fix articles 275160, holy wars
Columbus and The Legacy of Genocide (tags)
October 12th is Columbus Day, a day which is increasingly coming under criticism for celebrating a genocidal pirate, murderer, rapist, and enslaver who is credited with the “discovery” of the Western Hemisphere.
Universal fascism, freedom betrayed: What is Mr. Bush doing in your name? (tags)
In every age...the ultimate sources of war are the beliefs of those in power: their idea about what is of most fundamental importance and may therefore ultimately be worth a war. -- Evan Luard,
Empty Vee: Lights On, Nobody Home (tags)
I was watching the very first night MTV was on the air, back in the eighties. i saw that buggles video. Now it looks like censorship has utterly silenced the once vital music station. (admittedly, the eighties were a long time ago.)