fix articles 28230, existence Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : existence


Capitalism is not natural (tags)

Political programs in the 20th century, then, were meant to create equality, not merely alleviate poverty. How we live collectively, what we value as a society, and how we want to conceive of ourselves - all these questions were politicized by these programs...

A New Perspective, Let My People Go (tags)

Message for peace on earth

ACLU Sues CIA Over Drone Killings (tags)


The Way to Revolt: Appropriating Knowledge (tags)

We must go beyond ourselves. Enlightenment is the exodus of the person from lack of come-of-age existence of his/her own making. Have the courage to use your own intelligence! (Kant) We have to find our way back to social community, morality, ethics and conscience.

Do all living creatures have to face death? (tags)

How then are we to explain about the very existence of living creatures that have, since they first emerged 3.8 billion years ago, never come to the end of their life process? Therefore, the claim that all living creatures must experience death is one that still needs to be thoroughly proven

War on drugs is "universally unconstitutional" (tags)

The reversal of the onus of proof in drug-possession cases is incompatible with the rule of law and is therefore unconstitutional in ALL jurisdictions. If you're a juror in a trial for possession of a prohibited drug, and if you are told that the "law" requires the defendant to prove that the possession was unwitting, it is your civic duty to put the onus of proof back where it belongs (on the prosecution), raise it to the proper standard (beyond reasonable doubt), and hand down a verdict on that basis.

Human Rights Alert (NGO) Seeks Help in Documenting Conduct of the US Courts (tags)

Help sought in documenting the conduct of the US district courts in protecting individual rights.

TIME TO GET RAD: Post-Election Thoughts From the Socialist Party Los Angeles Local (tags)

The Left is fractured and weak, but there is hope in the form of a movement and Party whose very existence is aligned with the fight to protect civil liberties, provide basic necessities and deliver a swift counterpunch to the fat cats in Sacramento and D.C.

(Remembering where we live) (tags)

We will be happy because we exist. Which is a precious gift. We will remember how to be children and cure our addictions. We will find harmony and see what it brings us

Immigration Baby (tags)

Without immigration We would Have Inbred Ourselves Out Of Existence


The art is of doing the price.

Interview with El Libertario (Venezuela – June 2009) (tags)

* From Madrid the anarchist group Star, linked to the Iberian Federation of Anarchists Youths (Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Anarquistas-FIJA-), has raised questions whose answers will let us know today and in detail what is doing and saying the known Venezuelan anarchist newspaper.

seth speak (tags)

Other events literally become invisible to you. Since basically past and future exist at once, you are at the same time dangerously constructing your future along the same lines

Albert Einstein was a socialist (tags)

Famous physicist Albert Einstein wrote the essay entitled "Why Socialism?" for the first issue of left-wing magazine "Monthly Review" (May 1949).

Recession Raises the Question of Meaning (tags)

The facade of a sound world suddenly crumbles. Are the funds available to the productive economy or are they sinking in the swamp of a degenerate global financial- and economic system? An economy that prioritizes human needs and nature is primarily regional.

Speaks About God (tags)

The spirit, Seth, began to transmit metaphysical information to Jane Roberts and her husband during the late 1960s. Many books containing Seth's wisdom have been published and translated into many foreign languages. Millions of copies

Live, Love, Unite!" (tags)

live love unite follow your heart and make it right

Why Socialism? (by Albert Einstein) (tags)

This essay was originally published in the first issue of Monthly Review (May 1949).

For an Unconditional Basic Income (tags)

Martin Luther King called us to a radical revolution of values, from a thing-oriented to a person-oriented society. Like community centers, a basic income could have multiplier effects. The price of oil rose three-fold in four years. Lifestyles and priorities must change for an open future.

The Failure of Modern Western Society (tags)

Wind down from your artificially induced stress/pace and confront your personal reality – take stock for a moment. Your existence has been confined to sustaining and maintaining a system that makes ever-increasing demands on your liberty and freedom – the pillars upon which joy and satisfaction are built/derived! The frenzied pace of western society is largely the result of the manic need for ever increasing profits and greater concentrations of wealth in the fewest possible hands, which inevitably makes higher demands on those at the bottom of the financial scale. Obtaining wealth is simply a matter of applying unfair downward pressure in favour of upward flowing benefits; wealth is not created it is the result of manipulation and/or theft – the historical record bears this out. Put simply, profit is exploitation/theft!

"Unemployment is a Victory" (tags)

Higher productivity allows a maximum in prosperity to be realized with a minimum in human labor. Freedom, not full employment, is the alternative today.

Monthly Pay for Everyone (tags)

A basic income means an income-securing existence allowing participation in social life. The basic income would do away with work coercion and tests of neediness.

‘Honeypot’ for Keelty and Ruddock (tags)

We have recently received some unverifiable information from our government sources regarding a purported obsession shared by Mick Keelty and Philip Ruddock. The information referred to the existence of a “missing category” of terrorist activity, the existence of which has been severely hampering the ability of both regulatory authorities to adequately fulfil their social obligations. Keelty and Ruddock, in their quest for tighter social regulation, have encountered certain aberrations in the social matrix, the cause of which remains a mystery!

Life Can Be So Car Free (tags)

This year Los Angelinos will have the opportunity to celebrate World Car-Free Day by coming to our fabooolous event. Bands, film, bike rides, walk-about, and bring a picnic and see an awesome sunset over the LA skyline

The Way of the Hero and the Loss of the Center (tags)

The demystification of the world through science is both a gain in enlightenment and a loss..Natural phenomena have lost their symbolic content..We no longer experience ourselves as part of a world to which every-thing is significant.

Money, Power and the Human Psyche (tags)

Slavery still exists as money slavery all over the world where more than a third of humanity must survive at the subsistence level..Our relation to money has characteristics of madness. . When value blindness occurs in a person, his sense of reality becomes dead.

The Evolution of Revolution: Part III: Expelling the Demons of the Opiate (tags)

must read analyis, commentary and criticism of human religion. If you haven't read this three part series do yourself a favor. Very thought provoking stuff!

Paid Work and Basic Income (tags)

The goal of basic income advocates is to neutralize capitalism in one of its central premises: the generalziation of paid labor as the only or at least dominant path of securing existence. The future would be brighter if this were on the agenda.

The Feeling of Existence (tags)

What actually is it that makes an object “feel” the presence of the other object when the two of them collide? Would it be possible for that object to “feel” the presence of the other object, if it were unable to “feel” its own presence? By what means then does it “feel” the presence of others? Take, for instance, that you are one of those who don’t believe that man has “the feeling of existence.” The question now is: “How then do you come to have the feeling that you are ‘always present’ and that you are always at the present?” Obviously, the feeling meant here is one that has nothing to do at all with your sensory feelings and neither does it have anything to do at all with your emotional feelings.

Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)

An analysis of capitalism illustrating that not only are there periodic examples of large, conspicuous thefts by capitalists, but there also exists an everyday, subtle, disguised theft of the value created by the working class.

Why we should save Tibet (tags)

The Tibetan culture has enriched the West. We need to return the favor

"Existence of Israel contrary to Iranian interests" (tags)

TEHRAN, Nov 10, (AFP) -- The mere existence of Israel is contrary to Tehran's national interests, press reports said Monday, quoting former Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Velayati, now a top advisor to Iran's supreme leader.

Ghosts, Apocalypses and Lies (tags)

An op-ed piece.

On how to make enemies  (tags)

What attracted my attention to this article was the idea of the existence of a US bureau whose sole purpose is to propagate ideas which effectively create new enemies of the US.

US anti-war activists hit by secret airport ban (tags)

After more than a year of complaints by some US anti-war activists that they were being unfairly targeted by airport security, Washington has admitted the existence of a list, possibly hundreds or even thousands of names long, of people it deems worthy of special scrutiny at airports.

The Omnipotence of God (II) (tags)

The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.

The Omnipotence of God (tags)

The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.

Peaceful Leaders or Dominators? (tags)

This is a call for revolution

Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)

Conspicuous and inconspicuous examples of theft by the capitalist system.

Do Matters Have Feelings?  (tags)

Since the evolutionists dare say that all living creatures, including human beings, developed evolutionarily, they should also have the courage to admit that the feelings and wills that exist in human beings must have originated from what nature has in it.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

Profane Existence Magazine #40 (tags)

Profane Existence Magazine Returns October 30, 2002!

Why Socialism? By Albert Einstein (tags)

Clarity about the aims and problems of socialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition.

23: Patriotism and loyalty (tags)

This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war

27: Dominators in Charge (tags)

This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war

Patriotism & Loyalty (tags) on Patriotism & Loyalty

1st Anniversary of Victory in Seattle Commerated By NJ Anarchists (tags)

NJ anarchists hung black banners of negation across the city of New Brunswick, New Jersey to commerate the victory in Seattle one year ago.

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