at and I will send it to you

Everyone Owes an Apology (tags)

In the Middle East, reconcilliation can be brought about without retribution, but rather, with mutual restitution.

The Sparticists Are Disgusting (tags)

The Sparticist League would rather interrupt meetings than hold their own.

Lord of the Rings: Philosophical Poison (tags)

The righteous anger of the ancient Ents is unleashed upon Saruman's tower -- leafy Luddites who wreck machinery, kill workers, and wash away the blight. The message is hard to miss. It is right out of the Earth First! ideological handbook.

A Chickenhawk ThanksgivingIn Baghdad (tags)

But important, if unasked, questions linger about a president who foregoes both taste and honesty in his advancement of his agenda ö questions of integrity, character and ethics. They might be aptly summed up in a riposte posed to another Republican nearly five decades ago, Senator Joseph McCarthy, during his final days on Capitol Hill: "Finally, sir, have you no shame?"

Democracy or oligarchy? (tags)

Cuba's government is the only one in the world today that is publicly standing up to the neoconservative ideology of the New World Order. Although many Third World governments apparently agree with and support the Cubans, they seem unwilling at this point to risk the capital disinvestment which would follow taking an independent path to development. There are enormous natural resources in the Third World and billions of possible workers and consumers.

GAPATISTAS RIDE AGAIN: We'd Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap!!! (tags)

Please join us for the Hollywood premiere of our GAPATISTA ROAD SHOW to Miami to stop the FREE TRADE AREA OF THE AMERICAS (FTAA) Nov 17--21, where up to 100,000 protestors are expected to converge!!! At the Hollywood Gap action we’ll march to the doors of the Gap with a giant 200-year-old redwood stump, logged by the Fishers of Gap, Inc. A mini FTAA & LOCAL ISSUES TEACH-IN will ensue, using the stump as a stage. Speakers will alternate with GREAT SONGS and RADICAL CHEERS, all building to the CLIMACTIC MOMENT when we STRIP for JUSTICE IN FOREST, FIELD, & FACTORY!!! We’ll round off the action with lealfeting and one-on-one. Come Strip with us for Redwoods and Workers Rights, for Global Ecology and Global Justice!!! Bring drums, noise-makers, and outlandish underwear!!!

Sugar-coating U.S. motives in Iraq (Toronto Star) (tags)

Invading armies are often coy when it comes to admitting their true motives. Certainly a desire to seize territory and resources are rarely among the motives modern invading armies tend to highlight. One can understand the preference for looking like a liberator rather than a pillaging bully.

Screw You Right Back - CIA FU! (tags)

When the CIA initiates proceedings, entire nations collapse in flames. Economies deflate like whoopee cushions. Powerful men are found dead in alleys with their heads encased in cheese wax. It might be said that the CIA has an extremely low hubris threshold. As it now stands, the president (after only a few months of doing nothing) has ordered his people to cooperate with his other people in finding the source of this leak in the scandal now known rather lamely as 'Intimigate' (I prefer 'What, her?-gate' myself).

The Sage of Imperialism: Harry Magdoff (tags)

This conference report was published in: Monthly Review Newsletter, Summer 2003. "Neoconservative hawks should be seen as frustrated outsiders involved in a desperate gamble to shore up declining US power by throwing legitimacy to the winds."

A Plea for Systemic Strategies (tags)

If we are to defeat the systems of oppression, we must in fact combat the very systems themselves.

Election 2004 Coming UP... Is Anyone Fit To Run? (tags)

Why has American academia turned anti-American? Why should anyone be embarrassed at being white? What's the big deal about a long-abolished slavery issue? Is anyone other than Ron Paul or Tom Tancredo fit to run this nation?

Nothing Left To Lie About (tags)

With BushCo reaming the nation on just about every possible front, is implosion imminent?

Government Promulgates the Wackiest Conspiracy Theories (tags)

I've heard some conspiracy theories in my days, some are quite valid and some are too far fetched and error laden to be credible. Since conspiracy theories abound, I have developed a methodology for investigating conspiracy theories. First and foremost I ask, what is the motive for advancing the theory.  Elitist naysayers and generally ignorant "sheeple" of course dismiss any conspiracy theory out of hand. For those incapable of seeing beyond the sand their head is buried in, anything unusual is just a coincidence. Anything which might require them to actually think critically is of course out of the question. 

Rise of the Apologists (tags)

Apparently the more natural function of public intellectuals, at least most of them, is to explain the ways of power to the uninformed and perhaps unthinking public at large ? or in more cynical terms, to serve as apologists for those in power. In the wake of a certain amount of criticism of the Bush administration over the issues of "weapons of mass destruction" ? a misnomer from the get-go in that it lumps nuclear weapons with chemical and biological weapons that are difficult to use tactically and create less actual mass destruction than some artillery barrages ? Bush apologists are coming out of the woodwork.

Inbedded Journalists Quiting Rolls (tags)

But the US military is not happy with this development. "We would really rather they did not do this," said Major Tim Blair, the US army officer in charge of the embed programme, citing safety concerns.

Do-rag-gate: Making a Difference (tags)

Do-rag-gate: Making a Difference

How Americans are feeling about thiis war (tags)

Here's what the man in the street is thinking.

Supporting the troops (tags)

I heard a report that American Soldiers that are forced to fight a war they don't want to, are refusing to fight and would rather be court marshalled.

ACTION ALERT: 11/19/1863 - Gettysburg (tags)

Lest We Forget:

Bush Sr. Warns Son Over Unilateral Action (tags)

"This war is for Daddy" - how much legitimacy does he have now, when even "Daddy" says it's a bad idea?

Petroleum, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Moronic Bureaucrats (tags)

Although Interpol still claims to be "apolitical", it's recently been posting more and more political propaganda, perhaps due to the influence of such wannabe Americans like "NWO" bureaucrat Ronald Kenneth Noble, who worked for the money-laundering "U.S. Treasury" and the Federal Reserve Corporation's Internal Ripoff Service....

Fear of a spiral into Depression as job losses mount (tags)

Dismal sales at Christmas time were propped up by deflationary price cuts, and now the retail sector is among the hardest hit as one third of a million jobs are slashed in February. Not coincidentally, the same rise of the Extreme Right Wing is taking place as was seen during the depression of the 30s, with the same drive to seek relief in aggressive wars of conquest...

right-wing nuts smearing LA-IMC authors (tags)

Perhaps Bush Admirer (aka Simple Simon) is behind this

Top of the Fold (tags)

"National defense is one of the cardinal duties of a statesman." --John Adams

CNN: Hilarious question as CBS' Rather prepares to interview Saddam (tags)

Dan Rather is interviewing Saddam Hussein I guess or something.. funny questions

Iraqi People Fearful Of U.S. Weapons Of Mass Destruction (tags)

'There will not be a safe place in Baghdad,' said one Pentagon official who has been briefed on the plan. 'The sheer size of this has never been seen before, never been contemplated before,; the official said.. 'you have this simultaneous effect, rather like the nuclear weapons at Hiroshima, not taking days or weeks but in minutes'...


Some history rather than hysteria...

Open Letter To the Peace Movement (tags)

We Must Close Ranks Now!


Anyone remember the guy named Mitchell Crooks who shot the original video of police brutality against Donovan Jackson? I figure that since none of these issues would be brought to light without this courageous man, I find it very appropriate to approach this subject in a rather angry manner since no one else seems to be.

Postmodernism Alive and Killing (tags)

Israelis are killed every day now, while one of the world's strongest armies is bravely proving it can turn even wretched refugee camps into ashes, I feel rather uncomfortable talking about ideology. Still, I'll do it. In a previous column I analysed several arguments of the right-wing ideology of Israeli occupation: a rather simple task, actually. More difficult, and more interesting, is the question: how do parts of the Israeli progressive camp live with the Occupation?

Downsize CSU Administration! (tags)

It's time to cut the state budget that's only fattening a (very) few hogs feeding at the public trough!

"The Overthrow Of The American Government, Part 2" (tags)

Let a candid and vigilant populace consider my pleas and contentions. We ordinary Americans are being led, step by step, down the road to a dictatorship more evil and all-pervasive than that of the late Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party of the German aristocracy.

Money Drives the World (tags)

Bush Sr. linked to the Bin Laden Family, which in turn means bin Laden family is tied in with US finacial insitutions and companies.

CIA&FBI=Keystone Kops says Dan Rather (tags)

Dan Rather appeared on David Letterman last night and said The CIA&FBI are like the Keystone Kops.

Shooting in Santa Clarita (tags)

Shooting of an ATF agent in Santa Clarita


This protest has been called a run up for next years G* summit in Alberta, Canada - read here for a concise first hand account of our marvellous canadian protestors!


This protest has been called a run up for next years G* summit in Alberta, Canada - read here for a concise first hand account of our marvellous canadian protestors!

Attack the Power, not the Shield (tags)

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags