fix articles 27682, hibakusha
Humanity cannot survive a nuclear war (tags)
In the face of the threat of nuclear war, I echo the appeals of the UN Secretary General, Pope Francis, and world leaders like President Lula: De-escalation, diplomatic intervention, and an end to this brutal war. The longer the fighting continues, the more lives are lost, the more our fragile climate is destroyed, and the greater the threat of total annihilation becomes for all of us.
PRESS RELEASE: Atomic Bomb Survovors from Hiroshima, Japan Speak to UC Regents (tags)
Two survivors of the US atomic bombing from Hiroshima, Japan spoke yesterday to the University of California Board of Regents, who manage the nations two premiere nuclear weapons laboratories at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore. The survivors, known in Japanese as hibakusha, spoke at the UC Irvine campus during the Regent’s meeting public comment period to speak of their experiences surviving the atomic bomb, and of their friends and family members who did not survive the attack, with the officials in charge of the institution which created that bomb, and to implore the Regents to end management of the nuclear weapons labs, which continue to create new nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons and humans cannot coexist: A Japanese survivor speaks out (tags)
When 60 years ago the United States became the first (and since then the only) country to use atomic weapons by dropping them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Those at the hypercenter, or ground zero, were the “lucky” ones — they were instantly vaporized. Others died, but not instantly, living their last moments in pain and misery. Their flesh melting off, many perished while looking for water to ease their suffering.
Activists Join Academics in Opposing Enola Gay Exhibit (tags)
DC activists are teaming up with prominent academics to oppose the Smithsonian's plans to exhibit the B-29 Enola Gay without referencing the human suffering caused by the atomic bomb this plane dropped on Hiroshima.
NAGASAKI NIGHTMARE - Paintings by Atom Bomb Survivors (tags)
August 2003 marks the 58th Anniversary of the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those who survived the blasts became known as hibakusha (Atom Bomb Survivors). Many hibakusha have created Paintings and Drawings based on their experiences that vividly illustrate the horrors of Atomic fire.
NAGASAKI - Carbohnized Child (tags)
Photo from Nagasaki... the day after. A carbohnized Child lies in the pulverized ruins.
NAGASAKI - Human Shadow (tags)
Photo from Nagasaki... the day after. Someone's shadow is burned into granite.
Photo from Nagasaki... the day after. A young Woman searches for her relatives in the Nuclear Wasteland.
A major online exhibition of Art by Atom Bomb Survivors
The People of Hiroshima have a message for the world... NEVER AGAIN WAR!
Thousands protest in Japan against Nuclear Weapons!