fix articles 28246, citizen
Demoncide. The killing of members of a country's civilian population as a result of its g (tags)
Many of the reasons why the necessary change to rebuild America is only in the hands of We the People. Much of this information is concerning California and the city of San Francisco and the Sn Francisco Bay Area
Release the vaccines and put an end to the lockdown (tags)
If we were to discard the rigid vaccination plan, which is divided into priority groups, and simply release the vaccines to all interested parties, this would be a golden way out of the whole nightmare.
Brave New Working World (tags)
Classical working conditions and social securities dissolve. Ulrich Beck speaks of this world as a world risk society that will be marked by risky freedoms. To counter this, he develops the vision of a citizen society. How can the state compensate for the loss of taxes through paid work?
The White Citizen's Council was not the Klan, but only kinda not the Klan.
American Victims of palestinian Terror (tags)
Father of four Eitam Henkin joins a long list of Americans murdered by Palestinian and other terrorists since 1970:
wrapping fish in Dennis Marx' dead body (tags)
intelligence? Not!
Political Thriller Citizen Koch Premieres in Los Angeles (tags)
Citizen Koch director Carl Deal joined a political panel moderated by Lauren Steiner following Friday night’s theatrical premiere at the Sundance Sunset Cinema.
West Hollywood Police Department: "We Don't Need a Reason to Interrogate Pedestrians" (tags)
West Hollywood Police Department: "We Don't Need a Reason to Interrogate Pedestrians"
NAFTA's Deplorable Legacy (tags)
The Soup Kitchen State Grows (tags)
Old age poverty is the result of dismantling the social state...What is lacking for the impacted is justice. Need justice and distribution justice have always existed in the political realm. The task of the social state was to fight poverty and protect citizens.
San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr Drops Taser Proposal (tags)
San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr is the fourth chief in a decade to propose cops use tasers while talking people out of public crisis. For the fourth time, this proposal was met with powerful citizen opposition..
Extrajudicial Killing: Official US Policy (tags)
police state
9-11 has to be remembered now....and again... (tags)
9-11 has not been mentioned one time in all the current political campaigning....heard anything at all ? 9-11 is barely ever mentioned in mass media news any more. 9-11 is put away conveniently so everyone can pretend that ....we are now 'safe' ...and need not think, nor remember, nor dis-cover, nor explore, nor expose and not discuss-talk about what we worry about becaues it has not been fully investigated nor revealed... "No, dont discuss that's old news !" + "not now, not any more, that's the long ago Past...." they often say so easily & repeatedly. What is wrong with this distracting atmosphere we are breathing in daily ?
TPP: A Trade Deal from Hell (tags)
Non-Intervention: A Foreign Policy for the American Citizen (tags)
The policy of interventionism as practiced by CIA drone attacks with 17% civilian casualites is part of the reason why recruitment for Al Queda and the Taliban is on the increase.
On the front lines: 'Lawfare' in Probate Court (tags)
“At some future date, historians will look back on this period in the United States as the equivalent of a Dark Ages in terms of political oppression, evidenced in part by corruption of the legal system."
BTL:Obama Administration Program that Assassinates U.S. Citizens Challenged in FOIA Lawsui (tags)
Interview with Nathan Wessler, national security fellow with the ACLU’s National Security Project, conducted by Scott Harris
THE AGE OF MADNESS & A Critical Review of fbi/cia Operations (tags)
This report represents a summary of my reflections & analysis on fbi/cia/police/societal egregious agendas.
This article aims at denouncing Nick KOLEV, us citizen that want to make believe that he is a Civil Right Activist while he use the death of his brother and juridical approachs against jewish pepole to developp an anti-semitic and revisionist speech. Recently, he travelled in la Havana and I have a bank receipt that prove that he violated the us law.
For Human Dignity - The Creation of a Citizen Income (tags)
The Arab peoples hold a mirror up to us. The Arab revolution is a helping hand. A citizen income would be a fresh start to rebuild our public services that lie in ruins today. The omnipotence of the state and the omnipotence of the market must be overcome.
Reactions to Aristide's Impending Return (tags)
Democrats Continue Assault on Senior Citizens (tags)
Despite numbers showing how once Democratic senior citizens voted Republican in the elections, Democrats Propose Yet Another Idea to Alienate Senior Citizen voters.
BTL:Oil Industry Organizes "Astroturf" Rallies to Fight Stronger Regulation (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
BTL:Groups Launch Court Challenge To Stop Obama Assassination of U.S. Citizen (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Citizen Money as a Bold Social Utopia (tags)
"Spring has returned. The earth is like a child that knows poems." (Rainer Maria Rilke) Citizen money would guarantee a reasonable life for all. Citizen money challenges our social and cultural assumptions and uncouples work and income.
We don’t know what year it is so we will call it 20-X. (tags)
There are 10 things we all must do in 20-X.
What to do when a newspaper practices censorship?
You there, U.S. citizen ... (tags)
Finally, my friend (I hope I can call you so ...) I tell you that mankind has reached a special moment of its evolution, when for the first time it has the ability and the opportunity to plan a decent future for itself and for the planet.
Deporting Fathers in the Name of Homeland Security (tags)
Via deportations, the U.S. government is destroying families and harming children. Roxroy Salmon's case is one of many thousands.
Federal Lawsuit Filed Against Obama: Ineligible for the Presidency (Not Natural USA Born) (tags)
Philip J. Berg, Esquire, filed a lawsuit in Federal Court 8/21/08, Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083, seeking a Declaratory Judgment and an Injunction that Obama does not meet the qualifications to be President of the United States. Berg stated in his lawsuit that Senator Obama: Is not a natural-born citizen; and/or lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia; and/or has dual loyalties because of his citizenship with Kenya and Indonesia.
Obama may not be able to be President Lawsuit Alleges (tags)
The law suite is asking for a temporary restraining order (TRO) prohibiting Obama from running for President until documents are provided proving he is eligible to run for POTUS.
A cataclysmic financial storm is about to bring down U.S. economy (tags)
"This phenomenon is a growing threat to the national security and sovereignty of the US. The hundreds of billions of dollars caught up as windfall profit for Arab Islamic oil barons is soon to be used to buy distressed and foreclosed property from the very Americans that the run up in oil has exploited."
U.S. Citizen Terrorist surveillance Program (tags)
The American public appears to be being hoodwinked into believing the Terrorist Surveillance program it is good for us and protects us from the terrorist. What it really does is takes away many of our constitutional rights guaranteed by our founding fathers
Statement of Elvira Arellano on August 15th, 2007 (tags)
For the last 15 days, I have maintained a vigil in prayer. I have consulted with spiritual leaders and with those who face the same situation I face. I have made my decision.
Model American Citizen Faces Deportation, Brings Idiots out of Woodwork (tags)
Model American Citizen, Former City Councilmember of Adelanto, Faces Deportation, Brings Idiots out of Woodwork
Another Fake Terror Plot (tags)
The weekend’s news in the US was dominated by screaming headlines and sensationalist broadcast coverage of an alleged plot in New York to blow up John F. Kennedy International Airport’s jet fuel tanks and supply lines. The attack would have been, according to many accounts, “more devastating than September 11.” Four men were charged in an indictment [] unveiled Sunday that included features that have become almost invariable in every such “terror” case brought by the government in recent years. First, the suspects had not only carried out no acts of terror, but they apparently lacked any means to realize such an attack. Second, a central figure in the alleged plot was a paid undercover informant of the FBI.
People's power and U.S.Plutonium (tags)
Without a mass mobilization of indignant citizen the atomic secrets buried in the caves and bunkers of the Berici Hills around Vicenza would have remained secreted below the loads of cement hastily poured over them. The concrete may have temporarily buried the evidence had not the U.S. military decided to extend their bases and expand these perfect underground storage spaces for more of their weapons of war.
Citizen Wins CEQA Lawsuit Against City of Agoura (tags)
Mary Altmann filed a lawsuit in pro-per, and stopped three projects from approval until they complete a study for plants and animals.
CA needs law enforcement accountability to the media and the public (tags)
Presently, CA laws prevent disclosure of relevent details of citizen complaints of law enforcement misconduct to media and public.
SEE Italy's Proof for Trial of CIA 26 (cr card/phone No.s, IDs) in Imam abduction ... (tags)
This is about blowing the CIA wide open -- with all their dirty tricks and secrets revealed. (Talk about lowlifes getting their comeuppance.)
Jennifer Loewenstein is a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University's Refugee Studies Centre. She has lived and worked in Gaza City, Beirut and Jerusalem and has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East, where she has worked as a free-lance journalist and a human rights activist. She can be reached at:
Creditor instead of Citizen (tags)
Do the capital markets undermine democracy?
Internal affairs says its ok to threaten people with arrest to make them talk (tags)
Officer Doran ... by telling you, he would arrest you for not giving information regarding your date of birth, [did not commit a] civil rights violation.
BTL:Soaring Gas Prices, Oil Company Record Profits Incite Calls for... (tags)
...Windfall Profits Tax ~ Interview with Tyson Slocum, co-director of the Public Citizen's Energy Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
This is an article sent to a pro-mm email group. Please note the response of one the groups members. "Those Southerners really know how to treat the enemy, don't they?..." Please join us on Saturday April 22nd in Burbank to put an end to this racist hate.
A reminder to taxpaying citizens of who really holds the influence and power in America.
A Guaranteed Minimum Income as a Constitutional Right (tags)
A guaranteed minimum income could be seen as a constitutional right like the franchise and equal protection before the law This 1986 essay shows us the human alternative to the dystopia of permanent war. I apologize for the errors in translation.
The new paradox of journalism is that more and more publications cover fewer and fewer stories.. Idealists have lost and accountants have won.
A citizen response to lying, spying and dying for the "war on terror" (tags)
A citizen response to lying, spying and dying for the "war on terror" Speakers: GORE VIDAL (Legendary writer, radical reformer) SCOTT RITTER (Former UN Weapons Inspector)
Can the State Save Us from Work? (tags)
Whenever more profits are produced with fewer and fewer workers, income should be separated from work. Every citizen should automatically receive a part of the money cake to buy goods produced without his help and find his or her own fujlfillment.
I guess this really wasn't a good idea. (tags)
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a citizen border watch group, said it would use the maps to strategically place its teams of volunteers to better report illegal crossings to the U.S. Border Patrol.
The Courts Will Judge Bush? Not Even Close (tags)
The majority of the Supreme Court -- the controlling group of fascist thugs who shredded the Constitution to set up the Bush-Cheney Illegitimacy and its unconstitutional power grab in January 2001, who shredded federalism and legal equity with "Raich" in 2005, and who shredded "eminent domain" in 2005 so that predator elitists all over the world can have any US property they want -- are incompetent to judge anything.
BTL:Congress Does Little as Energy Company's Record Profits Prompt Calls for... (tags)
...Investigations of Disaster Profiteering ~ Interview with Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen's energy program, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
George W Bush is America's #1 Enemy (tags)
As for democracy, I'm all for it: it's far past due, and high time we try it! I'm not at all satisfied with the "democracy" we have: rather than just the ears and tail of the animal, I want the whole beast.
BTL:Consumer Group Claims Oil Companies' Disaster Profiteering Necessitates... (tags)
...Price Controls ~ Interview with Tyson Slocum, of Public Citizen's Energy Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Working Three Hours a Day is Enough (tags)
"Keynes predicted 60 years ago that three hours work per day would be enough. Instead more than seven million (in Germany) are in a desperate situation.. The system logic is obviously exhausted.."
BTL:Split in AFL-CIO Could Spur New Organizing But Dissidents Fail to... (tags)
...Address Fundamental Flaws ~ Interview with Stanley Aronowitz, professor of sociology and author conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Clash of Cultures: Wal-Mart in Flagstaff (tags)
"A scandal occurred at the flashpoint of the campaign. Wal-Mart placed an advertisement that showed the 1933 book burning at the Berlin opera plaza. Whoever prohibits Wal-Mart prohibits freedom of thought. Wal-Mart apologized for its bad taste.."
"We scream and cry until we get our way. " --MMP Website (tags)
Selected excerpts from the Minuteman Project's plans for California, from their website.
BTL:Shortage of Soldiers to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan Sparks Debate Over... (tags)
...Reinstitution of Military Draft ~ Interview with Tod Ensign, director of Citizen Soldier, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
IRS -- Israeli Revenue Service (tags)
Next time the irs comes visiting for a mandatory handout for israel, shove this in their face, and tell them to go away, or get blown away...
GOP caught Money Laundering with donations (tags)
After Mr. Nesbitt of Ohio maxed his donations to Geoffrey Davis (KY-R), he continued to underwrite the candidate vis-a-vis complicit third-party partners -- the Club for Growth, Family First, and the National Right to Work Committee.
did you know saddam was once made an honorary citizenof detroit (tags)
in 1980. An odd story, apparently true. It shows he had a brighter side. When did any president last offer to pay off a churches debt?
BTL:Groups that Defeated Congressional Energy Bill Gear Up to... (tags)
...Fight Any New Attempt to Pass the Measure Interview with Winona Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Energy and Environmental Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
I am a concerned citizen who just came across a website that I think fall's under 18 U.S.C., Distribution with Intent.
I am a concerned citizen who just came across a website that I think fall's under 18 U.S.C., Distribution with Intent.
Gv. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Fascism made in Hollywood. (tags)
Bush's Man in the Iron Mask (tags)
"A court of the United States has no jurisdiction . . . to enjoin the president in the performance of his official duties." Therefore, according to the Justice Department and the president, the separation of powers—at the core of the Constitution—has been suspended in the war on terrorism. Somebody ought to tell Congress.
BTL:Consumer Groups Link Power Outage and Failing Grid to Utility Deregulation (tags)
Interview with Wenonah Hauter, of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris.
The Kobes organisation is an embarassment for all Americans. I ask you all to go and check it out and then as an American citizen judge it.
A review of the Homeland Security's BE READY website, by a raving radical. Scary stuff folks...they boast DOUBLING the neighborhood watches, and that is not all! Read on!
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Best Antidote to Bush Reich: an Anti-Indifference Vaccine? (tags)
Due to their laziness and indifference, most Americans have failed to learn about any philosophical point of view but their own. And most don't even go that far (just try questioning the average citizen closely about the contents of the Constitution - even the Cliff Notes version!). Instead, there is the vague but firmly held "belief" that God likes us best. Based on what, it is hard to determine.
Bush has put the White House Up for Sale! (tags)
So far, donors have given Bush: $ 49,225,000
BTL:Newly Passed Congressional Legislation Promoting Fossil Fuels and... (tags)
...Nuclear Power a Gift to Big Energy Companies Interview with Lisa Gue, senior energy analyst with Public Citizen, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
BTL:Move to Recall California Gov. Gray Davis Ignores GOP Role in... (tags)
...Energy Companies' Robbing of State's Consumers. Interview with Tyson Slocum, research director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Media walk on Ashcroft's leash (tags)
On March 1, give or take a day, in Columbus, Ohio, the FBI arrested an American citizen it says is Iyman Faris. There wasn't a word uttered. He vanished. No lawyer was notified. He made no phone calls and wrote no letters. He was a U.S. citizen who disappeared without a trace into a secret metal world.
Where does power come from? (tags)
Where does the government get its power?
Your Bill of Rights Repealed (tags)
That's how it started in Nazi Germany. Hitler convinced a small core of Germany-first fanatics that Jews were a threat and the cause of their economic distress. "Good" Germans sat on their hands because they didn't want to be unpatriotic or unsupportive of their nation's leader.
BTL: Allegations of War Profiteering Leveled Against Halliburton and... (tags)
...Other Companies With Close Ties to White House. Interview with Charlie Cray, corporate reform campaigner at Citizen Works, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Email Congress to Stop Aid to Israel due to murder of a USA citizen (tags)
Email Congress to Stop Aid to Israel due to murder of Rachel Corrie a USA citizen
February Homeless Sweeps (tags)
february 20th. downtown.
EU/WTO want to privatize Everything! (tags)
Now that we're totally distracted by the "War", the corporate dictators (EU & WTO) want to dismantle and privatize the US Postal Service, our schools, our water supplies, public power and anything else they can get away with!
BTL: Ralph Nader Speaks Out Against War With Iraq (tags)
Interview with Ralph Nader, citizen activist and former Green Party presidential candidate, conducted by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus
A call to "flick your lights for peace" every night at 8 pm (tags)
Flick your lights at 8 pm for peace.....
EARTH CITIZEN ( free to read in 2003 ) GLOBAL COMMUNITY... IDEAS... add yours Ideas to bring PEACE... to all Earth Citizens... living in OUR GLOBAL COMMUNITY Writings... News Papers... Books FREE to READ... In 2003... from...
The election's real message (tags)
Here's what really happened in Tuesday's midterm elections
Water for All: Stopping Privatization in California and Beyond (tags)
Both locally and globally, campaigns to stop water privatization are gaining momentum. In California, there was a big victory against the Cadiz proposal to subsidize a private company to tap native underground Mojave desert water and sell it back to the public.
To presume that our lifetime has no value is to presume the legitimacy of slavery. Issuing citizens dividends directly from local treasuries is the most efficient, stable and democratic way to provide equal rights and equal responsibilities....
The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police. The program would use a minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to report "suspicious activity".
Police "disappear" cameraman in police assault case.
Rally at U.S. Capitol to Stop Yucca Mountain (tags)
Environmental Activists Rally at the U.S. Senate to Protest the Shipping of Nuclear Waste to Yucca Mountain Nevada.
Hand-SIGN = 1M, Words, UNITE PEOPLE of PLANET, HAND-SIGN, STOP ALL WARs, click (tags)
Can You Do the... EARTH CITIZEN HAND-SHAKE, Hand-sign For People... Around the Planet... Together with the Peace Sign...
Little Pictures, EARTH CITIZEN, Global Campaign... Click here http://www.rogerar (tags)
Little Pictures, EARTH CITIZEN, Global Campaign... Click here Can You Do... the EARTH CITIZEN HANDSHAKE ???
EARTH CITIZEN HANDSHAKE Click here... (tags)
EARTH CITIZEN HANDSHAKE Click here... Please.. Copy send translate in Your languages and circulate EC HandShake Around the Planet... Ya Hoo... Let US ALL ...Get It Together with LOVE...
Swedish and Finnish Security Police technique (tags)
" of the used technique is to hurt citizen and close him/her into mental hospital for observation purpose..."
Yucca Mountain OK Means Nuclear Waste Moving Through CA & LA (tags)
Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham approved a long-stalled proposal to store nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. But that's not just bad for Nevada, it's bad for people in almost every state in the union--and California is no exception, according to Public Citizen.
Public Citizen Urges NRC, Congress to Take Hint From FAA (tags)
"Since Sept. 11, the public has been seeking assurances that nuclear power plants will not be the next, and incredibly devastating, targets of terrorist attacks," said Wenonah Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program. "Yet astonishingly, even in the midst of a seemingly interminable series of heightened alerts, federal policymakers are acting to enrich the target environment for terrorists by taking steps to build new nuclear plants and extend the lives of old ones."
PUBLIC CITIZEN: 3 Recent FAA Security Regulations Failed to Protect Public (tags)
Public Citizen has issued a report, "Delay, Dilute, and Discard: How the Airline Industry and the FAA Have Stymied Aviation Security Recommendations," which focuses attention on three recent FAA regulations that failed to adequately protect the public. "The FAA has engaged in constant foot-dragging and kowtowing to industry demands, which have seriously jeopardized public safety." Agency Bows to Industry to Water Down Critical Security Improvements; Report Suggests Creation of an Independent Aviation Law Enforcement Agency
Public Citizen Reports on the State of Fast Track (tags)
Though the Fast Track Bill narrowly past through the house committee, Public Citizen sees this is a very winnable fight.
Public Citizen Report Exposes Drug Industry Spending Blitz to Keep Prices High (tags)
The pharmaceutical industry launched an unprecedented lobbying blitz last year to stop Congress from enacting a Medicare drug benefit, spending a record $262 million on political influence in the 1999-2000 election cycle, including $177 million on lobbying, $65 million on issue ads and $20 million on campaign contributions - more than any other industry in 1999-2000. It hired 625 different lobbyists last year - or more than one lobbyist for every member of Congress. More than half were either former members of Congress (21) or worked in Congress or other federal agencies (295).
Drawing: Chaia Heller makes the connections (tags)
Chaia Heller of the Vermont Based Institute for Social Ecology
Drawing: Chaia Heller makes the connections (tags)
Chaia Heller of the Vermont Based Institute for Social Ecology
Join the Citizen's Volunary Labeling Brigade (tags)
Join the Citizen's Volunary Labeling Brigade
Public Citizen Condemns Pacifica Hijackers Threats-Joins Defense Of Free Speech (tags)
Pacifica Foundation Hijacker's To Critics: Take Down Your Web Sites or We’ll Sue. Public Citizen To Defend Free-Speech FROM Pacifica Network Board Thieves And Their Station Stooges (Mary Francis Berry, Bessie Wash, David Acosta, John Murdock (of EB&G), David Palmer, Ken Ford, Garland Ganter, Utrice Lied, Clayton al.
The Facts Are In: Electricity Demand in California Was Lower (tags)
"The fact that demand in California is on par with previous years highlights power producers' attempts to circumvent environmental rules and local input on energy policy,"
Nazi era danger of American police violence (tags)
Pleading the innocence of lambs, state police and national intelligence agencies have, nevertheless, obviously engaged in unwarranted violence against anti-capitalist dissent, to a degree that has already escallated into the admittedly dangerous patterns of Nazi era mass murder designed to suppress political dissent.
"Al Gore's Conscience" Radio Spot (tags)
Opponents of the Waste Technologies Industries (WTI) hazardous waste incinerator in East Liverpool, Ohio are in Los Angeles to remind Vice President Al Gore of his 1992 promise to stop the incinerator from operating. Ohio Citizen Action has produced a 30-second radio spot, “Al Gore’s Conscience,” and is working to raise funds to run the spot this fall. The radio spot can be accessed through Ohio Citizen Action’s home page,