fix articles 276669, ed hernandez
Furious Homeowners Occupy Lobby of Fannie Mae in Pasadena (tags)
Members of the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), Occupy Fights Foreclosures (OFF), Occupy Los Angeles (#OccupyLA), the Home Defenders League (HDL), and Strategic Action for a Just Economy rallied at Fannie Mae in Pasadena, CA to demand that the Federal Housing Finance Agency end its policies prohibiting principal reduction for underwater homeowners.
California governor vetoes bills tied to individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act (tags)
California is proceeding with caution in fulfilling the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Gov. Jerry BrownJerry Brown vetoed Assembly bills 961 and 1461 last week to prevent unintended consequences of how the ACA could be changed depending on who will be in the White House after November.