fix articles 27802, often
Women's Groups Unite to Discuss Misogyny of Judge Thomas J. Lo (tags)
Women's Groups, concerned about a loss of rights and lives for female litigants, call for monitoring of Judge Thomas J. Lo's cases
Hate and Misogyny From the Bench: JudgeThomas J. Lo (tags)
Orange County has a serious judicial problem in which the hatred of vulnerable women by a Superior Court Judge is endangering lives.
Developing a common transformational project and building counter-power remains the central task of the left. Especially in areas of social infrastructure, such as housing and healthcare, profit maximization has a particularly devastating effect. The strategy of socialization, i.e. the transfer of private property into democratic structures, can provide orientation here.
Youth & Memories of Hope in the Age of Disposability: The Personal & the Political (tags)
Youth and Memories of Hope in the Age of Disposability: Connecting the Personal and the Political. There is a war raging in neoliberal societies, especially in the United States, especially against working-class youth, Black and Brown youth, and impoverished youth.
Many media companies are largely dependent on advertising revenue. Media that strongly influence the formation of public opinion prefer official sources from state institutions, which, however, reflect the views of the holders of power and accordingly process information in their own interests, Positions that question the prevailing narrative are often discredited.
Peace can and should be lived - now and by all of us, regardless of the often wrong decisions made by those in power. Small communities in which traumas are dealt with and loving interaction with one another is practiced can become the seeds of something new that can help this often seemingly hopeless world to heal.
Religious Fundamentalism. An ambivalent phenomenon of the modern age (tags)
The conclusion that Thomas Meyer repeatedly puts forward is obvious: "Fundamentalism proves to be an indeterminate negation of the foundations of Enlightenment and modernization."
Jesus made fun of individualism and profit-oriented economic systems. Winning people to trust the infinite, invisible and transcendent God was surely his central goal. “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?”“No sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s consent..."
Stress for the soul. Climate change triggers stress and despair (tags)
Psychology understands fear as an arousal that primarily causes displeasure. Fear is never rational, but sometimes it is appropriate and serves as an alarm. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, according to the common definition, are directed at non-existent dangers...
Capitalism In The Meat Industry Etc (tags)
Corruption in the animal agriculture industries as well as in arms sales, radio and tv licenses, animal researc etc.
Baphomet - Scapegoat and golden Child (tags)
What is scapegoating and what would happen to a golden Child which was abused as a scapegoat?
Working hours: A four-day week (tags)
Reducing working hours is a socio-economic investment that often brings better long-term health and more time sovereignty. A three-day or four-day workweek is the only way to ensure meaningful work to the rising generation. Public employment is necessary to supplement private.
A lot will depend on how hot this summer gets. If people think sensibly in November, it is hard to imagine that they will cast enough votes to keep this hair-raising government in power for another four years. But fear is the worst enemy of reason.
History of an Eventful Myth: the 8-hour day (tags)
Since industrialization, it has been the norm for wage-earners of all ages, including children, to work 15 to 16 hours a day. There was no time for rest. An impoverishment of the working class was the result.
[Info] A few things about Sibel Schick (tags)
About Sibel Schick. Something should be known about you. No room for lies and misinformation.
[Info] Beware of Ingmar Eckhard! (tags)
This is a contribution about Helles Sachsen under real names known as Ingmar Eckhard. A few things about him need to be clarified. If not known, it would be better to pay attention to him. Under certain circumstances, it could endanger other people.
Gert Postel and his questionable behavior (tags)
Stopp and fight sexism
Our global culture is facing a hidden crisis.
The West Must Take the First Steps to Russia (tags)
Russia acts out of a strategic defensive and does not pursue an aggressive, expansive policy. It will defend itself against a policy of Nato that sees it as aggressive... That Nato is willing to rethink must be one of the visible signs.
Authoritarian Capitalism (tags)
Phenomena like Trump and the new nationalisms confirm the actuality of the theory of the authoritarian personality articulated by Wilhelm Reich, Erich Fromm, and Theodor Adorno. By their structure, capitalist social media encourage narcissism and are not social media
Endf Russophobia! Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)
NATO's eastern expansion (from 16 to 28 states) was and is a serious strain on relations with Russia. This is also true for the missile defense system in Poland and Rumania. A simple good-evil scheme is all too often dominant. Moral judgments are used instead of political analysis.
NATO vs. Trump/Putin's Nationalism; Slim Chance for Peace? (tags)
With several nationalist leaders (Trump, Putin, Duterte) in charge of powerful militaries, what chance is there for NATO nations with democratic governments to maintain peace while also protecting human rights of vulnerable populations?
Hate Crime Training for Police Is Often Inadequate, Sometimes Nonexistent (tags)
Hate Crime Training for Police Is Often Inadequate, Sometimes Nonexistent
A society of social descent, precariouisness and polarization has emerged out of the society of ascent and social integration. The modern age continues developing but backward. The social state, is a de-commodifying institution since it socializes risks.
Transit Dependent Residents Need a Guaranteed Right to Stay (tags)
Transit developments are nice, but they ar part of gentrification, and push out the people who need the transit the most!
Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency (tags)
See my reports and discover the reality of a system of laws and law enforcement that are irrationally brutal and often inhumane as presently applied.
Ujnemployment is (not) a Full-time Job (tags)
There are many scandals and injustices, for example that wealth concentration in Austria and the EU is increasing. However, the debate is again about the "unemployed unwilling to work" instead of about the widening gap.
Cops & fbi Mad To The Max (tags)
The demonstrated madness of cops in modern times reflects at once their insanity & corruption.
Experience the unseen (until now) record of fbi dirty laundry:
America : See what you have become (tags)
America, as I have shown, gives new meaning to the phrase, 'The Living Dead'.
This report is at once a summary of our shared predicament and an update on my particular challenges.
Police and fbi crimes as SOP (tags)
This report seeks to understand the nature of our emerging police state USA.
See my conclusion regarding the destruction of the fbi.
Our prisons are filled with innocent men/women, and our police, fbi, prosecutors' offices are overflowing with criminals.
A perspective from outside the box is often most compelling.
West Hollywood Commemorates The Trans Day of Remembrance 2015 Part 2 of 2 Photosets (tags)
Transfolk across the globe remember those who's lives have been taken
West Hollywood Commemorates The Trans Day of Remembrance 2015 Part 1 of 2 Photosets (tags)
Transfolk across the globe remember those who's lives have been taken
Predictability of homicidal fbi/police (tags)
We may reasonably predict more police brutality and more police killings of innocent people.
There are several categories of hunting dangers both to and from hunters
See my reports that are being studied globally by victims of fbi/cia dirty tricks.
From the Free Economy to the Share Economy (tags)
n 1970 the economics Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman argued the social responsibility of business was only maximization of its profits. This is not true any more today. The responsibility of businesses goes beyond profit maximization. More can be demanded of those with power/
The unheralded serial killers of the fbi (tags)
I present a brief comparison of serial killer Panzram with the serial killers hidden the fbi's own agents, operatives and street thugs.
A Formal Response to California’s Death With Dignity Act Legislation (tags)
Recently a major and moral decision was made to quell California legislature as to whether people suffering with terminal illness should have the right to die with dignity. Democrats did not have enough votes although the legislation might come back later in the year? To the extent that there was much of a debate in the news it has been one-sided with a chorus of status quo preventivists. Religion has once again slammed up common sense and compassion
Israeli Military Court Justice: Rubber-Stamp Guilt (tags)
Corruption of Law & Society by fbi (tags)
This article is a more comprehensive study (than my other reports) on the specific ways that the fbi turns the United States of America into a quasi living hell for some political/ideological targets. The details of this study reflect the actual experiences and impressions of Geral W. Sosbee who is the object of an extreme vendetta by the fbi who seek to silence him by any discreet means possible.
Dreyer's, Another Ice Cream Maker, Is Owned By Nestle (tags)
Breyer's, processor of ice cream, has run a deceptive ad on IHeart (formerly Clear Channel) stations, which cites the FDA and alleges cows' milk with growth hormone is not significantly different from cows' milk without. Dreyer's is one of many companies owned by Nestle's, a company attempting to privatize the world's water, a factor in California drought with its illegal draining of Sacramento's reservoir, and a major abuser of animals.
Covert assaults for hideous agendas (tags)
The fbi uses various departments of government in unlawful assaults & ploys against whistleblowers.
Putting Charleston Killings in Context (tags)
My Prayer That Grace May Touch The Mosaic Of My Work (tags)
My prayer is in the form of a mosaic of prose.
A Summary of Recent Reports on fbi Corruption of Law and Society (tags)
See my compilation of evidence on the corruption of law and society by the fbi.
Bernie Sanders: Populist or Opportunist? (tags)
See clear and convincing evidence of the overthrow of the US government by the intel and police communities and the simultaneous imposition of a Nazi type regime now in command by order of the fbi.
USA, a nation unworthy to defend (tags)
See how the USA is viewed by those who actually risk life & sanity to defend it.
Fbi and the public are an emerging criminal enterprize (tags)
See how the fbi joins with the public in a now real, formerly science fiction enterprize.
Guadalupe's Day is today in LA, look for her (tags)
Guadalupe is seen and honored everywhere especiallly in LA, as everyone noticed. Most dont know the stories that are connected to her but can still relate and experience Guadalupe as a symbol of natural life forces, indigenous ones that emanate and connect us to earth. She is not a Cathoic nor a religious symbol or representative tho that has been co-opted via majority religious practices.
police state
police state
Out of the Darkness: UN's (and often State's) hidden agenda. (tags)
Brief discussion on linkedin describing UN's human rights omissions from international human rights law.
Spiritualists, Science and Subjective and Objective Realities (tags)
Spiritualists and Scientists seem at regular odds with one another, but maybe that is because each is dominant in a different part of human existence. This essay examines their areas of domain and muses on whether the two can operate symbiotically
Beyond Development: Alternative Visions from Latin America, 198 pp (tags)
Burn Cut Poison: Toxic Trillion Dollar Cancer Industrial Complex Of Radiation, Surgery, Ch (tags)
alternatives to the hazards of radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy
Video: The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor (tags)
The technical approach often ignores political realities and normative rights of the poor. Principles are engines of social rights. First, agreement on principles and then operationalization of the principles. Freedom or autocracy is the bigger discussion.
A man who worked at telling others what he found out and believed to be dangerous has just died at age 63. He had also been heard locally on KPFK radio a few years ago and had a radio show elsewhere called Lifeboat Hour radio show.
The Snowdown - Wikileaks - Sibel Edmonds - Whistleblower Effect By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
Just look for the core-lies and unquestioned axioms of empire that are typically retained in the “leaks” and reportage which, in order to sound credible, often openly expose what is mostly already known anyway or judiciously employ some variation of “Limited Hangout” wrapped in a veneer of dissent, 'freedom of the press', and often accompanied by the facade of angst and opposition from the state to afford a veneer of legitimacy to the whistleblowing revelations of supposed state-secrets having caused some great harm to the state. The extravagance enacted in the mainstream media, alternately making heroes of the whistleblowers and demonizing them, is a giveaway to the circus show being enacted for plebeian consumption.
Washington Abuses Indian Diplomat (tags)
police state
The Semantics Of Violence (tags)
When propagandizing for war or other violence, obscuring the reality is often the first rule
Bush and Obama: Dangerous Narcissists (tags)
police state
The Sacrificial Lambs, the Innocent; Those That Got Caught In the Middle (tags)
The reason we as Americans are okay with giving a certain portion of our hard earned dollars towards foreign aid, is that we want to help those in need. There are certainly people around the world that need help financially, and we have all seen and read the stories. It's important to remember that we are blessed and fortunate to live in this great nation of ours. There are many more less than fortunate people living far below the standard of those in a Western nation, than those living at that level or even close to it. We often forget, but when the time comes, we are compassionate - most of us anyway.
Well If It Really Bothers You That Much (tags)
In the debate over what to do over illegal immigration here in the US, as with similar debates in other nations, the issue is often presented as having two main sides – those for it and those against it. Like most things in our busy fast paced lives we get the fifteen to thirty second version of the debate we catch on the news or whatever we have time for online, be it something linked to on Facebook, twitter or our favorite news aggregator. That typically gives us two sides of the issue to look at, as more in depth discussion is for people with more time on their hands quite often. But, in truth the issue is more complicated than just the two conclusions we are typically presented with – pro or against.
Responding to financial crisis: are austerity and suffering inevitable? (tags)
Austerity in a recession is counter-productive. Lower taxes and lower wages mean lower demand, lower GDP, lower state revenue and higher unemployment.
“Committed To Healing: Involuntary Commitment Procedures” : A Fraud (tags)
The law invites the ruling class, the government, the intelligence services, etc., to silence their adversaries while pretending to 'heal' them.
The formation of cooperatives doesn’t by itself eliminate competition (tags)
Wages — and thus the human beings who work for the wages — are commodities in capitalism, or any system in which distribution is monopolized or largely controlled by capitalist-style market relations.
Solo geniuses who scorn the society that provides the shoulders they sit on (tags)
Without educational institutions, a court system to enforce their interests, police and military to suppress dissent at home and abroad, and “free trade” agreements that promote corporate interests above human rights, billionaires would not be able to become billionaires.
The Guy That Just Said, “Yeah? No Thanks.” (tags)
Standing up to conflict and harassment can seem a difficult thing. It's never easy for anyone and really who can say they've truly faced all that life has to offer in the way of trials and tribulations without having gone through some measure of harassment or maltreatment at least once? Of course harassment is relative and what is harsh treatment to one person, or deemed behavior that crosses a line, is merely everyday stuff to another. But there are laws and institutional regulations that define boundaries and denote specific behavior as going too far. Additionally there is the common sense most of us developed over our lifetimes.
Justice Before Efficiency (tags)
The market economy must be bound to the principles of a fully-developed civil society. More is involved than a belated redistribution. A citizen is basically a social being. To overcome feudalism, precedence must be given to human- and civil rights over the power based on property.
Time Protestor Person of the Year (tags)
Even if editorial staff at Time magazine dubbed “the Protestor” as this year’s “Person-of-the-Year” doesn’t necessarily mean people at the Time, or it’s backstage managers, has garnered much appreciation or respect for “personhood” of the average outspoken dissenter. Likely they surveyed the landscape and realized the inevitable conclusion—2011 has had a lot of ubiquitous protestation around the world. So then an inevitable conclusion became refreshingly obvious—popular dissent is here all over as many status quos are being challenged.
Unify for Occupy Oakland (tags)
To build the 99%, we must find unity across the economic and social strata, or the Occupation movement will be correctly derided as a quasi-elitist middle class project.
CAIR Report Islamophobia and Its Impact ? Calling CAIR to Account for its Omissions (tags)
The CAIR Report: 'Islamophobia and Its Impact in the United States January 2009-December 2010', a joint collaboration with UC Berkeley?s Center for Race and Gender, will certainly come in handy one day if Muslims ever become like our Jewish brethren ? the eternal victims. The Jews have perfected the art of seeking endless claims, as noted in the Press Release ( Did You or Your Family Take Palestinian Property during the Jewish Zionist Era Since 1948? June 27, 2011 ). But we shall surely ?better that instruction? (Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice). Just kidding.... But unfortunately, this report serves little purpose other than being a Mighty Wurlitzer piece as a limited hangout.
Dream Comes True for Mother and Son at Art Institute Graduation (tags)
The Art Institute of Orange County is a place where futurists can prepare to enhance their own future and the future of America
LSD is one of the most potent, mood-changing chemicals.
Netanyahu's Government: Israel's Worst Ever (tags)
Israeli repression
UN Peacekeepers Complicit in Sex Trade (tags)
peacekeepers are predatory
Orange County District Attorney Helps Batterers Punish Victims (tags)
In Orange county, batterers get a free ride while victims are made to suffere
Free Internet Book "Culture Change" for the October 2 "One Nation" March (tags)
Civil Liberty, Peak Oil and the End of Empire
East Jerusalem Palestinians Denied Basic Rights (tags)
israeli repression continues
KPFK programming: Compliments [for a change] and for changes in programming (tags)
One program on KPFK continues to deliver...Roy Tuckman's "Somethings Happening" show, deep into night, also in archives for day net users.
Orange County Continues to be Domestic Violence Capital of America (tags)
In Orange County battered women have no place to turn. Often their abusers get all the support.
Hate Is Not A Family Value (tags)
Medical malpractice is a universal experience of torture victims. Dr. Steven Miles describes this terrifying trend in Oath Betrayed, America's Torture Doctors. "The news that the United States tortured prisoners in the war on terror has brought shame to the nation,..."
Universities for Bread & Roses (tags)
A view from the South on the global rebellion against the neo-liberal university.
How To Detect Infiltrators and Observe Covert Police Misconduct (tags)
I-HOW TO SPOT THEIR PEOPLE: It is significantly more difficult to detect police spies in the flesh, than in a vehicle laden with tradecraft, but it can however be done. There are four ways I know of to accomplish this. They are verbally, emotionally, behaviorally and visually.
OC College Student Tortures Mom for Dad (tags)
Domestic violence is rampant in Orange County and the victims have no options but to stay.
No Safe Escape for Orange County’s Domestic Violence Victims (tags)
In Santa Ana, Mission Viejo and other Orange County Cities, abuse is excusable. Being a Woman is Not.
'Making Cents: Life Below the Bottom Rung' (tags)
A new series of oil paintings examining the daily existence of people making a living in the worst working conditions in the global economy.
Building community centers could be a way to learn from O Canada and break from the false religion of the market and profit. When the market and competition are made absolute, they become idols. CEOs are called job creators and workers "cost-factors."
The Truth About Cocaine (tags)
Cocaine is one of the most dangerous drugs known to man.
Why The U.S. Government Hates Venezuela (tags)
The propaganda wheels are turning fast. The barrage of anti-Venezuela misinformation that began while Bush was in office has intensified in recent months. Not a week goes by without the U.S. mainstream media running at least one story about the “dictatorial” Venezuelan government. Historically, the U.S. government’s foreign policy “coincidentally” matches the opinion of the media and vice versa.
VIDEO: Honduran Coup Resistance Grows (tags) is an incredible resource. Check out Nicaragua. The Unfinished Revolution.
Reviewing Marjorie Cohn and Kathleen Gilberd's "Rules of Disengagement" (tags)
Right of GIs to refuse to fight in illegal wars
We persuaded ourselves permanent economic growth was the answer to all questions. We should now engage in a growth debate about the nature of this growth, not whether we should renounce on economic growth. Increased GDP can mean destruction of foundations in long-term
The nine ways we create unconsciously (tags)
why on earth did I create this”? Sometimes it is phrased: “I can’t possibly be creating my reality because I never would have chosen this”. Everybody wonders about this. This article explains how we create.
Modern Slavery in America (tags)
Slavery thrives in America. Only its form has changed.
Save the life of Reginald Blanton (tags)
Petition to save the life of Reginald Blanton, sentenced to death in Texas due to racial prejudice
Learning to communicate effectively – an activist’s most powerful tool!
Civil Society - Fact or Fiction (tags)
Civil society is simultaneously a goal to aim for, a means to achieve it, and a framework for engaging with each other.
Steele: Why the RCP Can’t Lead a Revolution (tags)
I’ve been associated with the RCP, often closely, over a 25 year period, ending about two years ago. I helped work on the 9 Letters with Mike Ely. While the RCP public Orientation charges the 9 Letters with vague “distortions,” I can say, from my own experience, that the Letters’ description of the RCP’s line and analysis is carefully accurate.
Dislocations and Crises (tags)
Liberalization of the finance markets started a mechanism where the broad mass of the world's population lost. Only a few conglomerates and wealthy persons are winners.
Happiness and the Self-Growing Seed (tags)
My theme is long-term happiness, a happiness that remains despite blows of fate. Jesus describes God's new world or happiness as an interaction event. Happiness arises in our trust that what we do will find an echo.
Guns: The bloody US-Mexico market (tags)
With over 2,100 deaths between January and October 2007 related to drug trafficking and the use of weapons purchased in the US, Mexico pins its hopes on the future success of the Merida Initiative to combat drug and gun trafficking.
Karen Armstrong, the British theologian and author of numerous books on the great religions, has advanced the theory that fundamentalist religion is a response to and product of modern culture. A Catholic nun for seven years, she left her order while studying at Oxford University. She is one of the 18 leading group members of the Alliance of Civilizations, an initiative of the former UN General Secretary Kofi Annan, with the purpose of fighting extremism and furthering dialogue between the Western and Islamic worlds. Andrea Bistrich interviewed her for Share International.
Organized Stalking - Any Police Listening? (tags)
Organized stalking continues to be ignored by all justice systems
Homo Oeconomicus and Economic Theories (tags)
The neoclassical theory dominant today is different from the Keynesian theory that defined the decades after the 2nd World War. "Bad ideas flourish because theya re in the interest of powerful groups." (Paul Krugman)
Somebody's Watching You - Turning the camera back on the cops (tags)
yahoo news story on the case of Sherman Austin from and CopWatch LA
Somebody's Watching You - CopWatch LA and the case of Sherman Austin (tags)
New Book Argues L.A. Country Music Culture Not Always So Conservative (tags)
While country music and SoCal's "Okie culture" are often thought to have been forever aligned with racial and social conservatism, this has not always been so true according to author Peter La Chapelle in his new book, Proud to Be an Okie: Cultural Politics, Country Music, and Migration to Southern California.
Immigration Activists Nazis? Time for CNN to say: Adios Lou Dobbs
Talking With Kids About Violence (tags)
Raising a child is one of the most gratifying jobs you'll ever have and one of the toughest.
Chinese multinationals and globalization: insights on global business and politics (tags)
gain insights on China and globalization
For you, the Savior is born today. He comes first to you and the people living in the shadows. The healthy and successful often do not understand that the world needs him, that it needs God's love and mercy. They are often blinded by their efficiency and success
Patronizing Citgo Gas Stations (tags)
". . . I was cautious because I knew that Citgo stations in Southern California are often affiliated with 7-11, which recently terminated the affiliation due to Hugo Chavez’s 'controversial' remarks about George Bush, Jr. at the UN. " /". . . Citgo sells motor oil in competition with brands like Pennzoil."
Misandry in feminist literature (tags)
An often neglected and downplayed subject that popped up when I was looking at the Israeli Women sex trade issue
A much healthier way to sneak into the USA (tags)
Some Mexican migrants take to bicycling into U.S.
Molly Ivins: Pro-Israel 'Nutjobs' on the Attack (tags)
by Molly Ivins
African-Americans, Economic Well-Being, and Immigration (tags)
...while the concern for African-American well-being is well placed, the source of the problem is not always correctly located...
Let's call the Israel lobby THE ISRAEL LOBBY – by MOLLY IVINS (tags)
This is not about conspiracies or plots or fantasies or anti-Semitism -- it's about rational discussion of American interests. Alan Dershowitz, who seems to be easily upset, went totally ballistic...over the mild article ["The Israel Lobby"] by Mearsheimer and Walt, calling them "liars" and "bigots." And, in my case, being pro-Israel. I'm looking forward to hearing from all you [name-calling] *NUTJOBS* again.
Let's call the Israel lobby THE ISRAEL LOBBY – by MOLLY IVINS (tags)
This is not about conspiracies or plots or fantasies or anti-Semitism -- it's about rational discussion of American interests. Alan Dershowitz, who seems to be easily upset, went totally ballistic...over the mild article ["The Israel Lobby"] by Mearsheimer and Walt, calling them "liars" and "bigots." And, in my case, being pro-Israel. I'm looking forward to hearing from all you [name-calling] *NUTJOBS* again.
There are millions of refusals, millions of people who say or cry No everyday..Refusing to obey means breaking the rule of capital.. The utopian star of a different society exists for all of us but our ways of seeing this star and trying to reach it are different.
"THE FORGOTTEN RESISTANCE: THE MOSQUE OF PARIS" – See/Get this documentary! (tags)
The Father Bill O’Donnell Social Justice Committee is honored to host Dr. Annette Herskovits who will present this half-hour documentary by Derri Berkani and talk about her own harrowing experience as a child, barely escaping the Nazis because she was protected by _MUSLIMS_ in Occupied France during WWII. ARABS/MUSLIMS also protected European Jews in North Africa, most notably in Morocco.
Michelle Muldrow, Glenn Ossiander, Derek Buckner Exhibition (tags)
George Billis Gallery, L.A. will exhibit paintings by Michelle Muldrow, Glenn Ossiander and Derek Buckner, The exhibition will run from January 17 – February 25, 2006. A reception for the artists will be held at the gallery on Saturday, January 21 from 5 – 8 p.m.
On the Judicial Branch, continued
Dumpster Recovery in San Gabriel Mountains (tags)
The San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders dispatched a crack emergency Dumpster Recovery Team (DRT) last week end to recover a fallen dumpster.
Deficiencies of Our Current Federal System, continued
Is Normal Now A Mental Illness? (tags)
Is your child easily distracted? Or perhaps he talks excessively, or can become impatient?
Constitutional Democracy as a Defense against Centralized Power, continued
It is estimated that there may be 4 million feral cats in L.A. County alone. And the numbers are growing. A single female cat and her offspring can multiply to 420,000 cats in seven years, unless there is human intervention.
Capitalism Criticism: Inexorable Struggle for Survival (tags)
"The civilized foundation of cooperative human life is furtively undermined by the capitalist form of organizing society.. Rational objectives often capsize into social irrationa-lity.. Unemployment is a form of violence.."
Transformation and Rebirth (tags)
We are in a wonderful time of change.
Stornfront Coming to BP? (tags)
The message below was taken from a StormFront message board thread.
Zionist/Likudist Unholy "Jihad" Declared against Ray Dequenne/Duquesne (tags)
Gang Stalked/Terrorized by Likudists/Zionists in Pittsburgh Region Activist, Lecturer, Actor, Filmmaker Ray Duquesne is being criminally targetted and threatened with harm by fanatic, terrorist Likudists and Zionists on the West and East Coast. The police and FBI refuse to help, and have been documented to be involved in the harassment and terror campaign. Fire, ambulence and other city worker recruited as well "to send the message" and silence Ray.
The Subject of National Security, continued
Black Helicopters and the GOP (tags)
For years, people on the extreme right have warned of a takeover of America by the black helicopter army of the UN. Well, there is the danger of a fascist America, but, surprisingly, it is being ushered in by the right, not the left. -------------------
Remembering Rachel, Recognizing Oppression (tags)
SUMMARY:The West Coastrecently hosted a visit by Amy Goodman, spurring some debate but widespread admiration. On Wednesday March 16, Democracy now spotlights the Corrie killing, also hotly debated in these parts. Stein asks if we recognize "sowing of bitterness, suspicion and intolerance as crimes in themselves".
United States government, 2005: If it walks like a goose… (Part II) (tags)
Part I ( compared Bush administration actions to the first seven of fourteen “basic characteristics” Laurence W. Britt claims (in his article “Fascism Anyone?”) typify fascistic regimes. Here’s a similar look at the list’s back end:
Transgenders Lack Access to Proper Health Care (tags)
Transgenders discuss how the health care system falls short of their needs.
Recent Transgender Crime Cases Spark Outrage (tags)
Transgender crime is among the most violent. Bias toward transgenders continue with the way the crimes are reported.
Many people in the KPFA listener community in the San Francisco Bay Area have asked me, Joseph Anderson, for a copy of my UC Berkeley "Daily Californian" newspaper guest column on Pacifica Radio's KPFA character Larry Bensky. At the time of its original publication, I knew nothing about Bensky other than how he came across on the air. I guess it is time for a confirming retrospective. Bensky hasn't changed a bit. This was written during the Pacifica Radio crisis of 1999, when Bensky was fired (thanks to *me*, now it can be told!). I immediately notified and talked to Mary Berry, then, about his insubordination and symbolically offered to let her have Bensky in exchange for Pacifica Radio back. But, it was still nice to have someone Black shut *Bensky* up!
Christianity -- The Downfall Of America (tags)
In your face now...
Smash Cuban Totalitarianism (tags)
Free Cuba!
Anarchists, especially within American society, are often confronted with the argument that human society has always been hierarchical and, therefore, hierarchy in human society exists by nature. Put more succinctly, there is a natural law governing the organization of humankind such that any and all manifested societies will be hierarchical. This paper will address that argument.
Normalcy: The Most Common Mental Illness (tags)
Just what is mental illness?
No Human Being is Illegal
The Heart is the Horizon. (tags)
THe Heart.
The Heart is the Horizon. (tags)
THe Heart.
10 things all Americans should do (tags)
Rules to live by.
The way leading right wing operatives often conduct their personal lives is also emblematic of the emptiness of the conservative agenda. And this week, their tiresome values charade once again has been shattered.
A Question of Safety, 'The Ugly Mug Prom' July 17th, Santa Cruz California (tags)
queer bashing police neglect and the right to safety
The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd (tags)
Are Iraq veterans going to be treated the way Vietnam veterans were?
Reform of L..A. County Jails is Needed (tags)
Jail task force urges jail reform and preparation for former inmates to be released into society.
Gangs of LA - The New Mafia (tags)
A recent ABC News special report had me wondering what country I’m living in. When I heard the opening remarks: “Homicides have risen dramatically as street gangs continue to terrorize the public,” and “People are refusing to leave their homes for fear of attack by roving gangs,” I had to listen closely for the location referred to because I expected it to be a report from Iraq, Latin America, or Afghanistan.
Drawing Resistance-A traveling Political Art Show (tags)
Drawing Resistance is a show of two-dimensional artwork by 31 artist/activists from North America.
It's always satisfying to have a pet theory supported by new data. A large and authoritative study, just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, confirms a favorite hypothesis of mine, that there is more mental illness and insanity, far more, in America than you find in other advanced societies.
Drawing Resistance: Political Art Show (tags)
"Tijuanna No!" by Winston Smith. Giclee print of original collage printed on Premium Luster Paper. Original collage is 14" x 48" Smith is one of the artists included in the show.
A short peice in response to the recent beheading of Nick Berg.
"Self-defense" is a right and a responsibility (tags)
“Freedom” is only a concern of the living! Feel free to contact Jacksonville ABC ( or myself ( for more info.
"Can a simple mind like Bush distinguish between terrorism and other religions?.. How much tolerance can anyone completely convinced of the uniqueness of his God show other gods and their followers?.."
Random thoughts on the passing scene (tags)
If Bush has the keys to a nuclear fission bomb please tell him to bomb me next. I hereby promise to the Al Qaeda network to bring him to justice or die trying. The Bush family kidnapped this country a long time ago and every one is too stupid or scared to notice.
Urban guerilla gardening and soil remediation (tags)
Guerilla gardening makes use of urban wasteland for growing non-GE/GMO/spray vegetables. Soil remediation is often needed if there are toxins present in the soil.
Great Anarchist Noam Chomsky backs Bush-lite Kerry (tags)
Could he now be the WORLDS MOST DUMBEST MAN ?
A Legacy of Struggle: The Importance of Knowledge (tags)
The importance of a knowledge of history to understanding the present and to develop an appreciation for the sacrifices and accomplishments of the progressive people who preceded us.
My boyfriend and I have a running joke.......
A Woman Born a Muslim Describes The Situation In the Middle East
Cracking the Media Walls (tags)
A key advantage held by the Right is a "mass-media echo chamber," from which stories are spun via outlets like the Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the Weekly Standard and Fox News. Progressives have nothing comparable at the national level.
Why offshore IT outsourcing can't be stopped (tags)
American programmers and other IT people were outstandingly unsympathetic when factory workers' jobs started going overseas, so the Libertarian techie "dog eat dog" creed requires them to be happy whenever the marketplace finds a way to pay IT workers less and increase business owners' profits.
GOP = Goldwater's Old Party? (tags)
Antiwar libertarian bloggers and Internet columnists often link to left-of-center websites like Indymedia, Common Dreams, and CounterPunch while others consider voting for Democratic candidate Howard Dean.
A Plea for Systemic Strategies (tags)
If we are to defeat the systems of oppression, we must in fact combat the very systems themselves.
House meeting on Marijuana produces eloquent speech from both parties, and more stupid Republican scare tactics than one can stand.
LA IndyMedia's own stalker: KOBE SBM (tags)
Keep in mind that many masterful stalkers and harassers will attempt to justify their actions with persecutory and/or grandiose delusions. They are often masterful manipulators who will cry loudly and profusely of their victimization.
The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 34 (tags)
CLASS STRUCTURE. Because of a brainwashing system of higher and lower education, most ordinary Americans, unlike Europeans, are almost completely blank when it comes to understanding CLASS.
A proposed new policy to put knowledge in the hands of communities and improve Los Angeles’ economic development process.
L.A. Anarchist banned from flight (tags)
L.A. Anarchist Gary Rumor was banned from flying to the Bay Area to attend the Anarchist Book Fair and Conference.
Gallup Poll:Plurality of Americans Say DP Not Imposed Frequently Enough (tags)
Plurality of Americans Believe Death Penalty Not Imposed Often Enough Basic support for death penalty at 70%
Surprise! The major source of funding for the left is the 1% of richest Americans. They give more to the Democrats than to the Republicans.
12 Ways the Media Misreport Violence (tags)
Norwegian peace studies professor Johann Galtung identifies 12 points of concern where journalism often goes wrong when dealing with violence. Each implciitly suggests more explciit remedies. From Indymedia NL, April 14, 2002
The Racist Irony of Zionism (tags)
Zionists who accuse others--the opponents of the racist ideology of Zionism--of being anti-Semitic are truly being ironic.
Educational Indocrination (tags)
This organization is dedicated to fighting political and social bias and indocrination in universities.
Liberal L.A. Civil Servants Beware! (tags)
Psychological operations and disability are the tools used for decades to remove effective liberal workers and whistleblowers.
checknya's savage war comes home to moscow (tags)
by eric margolis
Direct Democracy and the Global Justice Movement (tags)
People often ask what the so-called "anti-globalization" movement is actually for. The usual response is that we're for a lot of things, ranging from ecological sustainability to racial equality; but if there's one theme at the very center of the movement, which really sets it apart from social movements that have come before, it's its dedication to direct democracy.
Religion and Revolution (tags)
Issues surrounding religion have generated much debate on -- in the discussion over the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA. Here are some excerpts from some of the themes under discussion: the role of religion in holding back liberation, how to criticize religion without seeming to attack the believers themselves, and whether some forms of religion can play a positive role in the revolution and in socialism.
Anarchism and the Labor Movement (tags)
The differences between Labor and anrachists need to be understood in order for any successful revolution is to take place
Conspiracy Theories and Clandestine Politics (tags)
A useful analysis of distinctions which should be maintained between "conspiracy theory" (a pathological orientation) and "clandestine [or "deep"] politics". From Lobster #29, June 1995.
The Shortwave Report 3/15/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)
A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Russia, China, Germany, Cuba.
Letter on Runaway Production (tags)
In the buildup to a large runaway production rally at the Hollywood Bowl- Sunday December 2nd at 1pm
How to report "violence". (tags)
Reporting violent acts Undercurrents has attended meetings over the last few years on how to report conflicts. Danny from sums it up well here-
Chattanooga 3 ReceiveShort Sentences While30 SupportersProtest.89.3 Airs NewsATL (tags)
3 Members of Black Autonomy COPWATCH, received 30, 60 days, community service and court costs instead of 6 months to 18 months in jail. This is an outrage and listeners of WRFG 89.3 FM heard details from the reasearch of Paul Hays and the Messenger: A publication finacialy aided by The AFL-CIO, UNITE and Atlanta Labor Solidarity Network especially. The interview on Radio Free Georgia was on Nightwatchandwas10minutes ThankIfini
Senegalese Government One of First to Ban Female Genital Mutilation (tags)
The practice of cutting off young girls private genital areas is not restricted only to Africa. However, it has the most sufferers and deaths there. Please take 5 minutes to read this.