fix articles 27783, leo strauss
U.S. Government Playing Yahweh With Gulag Gitmo: (tags)
Many Americans, of Christian ancestry, were taught their (supposedly their) Judeo-Christian “God” (Anglo-Saxon term for Yahweh) knows all because he sees all. Yet if we put these powers into political terms and context—then these capacities are not much different from the current National Security Administration’s “Operation Prism” that has vast potential to know all about Americans and apparently the entire world of personal communications, as recently revealed by Glen Greenwald’s stories in British daily The Guardian. Thus we learn our Leviathan State can know everything and anything about anyone. By analyzing religion through a lens of political philosophy we can see the psychology of Judeo-Christian Yahweh’s exclusivity to power, as in “he” (anthropomorphized) holds all the cards, is thus the exemplar religious model for a political state of Monarchy (and privileges to a more or less self-select court elite).
The Demonization of Dissent in the United States (tags)
On Oct. 3rd, 2012 Wired.Com’s (or Wired Magazine’s) Danger Room came out with Spencer Ackerman’s story of a leaked although unclassified U.S. Army “chart” that lists indicators and behaviors for identifying people who are supposedly becoming radicalized to terrorist potential. But what is so startling about this Army’s presumptively rational analysis (more like propagandic analysis) is its broad categorization of symptoms for identifying those thought alienated enough to become potential terrorist material.
Why Zionism Will Loose the PR War (tags)
Even as Judeo-Christianity engages a new series of crusades on Islamism, in which case the intermediate outcomes could be very devastating for the world at large, still in the long run Abrahamic Religions, that is Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism, that is, their authoritarian ego psychology will little matter.
Holocaust Museum For Persecuted Heretics? (tags)
Verily, if the origin of the word ‘holocaust’ meant ‘whole’ + ‘burning’ then surely the history of the persecution and killing of pagans and various heretical sects would qualify to this nomenclature? After all, how many supposed witches, were tortured and/or burned over the centuries? How many believers in the ‘wrong’ religions or denominations, according to those fanatics who thought themselves within ‘thee’ singularly right religion, were persecuted and murdered? We don’t know any kind of exact number but it is a frightening reality to behold nevertheless.
Holocaust Museum For Persecuted Heretics? (tags)
Still it is time for crisis-plagued modernity to look beyond last century’s WWII and Hitler’s propaganda and deeds, and even to the persecution of Jews in general over the centuries, to a ‘larger’ picture of religious persecution, and to especially contemplate an underlying psychology behind it all—that mankind might gain a more balanced interpretation of religion’s politics—because religions have been ‘especially’ political—as they still are today in our own time—and as they were from time immemorial—as we will ‘only’ begin to explore.
Anatomy of Conspiracy Theory By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
In fact, some of the best cloaking devices for clandestine covert-operations and hidden agendas have been invented by the most brilliant minds – here is one exposition for instance from Ezra Pound: “invent two lies and have the public keep arguing which one of them might be true”. Another is by Leo Strauss – the erudite teacher of the majority of the neo-cons – called “Noble Lies”. A third by the White House, often referred to as “plausible deniability”. Lastly, we also have the “limited hangout” and “modified limited hangout” conspiracies to mislead the public in case “plausible deniability” for governmental wrong-doing doesn't work. But wait, we also have “beneficial cognitive diversity” through “cognitive infiltration” - previously known as COINTELPRO and undercover operations - thanks to the academic regurgitation of Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, now President Obama's Chief Information Officer.
When Authors Are Authoritative (tags)
It is not mere coincidence the word authority takes command from the word author, or a group of authors acting as a united force. Both words are coequal and stem from the idea that some form of egotistic persuasion has come to dominate or rule. This authoritarian reality is true irrespective of whether people put their faith in law, religion, articulated ideology, or any other form of persuasive power. Yet there is little doubt that the most effective form of authority, if believed, is that which speaks fore an endgame result of lasting spiritual finality—namely those clerics, that is how their personalities, claim to speak for an ultimate power of religion, and the ego-will of God, Yahweh or Allah. What mere mortal can stand up to what Hobbes has described as the Leviathan or the iron-fisted state?
Inglorious Bastards Film Promotes Terrorism and Torture (tags)
Why was the “psychology” of this movie not more considered in reviews? Yes one can quickly retort that it was “just” a movie, and besides artists have poetic license to be free with their work? Well maybe so, but Mr. Quentin Tarantino addresses a serious subject at a curiously serious time, and therefore he invites serious criticism that he and his critics should get—not a Hollywood club giving wide birth if it was meant to promote more guilt or whatever the U.S. film/ review industry silently accedes as OK—that is a film industry that has become part and parcel of a world not unlike that of Joseph Goebbels.
Inglorious Bastards Film Promotes Terrorism and Torture (tags)
Why was the “psychology” of this movie not more considered in reviews? Yes one can quickly retort that it was “just” a movie, and besides artists have poetic license to be free with their work? Well maybe so, but Mr. Quentin Tarantino addresses a serious subject at a curiously serious time, and therefore he invites serious criticism that he and his critics should get—not a Hollywood club giving wide birth if it was meant to promote more guilt or whatever the U.S. film/ review industry silently accedes as OK—that is a film industry that has become part and parcel of a world not unlike that of Joseph Goebbels.
Inglorious Bastards Film Promotes Terrorism and Torture (tags)
Why was the “psychology” of this movie not more considered in reviews? Yes one can quickly retort that it was “just” a movie, and besides artists have poetic license to be free with their work? Well maybe so, but Mr. Quentin Tarantino addresses a serious subject at a curiously serious time, and therefore he invites serious criticism that he and his critics should get—not a Hollywood club giving wide birth if it was meant to promote more guilt or whatever the U.S. film/ review industry silently accedes as OK—that is a film industry that has become part and parcel of a world not unlike that of Joseph Goebbels.
Hatemongering in America—the Post-Carter Dilemma Versus Conservative Opposition (tags)
The venom and vile the spews forth from America’s body politic is endemic of a people infected with fear and prejudice; but this learned hatred of a democratic agenda is not one based primarily on racism—yet hostility and resentment is very much its spirit. Rather this anima of animosity is one that seeks scapegoats for any instability felt or imagined of America’s middle and lower class realities, and all presumptions of a relatively naïve and misinformed society.
Zionism Is America’s Existential Threat: (tags)
We The People of the United States need a new “Declaration of Independence from Religious Oppression” in all its forms and insinuations. Zionism is based on the “delusion” that some “questionable” psychological character who once posed mythically as a high-god deity “gave,” or ordained, the Israel tribal lineage of people to the territory in Canaan at a particular historical point. We are supposed to be “past” the turbulent and insane ages of divine right for kings and it is equally time to recognize that we are also concomitantly past a time for divine right for nations.
The Dark Night or NeoCon Artist: (tags)
One wonders why so many in the media and film industry are in such frenzy over Christopher Nolan’s film “The Dark Night”? Granted the movie is good, and in some ways great, but still the plot is really no more ingenious that what passes for standard fare on Law and Order. So why is it that the Powers-that-Be is such a tizzy? No doubt a fair share has to do with it portending to hold a mirror up to post-9/11 society—with a major theme of how terror can corrupt those that fear and fight terrorism.
The Dark Night or NeoCon Artist: (tags)
One wonders why so many in the media and film industry are in such frenzy over Christopher Nolan’s film “The Dark Night”? Granted the movie is good, and in some ways great, but still the plot is really no more ingenious that what passes for standard fare on Law and Order. So why is it that the Powers-that-Be is such a tizzy? No doubt a fair share has to do with it portending to hold a mirror up to post-9/11 society—with a major theme of how terror can corrupt those that fear and fight terrorism.
Assassinations, Wars and Meltdowns: Who Benefits? (tags)
America has been subjected to the some severe shock therapy over the years. JFK, MLK, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were all murdered! Then, there was the Vietnam War (1963-75); the “Watergate” scandal; and the horrors of the 9/11 tragedy; followed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The latest hit is the Wall Street bailout, to wit: the economic and fiscal meltdowns. They all spell out the sharp decline of America. Is it by accident or by plan?
Neocon-o- m: A Real Threat to America (tags)
Contemplate a connection between Leo Strauss, the NeoCons, and m in general—to see if there are any connections—especially since it has been the NeoCons’ strategy to consistently use their racist term “Islamo m” and to argue Arabs and Muslims are America’s boogeymen. The manipulation of American xenophobia and ignorance of foreigners are the anthropological realities of what has happened here in the United States via the propaganda machines run by the powers-that-be and pro-lobbyists (see Daniel Lazare’s “Lobbying Degree Zero” in The Nation Oct. 22, 2007).
Bush and Cheney in Hell for 935 Lies - A Satire (tags)
Thanks to the great Dante, we know there is a Hell. President George W. Bush, Jr. is headed there, along with Dick Cheney, for the “935” lies, which they concocted that got the country into the Iraq War. Many politicos, who ignored the “935” lies, and also voted to fund the war, like Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Mikulski, will be suffering, too, in the inferno. The cunning Neocons are set for a “Special Place,” and the implosion of WTC-7 becomes an issue.
Anthrax Coverup: A Government Insider Speaks Out (tags)
Francis A. Boyle, a law expert who worked as a bioweapons advisor in the 1980s, has said that he is convinced the October 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated by criminal elements of the U.S. government. The motive: to foment a police state.
Top 8 Reason for Iraq Invasion (tags)
It’s spring of 2007, four years deep into Iraq occupation .Here’s a mature top 8 reasons that combined to trigger and perpetuate this invasion/occupation what used to be the sovereign nation of Iraq.
Struass was fond of praising British imperialism and Caesarism for their "prudence and moderation." Aggressive, dictatorial, militaristic nationalism is Straussian principle #2. Struassian Principle #3 is aggressive lying and #4 is fake religiosity.
Welcome to 2007, the year of plain sight and little doubt! The criminal incompetence of the Bush regime is impossible to hide, thanks in part to a highly successful American son, Bill Gates – and everyone thought that Bin Laden posed the greatest threat to the American way of life! It was Bill Gates, the world’s most successful capitalist, who, a decade ago, accelerated the development of the “information super highway”. His superbly streamlined and devastatingly efficient marketing machine facilitated the age of open communication that many take for granted today.
Is it time for Bush to press the panic button (tags)
Bill Oreilly >> The Bush Haters Are Hurting America...,2933,212499,00.html TIME >> Why The 9/11 Conspiracies Won't Go Away.,9171,1531304,00.html
the Excuse of all who oppose us (tags)
Shifting Values and the New Barbarism (tags)
The attention of the world has once again been drawn to the Middle East, to a group of waring tribes. Today however, we witness a ‘new’ warfare, a type promoted by the Zionists Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. This new warfare is a composite ‘solution’, an amalgam of the permanent revolution/war doctrine of Lev Bronstein (Trotsky); the tactics of Henry Kissinger (carpet bomber of three million innocent Indo-Chinese civilians) and Leo Strauss, whose exclusivist/elitist philosophy lies behind the events of 9/11, the anthrax letters and the rise of ‘terrorism’ – the new public enemy designed to replace the defunct bogeyman of communism!
This is an announcement and an essay which goes into detail about the Battlecry Youth gatherings. G.W. Bush is part of this maniacal cult that promotes wars against Muslim countries, with young "christian soldiers" doing the fighting, laws that take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies, and other anti-sexual and homophobic ideas...
No Nuclear Attack on Iran! (tags)
Wars are waged against people and not for social justice..There are more than two alter-natives: friend or enemy, victim or murderer.. All member states are obliged to a strict pro-hibition of force.
Paul Wolfowitz’s Heart of Darkness (tags)
Now, War Hawks within the Bush-Cheney Gang are planning a First-Strike against Iran. It may come just before the Nov. midterm elections. The Neocon Paul Wolfowitz concocted the notion of a Pre-emptive War. His target, in 2003, was Iraq. Every time I hear Wolfowitz’s name mentioned, I curse him for all the deaths and suffering that his scheme has caused to the peoples of that unfortunate country, our brave troops and to our dwindling treasury.
Cognitive Dissonance and the New Amerikan Reich (tags)
Is mass cognitive dissonance leading to the creation of a prison planet ruled by barbarians the like of which this world has never known before?
Alito Confirmation: A Straussian Neocon Fait Accompli (tags)
if I was a betting man, I'd say this is precisely what will happen: another nine eleven, possibly one of a larger magnitude, will put the finishing touches on the murder of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
El Poder de las Pesadillas (tags)
Análisis en profundidad del documental de la BBC "El Poder de las Pesadillas", centrado en la base ideológica y desarrollo histórico de la "Guerra Contra el Terror" desde la perspectiva neo-conservadora estadounidense proveniente de Leo Strauss, y la islámica de Sayed Kotb y Zawahiri.
The Strauss Factor and the War Without End (tags)
Using the neo-con takeover as a successful blueprint, we can build another kind of victory, not the war without end but the end of war - a victory for the people and the Earth.
Hitler & Bush -- Birds Of A Feather (tags)
The witch-hunts.
A Bush/Rove plan to OUTLAW homosexuality (& dissent)? (tags)
In the wake of an election riddled with irregularities, before most states have certified their election results, with recounts being called for in several states, and long before the Electoral College has cast the only deciding "vote" for President, the Bush Gang is reportedly cooking up plans to continue marching toward religious dictatorship while shredding what's left of the Constitution. Read up, spread the word--and PLEASE DONATE NOW to the recount effort!
the making of the terror myth (tags)
does al-qaeda exist a more than a dark political fantasy?
Leo Strauss Has A Plan For Your Life (tags)
Between the Straussians, the Christian Reconstructionists and that old Ruling Class - ever wonder just who IS pulling the strings?
George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind (tags)
There are numerous connections between the Bush family and the Nazis. Moreover, the philosophy of the neocons within the Bush administration has already been connected with fascism. However, no article has attempted to present an overview of the fascist connections within the Bush administration.
Saul Alinsky told us there'd be days like this. (tags)
Government-approved and -directed marches will always end in some shameful pen.
MOVE: A Radical Fraud
Cheney's JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hawks 'Hijacking Policy' (tags)
Cheney's JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hawks 'Hijacking Policy'
Irving Kristol (Bill’s Pappy), sometimes called the Godfather of neo-conservatism, once wrote: “There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people. There are truths appropriate for children; truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults, and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn’t work.”
Universal fascism, freedom betrayed: What is Mr. Bush doing in your name? (tags)
In every age...the ultimate sources of war are the beliefs of those in power: their idea about what is of most fundamental importance and may therefore ultimately be worth a war. -- Evan Luard,
Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel) (tags)
Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel)
Schwarzenegger supports Gun control, abortion, and gay adoption, so why not..........
Ron Paul's War with Socialists, Neo-Cons, and the U.N. (tags)
How trustworthy are "allies" who wish to remedy 9/11 by getting "the U.S. out of the U.N.!" -- permanently alienating us from the rest of the world and humanity's struggle against poverty, disease, and ignorance.
A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess (tags)
In the early-1990s, there was a group of ideologues and power-politicians on the fringe of the Republican Party's far-right. The members of this group in 1997 would found The Project for the New American Century (PNAC); their aim was to prepare for the day when the Republicans regained control of the White House -- and, it was hoped, the other two branches of government as well -- so that their vision of how the U.S. should move in the world would be in place and ready to go, straight off-the-shelf into official policy.
Bush unchallenged by media (tags)
"But Bush's fighter-plane landing on the deck of a U.S. battleship earlier this month, and his emergence from the cockpit in combat gear and mussed-up hair, was even more stage-managed (right down to the soft-tone sunset lighting and the "Mission Accomplished" backdrop sign perfectly angled for TV viewers). As for laughable, it's hard to outdo Bush — who went AWOL from the National Guard during the Vietnam War..."
Liberals vs. Conservatives? It's the Corruption, Stupid (tags)
" about contrasting our noble beginnings to where we stand today? Thomas Jefferson's vision for our nation is imbued with John Locke's interpretation of government of, by and for the people. "Great mistakes in the ruling part, will be borne by the people without mutiny or murmur," Locke wrote. "But if a long train of abuses. . . . all tending the same way, make the design visible to the people . . . it is not to be wondered that they should then rouse themselves, and endeavorto put the rule into such hands which may secure to them the end for which government was at first erected."
Richard Perle, one of the most outspoken war party figures in and around the Bush Administration, has been caught in a $100-million attempted blackmail ``sheik-down'' of the Saudis, which could land him in jail.