fix articles 285938, berta caceres
May to December 2021 Honduras coup update: The impending exit of JOH dictatorship (tags)
This second half of 2021 in Honduras saw continued attacks against peasants, indigenous communities, human rights defenders, unionists, students, political prisioners, community journalist, and also, many killings against politicians – in the context of the November election in which the Nationalist JOH regime saw that at the presidential level, it couldn’t pull off another fraud, although it can at the parliamentary and municipal levels. In addition, inroads were made into beginning several model cities (ZEDES), to add to the long list of dictatorship footprints so that it leaves a nightmare to be unravelled, as FUERA JOH – get out JOH’ becomes a reality, twelve and a half years after the military coup against the Honduran people.
January - April 2021 Honduras coup update (tags)
This Jan-April 2021 in Honduras. Police brutality is on the radar with severe cases of assassination by police including the globally known case of Keyla Martinez and other less known cases. There are also assassination of organisers, updates on political prisoners and vaccines and more..
December 2020 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
This December 2020 saw council police kill a car washer in a war against the poor majority. Also assassinated was a peasants' organiser and a journalist whose work is driven by social conscience. A number of peasants and human rights defenders were judicially persecuted and arrested, including one peasant who was denied bail. Meanwhile, as applications for bail came from political prisoners and prisoners accused of assassinating Berta Caceres, with wishes to be home for Christmas, courts show whose side they are on in who is granted bail and who isn't.
April 2020 Honduras coup and pandemic update (tags)
March 2020 Honduras coup and pandemic update (tags)
March 2019 Honduras coup update At the beginning of this month, people commemorated that 4 years had passed since Berta Caceres the indigenous feminist environmentalist and anticapitalist leader was murdered, and continued to question how those who had ordered the murder were getting away with this. A teacher and writer who lived a life critical of the dictatorship regimes was murdered. Meanwhile, another school is left with no teachers. The pandemic also arrived in Honduras this month, devastating a people already hungry, lacking healthcare access, and militarised, bringing about a much worse state of affairs.
November 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
November 2019 Honduras coup update This month: one uni student of the students movement, Leonardo Castillo and a high school student, Sulmy López, were killed. Another high school student has been disappeared. An extermination plan is known – to silence opposition and to silence the drug trail of the TH-JOH politician brothers. One more exposition to JOH’s money laundering and scandals for funding the 2017 electoral campaign. Another journalist, José Arita, was assassinated. Human rights defenders Jorge Acosta and Ramón Aguilar were assassinated, another one received a death threat in his car. Villagers of Zacate Grande standing up to large landholders suffer repeat arrests. Campesinos of La Paz have court processes sitting on top of them. Guapinol community defenders against mining also has its eight political prisoners stuck in a dragged out court process, and a journalist who accompanies their struggle suffered a kidnap attempt, whilst the community there live under a state of siege as a public meeting approaches. As communities in Tegucigalpa mobilised again to protect the La Tigra national park from an enormous luxury apartments project, they suffered a violent eviction. The political prisoners from Pimienta suffer persecution outside the prison. Another political prisoner Gustavo Cáceres was finally released after almost 2 years. Surveillance intensified. Campesinos leader and his family were victims to gunshots attack in Bajo Aguan. Protests were repressed.
September 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)
This September 2019, at least three indigenous defenders in social and environmental struggles were assassinated, two were Tolupans, and one was Garífuna. Repression continued also against students and teachers in struggle, and against environmentalists of Guapinol who became political prisoners this September 2019, and heavy repression was ordered against communities who fought against the luxury apartment buildings and other buildings for the high life that would take away their water source and destroy the environment in La Tigra national park - the communities' struggle had been especially firm and unbendable. Read on about this and other news from September 2019 in Honduras
August 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags) This August in Honduras.. the education sector students and staff strikes continue as had the repression, and after 18 months, political prisoners Edwin Espinal and Raul Alvarez were released on bail, while Rommel and Gustavo remained locked up. Developments about to kick off to build luxury apartments on the outskirts of Tegucigalpa on the national park La Tigra attempting against the environment and the water supplies of the many, so resistance was growing against these. At the same time, attacks against the Guapinol community that has for many months resisted mining company Inversiones Los Pinares was horrifying, with reactivation of capture orders against environmental defenders - of some 32, 7 went to court to try to fight the charges there and put an end to them only to be taken into custody and refused bail, and in under a week, one of those who chose not to attend court was assassinated. See the details in chronological order in the summary
July 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags) As barricades and school occupations continued from having started at the end of April, repression against students continue to be severe, and the struggle is in the backdrop of a dengue epidemic that the Honduran healthcare system, denied of resources from the state, is not handling. In Choluteca where the social struggle is reputed to be the strongest, a heavy hunt for the ‘leader’ was confessed by the police, and also an 11 year old daughter of a social leader was assassinated.
June 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)
28 June 2019 is the 10 years anniversary date of the atrocious military coup in Honduras. Throughout June 2019, the strike and barricades of the education and healthcare sectors that began at the end of April 2019 continued, accompanied by the heavy cargo transport sector, paralysing the highways across the country and drying out petrol and electricity, driving into desperation the JOH (Juan Orlando Hernández – second term president by electoral fraud in 2017) dictatorship regime; this regime which only wants to keep privatising and repressing. This desperation translated into severe repression where gunshots were fired in many barricades on different dates and places wounding and on several occasions killing protesters.
April 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
April 2019 in Honduras. During the month already there had been some very ferocious evictions that involved gunshots, and when people protested a bill to privatise education and health blocking highways and occupying schools, health centres, and workers went on strike, the repression we as heavy, several people had been assassinated by state security forces in this context this month
March 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
In March 2019, one journalist who has been critical of local mayors and MPs was assassinated, other journalists have been threatened and one was captured. Territory defenders have been shot at with gunfire, or have soldiers attempt to destroy their home. This and other news from this month here.
February 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)
In February 2019 in Honduras: two Tolupan indigenous land defenders were assassinated, and there were more violent evictions and arrests, arrests without bail, threats and a rock in the head, for protesting, for speaking up, for growing food on land and defending it, for defending community land..
January 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)
This January 2019 in Honduras. The fraudulently imposed government of JOH is now one year old. Last year people around the country paralysed it in opposition to the dictatorship and were faced with many fatal gunshots in the barricades of highways. This year people remember this well, but people are no less enraged and there were actions small and big around the country and there was repression and gunshots were used too against people. This month there were also attacks against campesinos, territory and environment defenders, and lots of attacks against migrants and workers. A few people were assassinated. Read on for details.
September 2018 Honduras coup update (tags)
This September 2018 in Honduras. There has been heavy repressions against school students, students and others protesting the celebrating of 'independence' day since independence is not seen or felt, and more attacks against Rio Blanco by DESA hydroelectricity company only within a week or two from when DESA has been in court on trial for its members being assassins of indigenous activist Berta Caceres...
March 2018 Honduras Coup Again Update (tags)
March 2018 in Honduras... Chiquita banana workers have been on strike for more than two months - their barricades were this month evicted with gunshots and teargas bombs wounding workers and children. Another protest of youths in Choluteca were similiarly met with police gunshots - kids were wounded and arrested. This and other news with further details in this update
Part 3: Honduras Coup Repeat Update 15 December 2017 to 31 December 2017 (tags) Its a summary of killings (19th to 31st people killed by current dictatorship within this time period) and other human rights violations for the dates 15 December 2017 to 31 December 2017 Throughout, people are blocking highways everywhere, burning tyres and stopping vehicles from passing through, with the intention of paralysing the economy and Honduran production until the JOH dictatorship regime collapses. Read on to know about the abuses and also of the determination of people to kick out the JOH dictatorship.
Honduras Coup Repeat Update 26 November 2017 to 14 December 2017 (tags)
This is part two of a news summary in Honduras, of the resistance against this again-coup following yet another fraudulent election, the repression is heavy, the military is constantly pulling out and firing their guns at people in barricades and protests, the curfew has been there, and hundreds have been arrested. Despite the danger the resistance and actions are immense and growing.
October 2017 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
October has been a heavy month especially for farmers recovering land, indigenous community leaders defending their communities against mining and dam projects, and for journalists. Gunshots kept being fired by state contingents in evictions. A few people who have been targeted for their organising/work were assassinated, others are getting threats now.
August 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)
This August 2017 in Honduras. El Libertador newspaper owners were attempted against with gunfire. Two other journalists had gunshots at their houses when they were sleeping inside. Students struggle continue at the uni, they faced several violent evictions this month, smear campaigns, more charges, more threats and intimidation, and now that strikes have stopped classes for two months, authorities announced that lecturers will no longer be paid. Another blockading struggle against the installation of a hydroelectricity dam has faced massive repression this months including violent evictions and arrests, having their camp burned down, physical and psychological mob attack .. news including about these, see below
July 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)
This July 2017 in Honduras. A sociology student is hunted down and murdered, in the backdrop of a lot of persecution against uni students including arrests, violent evictions, 5 years suspensions. Several leaders of indigenous organisation Copinh were attempted against twice, with the intention of pushing them all over the edge
June 2017 Honduras Coup update (tags)
This June 2017, 8 years since the military coup begun, the repression is heavy against uni students and the continued struggle in Río Blanco to kick out the hydroelectricity dam project Agua Zarca and demand justice for the murder against Berta Cáceres and for many other grave abuses and murders there. Another farmers group was evicted very violently with the full force of state, this time in La Paz. A journalist was assassinated after constant death threats. State official, politician and church leader all speaking publicly hate speech and smearing and attacking groups – student activists, marxists, lgbti persons, and others.
The Shortwave Report 06/09/17 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Spanish National Radio.
May 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)
20 uni students occupied an uni admin building in solidarity with 3 other arrested students, they all got repressed and arrested as did a journalist who answered their call to accompany them and cover what was happening, who was also beaten and tortured by security guards and then by police. A journalist who covers local corruption and gives coverage to local protests against a hydroelectricity dam received a chain of threats, to add onto old threats and aggressions. And, as usual council officials, who illegally sold ancestral land of a Garífuna community gets away with it, while an community activist gets arrested and charged for usurping their own ancestral land. A cameraperson for a media outlet has 6 gunshots fired at his body on his way home from work and is gravely injured. This and other abuses, happened in May 2017 in Honduras, read here
March 2017 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
This March 2017 in Honduras, its now come up to one year since indigenous activist Berta Caceres was murdered. There's a summary on the info out there who's arrested, who's not, and the links to US school of the americas of two involved in this crime. On roles of local corruption and international finance and the news on these. On dangerous smear campaigns and who they are targetting now. Also in March, community radio journalist received death threat. Another radio correspondent received death threat too, of Radio Progreso. A copinh community radio got attacked. A human rights defendered arrested 'by mistake'. Political cleaning contracts. And more unionised melon workers fired.
February 2017 Honduras coup update (tags) In February 2017, another indigenous Tolupán activist was murdered, attacks against Copinh and supporters in the calls for justice continue, uni students were attacked again by uni administration, and for asking questions about it a week later, a journalist was attacked. Meanwhile, workers are feeling the squeeze with more dismissed public service workers than ever before, and mining workers fighting for bearable work conditions and pay
The Shortwave Report 03/03/17 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
January 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)
The January update is up. First up is a call out from Copinh for actions in March, one year on from Bertha's murder, but also, her birth month, and Copinh's birth month. And there's been a report coming out from Global Witness on Honduras, the state reacted furiously to this. And in lawmaking, Honduran state wants to make it law that cops and soldiers kill people in Honduras - it happens but they want to make it law. And, a gunfiring violent eviction against another farmers occupation. Another journalist killed. Melon workers fight for their rights. 17 year old killed by soldier. Read more on the blog.
November 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)
This November. Another massive repression against uni students, this time at the agricultural national uni in Olancho. In the north of Honduras Garífuna communities organise to take back their land, and doing so they are facing arrests, charges, violence and threats. This month the Guadalupe community was attacked, a number of youths involved had capture orders against them, Medelín was brutally arrested by police and faces charges. To read more on this and other abuses that occurred in November 2016 in Honduras, see the text/link...
The Shortwave Report 12/09/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.
October 2016 Honduras coup update – murders and many blatant attacks continue (tags)
October 2016 news in Honduras is here. Two farmers leaders of the Bajo Aguan palm plantations occupations were killed. They also tried to kill two Copinh leaders on two separate occasions on the same date when the sun was not around. Shameless attacks by state against those who protest, especially those of Copinh. Check out Melissa Cardoza's piece about this, that one tried to translate to english, but best to check out the original in Spanish if you hablas español.
The Shortwave Report 10/21/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.
September 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)
September in Honduras. A barber was assassinated after an angry comment to the president on his own facebook. Farmers setting up occupation were violently evicted. Indigenous leaders forced to go into hiding. Lack of justice continues on the Berta Caceres case, this month with an arbitrary arrest against Copinh, her file was stolen by someone robbing the judge's car, and the finance organisation FMO wrote one of the gross reports that doesn't try much to really look like it cares about human rights. This and other news, read on..
The Shortwave Report 10/07/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Sputnik Radio, and Radio Havana Cuba.
August 2016 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
Another month of terror this August 2016 in Honduras. Farmers attempted against on two unrelated incidents (unrelated except they both involve attacks against farmers who organise to collectivise and work on land), one was killed in the crossfire. Another media closed off for being one that speaks up. The government blatantly announced investigation, surveillance and tracking against a list of human rights defenders. It arbitrarily arrested two other women human rights defenders. Its uni authorities covered up murals in memory of the assassinated indigenous activist Bertha Caceres that students painted with love and rage. Another enviro activist spoke up about threats they are getting. A young politician with an activist background was murdered. Snipers appeared at a protest. Agrarian Department suffered massive cuts, embodying an attack on land redistribution, in addition to job cuts.
July 2016 Honduras coup news update (tags)
July 2016 in Honduras. Yet another assassination against a woman who organised against megadam projects. A gun-in-the-head threat against a youth who already suffer an extremely painful history of persecution for forming part of a community of resistance at Rio Blanco against the Agua Zarca – DESA dam – which in collusion with army and police is responsible for killing Bertha Caceres this March 2016. Massive repression and eviction against a national uni students' occupation that involved charging 75 students – some suffered arrest and were detained for over 24 hours while others suffered the anxiety of capture orders having been issued against them. Break in and information theft against activist organisation Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y Justicia and critical press El Libertador. For details of all this and more, see below
June 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)
In this month's update: story of an ex soldier who tells of the hitlists the army received on which appeared Berta Caceres and many other social and enviro activists, and other news - another lgbti leader assassinated, massive repression against uni students protesting privatisation, and massive repression against protesters roadblocking against the installation of tollbooths, plus a few other news
The Shortwave Report 07/15/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio international, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Sputnik Radio.
May 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)
Its been a heavy month in Honduras. A resistance activist Tomás was murdered on May day in Tegucigalpa. There have been lots of attacks against people who are part of Copinh or who accompany copinh, whether as a member and activist, journalist, or international observers. There were definitely no shortage of gunshots this month courtesy of the state (mostly in evictions against farmers) and of companies and the state who paid hitpeople. Activists in Zacate Grande were imprisoned for being poor and breaching expensive bail conditions. High school students who opposed policy imposition faced 6 killings in 3 months, which the state is likely to dress up as gangs killing gangs.
The Shortwave Report 05/20/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Sputnik Radio.
April 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)
In April 2016, in Honduras, dam company DESA, its financers and concessioner, having killed Goldman Prize winner indigenous leader Bertha Caceres, continues to go after all those who fight in her name. A uni lecturer suffers an attempt, the same as 3 others before him, one of whom had been assassinated later.
LA Times Fails to Cover Protest Against Clinton (tags)
An estimated one thousand protesters came out to oppose Hillary Clinton speaking at East Los Angeles College on 5 de Mayo for a predictable campaign stop to Hispander to Latinos.
The Shortwave Report 05/06/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.
March 2016 Honduras coup update - Berta's life (tags)
News of political murders, persecution and plunder in Honduras this March 2016, with a focus on the life of Berta Caceres
The Shortwave Report 04/08/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.
February 2016 Honduras Coup News (tags)
The Feb one is late and the March one will be up soon. February saw 5 Tolupanes assassinated, their names withheld from public news to not endanger others. Another indigenous organisation Copinh received many attacks and threats, that culminated in two very shocking murders in March. Read on...
The Shortwave Report 03/18/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
May 2015 Honduras Coup update (tags)
May 2015 in Honduras.... it came out that high officials of a social security department stole $320 millions using companies, this ending up in the campaign funds for National Party's electoral campaign in 2013 and diverted to those who made this happen using ghost companies... assassinations, threats, evictions, law being blatantly on the side of money, all evidentially continue. Check the titles here in the May post to see if you want to read some of it....
April 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
In April 2014, assassinations, disappearances, evictions, threats and harrassment continue in Honduras, while privatisations including of cities deepen, and as authorities feel pushed to have a clean human rights image to receive 'development' loans, they denigrate those who speak up about human rights violations, and point to things that don't fix the human rights situation at all as if they were great efforts that will eliminate the violations.
Honduras Coup update January 2015 (tags)
Honduras Coup update January 2015 Starting yet another year with killing, shootings, a disappearance, threats and judicial processes against those who protest, with ever deepening militarisation using military police, and ever graver privatisation, using model cities amongst other laws.