fix articles 28717, chair Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : chair


KPFK RADIO is essential to Pacifica, who also umbrellas KPFA that may be falling away (tags)

KPFK is the prime radio station of 5 in Pacifica. KPFA in Berkeley seems to be acting illegally or secretly to separate OUT and away from Pacifica with 1 faction hiding their moves. This is here a repost to inform those who want KPFK in LA to continue and not fall prey to tactics used at it's sister station. Beware non-transparent games even within 'non-profit' corporations owned by stakeholders [ funders, pledge $ givers].this could be a warning of what may also be gamed with KPFKs existence. Learn more and share it too.

Sierra Club endorses activists for Water Board (tags)

Sierra Club announces their endorsement of local environmentalist and activists Stephen Murray and Carl Southwell for West Basin Water District Seats.

Susan Sarandon: Don't Support The Barbaric Heifer Project (tags)

Heifer International separates terrorized baby animals from their mothers and environments to be shipped overseas to lives of slavery and slaughter.

Reported excerpts of Pacifica's - and that's KPFK's - incidents happening - update (tags)

Tracy Rosenberg has been updating information in a reporter's fashion with what is occurring...tho far from LA, still relevant to our own KPFK, however it falls Out or sideways. The Pacifica Nat'l Bd [PNB] and Pacifica's attorney and others star in the more recent incidents. Excerpts that may interest local LAers is here. See Tracys facebook site in future for updates as they show up. [why Indymedia is glumping all paragraphs together is not resolvable by this writer, so please glimpse for key words or parts that Can Be Read if possible. This glitch seems to occur when spacing well is in the article written but does not come out in final results here. sorry for that. See Facebook link for more info anyhow. ]


February 8, 2012 California Secretary of State Debra Bowen has given no explanation to the party's state chair for omitting two of the four presidential candidates in the Peace and Freedom Party from the primary ballot. Peace and Freedom Party State Chair C.T. Weber of Sacramento calls the omission "unlawful," and the omitted candidates are protesting the decision.

Mimi Soltysik Becomes New Chair for Socialist Party of California (tags)

Mimi Soltysik says building the membership within the Socialist Party of California is his primary goal for 2011. “I am looking for people who are ready for change; the unemployed, college students paying too much for tuitions, seniors who a struggling to survive, anti-Democrats and anti-Republicans, the anti-capitalists and those willing to join the struggle to end U.S. imperialism. My request is simple, Join Us.”

Request for impeachment of RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the US Court, New York (tags)

In a matter, where New York Attorney General uncovered alleged criminality by BofA and US government officers, pretense litigation was conducted at the US District Court in New York.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), a national alliance of Filipino World War II veterans, widows and their relatives, youth and students and community advocates and their allied organizations welcomes the a new face in Filipino-American leadership in the National Federation of Filipino-American Associations (NAFFAA). JFAV National Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia, in a statement after Thanksgiving Day, expressed great hope that after the Midwest region’s Michigan-based Ed Navarra became the new chair of the disintegrating national organization, things will become better for the the prime national organizations of Filipino-Americans in the United States. Garcia said, “JFAV is elated at Navarra’s statement that he wants to fight for more benefits for the Filipino World War II veterans who are dwindling in numbers.” JFAV pointed out the fact that out of the more than 46,000 war veterans who applied for lump sum claims, around 22,000 were denied by the US Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).

Socialist Party of California Installs New Chair for Los Angeles County (tags)

Emidio Soltysik, the new Socialist Party Los Angeles County Local Chair, says “It is the task of the Socialist Party to fight for progressive changes compatible with a socialist future, independent of the capitalist controlled two-party system, to present socialist alternatives for working people.”

Grace Aaron, former interim Executive Director and Board Chair, Sues Pacifica (tags)

Grace Aaron, who rose to Pacifica "fame" with the Committee to Strengthen KPFK," is suing the Foundation

US House Chair Henry Waxman Ignores Appeals From Injured Downey Workers-Cover-up Continues (tags)

Henry Waxman, Chair of the House Committee of Energy and Commerce has refused to respond to a letter from the injured Downey Movie and Kaiser workers at the former US military toxic dump site that was privatized as a "Brownfield" site. Injured workers have requested that Waxman push the Energy Department pay for a NIOSH epidemiological study but Waxman is playing hide and seek. He refuses even to meet the workers but has called hearings on steroid use and Toyota. How about having a hearing about injured workers and community members on former military industrial sites which have been privatized. Apparently the developers have a bigger grip on Waxman than his constituents and public who he is supposed to represent.

Former Pacifica Radio Interim Executive Seeks Retroactive Extra Pay (tags)

Word has it that after ending her tenure as Pacifica's Interim Executive Director, former board chair Grace Aaron is demanding that the board pay her retroactively for health benefits that were never agreed to.

Toward an Understanding of the Causes of KPFK's Conflict: A Voters' Guide (tags)

Looking for the truth at KPFK? Check this out, by a long-time insider. Read this, and get your ballot in by Thursday.


An unholy alliance of truthists, sectarians, and voting system fanatics, led by an unwilling reject of the Church of Scientology, have used the new governance structure to take control of the commanding heights of Pacifica’s management.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network(PESANTE)-USA stands solidly with peasant organizations in the Philippines in their call: GIVE BACK THE HACIENDA LUISITA to the farmers! Pesante supports the call of former KMP chair PAeng Mariano . Anakpawis party-list Rep. Rafael Mariano said that Senator Noynoy Aquino’s statement that they will give up Hacienda Luisita is just ruse to further evade his duty to give the land to the farmers. He said the Aquino-Cojuangco family could just convert the estate into other uses (such as the Luisita Mall and the Luisita Industrial Park) to raise money and pay its debts, which do not comply with their obligations under the agrarian reform program. “For generations, the Cojuangcos have benefited greatly from the Hacienda and labor of the farmers. It’s time they give it away, selling it or converting it will only aggravate the problems,” said Mariano.

LA Congressman Waxman Challenged By Injured Downey Movie and Kaiser Workers (tags)

Environmental activist Sharon Kramer talks about the role of the corporate industry trade group ACOEM in preventing the treatment of workers injured by mold by writing into workers comp laws rules eliminating treatement for mold. She also reports that former US Senator Edward Kennedy eliminated a study exposing the conflict of interest by ACOEM and other corporate controlled groups on US workers comp policy

Activist Doctor killed in Mindanao (tags)

Epidemiologist Dr. Rogelio Peñera was killed because of his activism, his colleagues insisted on Saturday. Dr. Jonathan Placido, chair of the Alliance of Health Workers (AHW), said Peñera had rallied people in the sector against issues that threatened their welfare and the delivery of health services to the poor. Peñera was driving home with his daughter on Wednesday night when he was ambushed near his home in Cabantian village here. He died from multiple bullet wounds in the head and body, while his daughter suffered minor injuries.

Faculty members protest investigation of sociology professor (tags)

UC-Santa Barbara professors circulate petition to halt proceedings against William I. Robinson and reject “outside pressures”.

Netanyahu- palestinians have the right to self determination (tags)

Bibi- palestinians have the right to self determination

2008 Election problems begin early with Peace and Freedom Party (tags)

Tuesday election snafu denies Peace & Freedom Party voters ballots, may influence presidential nominating convention; Party chair says a lawsuit possible.

Memorial Meetings For Ka Bel Held in the US (tags)

A simple, solemn and intimate memorial meetings by Filipinos. Filipino-Americans and international solidarity allies were held in the cities of New York and Los Angeles in the United States last May 27 and 28 as Ka Bel was laid to rest in the Philippines. Other memorial meetings are also slated to be held in Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle next week. Scores of activists from the Alliance-Philippines, Gabriela Network-USA and International solidarity groups like International ANSWER, Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), Justice for Filipino Americans (JFAV) and LAANE held the memorial meetings to pay their last respects to Ka Bel in Historic Filipinotown and Queens, New York.

Memorial Meetings for Ka Bel to be Held US-Wide (tags)

Whenever death may surprise us, it will be welcomed provided that our battle cry reaches some receptive ear, that another hand stretches out to take up the weapon, and that other men come forward to intone our funeral dirge with the staccato of machine gun and new cries of battle and victory." ~ Ernesto "Che" Guevarra Los Angeles - Nationwide memorial meetings to mourn and honor Crispin “Ka Bel” Beltran will be held in different cities in the United States from May 21 to June 9, 2008. Ka Bel was an ANAKPAWIS Representative, Chair Emeritus of Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU or May First Movement), and former Chair of the International League for People’s Struggle (ILPS). Mario Santos, Alliance Philippines National Coordinator, made this announcement in San Francisco after the meeting with representative from International ANSWER on May 22. According to Santos, the memorials for Ka Bel will be held on May 27 in Queens, New York, May 28 in Los Angeles at Remy's on Temple Art Gallery in Historic Filipinotown and San Francisco, and on June 9 in Seattle. Progressive Filipino forces in Chicago will hold a memorial on May 24.

Rep. Crispin Beltran, The Great Hero of the Working Class (tags)

The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (Alliance Philippines), with profound sadness, announced the passing of Ka (short for "kasama" or comrade) Crispin Beltran, 75, last May 20, 2008, in the Philippines. Ka Bel, as we fondly call him, was a representative of ANAKPAWIS (Toiling Masses) Party List, chair emeritus of Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU or May First Movement), labor center in the Philippines, and was the first chairperson of the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS) from 2001-2004.

JFAV : A Tribute to Ka. Crispin Beltran, The Hero of the Filipino Working Class (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American veterans (JFAV), the alliance of veterans groups, student / youth, community organizations and veteran rights advocates in the United States and as a founding member of the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS) pays tribute and homage to Crispin Beltran, 75 , who passed away last May 20, 2008 in the Philippines Ka. Bel, as we fondly call him, was a representative of BAYAN MUNA and later the ANAK-PAWIS Party list group, BAYAN Chair, Past Chair and Chair emeritus of Kilusang Mayo Uno (May First Movement) labor center and was the first chairperson of the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS) from 2001-2004. As a chair person of the ILPS Ka Bel supported the Filipino World War II and gave due course to the resolution of the ILPS in 2001 and again in 2004 ILPS Assemblies recognizing the contribution of the veterans to the struggle against fascism in World War II and the justices of their current struggle for recognition, justice and equity.

GABNet Chair Annalisa Enrile receives award from V-Day Movement (tags)

GABRIELA Network (GABNet) National Chair, Dr. Annalisa Enrile was honored by the Fiipino Women's Network and Eve Ensler's VDAY foundation as a "Vagina Warrior" for her work in stopping violence against women.

West Coast Solidarity Meetings For "Freightliner Five" (tags)

There will be solidarity meetings for the fired UAW Freightliner N. Carolina workers in LA, SF, Portland and Seattle


The Justice For Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) , an alliance of more than 60 veterans, students and community organizations based in the United States vehemently condemned and protests the arbitrary arrest and continued detention of Prof. Jose Maria Sison, the current chair of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) by the Dutch government with the prodding’s and collaboration of the Philippine government.

Activists in Canada Give Tribute to Claver (tags)

In a tribute to signify their protest against the impunity in human rights violations back home, supporters of Alice Omengan-Claver gather July 28 to mark the one year anniversary of her death. Claver, wife of then Bayan Muna-Kalinga Chapter chair Dr. Chandu Claver, died a year ago from assassins' bullets in Bulanao, Tabuk in the province of Kalinga in the Philippines. The ambush is widely-believed to have been carried out by military operatives in the province as part of the counter-insurgency campaign of the Macapagal-Arroyo government called Oplan Bantay Laya (Operation Guard Freedom).

Pesante-USA Condems Killing of Youth leader in Cagayan (tags)

Cagayan, the northernmost province of Luzon has become a valley of death for activists as a 19-year-old youth leader became the third militant in a month to be killed in the province. Sangguniang Kabataan chair Nelson Asocena, a member of the youth group Anakbayan and the peasant group Kagimungan, was shot dead in an attack allegedly by six men in military uniform on Dec. 13 in Rizal, Cagayan. Pesante-USA vehemntly condemn the fascist terror Kiling. Asocena was the third militant leader to be killed in Cagayan within a month and the 802nd in the Philippines since 2001, based on records of the human rights group Karapatan. More than 800 activist, leaders, and ordinary members of people's organizations and their familes had been killed since 2001 when Arroyo assumed presidency in the Philippines.

A kinder, gentler way for the state to murder people - lethal chemical injections! (tags)

Attorneys, death-penalty foes outraged by 34-minute execution

AIPAC and Emanuel (tags)

We can't allow the Israelis and their supporters to run America anymore.

Pesante-USA Condemns Mass Arrest of Peasants in Quezon. Support ANAKPAWIS Solon call (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network-USA vehemently condemns the mass arrests of peasant leaders in Quezon and support he just call of ANAKPAWIS representative Rafael Marinao’s call that asked the House of Representatives’ committees on agrarian reform and human rights to investigate the arrest of 48 activists and the violent dispersal here on Saturday of protesting tenants.

Roosevelt University fires teacher for allowing questioning of Zionism (tags)

Roosevelt University has fired a religion teacher for allowing students in his class to engage in questioning about Zionism, discussion of Palestine, etc.

Stop Biotech Bullies and Big AgriBusiness! Hearing on Wednesday! Call Your Rep! (tags)

It is important that we voice our opposition to this bully bill, SB1056. Please see messages and sites linked below for more; please contact your representatives!

Peace and Freedom Party Endorses May Day Rallies and Strikes (tags)

State Chair Kevin Akin. The party's California State Central Committee unanimously adopted the endorsement Sunday at a meeting in Los Angeles. "We are proud to be the first party in California to adopt a formal endorsement of this important and exciting movement to defend immigrant workers,"


5 PEOPLE ARRESTED TONIGHT, VIGIL HELD TILL ROUGHLY 2AM DEMANDING THEIR RELEASE. BAIL SET AS HIGH AS $50,000. for several arrestees. ***2 INJURED FROM BEING STRUCK BY CAR, one who left to hospital has been released wtih apparently several contusions and other injuries

Leaked GOP Campaign Memo re: A12 SMO Appearance (tags)

The Republican rally machine tried to put one over on us. Presumably, they'll still be there today starting at **3** PM. This should be good.

Breaking: Video:Savage Beheading Today of American CIA Hostage (tags)

The four-minute long footage showed a Western-looking man sitting on a chair surrounded by armed masked men. One of the men struck the captive's neck repeatedly with a sword, severing his head amid shouts of "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).

Fast 4 Education Introduced on Assembly Floor (tags)

The Fast for Education was introduced on the Assembly floor on Friday It is currently entering its 21st day!

Don't Order the Fettucini (tags)

a personal account of the Iowa Caucus experience: riding the "Peace Train" to Iowa with the Kucinich campaign, and discovering the not-so pretty truth about the electoral process ... 1682 words

LIFE AFTER BUSH Conference Updates! (tags)


9-11 Truth--Finally, Shock & Awe! (tags)

9-11 Commission Chair Kean Declares 9-11 was Preventable!!!

The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening (tags)

"The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn't it?



RFK Shooting Victim, Sirhan Attorney at LA Conference June 6-8 (tags)

Coalition on Political Assassinations [COPA] & Citizens for Truth About the Kennedy Assassinations [CTKA] weekend RFK confab schedule includes Sirhan attorney and wounded victim.

Libya Elected to Chair U.N. Human Rights Body (tags)

Latest from the UN - that great source of moral authority.

Sunday 12/8 *6-10AM LIVE Broadcast of Pacifica National Board (tags)

Tune in to 90.7 FM, kpfK Sunday, Dec 8th from 6 - 10 AM for a live broadcast of an interim Pacifica National Board meeting.

Finacial Times: US bankruptcies, and who received contributions (tags)

The Financial Times has an incredible series breaking down the 25 largest recent bankruptcies in America and showing how rich the corporate execs got in the process – a total of $3.3 billion


KPFK 90.7 FM LISTENERS FORUM with Pacifica Executive Director, Dan Coughlin and Interim National Board Chair, Leslie Cagan, Wednesday, July 17, 7 PM - 9 PM at the Loyola Law School Student Lounge, 919 South Albany in Los Angeles.

7/17 Pacifica Forum with Cagan & Coughlin (tags)

Wednesday, July 17th @ 7 PM, Pacifica's Executive Director Dan Coughlin and Pacifica National Board Chair Leslie Cagan to meet KPFK listeners at Public Forum


Bob Farrel cans Bessie Wash

San Diego Scouting for All Rally Photos (tags)

Photos of the San Diego Scouting for All Rally August 19, 2001 in Balboa Park. Group shot: L to r: educator Ernie McCray, student activist Amy Frye, San Diego P-FLAG chair Dolores Lesnick, San Diego Scouting for All chair Howard Menzer, former Boy Scout National Youth Leader Jim Gieson, attorney M. E. Stephens, Gay Eagle Scout Joshua Rapp and former Eagle Scout Mick Rabin.

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