fix articles 27414, claremont colleges
Rally Against Hate and Nazi Rally March 19, 2011 - Claremont, Ca (tags)
We gathered in Claremont March 19, 2011 on awkward circumstances.
Claremont Authorities Promote Fascism at Hate Rally (tags)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
CLAREMONT, California - Despite the best efforts of the City of Claremont and the Claremont Consortium of Colleges to obstruct, befuddle, and otherwise thwart a popular demonstration against fascism, the Southern California community succeeded in doing precisely that at two parallel demonstrations in response to a heavily-armed presence of a band of racist paramilitaries and their state-funded protectors.
Inland Empire Solidarity with Libya and Wisconsin (tags)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
POMONA, California - With shouts of "Down with dictatorship!" and "The union's under attack! What do we do? Stand up, fight back!" a group composed primarily of local youth sent a strong statement of solidarity with the people of the Middle East and North Africa, as well as with union workers in Wisconsin and elsewhere at the corner of Mission and Garey.
Napolitano en Claremont (tags)
Domingo, 16 de mayo 2010
CLAREMONT, California - La llegada de la Secretaria de Seguridad Interna y ex-gobernadora de Arizona, Janet Napolitano, a esta comunidad del extremo oriente del condado de Los Ángeles provocó una marcha y manifestación de alrededor de 300 personas en denuncia a las políticas de las agencias migratorias, las cuales conforman departamentos del ministerio que encabeza.
Read this article in English: Napolitano in Claremont
Pomona anti-checkpoint action (tags)
Students and community members take direct action to negate the racist anti-immigrant police checkpoints in Pomona.
May Day 2009, Riverside (tags)
Here are some pictures I took at yesterday's May Day march and rally. Enjoy! (set 2 of 2)
May Day 2009, Riverside (tags)
Here are some pictures I took at yesterday's May Day march and rally. Enjoy! (set 1 of 2)
The Resistance is Not Quiet: 2009 Anarchist Activist Conference (tags)
About 100 activists, college students, and community members gathered yesterday for the anarchist activist conference at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. The conference was titled "The Resistance is Not Silent," and topics of discussion included the environment, the internet, immigrant rights, urban planning, poetry, bicycling, the anti-war anti-hunger network of collectives Food not Bombs, and non-violence. The event also included vegan food, music, and tables where vendors accepted donations for literature and t-shirts.
Radical Educator Bill Ayers speaks at Claremont Colleges (audio) (tags)
Audio of the lecture and question-and-answer session in MP3 format.
Radical Educator Bill Ayers speaks at Claremont Colleges (tags)
Monday, April 6, 2009 CLAREMONT, California - Bill Ayers, professor of education and co-founder of the radical antiwar organization the Weather Underground--labeled "domestic terrorists" by the FBI--spoke to a crowd of about 300 this evening about activism, Obama, and education. A recurring theme of his talk was the importance of movements (in contrast with the common emphasis on leadership) in bringing about social change, and his exhortation was that we in the audience participate in those movements.
Riverside, Southern California: Community marches against raids and deportations (tags)
On Saturday, February 6th, 2009 at least 300, and by some estimates possibly as many as 500, people turned out in the city of Riverside California to demand an end to the raids, harassment, and racial profiling increasingly being conducted by US Border Patrol agents against the residents of our local communities and workplaces
March on Riverside Border Patrol Office: No more quotas, no more raids, no more deportatio (tags)
Saturday, February 7, 2009 RIVERSIDE, California--In urgent response to the rash of Border Patrol raids across the Inland Empire, community members convened at Riverside City Hall to express frustration with the agency's family-devastating policies.
Karl Rove detained for crimes against humanity in Claremont (tags)
16 September 2008
CLAREMONT - Over 300 justice activists detained Republican mastermind Karl Rove for over an hour yesterday in Claremont, demanding he be brought to justice for crimes against humanity, democracy, and general moral sensibility. Despite fervent efforts, they were unsuccessful in executing a citizen's arrest.
Is Congressman Dreier Going The Way of Larry Craig (tags)
One of the worst Republican congressmen who supports the most anti-gay legislation is himself a homosexual. He also is one of the most corrupt. A progressive is planning to defeat him.
Claremont Colleges say no to hate crimes: rally tonight at 8 pm open to public (tags)
Claremont Colleges cancel classes due to hate crime. Rally tonight at 8 pm open to the public.
April 20: Mobilizing for Peace in L.A. (tags)
Hey all you peace-lovin' LA folks!!
Medea Benjamin Tonight at Youth Summit for Peace and Justice - (tags)
Come to the youth Summit for Peace and Justice at Calremont .... Harvey Mudd
SPAN Youth Summit for Peace and Justice (tags)
The SPAN (Student Peace Action Network) Youth Summit for Peace and Justice is just around the corner. Its time to get psyched and ready to attend. Activists from across the country will attend the SPAN Summit in sunny Southern California at Claremont Colleges on February 15-17.
a brief description of a Video Event that took place at Scripps College
The Peace Movement Continues - Report-back Oct. 13th in Westwood (tags)
As the drumbeat of war persists and American bombs continue to fall on Afghanistan, the peace movement here at home persists in sending a message that many Americans are in strong opposition to this war.