fix articles 27623, mexican american legal defense
Marshall Tuck’s racist dog whistle (tags)
Marshall Tuck's campaign reproached by the NAACP for its racism and anti-blackness.
Marshall Tuck’s ethnocentrism contradicts Californian values (tags)
Marshall Tuck failed students in many ways, but none greater than his shuttering of programs key to their cultural identities.
After 11 days of testimony, trial ended this week in a landmark lawsuit filed by MALDEF alleging that Kern County unlawfully denies Latinos the right to elect candidates of their choice, in violation of Section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act. It was the first federal voting rights case in California in more than a decade.
Nation Awaits Federal Court Of Appeals Decision On Hazleton Anti-Immigrant Law (tags)
Nation Waits For Appellate Court Decision
U.S. Supreme Court Rules That Constitutional Rights Extend To Detainees At Guantanamo (tags)
Ruling inadvertently extends Constitutional rights to Illegal aliens considered foreigners
The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism (tags)
The National Lawyers Guild and several legal and human rights organizations have called on the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture to launch a formal investigation of the United States government’s continuing violation of human rights of five political prisoners known as the Cuban Five.
Class Action Lawsuit Filed For May Day Rally (tags)
The National Lawyers Guild, along with attorneys from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), filed a class action lawsuit in federal court in Los Angeles yesterday on behalf of the community groups who organized a May Day immigrants rights rally at MacArthur Park in the city’s heavily Latino immigrant community.
L.A. Area Organizations Issue Declaration For Human Rights For Immigrants (tags)
Los Angeles, CA…..December 13, 2006 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) led a coalition of 18 human rights, defense and religious organizations that have signed the "Declaration of Los Angeles," approved by the Los Angeles City Council today.
National Latino Congreso Delegates put Councilperson Jan Perry on Notice (tags)
Delegates unanimously endorsed a resolution specifically calling for the City of Los Angeles, City Attorney, Councilperson Perry, Mr. Horowitz to 1) drop all charges against the non-violent civil resisters; 2) for Councilperson Perry to cease her political black mail of Mr. Horowitz, and 3) that all parties should come to the table and negotiate “in good faith” to restore the South Central Farm to the South Central Farmers and the community.
National Latino Congreso Endorses Public Campaign Financing (tags)
The National Latino Congreso is meeting in Los Angeles for the comprehensive Latino political gathering since 1977. Today, delegates unanimously endorsed a resolution specifically calling for public financing of election campaigns in California.
Civil rights, Latino groups charge Gonzales unfit for office (tags)
Torture role condemned, ‘No’ vote urged
Robin Hood Lives! MALDEF Declares Victory (tags)
The trial judge in the Texas School Funding Trial released final docs today. Here is a MALDEF press release and a selection of key passages from the court's findings, with commentary from the Texas Civil Rights Review.
Prop 54 Voter Info Forced to Revise and Be More Accurate (tags)
The October 7th recall election of Gray Davis might be recalled by a Federal judge (tags)
The California Attorney General's office and Monterey County officials conceded that they need federal approval, and that without it, the entire recall election, including the two voter initiatives on the ballot, would have to be postponed, perhaps to the March primary.
High court upholds affirmative action (tags)
WASHINGTON – The grassroots movement that marched and rallied in defense of affirmative action over the last decade hailed the Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 decision, June 23, upholding race-conscious admissions programs at the University of Michigan (U-M) Law School. Wade Henderson, executive secretary of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), called it “a great victory for America.”