fix articles 28252, this story
Attorney Files Lawsuit Against CDC Based on "Sworn Declaration" from Whistleblower Claiming 45,000 Deaths are Reported to VAERS - All Within 3 Days of COVID-19 Shots THIS STORY IS EVERYWHERE. We can hope this will lead to genocide and crime against humanity charges filed against the United States. If we can assist in anyway, we MUST!!!
Sign the Petition for Trayvon Martin: Arrest the Killer George Zimmerman (tags)
The horror of racism in this backward country is again front and center with the 2/26/12 killing of an unarmed teenager, Trayvon Martin, in Florida, by an obviously criminally insane self-appointed vigilante, George Zimmerman, who has not yet been arrested for obvious murder, and the lack of notification of next of kin of Martin's death until his relatives filed a Missing Person Report. Please sign the petition to the district attorney, attorney general, police chief and Attorney General Eric Holder to have George Zimmerman arrested.
We Should Have Single Payer Health Insurance Like They Have In Canada (tags)
The one thing that americans need to import from Canada is their health insurance.
Reporter looking for Families Torn Apart by Immigration Law (tags)
The following was passed on to me by the folks at Immigration Detention Watch Network in regards to a request by a reporter who is interested in making a documentary on families who have been negatively affected by U.S. Immigration laws.
Garret Shah: White Whistleblower against Racist Police (tags)
This story went unposted on LA Indymedia, but it's a must read about racism in the Sheriff's department.
Petition:No more Stonewalling from the BBC re WTC 7 (tags)
People, here is a petition on the recent BBC WTC7 scandal. Lets get as many to sign it as possible
Protest George Bush today in Los Angeles (tags)
President Bush to attend GOP Fundraiser in Los angeles today (he arrives LAX at noon then attends party later in Bev. Hills - Good opportunity for impromptu Protest, bring video cameras
Three Cheers and Thanks to the Leaker (tags)
Let's extend our thanks to the spook who outed Bush.
Beneath The Surface There Is Much Below (tags)
9/11 related
My half Iraqi-daughter is still missing in Iraq. Her mom was killed by the Bombs of Bush. The US Army captured and held me for 3 weeks as I looked for her. George, you still ignore me, so if it's my english you can't understand, I now plead, 'DUDE, WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER'?
THE WEEKLY SPIN, Wednesday, March 5, 2003 --------------------------------------------------------------------- sponsored by PR WATCH ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Shooting in Santa Clarita (tags)
Shooting of an ATF agent in Santa Clarita
LA's finest sue each other! (tags)
Check out this story in the L.A. Times! Now the convnetion is over and mo more LAPD controversy? WRONG! Just when you thought they could get no more bad publicity, this story comes out!