fix articles 28737, resigned
Hints of official Trans-Pacific Partnership resistance (tags)
“Free trade” agreements don’t have anything to do with trade; they have everything to do with tightening the grip of corporate dominance over every aspect of life. It is precisely to minimize potential pressures from social movements that the TPP is being negotiated in complete secrecy.
FACLA SNAFU: FACLA Minority Board Appoints New Directors (tags)
The FACLA imbroglio turns for the worst. After two more FACLA directors resigned due to more impending cases to be filed against FACLA board of directors Meng Gatus and Benjie Lopez, the minority FACLA Board appointed and sworn into office two new appointed directors last February 11.
FACLA Imbroglio: FACLA Minority Board Appoints New Directors (tags)
The FACLA imbroglio turns for the worst. After two more FACLA directors resigned due to more impending cases to be filed against FACLA board of directors Meng Gatus and Benjie Lopez, the minority FACLA Board appointed and sworn into office two new appointed directors last February 11.
FACLA Imbroglio: Two More FACLA Directors Resigns (tags)
As the FACLA imbroglio thickens, two more FACLA directors resigned due to more impending cases to be filed against FACLA board of directors Meng Gatus and Benjie Lopez. According to letters procured by the EPCC NEWS, latest to resign as members of the FACLA board were Mandy Francisco, newly designated interim FACLA president and Andrea De Guzman. FACLA directors Nene Jensen and Dick Digal resigned earlier after some differences with FACLA president Meng Gatus in 2009.
FACLA Imbroglio: Two More FACLA Directors Resigns (tags)
As the FACLA imbroglio thickens, two more FACLA directors resigned due to more impending cases to be filed against FACLA board of directors Meng Gatus and Benjie Lopez. According to letters procured by the EPCC NEWS, latest to resign as members of the FACLA board were Mandy Francisco, newly designated interim FACLA president and Andrea De Guzman.
Jesus, George is that... (tags)
...a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
In the book "Fidel Castro, a two-voiced biography," published by the Debate Publishing House, the Cuban president told Ignacio Ramonet information not previously released about the events of April 2002 in Venezuela.
Iraqi Officials Resign Over U.S. attack on Najaf (tags)
"Iraqi Officials Resign Over U.S. attack on Najaf" Destroying a city in order to save it, again. Please spread this note, and please get ready to resist: US Out of Iraq! Hands Off Venezuela! So much is at stake. jamie
Dennis Miller, former comedian who is still scared to make a joke about the Bush administration has fulfilled his dream of having a regular TV show. CNBC is the new home of the former comedian who seems to have lost his intelligence but has regained his sense of humor which disappeared after 911 faster that Trent Lott leaving the capitol during a bomb scare.
Perle Resigned
Third veteran US diplomat quits over Iraq war (tags)
WASHINGTON, March 20 (AFP) - Another veteran US diplomat has resigned from the State Department in protest over President George W. Bush's policy toward Iraq, becoming the third and the highest-ranking career foreign service officer to do so since last month...
San Diego Eagle Scouts Return Awards at August 19 Rally (tags)
Jim Gieson (right), winner of the Boy Scouts of America's Eagle badge in 1981 and Youth Leadership in America award in 1983, resigned both awards August 19, 2001 in protest against the Scouts' continuing exclusion of Gay leaders and members. Howard Menzer (center), president of San Diego Scouting for All, also resigned his Eagle badge. Mick Rabin (left) had given his up for similar reasons in May 2000.