fix articles 28325, business leaders
Villaraigosa has made a point of stressing his interest in governing from the center (tags)
Villaraigosa's associates say he too will cultivate a network of well-respected advisors outside City Hall to guide him on such issues as education reform, transportation planning and economic development. Among them are likely to be former Assembly speaker and mayoral candidate Bob Hertzberg, former Metropolitan Transportation Authority board member Nick Patsaouras and entrepreneur and former national Democratic Party official Ari Swiller.
Free-Market Capitalism and Ecological Disaster (tags)
The Free-Market libertarian argues that business leaders see and understand the effects of long-term environmental damage. But business leaders concentrate on short term profits, thus the planet continues its free-fall toward ecological disaster.
Americans say NO to preemptive war (tags)
WASHINGTON – Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) told a protest rally in San Francisco a few weeks ago that George W. Bush has “awakened a sleeping giant,” the worldwide movement to stop his doctrine of unilateral, preemptive war on Iraq.
THE WEEKLY SPIN, Wednesday, March 5, 2003 --------------------------------------------------------------------- sponsored by PR WATCH ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------
UCI Faculty say NO to war on Iraq (tags)
"No" to War in Iraq October 2002