fix articles 28058, eyal press
America Before a New "New Deal" (tags)
The laissez-faire capitalism as practiced in the US turned out to be a flop. The New Deal and the welfare state built by Roosevelt and his direct successors was systematically slandered, delegitimated and then destroyed.
ANSWER does it again. Your Anti-war Group is a Fascist Authoritarian Vanguard (tags)
ANSWER is NOT the answer
The TRUTH regarding the "banning" of Rabbi Lerner (tags)
David Corn and Marc Cooper of The Nation have launched a campaign against ANSWER for the so-called "banning" of Rabbi Lerner from the speakers podium. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Let Anti-War Rabbi Michael Lerner Speak (tags)
Rabbi Michael Lerner has been banned from speaking at the antiwar rally in San Francisco this Sunday, February 16. One of the rally organizers, Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), has stated that it will not allow a "pro-Israel" speaker to take the stage.