fix articles 28233, feeling Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : feeling


The Hypnosis of Patriotism (tags)

Patriotism is an unnatural,unreasonable, harmful feeling for our times, which causes much of the evil from which mankind suffers.

Totalitaianism of Self-Optimization (tags)

"Feel-don't think" is the mantra of the illuminated who accept the social dislocations. This is a withdrawal to private solutions in view of the mounting collective problems. Mindfulness therapy fits perfectly into the contemporary I-fixation that rules many lives.

Netanyahu: Unfit to Serve (tags)


The Harmony Project (tags)

The Harmony Project is a way for individuals and small groups to directly and positively change the world and themselves –– with a minimum of effort. It's a simple,uncomplicated and powerful way for individuals to positively change consciousness.

Pandemic (HP101) Hits Worldwide (tags)

Gatherings of happy people who sing, dance and celebrate life, the emergence of people who celebrate their physical and spiritual healing, crises of extreme joy and even Séances of collective emotional vent, are all now at hand!

peace and enlightment (tags)

Have you ever wondered how poverty consciousness is created and what you can do to step out of it?

How to Eliminate Poverty Consciousness and Manifest True Abundance (tags)

The good news is that this entrapped cyclical experience is only here to give you an experience of what you don’t want, so that you are inspired to one day become clearer on what you really DO want!

Rising Above Negative Emotions (tags)

We all have negative emotions. They are part of the ying-yang of life. It’s when they begin to take over that we find we are not attracting what we wish into our lives.

Eric McDavid Update (tags)

Eric called yesterday...

Reply to KPFK General Manager Jim Lafferty's New Years Report to Listeners (tags)

Looks like Jim got a good batch of something.

Dispatch from Ground Zero (4th in a series) (tags)

09/10/06 Protest at the World Trade Center site

Dispatch from Ground Zero on 09/10/06 (tags)

The night before Bush came to NYC to lay a wreath at Ground Zero (2nd post in a series)

Higher Authority: On Powerlessness and Fate (tags)

The egalitarian brutality of this natural disaster that wiped out fishing villages and exclusive beach resorts at the same time emphasized the inequality and injustice of world society with all its moral paradoxes.

Will someone please remind me why we went to war? (tags)

I still regularly wake up thinking about the war with Iraq and feeling sick in my stomach. It's been a new experience for me and for all of us in Australia. Never before have we launched an attack on a nation that hasn't declared war on us first. Never before has an Australian Prime Minister committed the country to a course of action so diametrically opposed to the will of the majority. Never before have I had to live with the feeling of having blood on my hands. I find all of this quite hard to live with.

Election 2004: Remember, California, to Breathe Early and Often (tags)

Fear not, my worried friends: November 2 is almost upon us, and in a few days, it will all be over -- and I mean that in a good way. For additional calming details, read on.

The Feeling of Existence (tags)

What actually is it that makes an object “feel” the presence of the other object when the two of them collide? Would it be possible for that object to “feel” the presence of the other object, if it were unable to “feel” its own presence? By what means then does it “feel” the presence of others? Take, for instance, that you are one of those who don’t believe that man has “the feeling of existence.” The question now is: “How then do you come to have the feeling that you are ‘always present’ and that you are always at the present?” Obviously, the feeling meant here is one that has nothing to do at all with your sensory feelings and neither does it have anything to do at all with your emotional feelings.

Stripped Geres? (tags)

If any of you saw the Moving Image Awards last night for Richard Gere you'll know what I'm talking about.

Feeling Flaccid? (tags)

Hummers Suck!

I was wrong to oppose the war, very wrong! (tags)

After a visit to Iraq my opinion changed from strongly anti-war to strongly pro-war. Here's why.

hate feeling of young in Islamic and other countries for American. (tags)

Major issue that is coming from war is hate feeling of young in Islamic and other countries for American. American administration and its policies should understand that it is one of the largest democracies and democracy has its value. In order to retain its democratic values.

Anti-War Demo in Hollywood 3-22; Snapshot of Peace (tags)

A quick glimpse into the march today. There is reason to believe a better world is possible.

People in Black Vigil in Ojai (tags)

Attached is a photo of our People in Black vigil in Ojai, CA. We are from a small town, and typically about 10-15 people stand with us weekly.

Do Matters Have Feelings?  (tags)

Since the evolutionists dare say that all living creatures, including human beings, developed evolutionarily, they should also have the courage to admit that the feelings and wills that exist in human beings must have originated from what nature has in it.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

Where will you be on September 11? (tags)

Where will you be on September 11? Watching television and getting depressed? Turning off the TV and feeling alone and afraid? Attending an official commemoration marked by flag-waving and the glorification of war?

The Problem with Drugs (tags)

An honest look at the drug problem in America. Not only is the problem drug addiction and the devastating effects addiction has on millions of Americans but a honest look at how we are dealing with it.



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