fix articles 29097, prosecutor Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : prosecutor



the mossad has been threatening the heroic ICC prosecutor in a vain attempt to stave off her inquiry into israel´s crimes against Humanity

The persecution of Julian Assange (tags)

Melzer has distilled his detailed research into a new book, The Trial of Julian Assange, that provides a shocking account of rampant lawlessness by the main states involved – Britain, Sweden, the US, and Ecuador.

prosecutorial misconduct (tags)

prosecutors lie and mislead judges

Venezuela Reveals New Evidence Against Opposition Leader Leopoldo Lopez (tags)


ICC Investigating Israeli War Crimes (tags)


Fascism: Humanity's Scourge (tags)


Israeli Prosecutorial Overreach (tags)


Loretta Lynch for AG: Holder 2.0? (tags)


ICC Whitewashes Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


Greek Whistleblower/Journalist Risks Imprisonment (tags)


VAWA creates false rape allegations (tags)

Under the Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) the constitutional rights of men are destroyed. The presumption of innocence, a fundamental piece of American law, is disregarded. In the name of political correctness, thousands of innocent men are incarcerated indefinitely. A vengeful spouse, deranged lover, a jilted girlfriend, an attention seeking loser, or a mentally disturbed woman can have any person arrested on just her word. No evidence is needed, no questions are asked.

Finally a 10th Amendment lawsuit on medical marijuana!!!! (tags)

Medical marijuana advocates sue prosecutors over crackdown

Plea bargains flush your right to a jury trial down the toilet (tags)

Cops use plea bargains to flush jury trials down the toilet! Well I guess I should say the government uses plea bargains to flush your right to a jury trial down the toilet. Cops are not the people that charge you with crimes and force you to trial, it's the government and more specifically government prosecutors.

Sign our petition! (tags)

The Peasant Patrols and the population of Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad require an audit in the Mixed Court of Santiago de Chuco, as the judge and the prosecutor are very biased. We make the petition to do a legal audit to them and they have to renounce their charge within fifteen days / since July 4, 2011 / !

Prosecutors Back Off From Their ?Iron-Clad? Case Against Strauss-Kahn (tags)

New evidence of extortion used against DSK, possible goals to ensure DSK loses election for French Presidency against U.S. puppet Sarkozy. Other enemies of DSK include the globalists who dislike his solutions to the European debt crisis that doesn't reward the big banks. Both the reactionary right and reactionary left appear convinced of DSK's guilt, despite increasing evidence to the contrary.

Sweden issues international arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder Assange (tags)

Assange has repeatedly offered to be interviewed, first in Sweden before he left that country, and subsequently in Britain, “either in person or by telephone, videoconferencing or email and he has also offered to make a sworn statement on affidavit. All of these offers have been flatly refused by a prosecutor who is abusing her powers by insisting that he return to Sweden at his own expense to be subjected to another media circus that she will orchestrate,” explains Stephens. He continues, “This behavior is not a prosecution, but a persecution.” A letter from one of Assange’s Swedish lawyers, Björn Hurtig, has also been made public, which documents the numerous attempts by his legal team to organize Assange’s questioning by Swedish authorities, to no avail. Stephens concludes his press statement, “Our client has always maintained his innocence. … As a result of these false allegations and bizarre legal interpretations our client now has his name and reputation besmirched. Thousands of news articles and 3.6 million web pages now contain his name and the word ‘rape.’

Italy: Judicial harassment of human rights defender (tags)

Petition for the Freedom of Human Rights Defenders: SIGN NOW

Jury Gives Mayor Sheila Dixon a “Go to Jail” Card! (tags)

Baltimore’s Mayor Sheila Dixon was convicted on Dec. 1, 2009, by a jury of her peers, of stealing gift cards, worth about $525, intended for the “poor and needy.” As a result, she will forfeit her office, lose her $83,000 a year pension, and could go to jail. Her crime paled in significance to the massive wrongdoings of the Wall Street Mob, but, the State Prosecutor underscored to the jury: The Mayor was stealing “from the children of Baltimore!”

BTL:Best Way Forward on Torture Accountability: Special Prosecutor or Truth Commission? (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Prosecutors, Cops and Judges: Ready to Ditch California’s Death Penalty (tags)

In opinion pieces that appeared in papers across California last year, former prosecutors, judges and law enforcement officers raised their voices to declare: enough already, it’s time to ditch the death penalty. Let’s consider what they had to say.

The Great Rwanda "Genocide Coverup" (tags)

Everyones seen Hotel Rwanda. What they may not be aware of is that the 'genocide' in Rwanda in 1994,which had its origins with the assassination of president Habyarimana (a Hutu), seems to have been carried out by now president Kagame. Whereas Habyarimana was backed by France and Belgium, Kagamas supporters are UK and US....the same pair who have been attacking Zimbabwes government. The evidence is that the pentagon enabled the assassination of president Habyaimana to facilitate 'regime change' in Rwanda. This implicates US and UK govts in genocide. THATS NOT ALL. There is evidence US interfered in the ICTRs investigations, as reported by australian policeman-turned-lawyer Michael Hourigan.

City Hall Scandal Hits Baltimore After “The Wire” Exits (tags)

There is never a dull moment in Baltimore, Maryland. It seems as soon as HBO’s “The Wire” program left town, our Mayor, Sheila Dixon, became the subject of a state corruption probe. It’s all mostly about two fur coats and some travel trips with an ex-boyfriend. At the time, he was a developer doing business with the city. Does it add up to bribery or is it a tempest in a teapot? The Grand Jury holds the answer to that question. Stay tuned.

Judge drops charges against SoCal immigration rights (tags)

The city's charges against an immigration rights activist alleging he disrupted a city council meeting were dismissed Monday after a judge found that an attorney representing Costa Mesa was not a public prosecutor.

OC Superior Court Judge dismisses criminal case against Coyotl Tezcatlipoca (tags)

Judge throws out case because Costa Mesa’s city attorney never took an oath as a public prosecutor; civil rights case still pending.

Attorney requests delay for Acosta case (tags)

They're trying to criminalize Mr. Acosta's speech," said Belinda Escobosa Helzer, an ACLU attorney representing him. "It's very unusual that they would decide to bring criminal charges for a person exercising their 1st Amendment right at an open City Council meeting."

The Daily Pilot (tags)

"They're trying to criminalize Mr. Acosta's speech," said Belinda Escobosa Helzer, an ACLU attorney representing him. "It's very unusual that they would decide to bring criminal charges for a person exercising their 1st Amendment right at an open City Council meeting."

Action Alert All White Jury Convicts Black Grassroots Leader Rev. Edward Pinkney (tags)

The case of Rev. Pinkney is yet another example of anti-racism criminalized and put on trial. It is an attempt to silence the voice of grassroots Black people, to undercut the efforts of those with the least who demand accountability of those in power, to maintain the legacy of racism and poverty, and to make a way for even further exploitation

Scripted Libby Trial Ends on Cue: What Can Happen Next? (tags)

The Prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, crafted the “Scooter” Libby case to protect the Bush-Cheney Gang. Even the members of Libby’s jury knew something was missing. Now, it’s time for the House’s Judiciary Committee to pick up the baton. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NEV) said Libby manipulated “intelligence” to get us into the war and that the case revealed “deeper truths” about VP Dick Cheney. I say: “Bring Cheney to the Bar of Justice!”

Libby’s Trial Crafted to Protect Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

Instead of going after the cabal that lied the country into the Iraqi War, Special Counsel, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, focused on only one defendant, Irving “Scooter” Libby. He also made sure no conspiracy count was utilized in the indictment against him. V.P. Dick Cheney will not testify at Libby’s trial. Fitzgerald, who has close ties to Rudy Giuliani, will continue to make sure that nothing comes out to hurt the interests of the Bush-Cheney Gang.

The Bank Leumi affair (tags)

Olmert tried to make off with the cash. We could expect no better from Israel which has disintegrated into a gangster state.

Illegal collection and traffic of cats and dogs in Bulgaria (tags)

Letter to the Supreme Prosecutor of Bulgaria

Mumia's Appeal Moves into its Final Stage (tags)

Mumia Abu Jamal and his chief counsel have filed an appeal that raises three challenges to his conviction, and that defend the federal district court ruling that lifted his death penalty in 2001.

Abu-Jamal's Appeal Moves into its Final Stage (tags)

Pennsylvania’s move famous death penalty inmate and his chief counsel have filed an appeal that raises three challenges to his conviction, and that defend the federal district court ruling that lifted his death penalty in 2001.

Free by DNA after 23 years in jail (tags)

WOW!!!!! Missouri has a law that will give the man up to $36,500 in compensation from the state for each year he was wrongly incarcerated if he doesnt sue. WOW, oh WOW! That's a measly $100 for each day you were jailed, or $4.16 for each hour you were jailed. Hell you don't even the federal min wage of $5.15 an hour, much less get paid time and a half for each hour over 40 hours in a week you were jailed for. If the state of Missouri was going to be fair and pay the people falsely jailed the federal min wage for $5.15 for the first 40 hours and time and a half for the rest of the 168 hours in a week the should pay the person $170 a day instead of a measly $100 a day. And thats at min wage. Hell I would not be willing to falsely go to prison for 23 years and when I got out accept min wage for the damages done to me.

Justice fails in Ciudad Juarez and the city of Chihuahua (tags)

The reality is that since 1993 more than 370 young women and girls have been murdered in the cities of Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua - at least a third suffering sexual violence - without the authorities taking proper measures to investigate and address the problem.

A Prayer for Justice (tags)

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged...

The Persecution of Sherman Austin (tags)


Riverside DA and Judge clash over controversial prosecutor's promotion (tags)

When prosecutor Michael Rushton came under fire last summer for kicking off nine Black jurors in a capital murder case, his boss, Grover Trask was silent. Now, with his promotion of Rushton to supervise the drug enforcement division, his silence is broken.

Not a crime to a cop not to write a report of an offence of a crime (tags)

Mr District Prosecutor, what does a crime mean?

Biugliosi At Midnight Special Talks on "The Betrayal of America," FAIR Meeting (tags)

VINCENT BUGLIOSI, former Manson Family prosecutor and author of "Helter Skelter," will discuss his new work "The Betrayal of America," (how 5 members of the Supreme Court criminally selected our present President) at Midnight Special Bookstore on Tue., Aug. 7 at 7:30.

Long Beach tries to bill May day prtestors for police costs (tags)

short article from Long Beach Telegram

Bernell Butler acquitted of felony charges (tags)

Last week, the political prosecution of Bernell Butler came to a close as a jury acquitted him of six felony and misdemeanor charges, and convicting him of one added lessor charge of misdemeanor simple assault.

Minister arrested for contempt of court in Butler trial (tags)

Pastor Ron Gibson refused to answer a question, asked by the prosecutor, and was placed in handcuffs and taken to jail, the latest witness in the prosecution of Bernell Butler.

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