fix articles 279323, prescription drugs Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : prescription drugs

prescription drugs

CDC Lies In Calling Cigarettes The Number 1 Cause Of Preventable Death (tags)

Since its founding in 1946, the CDC has by censorship, distortion and falsehood hidden the cause of the majority of deaths in the US which is the consumption of animal and fish cadavers as well as eggs and dairy products.

Heath Ledger and “Legal” Drugs (tags)

The late Heath Ledger has been compared tto James Dean, but the real prematurely deceased celebrities he should be listed with are Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Elvis Presley — all heavy prescription drug abusers who thought that, because their drugs came from doctors and drug companies instead of street pushers, they somehow woudln't be as dangerous as illegal "recreational" drugs. Hopefully Ledger's death will awaken people to the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and the drug-company strategies that get people hooked on them.


Sirota shows how corporate cash corrupts government at all levels

prescription drugs make you kill children (tags)

prescription drugs will make you do worse things than meth?

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