fix articles 2819, pepper spray
US Declares War! On Democratic Dissent? (tags)
With the brutal police violence widely employed against Occupy, one must ask what kind of government and police perpetrate such acts upon those exercising their rights to free speech and assembly? We have seen this in police or fascist states, but here...has Amerika murdered America?
VIDEO: Students Pepper Sprayed at UCLA protest (tags)
LOS ANGELES – November 20, 2009 - Uncounted incidents of police violence against students have occurred during the last three days of protests while the UC Regents held their meeting on the UCLA campus. There is confirmed use of tasers, pepper spray and much baton use on peaceably assembled students.
Minutemen Provoke, Pepper Spray, in Simi Valley (tags)
SIMI VALLEY, California, Sunday, September 16, 2007: At 10 a.m., 40 pro-immigrant supporters and about 80 Minutemen and their supporters gathered on each side of the driveway leading to the parking lot of the United Church of Christ on Royal Avenue where Liliana took refuge from the Immigration Services. During the protest, a small group of three Minutemen came on the pro-immigrant side apparently to provoke. Pro-immigrant supporters complained to the Simi Valley PD, but to no avail. Despite the angry protests of immigrant supporters, the police didn’t force the Minutemen to move, Half an hour later at 11: 12 a.m. a Minuteman pepper sprayed Naui Hutizilopochtli, an immigrant activist, so badly that he had to be taken to the hospital by paramedics. The protests went on until 1 p.m. without further incidents.
11:30 PM UPDATE from Simi Valley: minute-man sprays counter protester with pepper spray. (tags)
Caller reports one counter-protester has been sprayed with pepper spray by a minute-man. Victim reportedly had a very bad reaction to the pepper stray and has been taken away in an ambulance to the nearest hospital.
7th Day in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)
At 9 am i arrived at Radio Universidad, ready to give another 1st aid class. Everyone was very enthusiastic about the class last night, and 9 am was the only time we could meet because of the women's march at noon.
The Gas Chamber - a Pepper Spray Horror Movie (tags)
The Gas Chamber is the LAPD pet name for what was done to Benjamin Barker on the Venice Boardwalk February 2005.
LAPD says its OK to pepper spray folks handcuffed in the back of a squad car! (tags)
I feel a lot safer now that I know its legal for the cops to pepper spray people who are handcuffed in the back of a police car! Well not really!
SoCal Pepper Spray Fascists lose! (tags)
The application of pepper spray using Qtips to peaceful protesters' eyes constitutes torture. Jury finds in favor of the victims!
DC Police fire Pepper Spray (tags)
Police officers fire streams of pepper spray into a crowd of protesters
Defense Technology Pepper Spray Dangers (tags)
Humboldt pepper spray defendents are dealing with a powerful corporation that manufactures pepper spray claimed to be safe. Prison inmates, homeless and mentally ill are subject to exposure to this same product falsely advertised as a "safe alternative".
Humboldt Sheriff's pepper spray attack blinds collective vision (tags)
When Humboldt Sheriff deputies Q-tip swabbed chemical pepper spray into the eyes of forest defenders, the collective vision of people everywhere was blinded with searing pain. People who see the problems caused by corporate logging (Maxxam/Pacific Lumber) are using their bodies to protect the trees. The pepper spray eye swabbing response by the Sheriffs shows their fear of our collective vision, they want people to be blinded to the truth..
Brief Protective Gear List (tags)
This list of gear describes the tools which can help protect you and enable you to make your voice heard in the coming days. The list describes some basic tools which will protect you against tear gas/pepper spray, as well as a bit of first aid gear.
Activists' Guide to Tear Gas, Pepper Spray, and Treatments! (tags)
The Black Cross Health Collective wrote this excellent guide to chemial weapons used in "crowd control". This info will help you take care of yourself and other activists. This info rocks - the healers who put it together draw on their experience at Seattle and all the big North American demos since then They (and their friends) even field tested remedies for pepper spray! First Aid for Radicals and Activists Fight the power, do no harm
Activists' Guide to Tear Gas, Pepper Spray, and Treatments! (tags)
The Black Cross Health Collective wrote this excellent guide to chemial weapons used in "crowd control". This info will help you take care of yourself and other activists. This info rocks - the healers who put it together draw on their experience at Seattle and all the big North American demos since then They (and their friends) even field tested remedies for pepper spray!
Basic First Aid and Chemical Weapons Info For Protesters (tags)
The Black Cross Health Collective in Portland, Oregon has produced a manual for demonstrators and activists on basic first aid and treatment techniques for tear gas and pepper spray. The manual also has great tips on what to bring/wear/do to maximize your ability to withstand pepper spray and/or tear gas.
Violent repression of political dissent commences in Portland (tags)
Rubber bullets and pepper spray were used against members of the media, elderly persons and families with small children. Photographer Troy Pickard (pictured) was among the first shot.
The Whole World is Watching (tags)
After reading so many faux accounts of the A22 protest in Portland, I decided to publish my own experience.
Re: Protection from CHEMICAL/POLICE WEAPONS (tags)
Protection from CHEMICAL/POLICE WEAPONS. (tags)
Police will have dragons breath air toxin, pepper spray, high velocity pepper spray ball guns, smokeless flash bags, weak nerve gas agent, various disrupter ammunition, rubber wooden and plastic bullets, various unlisted and classified explosives, Smokeless sponge round bombs. Learn proper protection methods.
Pepper Spray Guns to be used at DNC on protestors. (tags)
Judging from previous police behaviour in DC and Seattle, it is obvious the LAPD are preparing for violent attacks on peaceful protestors.