fix articles 27782, ron smith
Interview with Underwear Bomber Witness Hidden? (tags)
Flt. 253-Interview with Underwear Bomber Witness Hidden? Why? This is an important facet of the latest propaganda push to have a war in Yemen. Why was this hidden?
Small business interests attack Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)
“What we have here is something that is nothing more than grandstanding and symbolism and it is symbolically scaring people,” said Blank. “What we need is a national immigration policy. We don't need a cowboy sitting in the mayor's seat in Costa Mesa saying, 'I'm going to round them all up and send them away.'”
Report, photos of Costa Mesa city council protest (tags)
As people of various views and backgrounds protest the mayor of Costa Mesa, people from SOS(Save Our State), Gilchrist, and Minuteman people show support.
UGSOA is Losing Members by The Hundreds - 387 in Less Then 2 Months (tags)
What's going on at UGSOA ? It seems President Jim Vissar is once again trying to deceive the members into thinking that the UGSOA International union is financially sound, when it reported Total Net Assets of Just $56,969 dollars or .17 cents per member. This Financially Broke Storefront Union is in Serious Trouble.
UGSOA Members Vote to Stop the Payment of Dues to UGSOA (tags)
UGSOA are Fighting Back Against UGSOA
For English, please press '1' (tags)
Announcing 37 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism (tags)
From July 30th to August 8th, 2004, the Narco News J-School Comes to Cochabamba and the Coca-Growing Chapare Region of Bolivia...
Irving Kristol (Bill’s Pappy), sometimes called the Godfather of neo-conservatism, once wrote: “There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people. There are truths appropriate for children; truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults, and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn’t work.”