fix articles 28860, loose change
Tom Hanks- Tom Hanks: The CIA's Guy in Hollywood (tags)
Forest Gump brings "The Sixties" to life on CNN- NOT!
U.S. Senate Leaders Should Be Arrested and Charged With Treason (tags)
Despite the truth many Senators were willing to vote for Charles Hagel, as more than worthy choice for Secretary of Defense, on-the-ground facts show we Americans are stuck with defense contractor and Israel-firster suck-ups like Lindsey Graham, and his whiny, albeit slick, style of political correctness, such as his recent show-trial stigmatizing anything that suggests criticism of Israel’s right-wing agenda. Graham’s strategy-driven limelight approach (clever as if concocted by some backroom weasel committee) had the chutzpa to point-blank ask Hagel during a recent Senate confirmation hearing, about some of his previous statements, with all the solemnity of “ordained” mortal sins from a Catholic cardinal, such as 1) “…the Jewish Lobby has a tendency to intimidate people up here…” 2) “…I’m not a Israeli Senator I’m a U.S. Senator…” and 3) “…this pressure makes us do dumb things at times…”.
Karl Rove, Netanyahu and Islamic Uprisings (tags)
The hate machine, lie machine, and the money machine are all on full blast with intent to kill any chance progressives and liberals have standing—especially President Obama and some Senators. The Republican strategy has been to deny, ignore, deceive, and attack. What is also becoming known, since there is now no other viable alternative candidate in Ron Paul, is that the Romney/ Ryan team will likely be a huge disaster in the making for a majority of Americans. So despite what well seems like another stolen election in the making, such as with disenfranchising voters with new State laws, alienated, apathetic, disappointed, disheartened, angry, resentful, confused, Americans, and all independent minds must get out and vote in huge numbers this election—because this election still deeply matters.
KPFK is one of the left’s few major assets in Southern California, and now that asset may be under serious threat.
Koran Burning versus Real Patriotism (tags)
Any fanatic can burn a book, or a flag, because it doesn’t require rational explanation. But anyone with the brain of a troglodyte could appreciate there is complexity to the reality of most religions and belief systems. Once again high-minded religion plays its hand in the human affairs of politics, as Jones also sees the trumped up Muslim Mosque controversy, to be built close to ground zero, as seriously provocation. But real patriotism includes having a willing to seek out the truth.
Police File Restraining Order Against U.S. Marine 9/11 Truther (tags)
Pomona CA police have filed a broad restraining order against an anti war activist.
March 21st Hollywood Peace March or The Revolution Will Not Be Organized (tags)
A re-cap of the peace march that was held on Hollywood Blvd on March 21st, 2009 complete with photographs of the day.
Killtown: conspiracy flake or Internet menace? (tags)
It is one thing to believe strange conspiracy theories about the September 11th attacks on America, and quite a another to leverage that belief as an excuse to harass anyone who dares to question his personality cult.
Mr. Kean and Mr. Hamilton are Invited to Participate in “A Real 9/11 Commission/Investiga (tags)
Mr. Kean and Mr. Hamilton are invited to Participate in “A Real 9/11 Commission”. A May 2006 Zogby U.S. poll found that 42% of adults polled believe the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission "concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence" that contradicts the official explanation of the attacks. 9/11 Commission chairs Kean and Hamilton were upset with their own commission.
ISI General Ahmed with Tommy Franks BEFORE 911 (tags)
Reminder: Ahmed funded the murder of 3000+ in New York City on 911. September 11th, 2001.
9-11 Barry Jennings UNCUT (tags)
Given the recent BBC hit piece on WTC7, and Barry Jennings apparent recanting, here is the uncut Jennings interviews by Loose Change team
WE DEMAND all real American soldiers to WAR for open dialog on 911, Afghanistan, and the thefts of innocence in Iraq. George Norry is an enemy of Freedom in America by refusing the facts of America to allow US to decide for ourselves. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS are of persons who lie, cheat and steal our rights to be represented fairly.
God Damn the Corporate News American (tags)
I DEMAND a public debate with Americans on the FACT that George Walker Bush is a war criminal. Example to Humanity: the Iraq conflict has no cause. Period. Despite demon Bush repeatedly LYING that Saddam wouldn’t let the inspectors in.
The Next Level - Rise of Power in a New World Order (tags)
The Next Level - Rise of Power in a New World Order
Killtown: discredited 9/11 researcher under attack (tags)
During his six year stint as a 911 researcher, "Killtown" has found fame, some say infamy, over his Shanksville research, the most controversial portion being his assertion Valencia McClatchey's photo, "the End of Serenity", is a fake.
Google demon enemies of freedom to be just, refuse to allow my words heard through usenet. I will sue them for every dollar they have, thereby owning the company, and will fire/charge those responsible for refusing free speech to me, but allowing demon neoconner zionists like enemy KEN to pirate OUR authority. Google management are war criminals causing the deaths of our innocent families.
Evil or Devine? - The King has Risen in Comic Book Fictions (tags)
Evil or Devine? 106 burglars, 28 armed robbers, 12 embezzlers, 5 convicted rapists, among many others the bush regime brought under the bushite fold in 2007 alone, to commit further war crimes against Humanity for the escaping evil, neocon enemies. Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong.
God Damn the Corporate News American (tags)
I DEMAND a public debate with Americans on the FACT that George Walker Bush is a war criminal.
Support Our Demands For Open Communications (tags)
CNN "We've learned so much this week." Support my demands for US to arrest CNN, CBC, CTV, and the BBC news producers, for consciously forbidding American families from knowing, scientifically, mercury causes brain damage to YOUR child, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the time.
The Golden Rule - A Man Takes a Stand (tags)
"Taliban fighters are guilty of nothing but standing in defense of the innocent victims of 911."
Did you hear! The Kadr team found a bushite manufacturing evidence in the military commissions trial. Death sentence for the bushite enemy, or more crimes against ourselves as the innocent for torturers, rapists and thieves... Clearly, enemies of Freedom in America. We decide.
A narrative film challenging the official story of 9/11 premiered in Los Angeles in January and continues to show on weekends, including President's Day. This film is a damning look at the media's coverage of 9/11, propaganda, and a piercing look at the complex search for truth.
A narrative film challenging the official story of 9/11 premiered in Los Angeles in January and continues to show on weekends, including President's Day. This film is a damning look at the media's coverage of 9/11, propaganda, and a piercing look at the complex search for truth.
The BBC Joins The Ranks Of The Untrustworthy United States Media (tags)
With the airing on BBC2 of “911: The Conspiracy Files,” one must ask the question will the BBC be joining the United States mainstream media in its failure to provide “truth in reporting?” Several of the guest make excellent points that seem to be completely disregarded by the producers of this program. There were many questions that could have been asked and observations that could have been made. In the end, however, we were left with more questions than answers.
Shibbolrths and Buzz Words (tags)
Th USA has wasted 21 trillion dollars since 1945 on military buildups to fight enemies that don't exist
“Good Night, and Good Luck” -- WMD, NIST, Popular Mechanics, 9/11 and Media Crimes (tags)
BBC1 Television, near 9/11/2001, interviewed 9/11 author and theologian, David Ray Griffin. What caught my attention was another guest (a writer for a prominent British newspaper) who scoffed at considering challenges to the official story of 9/11, because US media is so vast and free that if there were problems with the official story, he'd have heard about it via US media. There is a 9/11 cover up occurring.
Parallels between Nazism, Zionists striking (tags)
Take this, Bill O'Reilly! Someone had to tell you...
Was September 11 a Great Conspiracy? (tags)
More than ten million have watched "Loose Change" on the Internet since April.. 42 per cent of Americans believe the US government and the 9/11 commission concealed things in connection with the attacks.
Asbestos Attacks from the White House (tags)
The White House manipulated the reports of the EPA about the air quality in the environment of Ground Zero after the attacks and thus exposed all the relief workers, residents and employees in south Manhattan to extreme health risks.
American Scholars Symposium
Investigate the Conspiracy Nazis! (tags)
Should we investigate the "Truth Seekers"?
Bunker Time: Federal gov. to conduct large scale anti-terror drill (tags)
William Arkin reports in the Washington Post on the largest anti-terror drill yet to be conducted in the context of the "Continuity in Government" procedures. The drill is intended to prepare the country for "a Second 9/11".
Iran, Towards a War Pretext Incident? (tags)
Former CIA analyst and Presidential advisor Ray McGovern, fresh from his heated public confrontation with Donald Rumsfeld, fears that staged terror attacks across Europe and the US are probable in order to justify the Bush administration's plan to launch a military strike against Iran, which he thinks will take place in June or July. -Paul Joseph Watson
American Scholars Symposium: 9/11 & The Neo-Con Agenda (tags)
This June 24-25, 2006 researchers, scholars, journalists, media personalites, and average folks will come together from all over the USA to gather in Los Angeles to invite the rest of the world to examine the facts of 9/11. Through powerful & insightful presentations from prominent guest speakers & riveting documentary screenings we will examine the Neo-Con Agenda and 9/11 as the pretext for the brutal on-going war in Iraq as well as the establishment's future plans.
9/11 Truth symposium to be held in LA (tags)
Major New 9/11 Truth Symposium Coming To L.A. Features Alex Jones, Professor Steven Jones, Former Star Wars Head Bob Bowman, Dylan Avery & Others
9/11 The Propaganda is Coming - Get Loose Change by Dylan Avery (tags)
In the midst of failure in Iraq, the president's approval at an all time low, corruption in the current regime being exposed on a daily basis, and the public not being swayed by the current attempt to distract them with the tired immigration issue, the powers that be have determined that the American people need to be reprogrammed, so the revision of recent history is underway.
Brother, can you spare some Loose Change? (tags)
Dylan Avery began working on the story for Loose Change at the age of 18. Loose Change is the 22 year old's first film and is being viewed worldwide. The film has raised many important questions as to what really happened on September 11, 2001.
Hollywood backs official 9/11 story (tags)
9/11 Cover-up Comes From Hollywood, Not Just Government.
Perhaps the FOX40 case is a sign that the system of media self-censorship will not function to the end of time.. The truth grows under the opinion concrete of mainstream media. One seedling after another finds its way to the surface.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/27/06) (tags)
New Orleans could lose 80% of its Black population
SGV 9-11 Truth Movement Gets Rolling (tags)
Approximately 20 9/11 Truth activists and concerned individuals from around the area turned up at the corner of Main and Garfield in Alhambra on Sunday morning to draw attention to the glaring inconsistencies, distortions and omissions in the official government version of the events that attempt to explain the tragedy of September 11, 2001.