fix articles 275019, audio
(A-Radio) Región chilena II - Represion contra jóvenes mapuche (tags)
Durante una visita en la región chilena estuvimos en Temuco y pudimos hablar con Onésima Lienqueo de la Red de Apoyo a la Infancia en el Territorio mapuche. En esta entrevista ella nos cuenta de la violencia sistemática en contra de mapuche por parte del estado chileno, pero en este caso sobre todo contra jóvenes. Además hablamos de la falta de conciencia en la sociedad civil chilena y de la forma de apoyar el trabajo de la Red como organización.
(A-Radio) Anarchist Black Cross Czech: Presentation on Operation Fenix and related issues (tags)
In the end of November of 2016 we had the opportunity of recording a presentation in Berlin by the Anarchist Black Cross in Czech Republic on the topic of Operation Fenix. The talk comprised the following topics: a short review of what had happened, the use of the term „terrorism“, the topic of solidarity in Czech Republic and in general, a reflection on mistakes and how to deal with repression and police infiltrators, and finally the current development of the anarchist movement in that country.
Cruel Teacher Taunts 6th Grade Kids, Fired (tags)
The cruelty against undocumented immigrants continues.
(A-Radio) Azerbaijan: state repression and the anarchist's speech in court (tags)
In May of 2016, two of our comrades in Azerbaijan, Qiyas Ibrahimov and Bayram Mammadov, were arrested for spraypainting the monument of the former dictator Haydar Aliev. It was on the night before the so-called "Flower holiday", a day made up in conmemoration of Haydar, the father of the current President of Azerbaijan. Nonetheless, as the charges for spraypainting would not have been very high, more than 1 kilogram of heroin was planted in each of our comrades' homes. They were processed on different trials. Qiyas has already been sentenced to 10 years of prison, his friend Bayram Mammadov is still on trial. From Azerbaijani comrades we received the text of Qiyas' speech in front of the jury, him being interrupted regurlarly by the judge. In support of his case, we made an audio version of this speech and the judge's comments.
(A-Radio) Feminism and conflict resolution: the Afed Britain and its Safer Spaces policy (tags)
As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of the Anarchist Federation in Britain about their Safer Spaces policy. In this interview she tells us about the origins of this concept, the misconceptions and popular defensive strategies and also about the actual practice and constant development of this policy that deals with conflict resolution in political structures and survivor-lead processes in case of physical abuse.
(A-Radio) Mediterráneo 1: La okupa autoorganizada para refugiadxs Orfanotrofeio en Thessal (tags)
El siguiente audio es una grabación realizada por activistas de la auto-organizada okupa para refugiadxs Orfanotrofeio en Thessaloniki, Grecia. Hemos recibido este material en inglés por parte de nuestras compañeras de Crna Luknja, del programa anarquista en Radio Student en Ljubljana, la capital de Eslovenia. Las compas de Orfanotrofeio nos cuentan sobre la situación que llevó a la okupa de este lugar en Thessaloniki a principios de diciembre de 2015 así como sobre su lucha por mantener el espacio a pesar de muchos obstáculos.
(A-Radio) Mediterranean 4: The self-managed soap factory in Thessaloniki (tags)
As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to the workers of the self-managed soap factory in Thessaloniki, Greece. In our interview they tell us about the origins of this factory take-over by the workers, what this had to do with experiences in Argentina and they managed to overcome financial problems. Listen to this audio also to know how to show solidarity, as is threatened by eviction due to a planned compulsory auction of the premises.
(A-Radio) Mediterranean 3: The self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki (tags)
The following audio is a recording made by activists of the self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki, Greece. This material has been made available to us by our comrades at Crna Luknja, the anarchist radio show at Radio Student in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. The comrades of Orfanotrofeio tell about the conditions that led to squatting this place in Thessaloniki in the beginning of last December and about their struggle to keep the place despite of all obstacles.
(A-Radio) Entrevista con Marcelo Pereira sobre La Diaria y la situación en Uruguay (tags)
Como Radio Anarquista de Berlín tuvimos la oportunidad de entrevistar a Marcelo Pereira, periodista y co-fundador de "La Diaria". En la entrevista hablamos de la situación social y económica de Uruguay, pero también del trabajo concreto de este medio autogestionado de izquierda que se ha convertido en el segundo más leído diario del país. El audio lo encontrarán aquí: Duración: 39:50 min
(A-Radio) ABC Belarus sobre la liberación de los presos y las elecciones de octubre de 201 (tags)
El 22 de Agosto, el presidente bielorruso Lukashenko firmó las autorizaciones para la liberación oficial de todos los presos políticos del país. Esto incluía a los tres anarquistas que seguían encarcelados. Por razones de seguridad, esta entrevista ha sido re-grabada usando nuestras propias voces. El audio lo encontrarán aquí: Duración: 6:09 min
(A-Radio) Entrevista con la revista anarquista Todo por Hacer (Madrid) (tags)
Como Radio Anarquista de Berlín aquí les tenemos una entrevista con la revista anarquista Todo por Hacer. Todo por Hacer es una revista de Madrid, España, que justo ahora cumple su cuarto aniversario y que por aparecer constantemente cada mes ha logrado establecerse como un importante medio dentro de la escena anarquista. Duración: 17:21 min. El audio lo encontrarán aquí:
Indymedia and the Cyber Left (tags)
An audio interview with Todd Wolfson about Indymedia.
Indymedia On Air - Che Cafe show (tags)
Audio from Indymedia On Air, covering the Che Cafe, June 30, 2014
Audio Interview: States of Emergency (tags)
In his latest book, Patrick Brantlinger probes the state of contemporary America. Brantlinger takes aim at neoliberal economists, the Tea Party movement, gun culture, immigration, waste value, surplus people, the war on terror, technological determinism, and globalization.
It Didn't All Start at Stonewall! audio links (tags)
An audio version of the January 16 event at Pleasures and Treasures, sponsored by Activist San Diego, at which Leo Laurence and Pat Brown talked about their experiences doing militant Queer activism in San Francisco months before the Stonewall Inn riots in New York City, commonly but wrongly believed to be the beginning of the Queer rights movement in the U.S., is now available at the following links.
Nico D'Amico-Barbour: Canvass for a Cause Organizer on Marriage Equality, Occupation (tags)
Nico D'Amico-Barbour, regional field director for the marriage equality organization Canvass for a Cause, discusses marriage rights, the Occupy movement and other progressive issues in this audio interview, scheduled for print publication in the December 2011 issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine.
Another World Is Possible, a Revolutionary Anarchist Podcast (tags)
INTRODUCING: 'Another World Is Possible', a revolutionary anarchist podcast originating in Boston, MA.
The “Rape Rooms” are now in Honduras (tags)
"In the article you will find the interview with Al and an audio report from a female victim."
Take Back WBAI rally- photos on facebook and audio, incl. Lynne Stewart (tags)
Photos and audio (Don DeBar and Lynne Stewart) from Take Back WBAI Rally in NYC, sister Pacifica station undergoing serious purge!!
Audio of Minutemen Murders (tags)
'Oh my God, I can't believe they killed my family': Victim of Minuteman gang, on 911 call, pleads for help amid gunfire -- with audio
The Rape and Murder of Sali, the Christian Bale Injustice and the Power Of Music (tags)
A Punk band made an awesome song about the Murder of Sali and other women and activists. Just as music and an audio recording brought justice in the incident with Christian Bale, we look forward to using music, arts and activism to bring the glorious day when the Government (and the mainstream media) admit that their lack of investigation and attention to these increasing rapes and murders is found to be "inexcusable and out of order beyond belief."
mp3 audio: "Grasping the Financial Crisis" (tags)
Sam Girdin and Leo Panitch teach political economy at York University. The Toronto School of Creativity and Inquiry offers this mp3 audio in the hope that thousands of discussion groups will arise in the world.
BTL: Despite Reduction in Violence, Iraq Remains Dangerously Volatile (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary
Ron Paul: Against Internet Regulation (tags)
Dr. Ron Paul goes on the Congressional Record opposing internet regulation. to listen to more audio of Ron Paul please visit:
[ITA] audio processo G8 Genova 2001 (tags)
deposizione di Michelangelo Fournier sulle violenza poliziesche alla scuola Diaz [Genova - 21 luglio 2001]
Is Chicago slated to be the next 911? (tags)
I believe that a subliminal audio propaganda campaign is being conducted on some or all Americans that is designed to incite murderous hatred directed at muslims and at some point trigger a massive wave of violence across America directed against such persons. I further believe that a "catalyzing event" has been planned that will throw this country into a state of emergency, thus laying the foundation for hate groups and citizen militias to "Act Out".
MP3 AUDIO: Amy and David Goodman at Skylight Books (tags)
Oaxaca City SlideShow: Un Pueblo Unido Avanza Sin Partidos (tags)
SlideShow of photos taken in Oaxaca City during the last week of August 2006 with compiled audio from the 2006 “El Enemigo Común” tour. (9:34 minutes / 15 MB)
Audio Mix Bush Doesn't Torture
Fletcher Prouty and the CIA (tags)
Historical Perspective from Col. Flectcher Prouty on The CIA. Flectcher Prouty on Black Op Radio
Al Gore speech on Threats to Constitution by actions by the Executive Branch (tags)
On January 16, 2006, Al Gore spoke for about an hour at Constitution Hall (Washington, DC) as part an event on Martin Luther King Day. See the link to an MP3 file of the audio of the speech. There are links to additional speech's by Al Gore at the link
Police "get the message" (tags)
Police "get the message" via audio spotlight technology
Annoucing LIVE WEBSTREAM during the RNC - Participate! (tags)
911 Commission Report Full of Holes (tags)
The 911 Commission Report
585 pages- it's too much to read, so don't even bother folks- that's the msg
The official 911 Report is full of holes, all you need is common sense to see through their lies- and it doesn't take 585 pages to prove that this a cover-up
Portland Police Taser Attack mp3 (tags)
Last week the in Portland, OR a policeman hired to 'serve and protect' pulled over a car for failing to signal, then the cops shot the driver (an unarmed black man).
Sirhan’s Attorney in LA - Audio Part 1 (tags)
12/9/03 Lawrence Teeter, Sirhan Sirhan's attorney spoke at the Onion recently, the attached is part 1 in a 4 part download of the presentation. The IMC extends a special thanks to Justice Vision for audio assistance. Video copies of the event can be obtained at -- Part 1 run time 26:45
stream audio
Sirhan’s Attorney in L A - Audio Part 2 (tags)
12/9/03 Lawrence Teeter, Sirhan Sirhan's attorney spoke at the Onion recently, the attached is part 2 in a 4 part download of the presentation. The IMC extends a special thanks to Justice Vision for audio assistance. Video copies of the event can be obtained at Part 2 run time 27:03
stream audio
Sirhan’s Attorney in LA - Audio Part 3 (tags)
12/9/03 Lawrence Teeter, Sirhan Sirhan's attorney spoke at the Onion recently, the attached is part 3 in a 4 part download of the presentation. The IMC extends a special thanks to Justice Vision for audio assistance. Video copies of the event can be obtained at
stream audio
Sirhan’s Attorney in LA - Audio Part 4 (tags)
12/9/03 QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION<><><><> Lawrence Teeter, Sirhan Sirhan's attorney spoke at the Onion recently, the attached is part 4 in a 4 part download of the presentation. The IMC extends a special thanks to Justice Vision for audio assistance. Video copies of the event can be obtained at
stream audio Part 4 run time 26:51
Audio Recording: Cancun-Vis Livestream (tags)
22 minute recording of the spontaneous live streaming conference between Cancun, Mexico and Vis, Croatia on 4th of Sept. 2003.
Vocalized Ink is a collective of poets and writers promoting spoken word on the internet through the use of audio files. Making inked word verbal is our quest! VI's founder Sherykah is located in Detroit, MI but VI's membership is international.
California Gov Candidate Debate Audio - Camejo, Huffington and Bustamante (tags)
Sept. 9, 2003 debate featuring Peter Camejo, Arianna Huffington and Cruz Bustamante // Two mp3 files // Pacifica Radio coverage, broadcast live on KPFA, KPFK and KFCF
KPFK Expand Web Streaming Petition (tags)
a petition ... go to the site at the URL below
Pepperface Multimedia Information Hub - Update For The Week Ending 06.15.03 (tags)
Pepperface was created to provide a multimedia source for real information regarding the US invasion of Iraq. We will continue to update this forum with information on the US continued occupation of Iraq, analysis of the media role in the Bush Regeime's occupation of America, and anything else which may be of interest.
pepperface media hub update for week ending 05.30.03 (tags)
pepperface media hub update for week ending 05.30.03
RADIO SUBVERSION for the week of 04/28/03 (tags)
RADIO SUBVERSION is a weekly audio netcast with news, views, music and humor from the Left side of the internet.
Audio from today's demo in Westwood (tags)
Great turnout at today's anti-war demonstration at the Westwood Federal Building! 5:04 min audio clip of people talking about the signs they carried and why they oppose this war. (1.2 MB in MP3)
Audio of the march and demonstration in Orange.
Hollywood Peace Rally - Four Photos and One Minute of Audio (tags)
Notes, images and audio from the Peace Rally in Hollywood on Saturday, February 15, 2003
Join Radio IMC-LA for an orientation/training in radio production for our Kill Radio ( show!
Audio clips from the giant anti-war rally (tags)
Audio clips from LA's biggest anti-war demo since the Vietnam War. Keep scrolling down to hear more.
Latest Bin Laden tape is fake (tags)
Swiss researchers claim that the recent audio tape of Bin Laden is actually an imposter.
Pacifica Moves to Save Nation's Oldest Public Radio Archives (tags)
In an effort to save and restore more than 47,000 historic tapes that span half a century of radio programming, the five-station Pacifica Radio network will broadcast a national on-air fundraising benefit on Tuesday, November 19, featuring rare recordings from the endangered archives.
Pacifica Radio Moves to Save Nation's Oldest Public Radio Archives (tags)
In an effort to save and restore more than 47,000 historic tapes that span half a century of radio programming, the five-station Pacifica Radio network will broadcast a national on-air fundraising benefit on Tuesday, November 19, featuring rare recordings from the endangered archives.
Venice Peace March - Audio Report (tags)
Audio report from the 52nd weekly Venice Peace March on October 13, 2002. (runs about 1 min 58 sec. 1.12 MB at 80 kbps)
Anti-War Music from the Streets (tags)
An audio clip of some of the great music at yesterday's anti-war demo in Westwood. About 3.5 mins, 3.4 MB in MP3
Irish Worker Solidarity Movement talk on audio (tags)
Workers Solidarity Movement speaks about anarchism in Ireland
Bird Street Media Takes To The Airwaves! (tags)
Low Power FM Community Radio conference coming up April 13th and 14th in Oroville, CA. Part of the growing media democracy movement.
Michael Moore Audio From 2 Stops on His Book Tour (tags)
Recordings from Virgina and Minneapolis in both MP3 and real media formats.
KPFK To Be Destroyed By Design (tags)
The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) is pressuring the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to force acceptance of new version of Digital Audio Broadcasting, a kind of "Fax For Audio" on to the existing AM and FM broadcast bands. To accomplish this, the NAB plans to double the amount of space on the dial that a station uses, thus jamming the signals of weaker stations next to them on the dial.
Michael Moore Packs the House in San Diego! (tags)
On Friday, March 8, 2002, Michael Moore drew a huge crowd to an elementary school auditorium. There were about 800 people inside and another 1000+ outside. This is a copy of the audio to the performance.
Visit the Maine IMC Media Server (tags)
Check out the Maine IMC media server for interesting video and audio.
Audio Activists ULTRA-RED Performed At PLAN's "The Next Agenda" Conference (tags)
The conference concluded with a mesmerizing bilingual multi-media performance by audio activists Ultra Red, featuring spoken word along with processed audio and video, and dealing with themes of border life, culture and politics, including border crossings, music-making and the day-laborers union.
borderhack - call for audio submissions (tags)
Boarderhack 2.0 - call for audio submissions
Flashpoints Radio, July 16, 2001: nuclear cancer study; audio from Israel arrest (tags)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio July 16, 2001: (link to audio in 'full story' text below) - Dr Joseph Mangano and legendary physicist Dr. Ernest J Sternglass about nuclear plant cancer risks, the Tooth Fairy Project; Florida mother who lives near nuke plant, her infant daughter has cancer; Dr. Janette D. Sherman (44 min) - Audio of Israeli women activists during arrest for disrupting Ariel Sharon at the Jewish Olympics (11 min)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio: PACIFICA BATTLE UPDATE (audio link) (tags)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio July 6, 2001: Pacifica Battle Update:: Dennis Bernstein Interviews: - Dissident board member Tomas Moran (16 min) - fired Pacifica news director Dan Coughlin (13 min) - WPFW Local Advisory board chair Sam Husseini (6 min) - KPFA Living Room host, fired Larry Bensky (6 min) - Barbara Lubin of Friends of Free Speech Radio (6 min) (link to audio in 'full story' text below)
Anti-GMO French Farmer Jose Bove audio interview (tags)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio June 21, 2001 (link to audio in text below) - Interview w French farmer/activist Jose Bove after arrest in the West Bank. (15 min) - Lori Berenson convicted in Peru of aiding terrorism. Interview w Rhoda Berenson, Lori's mother. (9 min) - Upcoming United Nations conference on AIDS. ACT-UP NY acts out plans. (14 min) - Villagers sue Exxon-Mobil for human rights violations in Indonesia (14 min)
Interview w French activist/farmer Jose Bove after arrest in West Bank (tags)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio June 21, 2001 (link to audio in text below) - Interview w French farmer/activist Jose Bove after arrest in the West Bank. (15 min) - Lori Berensen convicted in Peru of aiding terrorism. Interview w Rhoda Berensen, Lori's mother. (9 min) - Upcoming United Nations conference on AIDS. ACT-UP NY acts out plans. (14 min) - Villagers sue Exxon-Mobil for human rights violations in Indonesia (14 min)
Pacifica Dem Now! Goodman v AntiFree Speech/Pacifica Theft Abettor Clayton Riley (tags)
Pacifica's Democracy Now! Show Co-Host and Award Winning Journalist Amy Goodman Attempts To Debate Anti-Free Free Speech/Pacifica Theft Abettor Clayton Riley, A Recently Installed Wake-Up Call Show Co-Host The Day After Democracy Now! Co-Host Juan Gonzalez's resignation.
100 arrests today. N16 TABD. PHOTOS, audio, VIDEOS. Brutality in Cincinnati Ohio (tags)
N16 TABD. Many LINKS. TransAtlantic Business Dialogue protests in Cincinnati, Ohio, November 15-18, 2000. 100 Protesters Arrested today, Saturday, November 18. PHOTOS, audio, VIDEOS. Appropriate that Cincinnati is finishing up its months of "Pig Gig" celebrations. Cincinnati is historically known as "porkopolis" from its hog processing history. In the last 2 weeks 2 African-Americans have been killed by the police, one from asphyxiation during his arrest. A particularly brutal arrest of an N16-protester was similar in style. Beanbag shotgun rounds have been used indiscriminately. These rounds break car windows.
half hour IMC audio news from 8/15/00 (tags)
The IMC audio team's half hour news on August 16th, 2000. It includes coverage of arrests at the critical mass bike ride, the anti-fur protest and arrests, Monday's Rage Against the Machine Concert, police brutality, legal and medical reports, the youth and women's marches, education, environmental racism, and an interview with a Young Democrat.