fix articles 291303, democracy the
Utopia, Technology and Struggle. Ways out of the Crisis of Social Democracy (tags)
The big question is still open. Must an emancipatory project aim at a changed distribution of incomes or is hedging capitalism through regulation and redistribution enough? In other words, is shifting to an eco-Keynesian path sufficient to create equal life chances?
Atomic Bombs or Democracy (tags)
The atomic bomb reveals the totalitarian element latent to human existence. Our species is marked by the ability to impose the universal death penalty on itself.. War thinking devours most resources of the world and is resistant against experiential knowledge.
TTIP: A Charter for Deregulation, an Attack on Jobs and an End to Democracy (tags)
The parallel private 3-judge arbitration courts could be used by fracking, nuclear and cigarette companies to sue for lost profits. Laws and regulations in the public interest could be decried as indirect expropriations. A "regulatory chill" will deter communities by fear of lawsuits.
The Elite Look Down on Democracy (tags)
The thought-models of the economy have conquered all other social sciences. The person in these models is a homo oeconomicus, a rational agent whose only drive is maximizing his benefits. Only an action with the driving force of egoism is rational.