fix articles 279381, sternglass Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : sternglass


Millstone and Me 2020 (tags)

A California independent journalist reflects on the two decades anniversary of his book Millstone and Me: Sex, Lies and Radiation in Southeastern Connecticut.

Nuke Plants Cause Excess CancerDeaths When Running, Rates Decline When They Shut Down (tags)

A recent study showed that nuclear power plants cause excess cancer caused by their routine radioactive releases when operating. The rates decline after they shut down.

Nuclear Shutdown News October2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future.

Death of Dr. Ernest Sternglass (tags)

Dr. Ernest Sternglass died on February 12 at age 91. Dr. Sternglass was author of Secret Fallout:From Hiroshima to Three Mile Island. Dr. Sternglass was a pioneer in pointing out the links between radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons and commercial reactors and the development of cancer and other health problems.

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