fix articles 2813, privatization
Because man is a human being (tags)
People don't have to remain victims. Rebellion and resistance against a disease-causing system serve to stabilize psychological existence and social coexistence. The basis for resistance is sensitization: perceiving that society is deprived and disenfranchised by privatization, for example, that people are violated.
Crisis of Privatization - Return of the Public Sphere (tags)
The water supply for the population of Paris is to be completely restored to public ownership from 2009 on, as the Socialist mayor Delanoe announced on June 2nd 2008... Adam Smith already advocated that such “public goods“ have to be provided by the state.2
Selling off. The Price of Privatization in France (tags)
Liberalization and privatization have ultimately only confused consumers, but have whetted the appetite of the industry bosses and their puppets even more. The takeover of the state by the private sector is no longer about the realization of an ideological project.
LAUSD, Privatization, Charters And The Fight To Defend Public Education Education Conferen (tags)
On September 30, 2017 an education conference was held on the Fight Against Privatization, Charters and the LAUSD. These are the presentations and discussion at the conference
Statement of The Revolutionary Tendency on Britain's Snap Elections (tags)
No support for capitalist candidates.
PHILIPPINES: Rescind the LRT-MRT Fare Hikes (tags)
Metro-Manila: The roughly 100 percent fare increases imposed on users of the Light Rail Transit 1 and 2 and Metro Rail Transit 3 is a great disservice to the riding public.
Here's some interesting privatization connections in regards to the LAUSD District 1 race (tags)
Epilogue to an article on the forces of neoliberalism meddling in the LAUSD District 1 Special Election that will run in the LA Progressive.
Want to see Mónica García's 15 Minutes of Infamy come to an end? (tags)
It's time for a new LAUSD Board of Education: Help us remove the board member most responsible for the current crisis<
Support The Davis Dozen! Drop All Charges! (tags)
The “Banker's Dozen” were served with arrest notices one month after the U.S. Bank on UC Davis campus closed its doors for good, following weeks of protests against the university's privatization, its collusion with corporate profiteers, and the banks' role in increasing student costs and student debt. Twelve people are now threatened with 11 years each in jail and one million dollars in fines for a conspiracy to sit down. Privatization and austerity continue, more unpopular than ever. The university's policy of criminalizing dissent to protect and impose its policies continues, as it must in the face of increasing resistance.
Filipino Women March against US Military Expansion in the Philippines and the Pacific (tags)
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2012, we, Filipino women declare in strongest terms possible, our opposition not only to increased presence but to U.S. military presence per se on Philippine soil.
Rally Against Simi Valley Library Privatization (tags)
EchoParkPatch: A Mother's message to LAUSD Trustee Nury Martinez (tags)
Interview with the mother who was wrongly and viciously accosted by LAUSD Trustee Nury Martinez. Analysis of how Martinez was sidestepping issues of removing democracy and ignoring community voices.
Los Angeles privatization pushers take second biggest slice of reactionary Walton pie (tags)
A list of the usual local privatization suspects took the second biggest slice of Walton blood money.
Privatization of the State (tags)
Economics changes with the times as states and individuals change. Once savings was the elixir and then spending with John Maynard Keynes. The economy should serve humankind; humanity should not serve the economy. Privatization is part of the snake oil remedy.
FIS recommends removing the last semblance of democracy from an already undemocratic proce (tags)
LAUSD's Public School Choice is already an anti-democratic measure to give public schools away to private charter corporations. Removing the advisory vote makes PSC all the more totalitarian and entirely removes community and parental voice. Either keep the advisory votes or repeal PSC altogether. This article discusses the document LAUSD is using to justify this move.
Are School Privatizers Employing Fabian Núñez and Mercury Plubic Affairs to Champion Charte (tags)
Have local charter-voucher schools brought in even more hired guns to assure more privatization during this round of PSC?
Gates' Yolie Flores lauded by LA Weekly's Yellow Journalists (tags)
Trashy masseuse and porn ad pennysaver (aka LA Weekly) has printed yet another homage to the princess of privatization.
On Anschutz, Villaraigosa, LAUSD Privatization Candidates, and Riding Dinosaurs (tags)
Exposing Villaraigosa's Coalition for School Reform ties to right wing extremists like Philip Anschutz. Explores how plutocrat dollars flow to so-called reform candidates, who then follow the corporate agenda. Anschutz's Walden Media funded the production of the unabashed corporate charter propaganda piece, "Waiting for Superman."
HUD's Public Housing Privatization Scheme "PETRA" Is Rejected (tags)
People across the nation are speaking out against the scheme to privatize 1.2 million public housing units, under a HUD proposal called Transforming Rental Assistance (TRA) initiative. The struggle against the privatization of public housing in Berkeley and Oakland has blossomed into a nation wide struggle against the profiteers that are trying to terminate public housing programs across the nation! On May 25, 2010, at a congressional hearing, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and many housing advocacy organizations from across the country spoke-out against HUD's proposals, and submitted written statements for the hearing record opposing TRA, including the Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness and other Los Angeles housing and human rights organizations.
Public housing in Berkeley and Oakland are under attack by corporate profiteers, and if HUD and the Obama Administration have it their way, public housing across the nation will be next on the chopping block of corporate privatization! Join the struggle against the privatization of public housing!
Privatization of Courthouse Security Awarded to G4S Wackenhut Draws Criticism (tags)
Guy James, President of the Federal Contract Guards of America FCGOA said " the privatization of courthouse security awarded to G4S Wackenhut shows how the county can save money, however the need for tougher background checks of all private contract guards needs to be addressed at both the federal, state and county levels to ensure the safety of all who may enter these buildings are protected".
Journalism, Redistribution and Social Generosity (tags)
"The earth does not belong to people; people belong to the earth." (chief Seattle)> Nature is not a free good, external or sink but our living mother and basis for future human life. Alternative economics and community centers could lead us out of the dystopia of imperial wars.
Students and Workers Resist Privatization at UCLA Regents Meeting (tags)
LOS ANGELES, UCLA Campus - November 19, 2009 – An estimated 2,000+ students and union workers took part in various actions campus-wide this week. Covel Commons where the UC Regents held their last day of meetings was completely surrounded by students and workers with arms locked together. They formed a human chain of solidarity against the regents complicity in the ongoing privatization of the UC system.
YouTube - Shut It Down! UC Berkeley Walkout & Mass Rally by Staff, Students & Faculty-The (tags)
A mass rally of more than 5,000 workers, students and faculty joined together against the privatization of UC.
Privatizing California: S.B. 792 (tags)
If the state privatizes our Candlestick Point Park, then, as budget crises worsen at every level, what’s next? What’s to stop the privatization of every park in California? The federal government has, since the Reagan era, championed the privatization of everything from prisons to HUD foreclosure counseling, so, if California joins the rush to privatize, how long will it be before we’re told we have to put up with a coal-fired power plant generating electricity for a uranium mining operation in Death Valley National Monument, just like those in Saharan Niger, because, otherwise, we just can’t afford the park anymore?
The Face of Privatization (tags)
Under the present rule of neoliberal privatization, the all-embracing principle is conquest of the world transformed into rights of private property.. After destruction of the privatization myth, we need real democratization.
Water is a Human Right, not a Commodity (tags)
In Bolivia there was a bloody struggle over water. Indigenous persons led the water war in Cochabamba. Water is a human right and must be withdrawn from the logic of profit maximization.
BTL:Global Activists To Protest Water Privatization at Istanbul Conference (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Rich of the World, Enrich Yourselves! (tags)
Financial jugglers speculating with food, oil and other raw materials caused double-digit inflation and made staple foods like rice and wheat into luxury items for millions. Neoliberalism with one blow managed to drive nation states to the defensive.
Non-Profits, Privatization, and Capitalism (tags)
As soon as we begun organizing our workplace into a union— a drug and alcohol rehab center— the murky non-profit world proved to be an obstacle. When first approached, many of our coworkers asked the same question, “would a union even work at a non-profit”? And to this we normally answered, “why not?” – Although a better answer might have been, “Why do non-profit workers believe they should have less rights or pay than other workers?” And with this question you’ve opened a Pandora’s Box that leads down a series of questions and answers that reveal a lot about how modern society functions, especially the relationship between workers’ standard of living, non-profits, and the present state of the capitalist system itself. To help explain the gargantuan role that non-profits play in modern society, a book of essays about the subject -- cleverly named The Revolution Will Not be Funded-- was released by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence. In its introduction chapter, the book explains how non-profits have evolved into organizations that divert political movements into dead ends, shape public opinion, and most relevant to this article, perform services previously done by the state.
Greenpeace promotes privatization, blows off birds (tags)
Remember "turtles & teamsters"? Indymedia readers, environmental & political activists have struggled against the corporate privatization of the commons for years. It's a sad testament when groups like Greenpeace and others find themselves promoting capitalist moneymaking schemes that reduce the commons to an industrial sacrifice zone.
On the Anti-Democratic Character of Neoliberalism (tags)
Privatization, deregulation and cuts in social spending is the trinity of the free market, Naomi Klein explains. The consciou8s production of unemployment is anti-democratic. The conscious worsening of income- and assets distribution is anti-democratic.
Privatization as a Threat (tags)
Privatization undermines the nature of the state, the state's reason to exist, and leads to the loss of identity and sovereignty. The state revenue side is weakened by privatizing profitable state expenses. Siegfried Bross is a judge on the German Constitutional Court.
The "Dark Cloud" of Domestic Imperialism Hangs Over Our Soldiers (tags)
Iraqi Petroleum privatization, CIA MK-Ultra, PSYOPs (tags)
The upcoming petroleum privatization of Iraqi oil reserves is being watched by international community, never a better time for PSYOPS (psychological operations) military brainwashing campaigns here in north america. V. tech shootings distract the media from Iraqi oil heists by Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil, etc.. while promoting culture of police state mass hysteria at US universities. Brilliant timing Herr GW Bush, Der Fuhrer of US Empire!!
the welfare state is exposed to serious shocks. Working life is essentially changed. The welfare state protects from the injustice of the free market and creates an identity for those who must claim its benefits.
Every School as a Small Business (tags)
The Bertelsmann foundation reorganizes German schools according to market criteria. A privatization of the political is occurring worldwide today.. Bertelsmann keeps a tight reign on public libraries, schools and universities through performance standards and control instruments.
Privatization and the World Trade Organization (tags)
Competence, efficiency and user-friendliness are in no way "natural" domains of private service providers.. Why should private investors be interested in maintaining the long-term infrastructure?
CAFTA: privatization at gunpoint (tags)
ACAJUTLA, El Salvador — Long before the current debate over the Central America Free Trade Agreement, workers throughout the region were under attack from economic reforms that have broken unions, privatized workplaces and lowered wages. One reason unions throughout Central America oppose the agreement so strongly is that CAFTA cements that reform policy into place. The treaty would require dismantling the public sector to encourage private, especially foreign, investment, regardless of cost.
blackout in Alabama and Canned Cheers for Bush's Social Security Scheme (tags)
A slick suburban magazine in Montgomery, Alabama, touts the President’s Social Security wrecking scheme, but it seems to be only talking to white folks.
‘Don’t pick our pockets to line your own’ (tags)
“Privatizing Social Security may be good business for Charles Schwab, but it’s a bad deal for working Americans,” Chicago Federation of Labor President Dennis Gannon told the multiracial and multigenerational crowd of 300 that overflowed the sidewalk in front of the giant investment firm’s office here. “The stock market is a gamble,” Gannon continued, “I’ve got a mother who is 83, a daughter who is 22 and I’m 52. Privatization puts us all in jeopardy.”
Opposing the European Rage of Privatization (tags)
Telecommunications, postal service, gas and transportation were the first public sectors that fell victim to the rage of unbridled liberalization..A drastic structural change of the state has occurred from a producing to a guaranteeing state.
"The US is Stuck in Quicksand": Arundhati Roy (tags)
This interview was given at the 2004 World Social Forum in Mumbia, India.
L.A.'s Social Security Now- Update (tags)
Stop The Privatization Of Social Security!
Social Collapse through Privatization (tags)
"A view of the person underlying the reforms should be opposed by the peace movement: the person as an isolated being competing unscrupulously for better living conditions in a state that sees its task more in establishing peace from above.."
ILWU10 Calls For Million Worker Rally (tags)
San Francisco ILWU Local 10 has voted to initiate a call for a million worker rally during mid-October in Washington DC. It will demand an end to privatization, deregulation, the repeal of the Taft-Hartley, Patriot Act and other issues.
Who Owns the Sky? Reviving the Commons (tags)
"Not since the Golden Age of the 1890s has so much public wealth been shoveled into private hands with such brazen efficiency. Timber companies, corporate ranchers and foreign mining companies.. are plundering our national patrimony.."
"The gigantic blackout (that will certainly not be the last) was a direct consequence that the US is so exemplary in the special neoliberal disciplines privatization and lower costs..Profit maximization at any cost leads to abstract cost cutting pressure." From German
"Stop GATS!" Against Privatization of Services (tags)
"The `Washington Consensus' from the 80s promised that a neoliberal policy - liberalization and deregulation - would be good for eveyrone. In fact, local structures are destroyed, human lives are annihilated through hunger and poverty.."Trans fr German
Pentagon's Betting Parlor of Assassinations and Coups (tags)
Librarianship as a Revolutionary Choice (tags)
Speech at the Joint American Library Association/Canadian Library Association Conference
by Naomi Klein June 24 2003
The Walt Disney Everglades(R) & Georgia Pacific National ForestTM (tags)
Beth Burrows, executive director of the Edmonds Institute (a non-profit, public interest group) asks; "what's next? Privatizing plants? Animals? Human beings?"
Latin America fights neolibralism (tags)
Despite the murderous repression that the Pinochet regime was known for, thousands of Chileans took to the streets in mass demonstrations. With the economy collapsing, the fascist government was forced to rehire public sector workers and reinstitute many of the laws and programs in place before the coup.
The Privatization of the World (tags)
"State tax receipts rapidly decline through the globalization of capital. Heavily indebted states, provinces and communes have become economic crisis factors instead of being active as masters of crisis. They sell off cheaply the state table silver."
The fight for water. A fight for human rights (tags)
Water. We see it everywhere. (see related story below) Many of us take water for granted. All we have to do is open a faucet and this life-sustaining liquid just pours out into our glass to quench our thirst. But in many places it is not so simple to get that clean glass of water.
Canada Hydro defenders get SLAPPED for Accenture. (tags)
This is when globalization hits home for us: The Vancouver, British Colubia branch office of a Canadian law firm, based in the U.K., is threatening "Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation" (SLAPP) on behalf of Accenture which is based in the tax haven of Bermuda, to stop alleged “defamation” by critics of the secret dealing leading up to the probable privatization of the successful Hydro generating and distribution company which has turned considerable profits over to the people’s purse for many years.
Water for All: Stopping Privatization in California and Beyond (tags)
Both locally and globally, campaigns to stop water privatization are gaining momentum. In California, there was a big victory against the Cadiz proposal to subsidize a private company to tap native underground Mojave desert water and sell it back to the public.
Corporados Attempt Massive Privatization of U.S. Water Supply (tags)
The water infrastructure bill introduced in the Senate in February 2002 makes federal assistance for water systems conditional on the recipient's consideration of privatization. This language jeopardizes public access to safe and affordable drinking water
Neither Privatization nor Nationalization but Direct Democracy (tags)
Instead of a Privatized or Nationalized economy strive to establish a Direct Democray where ALL citizens decide policies of the State, and economy, ALL employees decide policies of their place of work, and ALL students & Staff decide policies of their site of education.
Vancouver Stops Water Privatization Scheme (tags)
Read below.
APC SUMMIT Protests Planned For May 8th