fix articles 288834, recipients
New York Women in Film & Television Announces 2018 NYWIFT Ha Phuong Scholarship Recipients (tags)
The prizes award six accomplished young women in film with financial assistance to pursue their own projects
America Honors Its Worst (tags)
police state
States Harming People Most Needing Help (tags)
financial terrorism
Corporate-Welfare Recipients: Are They Eating Steak And Driving Cadillacs? (tags)
The Neediest Need Help Like the Banks (tags)
The same state haggles over every bowl of soup for welfare recipients. For banks, billions appeared overnight. There must also be money for higher wages and more social services.
Announcing 37 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism (tags)
From July 30th to August 8th, 2004, the Narco News J-School Comes to Cochabamba and the Coca-Growing Chapare Region of Bolivia...
Press Briefing on Welfare Reform (tags)
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 9:30 AM, BREAKFAST BRIEFING ON WELFARE REFORM WITH WELFARE RECIPIENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN As the national economy weakens and unemployment rises, the U.S. Senate takes up welfare reform at the end of July; Los Angeles County welfare recipients will speak about the proposed legislation and their experiences with the welfare system. OUTCOME OF THIS MONTH'S SENATE DEBATE WILL DEEPLY IMPACT LA COUNTY
IPA: Food to Afghanistan: Analysts Available (tags)
Analysts: Roger Normand, the Center for Economic and Social Rights, Jim Jennings, Conscience International, Dominic Nutt, Christian Aid in Islamabad, Alina Labrada, CARE, Diderik Von Halsema, Doctors without Borders in Islamabad, Sam Barratt, Oxfam International in Islamabad. Barratt: "Our main concern is getting food into the heartland of Afghanistan before the winter sets in -- we only have four weeks."
On the 5th Anniversary of Welfare Reform, Poverty Rates Remain Unchanged... (tags)
On the 5th Anniversary of Welfare Reform, Poverty Rates Remain Unchanged Grassroots groups organizing to challenge congressional reauthorization (A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At