fix articles 276123, yee
Pacifica Exe Director position is in confusion still putting KPFK at risk (tags)
Pacifica is in broken shape, in at least two separate pieces: The Executive Directorship is allocated to 2 people by at least 2 groups. One is Summer Reese, [ a long time PNB chair and member, and she was contractually hired after many months working as interim ED ] and the other is Bernard Duncan, former KPFK general manager [ who claimed to be going to NZ to be with his girlfriend and he left his KPFK position months before his contract was up.]
Bernard Duncan, prior GM of KPFK is still in play (tags)
Strange sightings are occurring…here in LA we have been told that the recent Gen’l Mgr of KPFK had resigned months before his contract was up in June, and left the station in March 2014 instead, with the KPFA Berkeley manager coming in as interim manager here. Now Bernard Duncan’s name has reappeared in some other suspicious circumstances that most of those who are KPFK sponsors/ subscribers/ members/ payers Do Not Understand, and Have Not Been Informed…at all ! Why is there no local transparency or an LA Town Hall meeting to explain, to hear and ask questions - and even if answers are not accurate or easy, for there to be available Discussion, Exposure, Information -vs silence and secrecy – yes, here where KPFK still exists and plays on air if nothing else were going on behind some closed hallowed doors - secretly....unknown to us. We have no say, of course, no power, no input, no nutin but pay and wonder and worry. who are the players here and what are they doing ? in secret alliances ?
Honoring Rachel Corrie Three Years Later: Two Questions for Peace Activists (tags)
Three years after the death of Rachel Corrie, two questions on the peace making heart of Islam - Sufiism, and the prospects for a dialogue with the west.
First They Come for the Lawyers (tags)
The Rot at the top of the Republic is such now that the Junta must prevent Cleric's from doing their duty to whom they Minister. After all you can't have Homer Simpson and the rest of the Brain Dead Public learning the truth concerning the Hitlerian Concentration Kamp at Guantanamo.