fix articles 282119, marlon escoto
November 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)
This November. Another massive repression against uni students, this time at the agricultural national uni in Olancho. In the north of Honduras Garífuna communities organise to take back their land, and doing so they are facing arrests, charges, violence and threats. This month the Guadalupe community was attacked, a number of youths involved had capture orders against them, Medelín was brutally arrested by police and faces charges. To read more on this and other abuses that occurred in November 2016 in Honduras, see the text/link...
Actualización del golpe de estado en Honduras en marzo de 2015 (tags)
Se trata de las noticias en Honduras con la persecución política, neoliberalismo extremo y este mes se enfatiza el ataque brutal contra lxs estudiantes de colegios secundarios
March 2015 Honduras coup update - during high school students strikes: 4 students assassin (tags)
A monthly update of news in Honduras of political persecution, and new practices and laws imposed, etc. This month is especially horrible and full on.