fix articles 276313, richard pirodsky
KPFK and Pacifica are runniing aground...more, again.... (tags)
KPFK and Pacifica are in a dangerous places, again. Careful. Here is a summary below reposted from the original writer's site. Visit there for more news stories also. And comment there as well.
The Pacifica Radio Network and "local control" (tags)
SaveKPFA are the majority caucus on the elected KPFA Local Station Board (LSB). Their delegates to the Pacifica National Board (PNB) are also in the majority there. "Local control" has always been a main plank of their platform, but in February, the PNB cast a vote that seemed to institutionalize the exact opposite.
Don't Nix the Mix – a show at KPFA (tags)
The MORNING MIX -- community radio by local show hosts at KPFA in Berkeley
Producers/Community Oppose Cancellation of MM (tags)
A small uprising took place to prevent the cancellation of KPFA morning mix local community programming and it's replacement by the KPFK show "Uprising" By Sonali Kolhatkar. A show was held at KPFA with all the producers and voices from the community about the replacement and marginalization of the locally produced programming from drive time to other times.
An Open Letter To Sonali Kolhatkar, Host Of Uprising On KPFK (tags)
Pacifica management and KPFK and KPFA's manager Richard Pirodsky has enlisted KPFK host Sonali Kolhtatkar to support the cancellation of the Morning MIx locally produced community radio shows on KPFA so she can have a drive time slot. This has brought a torrent of anger of listeners and supporters of KPFA in Norther California and many are calling on Kolhatkar to abandon her plans to support the removal of KPFA local community programming on prime time. The newly appointed executive director Bernard Duncan was brought in by Pacifica Board Chair Margy Wilkinson despite the fact that he was discharged from KPFK for financial malfeasance. This was also supported by Dan Siegel and his law firm which is backing the cancellation of local community programming.
Updating chaotic crumblings at Pacifica - affects KPFK too. (tags)
Events continue in the higher levels of a mixed-up Pacifica Fdtn with who is in charge and who is not and who has authority and who claims what. With most in Los Angeles not extending to keep up with details as others derail and destroy what was before a ‘radical’ variety of programming at KPFK, along with it’s sponsors, here are reposted excerpts to both advise, inform, and urge activism in any form an Indy reader will dare to help the mess from spilling over and out into KPFK and so into our lives here. Fuller information is available at the links provided here. Note that excerpts are for *Relevant Clarification * and those that may be pertinent how KPFK in LA is affected by what else is currently being disputed, declared and not questioned. The many detracting claims and counterclaims affect the operations and functionings of Pacifica Fdtn and it’s 5 stations, More specific detailed info can be read in the entire articles/ reports written by Tracy Rosenberg at the links included at facebook: “United for Community Radio KPFA “. Though the stories appear to emphasize the sibling station in Berkeley KPFA, the results affect our Local KPFK radio station 90.7 FM in LA equally, even when our station's ID is ignored in their stories. It was our own KPFK prior GM who was laddered Up into Pacifica's interim Exe Director position, but by Berkeley's group and it was not even discussed at the local KPFK LSB in April. Why ?