fix articles 2910, cunningham Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : cunningham



la cia stampava a Roma tutti i fogliacci di tutti gli assassini e loro patroni neri e rossi.

Author-Artist-Scientist Laura Cunningham on "Forgotten Landscapes of California" (tags)

For her book, Cunningham spent over 20 years illustrating how California might have looked before the arrival of Europeans. Her artwork often goes back centuries and even millennia (and on a few occasions all the way to the ice age).

Oakland's Ridge Hotel considered for arson scam (tags)

Wealthy Tiburon owner of Menlo Hotel, Richard Earl Singer, had also considered burning down the low-income residential Ridge Hotel!

No more pork for crooked politicians? Well not really! (tags)

By a 431-0 vote, the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives has approved a measure that would strip lawmakers of their congressional pensions for criminal convictions such as bribery, lying under oath and fraud. That may sound tough and impressive, but it's more show than substance, as usual.

The government pays these criminals rather well (tags)

At least 20 former lawmakers convicted of crimes are eligible for taxpayer-funded pensions, some as high as $125,000 a year

Discover the Secret Rightwing Network Behind ABC's 911 Deception (tags)

Check this out.

Wrong Doers Versus Whistleblowers: How Patriots Act (tags)

Remorse and religion is the standard of those representatives pleading guilty to government bribes and lies. Courage and conviction is the standard of American whistleblowers, Sibel Edmonds and Bunnatine Greenhouse. Is there a Patriot Act that can protect whistleblowers and reflect the standards of how patriots are free to act?

An Open Letter to Randy “Duke” Cunningham (tags)

The corrupt ex-Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham, an eight-term member of the Congress, will be sentenced on 02/27/06, for taking $2.4 million in bribes. An ultra hawk, he pushed for the Iraqi War which has cost untold misery for the Iraqi people and death and pain to the lives of so many American families. Cunningham said he wants to “atone” for his wrong doings. If so, let him come clean at his hearing about all of the pervasive corruption on Capitol Hill.

Flag Waivers Continu to Gut the Bill of Rights (tags)

Constitutional amendment on flag desecration is back again Supporters say bill stands better chance after war with Iraq

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