fix articles 28042, journalist Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : journalist


John Pilger warns of a new fascism (tags)

Democracy is now fictitious. There is the all-powerful business elite that has merged with the state and its claims to "identity". US admirals are paid thousands of dollars a day by Australian taxpayers for "advice". Across the West, our political imaginations have been soothed by PR and distracted from the machinations of corrupt politicians who can be had extremely cheaply.

How critical journalists are muzzled in Europe (tags)

Besides the case of Julian Assange, the case of the Basque Pablo González has stood out for almost a year now. Poland wants to keep him in solitary confinement for at least a year without presenting any evidence for the accusations of alleged espionage for Russia.

Putin biographer on the Ukraine war (tags)

The sanctions will hit people hard. In Russia, the domestic political climate has already intensified. Putin will pay a domestic political price for this. Anyone born in 2000 consciously knows only Vladimir Putin as Russian president.

Crimes Committed by Newsmedia (tags)

"Journalists are paid to lie, betray and never tell the truth to the public" - Top journalist Udo Ulfkotte

September 2020 Honduras coup update (tags)

A much loved journalist broadcasted after he was shot several times by attackers. Three elderly environmental defenders were massacred. Thousands marched in the Independence Day demonstrations and were repressed with brutal beatings and 15 arrests. Pushes begin for model cities under the pandemic. Another doctor dies of COVID-19. This and other news: This September 2020,

July 2020 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This July 2020 in Honduras we saw many killings and disappearances against activists and we saw many COVID-19 deaths including of a political prisoner, an organiser, health care workers and jorunalists. Living under a dictatorship regime where global and national capital, together with regime leaders, continue to profit through laundering and exploiting the people and the land – when you put a pandemic into that equation it’s a disaster, as we can see in Honduras. Government offers no protection for its poor majority, the money officially designated for healthcare doesn’t translate into actual healthcare, and there is no welfare to enable people to stay home, but the military is controlling the streets and spreading the illness. Communities and organisations continue to campaign for the ‘Where is the money?’ campaign, with voices reverberating from zoom conferences, to managing to stage large letters across highways, printing the question on roads for drivers to see, and on walls for passers-by – people must have found holes in the militarisation. They paint their pained words about losing increasing numbers of fellow Hondurans to death from COVID-19, lives lost due to government’s greed and lies. This July 2020 we saw many attacks against people and organisers, and we continue to see that on the other hand, big businesses that don’t even have environmental permits are free to move around, operate, and act in ways that are harmful to people and environment. And similar to discourse familiar to all of us worldwide about balancing the economy over staying home, this regime, like others, is broadcasting that the nation only has a chance of surviving the pandemic, if ‘development (mega) projects’ of mining, logging, energy etc go ahead and if people also put up with low wages (not to mention threats, killings, and arrests to impose opposed projects) so that large profits can be made from them. International development finance organisations also continue to ignore the violence meted out by capital and by the regime and fuel this fire, passing loans to the regime and ignoring cries from communities who dream of a different kind of ‘development’.

November 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

November 2019 Honduras coup update This month: one uni student of the students movement, Leonardo Castillo and a high school student, Sulmy López, were killed. Another high school student has been disappeared. An extermination plan is known – to silence opposition and to silence the drug trail of the TH-JOH politician brothers. One more exposition to JOH’s money laundering and scandals for funding the 2017 electoral campaign. Another journalist, José Arita, was assassinated. Human rights defenders Jorge Acosta and Ramón Aguilar were assassinated, another one received a death threat in his car. Villagers of Zacate Grande standing up to large landholders suffer repeat arrests. Campesinos of La Paz have court processes sitting on top of them. Guapinol community defenders against mining also has its eight political prisoners stuck in a dragged out court process, and a journalist who accompanies their struggle suffered a kidnap attempt, whilst the community there live under a state of siege as a public meeting approaches. As communities in Tegucigalpa mobilised again to protect the La Tigra national park from an enormous luxury apartments project, they suffered a violent eviction. The political prisoners from Pimienta suffer persecution outside the prison. Another political prisoner Gustavo Cáceres was finally released after almost 2 years. Surveillance intensified. Campesinos leader and his family were victims to gunshots attack in Bajo Aguan. Protests were repressed.

March 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

In March 2019, one journalist who has been critical of local mayors and MPs was assassinated, other journalists have been threatened and one was captured. Territory defenders have been shot at with gunfire, or have soldiers attempt to destroy their home. This and other news from this month here.

Freedom of the Press is Dead Worldwide (tags)

CIA Director Pompeo claims Wikileaks is a "hostile secret service" and Julian Assange is not a journalist. Democracy cannot function without watchdogs. Watchdogs and whistle-blowers must be under special protection.

January 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)

This January 2019 in Honduras. The fraudulently imposed government of JOH is now one year old. Last year people around the country paralysed it in opposition to the dictatorship and were faced with many fatal gunshots in the barricades of highways. This year people remember this well, but people are no less enraged and there were actions small and big around the country and there was repression and gunshots were used too against people. This month there were also attacks against campesinos, territory and environment defenders, and lots of attacks against migrants and workers. A few people were assassinated. Read on for details.

August 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

In August 2018, it was the students in primary school, high school and university who carried on the struggle against the increase in transport costs, since they and their families are hit hard by these. Students protested demanding the return of student transport allowances and the lowering of transport fees in general. There had been at least 12 days of road blocks throughout this month by the students and as many ruthlessly brutal evictions, and at the end of August, two high school students were removed by state investigative agents from one of their homes and their bodies found on the streets near their school afterwards. At the same time, there have been lots of attacks by the state against journalists who tell news of struggle and repression and corruption, while more HCH journalists who tell news that speak of police as the good guys and protesters as inconvenient and irrational complained of being abused by protesters in different contexts of struggle and confrontation. Campesinos, environmentalist and community struggles also continue as does the repression against these.

July 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

July 2018: Hondurans retake streets and highways as massive protests were organised by the transport sector blocking highways around the country, supported by student and just about everyone. Repression is rife including killings by likely government death squads/hitmen, of drivers/bus company owner, and against en environment defender. Many attacks in general.

The West Must Take the First Steps to Russia (tags)

Russia acts out of a strategic defensive and does not pursue an aggressive, expansive policy. It will defend itself against a policy of Nato that sees it as aggressive... That Nato is willing to rethink must be one of the visible signs.

October 2017 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

October has been a heavy month especially for farmers recovering land, indigenous community leaders defending their communities against mining and dam projects, and for journalists. Gunshots kept being fired by state contingents in evictions. A few people who have been targeted for their organising/work were assassinated, others are getting threats now.

September 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2017 in Honduras. Journalist who spoke up against biofuel industries locally was killed. Another journalist couple that resound voices of those who struggle who were attempted against a month before, this month received another death threat. Students' struggle and the repression against them continue with 22 new arrests against students and 4 arrests against human rights defenders who tried to intervene, with one student subsequently denied bail. A farmer was assassinated as the farming communities were militarised a month into a new mass land occupation. News on all this and more..

July 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This July 2017 in Honduras. A sociology student is hunted down and murdered, in the backdrop of a lot of persecution against uni students including arrests, violent evictions, 5 years suspensions. Several leaders of indigenous organisation Copinh were attempted against twice, with the intention of pushing them all over the edge

May 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

20 uni students occupied an uni admin building in solidarity with 3 other arrested students, they all got repressed and arrested as did a journalist who answered their call to accompany them and cover what was happening, who was also beaten and tortured by security guards and then by police. A journalist who covers local corruption and gives coverage to local protests against a hydroelectricity dam received a chain of threats, to add onto old threats and aggressions. And, as usual council officials, who illegally sold ancestral land of a Garífuna community gets away with it, while an community activist gets arrested and charged for usurping their own ancestral land. A cameraperson for a media outlet has 6 gunshots fired at his body on his way home from work and is gravely injured. This and other abuses, happened in May 2017 in Honduras, read here

February 2017 Honduras coup update (tags) In February 2017, another indigenous Tolupán activist was murdered, attacks against Copinh and supporters in the calls for justice continue, uni students were attacked again by uni administration, and for asking questions about it a week later, a journalist was attacked. Meanwhile, workers are feeling the squeeze with more dismissed public service workers than ever before, and mining workers fighting for bearable work conditions and pay

September 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

September in Honduras. A barber was assassinated after an angry comment to the president on his own facebook. Farmers setting up occupation were violently evicted. Indigenous leaders forced to go into hiding. Lack of justice continues on the Berta Caceres case, this month with an arbitrary arrest against Copinh, her file was stolen by someone robbing the judge's car, and the finance organisation FMO wrote one of the gross reports that doesn't try much to really look like it cares about human rights. This and other news, read on..

February 2016 Honduras Coup News (tags)

The Feb one is late and the March one will be up soon. February saw 5 Tolupanes assassinated, their names withheld from public news to not endanger others. Another indigenous organisation Copinh received many attacks and threats, that culminated in two very shocking murders in March. Read on...

Gaza Journalist tortured by Hamas (tags)

Gaza journalist says he was tortured in Hamas jail

October 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

News from Honduras under continued military coup rule and supposed combat against corruption

Honduras coup update September 2015 (tags)

September 2015 in Honduras. Intensifying repression with soldiers and cops pulling out guns against protesters and in mass evictions particularly where there are occupying farmers. One sixteen year old died this way, and another farmer was assassinated 2 days after participating in a protest. This is mixed with selection persecution against journalists and leaders as they came to control demonstrations. 28 year old loved son of writers was arrested accused of killing lawyer of an elite family - both responsible for the massive IHSS scandal that stole so much from people, and for continuously killing people who are witnesses to the scandal for example. About this and more, check out the update

Honduras Coup, 6 years on (tags)

6 years into the coup, the news for June 2015 of political persecution against indigenous peoples, activists, journalists, and lgbti activists. A look at the current situation of crisis and grassroots movement with the IHSS crisis.

Israel Hijacks Humanitarian Ship to Gaza in International Waters (tags)


Press Freedom Banned in Ukraine (tags)


City of Fullerton Conspires to Silence Free Press Following Hung Jury #LivestreamOnTrial (tags)

After the jury returned a hung verdict, the Fullerton district attorney announced their intent to retry independent journalist livestreamers AJ Redkey and PM Beers for their presence at the January 18, 2014 protests of the police murder of Kelly Thomas. #FilmThePolice #FreeThePress #LivestreamOnTrial #opFullerton

December 2014 Honduras coup news update (tags)

This December 2014 in Honduras, a journalist murdered, a radio community journalist stabbed at, lots of evictions, etc...

Honduras Coup Update November 2014 (tags)

November 2014 Honduras coup update - a long-threatened organised farmer is now added to the list of over 130 organised farmers assassinated since the coup, as is the 14 year old daughter of Globo Radio/TV journalist in the context of having a long list of journalists assassinated since the coup, UNAH uni students are told that protesting on campus is now illegal, and 2000 electricity workers are fired by the Honduran state as they take the street.

Gaza Speaks Out: Hamas War Crimes (tags)

While the world's media has been blaming Israel for the death of Gazan civilians during Operation Protective Edge, this correspondent decided to speak with Gazans themselves to hear what they had to say. They spoke of Hamas atrocities and war crimes implicating Hamas in the civilian deaths of its own people.

Kiev Fascists Murder Russian Journalist (tags)


Who Is An Objective Journalist? (tags)

In a recent New York Times article article David Carr questioned whether someone could be both a journalist and an activist, a question that was prompted by the role of Glenn Greenwald, a writer for The Guardian and a political activist, in reporting on Edward Snowden’s National Security Agency leaks.

Greece Suppresses Free Expression (tags)


Indybay Journalist Wins Payment and UCB Agreement to Change Policies, Train Officers (tags)

Independent Journalist David Morse Settles Lawsuit with University of California Regents
Over 2009 Improper Arrest, Imprisonment, and Seizure of Photographs

University of California Agrees to Substantial Payment and to Change Its Policies and Procedures and Train Its Police

Targeting Journalists in Iraq (tags)


Photos of head injuries from attempted murder of journalist Jonathan Dale Rapoport (tags)

These photographs show the severe head injuries from the attempted murder of freelance journalist Jonathan Dale Rapoport while he was covering Occupy Oakland on Saturday, November 26, 2011.

Video: The Civil Wars in US Labor (tags)

Steve Early is labor journalist, whose writing has appeared in several publications, including The New York Times and The Nation. He is a former organizer for the Communications Workers of America. Mr. Early is the author of Embedded with Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections of the Class War at Home.


The Brazilian journalists are abusing the freedom of press.

Court Quashes Search Warrant, Orders UCPD To Return Indybay Journalist’s News Photographs (tags)

For Immediate Release June 21, 2010 Contact: David Greene, Geoffrey King, First Amendment Project 510.208.7744

Accelerating Fascism in Israel (tags)

Israel is a militarized police state



IF Stone: An Iconic Radical Journalist (tags)

one of America's greatest

IWW Forum This Sunday! (tags)

Sunday, June 28 7:30 PM *IWW Forum:Organizing the Unorganized–Lessons of Community Organizing* Come join the Industrial Workers of the World for an Evening of Poetry and Conversation. Poet, playwright and journalist *Fernando Castro* will be sharing his work; along with a panel of labor and community activists who will discuss strategies and experiences for "organizing the unorganized". There will be a screening the Brave New Films short *Stop Starbucks*; and they will be celebrating the life and work of U. Utah Phillips by screening a brief documentary. Admission is Free. Sunday, June 28 7:30 PM Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center 681 Venice Blvd, Venice, CA 90291 310.822.3006

VIDEO: Santa Monica Activist Beaten by Israeli Police and Military (tags)

Israeli police and military violently shoved the group back into a wall. Delegation member Tighe Barry from Santa Monica, Cali. was struck in the face with the butt of a military rifle and pushed to the ground where he could barely breathe. He was taken by ambulance to the Trauma Center of Tal-Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv where he was treated for a concussion, an injured neck and an asthma attack.

Free Roxana Saberi (tags)

Roxana Saberi Charged With Spying By Iran Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, who has been detained in Tehran since January of this year, is now being charged with espionage by the Iranian government.

Letter to the editor, Korean Central News Agency (tags)

Immediate release of both American journalists Euna Lee, and Laura Ling

II-The international Crisis WS Report, Curitiba, Pr, Br (tags)

Watch it now at web tv at

The Vilificationof a Zimbabwen journalist: Caesar Zvayi (tags)

where zimbabwe is concerned the EU pile up absurdities. Journalists who dont condemn president Mugabe are treated as terrorists. Witness the case of Caesar Zvayi

'Alternative Nobels' go to indy journalist Amy Goodman, activists (tags)

A U.S. journalist Amy Goodman, a Swiss-born doctor and activists from India and Somalia were named on Wednesday as this year's winners of the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the "alternative Nobel."

zimbabwe journalist Zvayi deported from Botswana (tags)

the EU had a journalist on their sanctions list! their reason? 'The EU accuses Zvayi and Huni of "fueling violence" through their writings in the two state newspapers. ' Sure. But id call this a blatant act of censorship


NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY part 1 This is the video film which the police, Norwegian television broadcasting (NRK-Dagsrevyen), Swedish TV-4

Award-Winning Palestinian Journalist Brutalized by Israeli Shin Bet (tags)

Welcome to Israel's great "democracy", as seen from the Palestinian perspective! Of course, this kind of brutal sadism is routine for Palestinians; this time, Shin Bet got caught doing it, something they loathe to have happen. And of course, the one thing Israel will understand, no country dares to do (for fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic") , and that is immediately, pull all funding from Israel, period, end of discussion, until it decides to act like the kind of mature, adult country which does not beat journalists senseless because they have had the courage to tell the truth.

Sign petition to lift travel restrictions on Palestinian journalist (tags)

Please sign this petition to help lift travel restrictions placed in this palestinian journalist.

Mon 6/9 Jeremy Scahill Returns to LA, As So-Cal Continues to Battle Blackwater on Border (tags)

As So-Cal Battles Blackwater Training Facility on Cal-Mex Border, Jeremy Scahill is VISITING LOS ANGELES for talk, discussion, and book signing for the release of the fully updated paperback edition: WHEN: MONDAY, JUNE 9TH AT 7:00 PM WHERE: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Westminster Chapel 3300 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 (@Berendo Street, 2 blocks west of Vermont Ave.)

Bush's Watergate (tags)

The publication of the new NIE represented a Declaration of Independence of professional secret service analysist who were made absolute fools by the neoconservatives in the past decades. Journalist Saul Landau described the new NIE as Bush's Watergate.

Independent Journalist Dahr Jamail Speaks on Iraq (tags)

Anti-war journalist Dahr Jamail spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego November 15 to promote his new book, "Beyond the Green Zone," about his experiences as an unembedded reporter in Iraq over eight months from November 2003 to February 2005. His most moving stories were about the two U.S. sieges of Falloujah in April and November 2004.

Media and War (tags)

The news media in times of crisis and war reproduce and do not question the consciousness and attitudes of the elites. Wars are seen as exceptional situations by the media in which patriotism outweighs the journalistic self-image of critically distanced reporting.

L.A. Armenian Community Unites to Mourn Slain Journalist (tags)

The leading organizations of the world's largest Armenian community jointly commemorate the tragic assassination of journalist and human rights activist Hrant Dink

Tribute to 'Dark Alliance' and Journalist Gary Webb (tags)

A decade after the "Dark Alliance" newspaper series sent shockwaves around the world with its investigation into crack cocaine/CIA/Contra connections, a tribute is presented to "Dark Alliance" and its investigator/author, journalist Gary Webb....and to the true spirit of journalism that he represented in his time.

BTL:Election Ends One-Party State: How Will Democrats Use Their New... (tags)

...Power to Investigate?~Interview with James Ridgeway, investigative journalist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Chicago: Arrests Fail to Deter Protest-Vigil for Oaxaca at Mexican Consulate (tags)

Seventy-five people gathered in front of the Mexican Consulate in Chicago Monday for a solidarity protest to oppose the state repression and violence being carried out against the people of 0axaca, followed by a memorial vigil for murdered New York City IMC journalist Brad Will.

BTL:Mexico's Disputed Election Enters Dangerous Phase as... (tags)

....Tribunal Rejects Full Vote Recount ~ Interview with John Ross, journalist & author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


It's after 2 a.m. in the morning, my deadline is tomorrow, and I have been beaten up by the local police and my right elbow is sorely hurting, but I need to write down exactly what happened to me today before I go to sleep. Otherwise I will forget important details. I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police. I have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused – by the cops.

The Bankruptcy of the Hawks (tags)

The pcitures of victims among the civilian Lebanese population and the heroic fighting Mudschahedin play into the hands of the Jihad-rhetoric of Al-Qaida..The war against terror can only be won when the ideas of Al-Qaida are discredited.

BTL:Zarqawi's Death Will Have Little Effect Upon War (tags)

Interview with Aaron Glantz, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL:Haditha: Iraq's My Lai Massacre Could Be Turning Point in War (tags)

Interview with Rahul Mahajan, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

A journalist publishs information about gov crimes - who do the feds want to punish? (tags)

A journalist publishes a story that documents government crimes, but the story also contains secret information. Who do the feds want to punish??? You guessed it! The journalist!

U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy (tags)

All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/10/06) (tags)

Senate moves towards forced vaccinations.

Time to Dump Bush and Keller (tags)

As an editor, holding a story is as biased and manipulative of public opinion as running one. No credible, honest journalist can make those decisions. If you've got it, you have to run it, and the Times' Keller failed that basic test, proving he's nothing but an administration shill.

Extraordinary for demonstrators to take to the streets to rally around a journalist (tags)

It's highly unsual, even extraordinary, for demonstrators to take to the streets to rally around a journalist, but that's just what happened this afternoon outside the headquarters of the Los Angeles Times. The cause was the firing last week of veteran columnist Robert Scheer, the last progressive voice on the Times's Op-Ed page.

BOOK ON CIA's SECRET JAILS: "Operation Hotel California" by Guido Olimpio (tags)

The first book-length expose of CIA kidnappings and prisons -- two of the greatest evils in the Bush government, and the world -- by the Italian investigative journalist Guido Olimpio is here, and it's new and as current as todays news stories about secret jails the CIA runs! The book is a must-read for anyone wanting to know about the CIA's practice of "rendition": kidnapping people and transporting them to places like Egypt for torture. It's an extremely controversial practice, a threat to America's security and character, and a sweat-provoking threat to potential victims and an insult to the sovereignty of countries like Italy and Sweden. Read the book, and your reactions will range from cold sweat to boiling mad.

Boston IMC Journalist in Baghdad (tags)

Boston IMC journalist is in Jordan, looking to get into Iraq to interview ordinary Iraqi citizens

Car bomb injures Lebanese journalist May Chidiac (tags)

A prominent journalist for an anti-Syrian television station was severely injured yesterday after a bomb rigged to her car exploded, the latest in a string of targeted blasts in Lebanon's capital


For years there have been complaints about 'Réportères Sans Frontières' and their abject political - non-journalistic - approach to past and present dangers and developments in international journalism. They've sold their honour!

Thurs. 3/31 7pm: Brother of Slain Spanish Journalist Jose Couso Joins Amy Goodman in LA (tags)

An Evening with Amy Goodman, award-winning journalist, host of Democracy Now! and author of the best-selling book, The Exception to the Rulers. Joined by Javier Cosou, brother of Spanish Journalist killed at the Palestine Hotel in Iraq

Prostitution and its Social Consequences (tags)

Sisyphe website delivers cutting edge analysis of women's condition and of other important issues, notably prostitution.

Poverty, Market Fundamentalism and the Media (tags)

In the 90s as poverty and distress deepened, the media turned away..The media like the World Bank can't understand the causal link between extraordinary affluence and miserable poverty..The media treats poverty as an event but poverty is a process.

IraQ: italian journalist Sgrena wounded by US fire, italian secret agent killed (tags)

Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, earlier reported released in Iraq, was wounded when US troops fired on the convoy transporting her, her newspaper said.

BTL:Phony Journalist Exposed in Latest Scandal Involving... (tags)

...White House Taxpayer-Funded Propaganda Machine ~ Interview with Steve Rendall, senior analyst with Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, conducted by Scott Harris

Patrick Stewart Will Have His Revenge on Cyber Collectivism (tags)


Witnesses Say U.S. Marines Fatally Shot Spanish Journalist in Haiti (tags)

We speak with Spanish journalist Jesus Martin who traveled to Haiti earlier this year to pay tribute to his slain friend and colleague, Ricardo Ortega, who was fatally shot in the chest while he was covering a street protest.

Investigative Reporter Jason Leopold Exposes Corporate Scandal, Dirty Politics & His Life (tags)

In Off the Record, Jason Leopold reveals in startling detail how his desire to land the scoop at any cost ended up costing him his career.

BTL:U.S. Media Ignores Questions on 2004 Election ~ Public Distrustful of... (tags)

...Press Corps as Watchdog on Bush White House ~ Interview with Robert Parry, award-winning investigative journalist, conducted by Between the lines' Scott Harris

BTL:U.S. Wins Battle of Falluja; Critics Call It a "Hollow Victory" (tags)

Interview with Christian Parenti, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Amy Goodman Speaking in San Diego Nov. 5th (tags)

On November 5, 2004, San Diego will welcome acclaimed independent journalist Amy Goodman as she speaks on "Media and Activism in Times of War." Goodman, the celebrated host of Pacifica Network's "Democracy Now!," a nationally-broadcast daily independent radio program, will include San Diego on her tour promoting her book "The Exception to the Rulers." Known for her fearless and spirited approach to truly independent reporting, Goodman embodies the challenges and commitment of a truly unembedded journalist.

Author Neiwert to Speak in Temecula Sept 24 (tags)

Journalist David Neiwert will be the featured speaker at the September informational meeting of Peace Works! in Temecula Valley on September 24, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Temecula United Methodist Church, and is a free event which is open to the public. David Neiwert is a journalist whose work has appeared in The Washington Post, Salon, and His latest book, "DEATH ON THE FOUR OF JULY: The Story of a Killing, a Trial, and Hate Crime in America", discusses hate crimes in a broad context as well as focusing on a particular July 4, 2000 incident in Ocean Shores, Washington.

Populist Venezuelan President Triumphs Over Opponents in Apr.15 Recall Election (tags)

Interview with Gregory Wilpert, sociologist and journalist living in Caracas, conducted by Scott Harris

IFEF chair man in memorial of Zahra Kazemi:EU shares Islamic Republic's crimes! (tags)

This is Omid Habibinia's Speech in Zahara Kazemi's memorial in Switzerland June 24, 2004 Iranian/Canadian Journalist who was last year Killed under torture. Yesterday,the trial hearing an intelligence agent accused of her murder abruptly ended while the lawyers objected the proceedings. Omid Habibinia is journalist in exile and chair man of Iran Freedom of Expression frontiers.

Americans Will Heppily Help Journalists Violate Ethics (tags)

This story went out to 800-plus media outlets this week and yet only a slim handful expressed interest. Cynicism on behalf of the media or does this happen more than we know?

Pope fears Bush is antichrist (tags)

Pope fears Bush is antichrist, journalist contends - Church - journalist Wayne Madsden - Brief Article


GOP political operatives of every stripe are looking forward to more terrorist attacks like the one in Madrid yesterday. The GOP generally demands money before the dead bodies are picked up but in this case Spain payed in advance when their government chose to help Bush invade Irag despite widespread public opinion against the action.



Democracy Now Producer Arrested: Take Action Now. (tags)

Democracy Now Producer, Ana Nogueira, has been arrested in Miami.

BTL:Iraqi Journalist Touring U.S. Dialogues with Americans About... (tags)

...the Reality of Her Occupied Homeland. Interview with Nermin Al-Mufti, Iraqi journalist and historian, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL:California Recall Election: Direct Democracy or Chaos? (tags)

Interview with Micah Sifry, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

URGENT: Our Journalist Under Attack In Indonesia, Needs Our Help (tags)

William (Billy) Nessen and his wife Shadia, are in serious danger and fear for their lives following recent threats from the Indonesian military. Please join efforts to ensure safe passage for the Nessens and an end to military aggression in Aceh and East Timor. Latest report, June 20, 2003, 'Nessen Could Be Punished By Death' see link in footer.

US-army attaks the hotel of internatinal journalists - 2 cameramen killed (tags)

The babarism of the US-army increases. Now they decided to attak the hotel, where most of the international journalists are working and the army was informed of the inhibitans of the hotel.

US warplanes bomb Al Jazeera office, kill journalist (tags)

US warplanes bomb Al Jazeera office, kill journalist

BTL:Critics Warn Iraq War Will Provoke Increased Terrorism... (tags)

...Ethnic Conflicts and Global Economic Instability. Interview with Dilip Hiro author and journalist, conducted by Between the Lines'Scott Harris

Report of anti-war Demo's from Portugal,Germany,Egypt and Tunisia (tags)


Let Anti-War Rabbi Michael Lerner Speak (tags)

Rabbi Michael Lerner has been banned from speaking at the antiwar rally in San Francisco this Sunday, February 16. One of the rally organizers, Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), has stated that it will not allow a "pro-Israel" speaker to take the stage.

BTL:Venezuelan Elite Attack President Chavez to Block Reforms that... (tags)

...Benefit the Poor. Interview with Gregory Wilpert, sociologist and journalist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL:U.S. Peace Movement is the One Force that Can Deter War with Iraq (tags)

Interview with Geov Parrish, a journalist with the Seattle Weekly conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris.

“Israel has crossed all red lines” (tags)

He expressed his fears when remembering the Israeli soldiers who take picture on top of the Palestinian dead and rubble, saying that he is certain that Sharon has proven beyond all doubts that he is a military, heartless and inhuman Tyrant.


An Italian photographer was shot dead covering Israel's offensive in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Wednesday, the first foreign journalist killed in 17 months of Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed.

KPFK Announces the Departure of Host Marc Cooper (tags)

Some breaking news of interest to many LA activists...

Glover & Goodman Adress 1,000 in LA (tags)

Over 1,000 Gather in LA To Support Democracy Now! in Exile's 'War and Peace Report'-Danny Glover Joins Award-Winning Journalist Amy Goodman for a Fundraiser Los Angeles, CA (Dec. 5) - More than a thousand enthusiastic free speech supporters, including actor Danny Glover, turned out last weekend to support award-winning journalist Amy Goodman and fired and banned producers from Pacifica station KPFK 90.7 FM at a benefit in L.A.

Media's Role During the Nation's Crisis: Investigative Journalism or... (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with journalist and author Danny Schechter, executive editor at, who, over the last four decades, has worked for both corporate and independent media outlets. He examines the role of the press since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.


A free lance journalist interviewing Timothy McVeigh in prison wanted to ask him a question without being overheard. So the journalist wrote down the letters CIA on a piece of paper, and with a questioning look on the journalist's face and holding up the paper for McVeigh to see while the journalist pointed to McVeigh for an answer, McVeigh nodded his head, YES.

Innocent people beaten (tags)

I am covering the event as an open-minded journalist for Attending the DMC as a journalist, in the protesters area, and being approached by LAPD on horses and getting beaten.

Re : target the media (tags)

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