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Los Angeles Artist Threatens 40 Million Dollar Law Suit for Public Storage Illegal Auction (tags)
Another illegal auction by Public Storage is sparking yet another law suit. This time for 40 million dollars against Ronald L. Havner's already legally embattled company, Public Storage. Public Storage is currently being sued all over the country for... "Bait and Switch", "False Advertising", Fraudulent Conversion" Wrongful Auctions" and more...
The RIAA Wants to Sue Your Kids (tags)
The RIAA first tried to sue a mother over allegedly illegal file sharing. When that didn't work, they went after her teenage daughter.
73 Percent of Americans Agree: Cheney Related to Devil or Something Else Really Icky (tags)
Q.: What's more scary than the prospect of Bush in the White House for four more years? A.: Having Dick Cheney, the puppet monster, right behind him. For more details about why the most frightening being in American political history insists on hanging around and giving us the willies, read on. (But don’t forget to look under your bed first.)