fix articles 29119, no more Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : no more

no more

Russia Won The Cold War (tags)

Libertarian 2016 Friday, November 19, 2021 Russia Won The Cold War


"We will take America without a shot, from within." Nikita Kruschev

Libertarian Values For Smart People (tags)


A Short Response To Mordechai Kedar’s No More Safe Haven (tags)

Global Judeopathy, Mass Jewish Migration To Israel, Make English An Official Language in Israel!

Large Turnout for Dakota Pipeline Protest (tags)

At the time of this writing there was no official estimate, but turnout appeared to be in the hundreds. The only mainstream media said to be present was Channel 11, which interviewed Gloria Arellanes, et al live. ….... Multiple speakers advised people to take money out of banks invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline. Jay Ponti identified HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, and Citi Bank as such investors. Besides closing accounts, he suggested reporting it on social media. #BankExit. Actress-activist Susan Sarandon, one of the delegates to go into the building, reiterated this and cited the role of boycotts in affecting South Africa.

Obama's Sham Immigration Reform (tags)


An Open Letter to Barack Obama (tags)


The Shortwave Report 11/08/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

AIPAC Lobbies for War on Syria (tags)


World Leaders Declare America and Israel Pariah States: A Fable (tags)

police states

Idle No More Returns to CNN (tags)

March 20 was a Day of Ceremony and Resurgence for Idle No More. In Los Angeles, a vigil was held for two hours in front of CNN. This was Idle No More's second visit to CNN within a week because of continued failure by the mainstream media to cover this world-wide movement.

CNN, Do You See Us Now? (tags)

Protest and educational outreach continues in Canada, the U.S., and other countries concerning pending bills and projects that would be a major assault both on indigenous people and the environment. In Canada, Bill C-45 would unilaterally alter treaties with First Nations people, drastically effect lands and waterways on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border, and reduce jobs for all Canadians. In the U.S., the proposed XL pipeline would have devastating effects on aquifers and wetlands if there was ever a leak. The Indigenous movement, Idle No More, now several months old, has been ignored by the mainstream media.

Idle No More – Los Angeles (tags)

A common sentiment expressed by speakers was, “if we won't do it, who will?”

Say No to War (tags)


Full Court Press to Deny Palestinians Statehood (tags)


Daily Rogue State Israeli Lawlessness (tags)




Sydney Morning Herald: US switches cocaine air bases to Columbia (tags)

making drugs more "efficient and stronger"

No more news in English at Indymedia Athens (Greece). (tags)

Attention, attention! No more news in English at Indymedia Athens (Greece). The latest reports speak of fear and violence,

Changing the Rules to Keep the Ruling Class in the Drivers Seat (tags)

A better solution would be to cancel all debts.

Please! DO NOT BAIL out for-profiteers with our taxes !!! (tags)

A Letter to All our Government officials, openly sent requesting NO BAILOUTS !

9th Annual Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day Prayer Vigil (tags)

The Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day: Mobilizaing Communities for the Elimination of design, manufacture, use and proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction

Venice Beach Incident (tags)

OPEN LETTER TO VENICE FREE-SPACE VENDOR REGULATORS: Venice Beach lottery creates Police Man's escalation of authoritarian attitude. But does Councilman Rosendahl care ?

Colombia: Full fire on guerilla, but total silence on state crimes. (tags)

The government of Alvaro Uribe has rallied Colombians to take part in a large march on Monday, February 4th under the slogan “No more kidnappings, no more lies, no more deaths, no more FARC”. and seeks to obscure the true face of the conflict: 75% of human rights violations in Colombia are committed by the Uribe administration and the paramilitary forces which are linked to the state. (Source: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch)

NO MORE WAR FOR ISRAEL SIGN IN OCT 27, 07 LA ANTIWAR PROTEST (good to see the Ron Paul sig (tags)


Nativist Militia Forms in Long Beach (tags)

Former Save Our State ( SOS ) member Gerry Nance aka. BorderRaven forms Militia in Long Beach. [Photo of BorderRaven]

More SOS Violence Against Workers (tags)

Save Our State, and now No More Invasion, always cry that they are the victims, but the facts tell us otherwise.(Photo is of SOS member Sam Ziselman)

Sao Paulo (Brazil) is under a disguised dictatorship (tags)

It’s a disguised dictatorship, with press freedom, but no freedom for public demonstrations.

Leaders Don't Kill People... (tags)

If I have my facts straight, George W. Bush has never killed a single person in his life. All the torture and death that people attribute to him has been carried out by people who were "only following orders."

OC March to Cong. Loretta Sanchez's Office! De-Fund the War! Troops Home NOW! (tags)

No more cash! No more caskets!

No More CASH, No More CASKETS! Orange County Peace Coalition Rally, 3.17.07 (tags)

No More CASH, No More CASKETS!

Emminent Domain might seize your property (tags)

Require Emminent Domain cities to replace every lost apartment building with permits for two new comperable apartments.

Mandatory Cervical Cancer (wart) Vaccine With Sixth Grade Girls (tags)

In 18 states, lawmakers (influenced by drug company lobbyists) are considering whether to require sixth grade girls to take the cervical cancer vaccine, regardless of it's " side effects". The Virginia legislators have passed such a bill and millions of Texans are outraged that Gov. Perry bypassed the legislature and took away parental choice in mandating the price-gouging poisons of a toxic cervical cancer ' vaccine'. While an "over looked vaccine" that the drug companies can not port from as well, needs adequate investigation and research review. This report also exposes some of the typical corruption in medical research, as exposed in with verifiable reference material that has been "censored" from the main news media. Examples of Corrupted Medical Research System with background information. on "The revolving door" of politics and medical research.



Code Pink Interrupts Bush @ Energy Conference (tags)

Received from Laurie Meier of St. Louis Code Pink:

A CALL TO ARMS: Fighting Conservative America From Your Computer Desk (tags)

Have you ever wanted to get involved and have your voice heard? Here is an easy and entertaining way to do both from the computer you are using at this very moment.

No More Gas (NMG) (tags)

Are you a perfect driver for the Myers Motors’ All-Electric NmG (No More Gas)? YES…if you:

Historic March for Migrants Rallies in LA Saturday (tags)

No More Nukes! (tags)

Saturday August 6, 2005 (11:00 am -2:00 pm) 60th Anniversary Commemoration of the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima! Regional Southern California Protest Rally and Remembrance to be held at the Seal Beach Weapons Center

Poem to the Israeli Government: "I Have No More Secrets To Tell" (tags)

The ambiguously free man, Mordechai Vanunu

War No More (tags)

War No More is a hip hop anti war promo by Kamal Imani that was aired on NYC’s WBAI at the beginning of the invasion of Iraq.

SOS- Gov't Persecution- Threats Against MY Life (tags)

A verifiable and truthful description of threats to falsely imprison , "commit",me, sell me into slavery, ship-me-out-the-back-door, forced into prostitution, sexual slavery, forced "matches", even forced pregnancy, by the powers that be,glimpses into the hidden government black market underground, economy in the slave trade.


Iraq is liberated!! No more attacks against our troops!!

F15 Anniversary (tags)

The war is still going. Let's start organizing another global uprising for February 15, 2004.



Romper Room (tags)

At least with Clinton you knew that the most powerful man in the world had reached adolescence, if not much beyond it. But all current evidence suggests that the world is now being run by 7-year-olds.

Streched too Thin (tags)

Our warrior class sits and waits, humbly pouting and holding back tears in the desert sand. Sitting ducks in a Turkey Shoot.

Mobilize Against US Agri-Imperialism (tags)

HUNGRY FOR JUSTICE? Want to resist the WTO, US Empire and Corporate Globalization? Fed up with genetically engineered trees, food, fish, future? Believe that access to healthy food and clean water is a fundamental human right?

Still waiting for someone (tags)

Several times I have posted

7th National Conference On Raza Prisoners: May 10, 2003 (tags)

No More Prisons! No More War! Fight For Justice, Here At Home

KILL YOUR OFFICER. US Army Sgt. Asan Akbar is an example ! (tags)

No more deluded by reaction On tyrants only we'll make war The soldiers too will take strike action They'll break ranks and fight no more And if those cannibals keep trying To sacrifice us to their pride They soon shall hear the bullets flying We'll shoot the generals on our own side.

March 15 photos (tags)

We'll march when it's raining - No more Bush No, more Cheney!!!

Matrix is real (tags)

Every human being is body and mind remote controlled by a mega hell matrix computer : Save humanity, destroy it ! (You must be totalunconscious if you don’t take it seriously)

About cloning and beaming! (tags)

The Bushist Chronicle

No More Victims (tags)

The No More Victims' poster is now available in nine languages. Alan Pogue, a Vietnam veteran from Texas and the professional photographer who took the photograph, has returned to Iraq to find Asmaa, an Iraqi child injured in a US/UK bombing raid in 1999.

Election fake (tags)

No more troubles to vote, no more cogitation!

Contaminate the iraq spouters by radiation! (tags)

To stop killing 500.000 people by attacking iraq is easy to do!

The Spirit of La Magdalena- Fighting Campesinos (tags)




Protest "Asian Fever" beauty Contest (tags)

A protest against the racist stereotyping of Asian Women.

Bush visit to Portland, an invitation (tags)

ILWU Local 5 resolution regarding the upcoming Bush visit to Portland, OR>

See Ya @ 5 (tags)

Take the Not In our Name Pledge @ pm TODAY. Downtown.

Australia prepares for anti-war demonstrations (tags)

NO RETALIATION RALLY - 21 Sept, 2001 4.30 pm at Town Hall, Sydney Australia No retaliation, No to the US imperialism in the third world, No more innocent deaths, No racist scapegoating.

Call to action (tags)

its time to get rad. the time is right. I lifted this from the main Indymedia site to bring to LA. Perhaps waiting until January is too late.

Censorship "for the good cause" (tags)

Censorship "for the good cause" by pro-nader soldiers on IMC Seattle. From republicrats to greenocrats... just a matter of time. No more state capitalism, no more private capitalism: direct action.

No more protests (tags)

If activists everywhere would drop everything and think and do nothing else other than try to make sure Nader is in the debates, over the next 10 weeks, we might change the world.

"NO MORE BOMBS!" (Poster) (tags)

Down with the Rat Empire!

"No More Ramparts!" performance of song "We Will Not Bow Down" (tags)

A young gospel singer with great promise performs an adapted song to kick off the "No More Ramparts!" march against police brutality at MacArthur Park.

"No More Ramparts!" Spoken-Word Performance of "The Silenced Ones" (tags)

In MacArthur park during warmup for the "No More Ramparts!" march against police brutality, a young Hispanic woman gives a spoken-word performance of "The Silenced Ones".

"No More Ramparts!" Announcer Motivated by Friend's Death (tags)

At MacArthur Park Wednesday morning, the announcer for the "No More Ramparts!" march against police brutality explains the "death by natural causes" his friend suffered at the hands of LAPD.

"No More Ramparts!" rally warmup (tags)

Drumming and rallying to warm up for the "No More Ramparts!" protest launched from MacArthur Park at 9am Wednesday.

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