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gay men

Are Gay Men Being CREATED? (tags)

Are these gay men in Palm Springs an indication that homosexuality can be created?

Disturbing Obamacare Surprises (tags)


Yes, Virginia, There ARE Gay Men in Kansas! (tags)

Most Queer people, unless they actually came from Kansas, think of it as the place Dorothy Gale was lucky enough to be flown out of by a cyclone in "The Wizard of Oz." But San Diego's Diversionary Theatre is producing an original musical, "Harmony, Kansas," a touching comedy/drama about Gay men in Kansas who come together and form a singing group just to have one place where they can be who they are.

“Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis”: Big Pharma's Latest AIDS Drug Marketing Strategy (tags)

The latest marketing strategy of the AIDS establishment and Big Pharma to sell toxic "anti-HIV" drugs at exorbitant prices is a sinister development called "pre-exposure prophylaxis." This is the idea of selling the drugs to HIV NEGATIVE Gay and Bisexual men engaged in so-called "high-risk" sexual lifestyles, supposedly to keep them from becoming infected. But it actually appears to be the industry looking for another market in the face of the recession, which is likely to reduce government and philanthropic funding for HIV meds in the developing world and thereby derail the pharmaceutical gravy train of AIDS. Fortunately, today's Gay men have got out of the intense fear of AIDS that ruled the Queer community in the 1980's and 1990's and are therefore unlikely to fall for the siren call of "pre-exposure prophylaxis."

Michael Shelton: Gay Therapist's Provocative Book on Relationships (tags)

Michael Shelton, Gay therapist and author from Philadelphia, recently published the book "Boy Crazy: Why Monogamy Is So Hard for Gay Men and What You Can Do About It." But what makes him different from almost everyone else who's written about this is he doesn't claim to have all the answers; instead, he says each couple has to work out their own way of making their relationship work, which may or may not include sexual exclusivity.

SEVEN THOUSAND Lashes and Twenty Blows to the Head (tags)

Let me remind everyone of a very vital detail that has gone unprinted and unsaid in all the emails and newsprint over the last week---the appointed President Bu$h WILL NOT SIGN ANY BILL NAMED "ENDA" THAT HAS ANY GLBT FRIENDLESSNESS IN IT, EITHER WITH A T OR WITHOUT A T! And any bill that should be passed will NOT have the votes to override the veto roadblock.

The Plight of Gays and Lesbians in the Middle East (tags)

Oppression, physical violence, and even murder of gay people is very common in Middle Eastern countries with violently homophobic cultures.

Will Muslim Bombers Put Bombs Up Womens Vaginas to Evade Airport Security? (tags)

Body Cavities Can Be Used to Smuggle Weapons and Explosives, They Must Be Inspected

Trannys to Protest Critic's Speech at UCLA on June 2 (tags)

Transgender activists plan to protest a June 2 UCLA speech by J. Michael Bailey, a psychologist from Northwestern University, who claims to base his work"The Men Who Would Be Queen" on scientific evidence, but which activists say is not supported by science and wrongly stereotypes Transgenders.

1,112 and Counting (tags)

The full text of the article that helped start the fight against AIDS.

Dump Dan Savage (tags)


Barebacking in California By Gay Men (tags)

Barebacking by Gay Men is increasing - or is it?

Nun Apologizes for Catholic Church's Homophobia (tags)

Nun apologizes for Catholic oppression of gays. From News.

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