fix articles 28448, maricopa county attorney
Mexican gets 284 days in jail for possession of a pen in Arizona!!!! (tags)
Luz Ruiz Rascon a Mexican national used a pen to sign her employment application got 284 days in the Maricopa County Jail for that victimless crime.
Police and prosecutors failed us in Debra Milke case (tags)
This isn't an isolated incident, Arizona cops have been framing people for murder base on coerced confessions for as long back as the Buddhist Tempe Murders when they coerced confessions from the Tucson kids. Well at least that is as far as I can remember. I am sure the have been framing people from before I was born.
Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas Disbarred (tags)
Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas Disbarred
Sheriff Arpaio Opposes Gabrielle "Gabby" Giffords Legislation (tags)
Sheriff opposes legislation intending to help prevent Tucson-style terror and Arpaio protects a crony who issued death threats.
4408 East Nisbet, Phoenix, Arizona (tags)
Andrew Thomas, Maricopa County Attorney, 4408 East Nisbet, Phoenix, Arizona
Chandler cops raise revenue by robbing dope dealers? Damn right!!!! (tags)
Last year the Chandler Police Department raised $2.7 million by robbing dope dealers.
Signs that lie, signs that say nothing (tags)
Signs everywhere. Signs that lie! Signs that say nothing! Signs everywhere.
Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated Jews (tags)
Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated the Jews
51 years in jail for a hit and run accident - thats draconian! (tags)
51 years in jail for a hit and run accident??? And the guy turned himself in the next day!
"Murder suspect's motives remain a mystery" (tags)
"Murder suspect's motives remain a mystery" that’s cop talk for honest we didn’t coheres a confession from this guy!
Hell freezes over!!! Cop punished for stealing $2,100 too!!!!! (tags)
This almost never happens a cop gets busted for a crime and he actually gets punished for it. Jerry Mangum must have really pissed off his cop boss for this to happen to him.
In the USA illegally? Take my advice and take the 5th! (tags)
If your in the USA illegally and want to stay here take my advice and take the 5th! Refuse to talk to the police and refuse to answer any questions. Its your constitutional right to take the 5th Amendment and refuse to talk. If you refuse to tell the police your nationality they can't deport you. So do what any good lawyer will tell you to do - Take the 5th Amendment and refuse to talk to the police!
SOSMM? Racist In Arizona Exposed! (tags)
One of these SOSMM hate mongers who was caught brandishing a weapon at Mexicans has been exposed to be an unmitigated liar. What a surprise!
It's easy to file false papers and harass government aids (tags)
It's easy to file false papers and harass government goons and thugs. And its next to impossible for the government to stop it. You can make it hard for government goons to sell their homes or get credit.